ot . ot : Peach, ¢ PUR. Ritter, J. DD. contractor, Rhoae, Wm, farmer Reig, Celestine, farmer, Re Ser, Thomas, Thomas, lvervean, Sheen 5 Lor, Blackie it a END SCHOOL. Education Law be thiving he ago Lins Mimpliion DAUD. Board as Troan: Ofedy init me 5 DBRECEMBER (18M, TH Banvon, Joseph, nes ne of the Pat. gh school board held on Zin. Dation, Wo farm Frite, Daniel, farmer, Bu : Gantz, John, merchan:, ¥ took the ground that the Humphrey, Wm, il, L be for the brit ; Hanna, EB. 8, miner, Reade. Hopkins, Albert M., miner, Reade, Kline, Michael, farmer, hanna. Baam, David, farmer, Susquehanna, Chapman, Henry, miner, Patton. Conrad, ©. E., engineer, | Springn. : Davis, Walter 8, clerk, Ebensburg. Duman, Henry, farmer, Blacklick, Evans, Thomas b, blacksmith, Eb Lansbure. Hays, Patrick, machinist, Spangler. Liovd, Abner, farmer, Susquehanna. Mock, Gideon, farmer, Susquehanna. Wyland, Peter, farmer, White. Myers, Joseph P., miner, Gallitzin, Rodgers, H. 1. mine hoss, Spangler. Roger, Benson, laborer, Vintondale, Sharbangk, G. C., carpenter, Cresson, ‘Shoemaker, Philip, Shark, Ebens- bare. Lo Wyland, Lorena, farmer, Spangler. wa 1 coopEaAN DEAD. r | WelkKnown Reshdion of Careall Township Pissed Any om Sanday Afisenood. . Willism T. Gooderham, of Car ction may withhold i; township, died at kis home on Son. the state appropriation mn duy st 2:45 in the afternoon. He was fet which neglecta born on March 16, 1854, st Half Moon, the provisions Centre county, Pa, of Thomas and Parents and gUAT- [ydia Gooderham, deceased. When the law must Pay & ive young he was taken by his par. rat “nd #5 for each apis to Blair county aod settled ona » i farm, which is now in the city of Al " iy re-enacted toons. After a few years they came provisions according to to this county, where he spent the of school age most al | poe of his remaining years. He was term, instead of 70 per married to Mary A. Nagle July 4, 1554, n districts where the who precuded him to the grave seven | ts June meeting fixes years ago. r cent of the term. jie ja survived by the following 0 in Patton. | children: Michael, of Windber, Somer children from 13 wet sounty; Miss Cooslis Gooderham, attend school an- Mrs. Lydia Krug, Mrs. Ellen Karfheim, read and write Mrs Bridget Farbaugb, Mrs. Mary Persons employ- | Planket snd Henry M., all of Cambria ; © ages must | county. He is also survived by two, names of such children | (brothers and one sister George W., y i board | {of Susquehanna township; A. B. and | Mary J. Gooderham, of Altoona. He : i was buried Toesday at Carroiitown at 9:30 o'slock a.m. ning the petition of tha for vight sehen] was was not more than | in the Sensory at pres. | he i Susqae- | Chest I and have, Beaoiitions of Resjoet. Waenpas, It has seemed good to the | Almighty disposer of events to call + from ite mortal abode the spirit of our | most worthy and beloved President ons rom SPEOLA L EOL and our most distingaished brother, : | Wm. MoKinley, and WHEREAS, We, Mountain Lodges K. ‘of P., No. 8, deem it proper that we Ss Carroll. : ‘ should place upon record our high ap- a ppeeiation of his self perfected man. : Jor, Gl Galiitzin, | ‘ hood, his Joyal and u pright citizenship, | his unfaltering zeal and faithful costo dian of trust while in the service of his puntry, his uvnsullied character and { Ohelstian life, therefore ba it : Resolved, That we deplore ithe joss {of Wim with deep feelings of regret, softened only by the confidence that hia spirit is within the folds of the good shepherd, Resolved, That the sympathy we so keenly feel be tendered to his sorely afflicted wife, whose hour of sorrow is | the darker because of ber adored hus- | band’s untimely death. Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning for thirty days and a * {chanosllor commander of our order and certified by the commitiee be pub. | lished in the Patton Covmes and seal {to the wife of the deceased. H. H. Habbard, Chans. Com. B. I Myers, | G. 0. Brady. | Committee. Attention. The Gi. A. BR. Post of Patton will give Jan entertainment at the Firemen's | Hall on the 220d day of Oclober, 1901. Everybody invited to come and help | the old soldiers replete their treasury. ; (igo. Booxg, Commander. J.D. Lanes, Adjutant. —Thie Pennsylvania Sabbath School | will try to make “Temper to ol school directors in their n November 3, mem- Eh : Bishop apenas A 6 that his jurisdiction be two episcopal reskdenoos, one at Ltonna and the othep removing in the fal dence in Altoonn “have the ‘bo adjoin the copy of these resolutions signed by the | ; (inning November LATHDLICITY foe the rrotty ci asaiet wl bare segtan ¢ £ i383 EY Ivan fraland ob FF na a Bi NYA, AY AHR ALIGN Wak Hise Lo Eirrey, who in the hond of the few doce of Altoona, Hilo Al givided ft laretio, Phe Inttar ix intended to be Lhe stim. | mer headquarters of the diotess, where (Bishop Garvey will five in the moun. ‘tain stillness doring the hot months approval of Archbishop ‘Ryan, of Philadelphia, and its advisi- bility will likely be brought to the al tention of Mr. Schwab bedore Jong. A summer episcopal residence at Loretto is said to be especially desir. able on seoount of the presence there : of & great number of priests from all aver the state daring the saommer. It has become an anpus! retreat for the | clergy men of the Catholic church, who spend their time in prayerful moedits. tion and worship, far removed from ‘the disquieting affairs of the cities (and towns in the valleys and lowlands. From the Pittsburg diooese of Risliop Richard Phelan more than 500 priests ‘attended the Loreto retreat this your, Cand during Loe season ax many more from diferent paris of the state, At present thers i no sitalde build. ing for ¥ fap charred sement that Mr, and Mot Je have more gle in view for st. Michael's parish and the town of Lavetto is thought by maoy CEG renin A sutaer shiseopl Bome se 0 by biti bebe, Sehiwaly a summer Bowe YEvergresn.’’ It is sid a new rectory i wish among the gifts 8. Michael's. Mr 5 vis reported to ave said he will give enough land Tor a pretty park for Loretto, which is planed farm and woodland owned by the FraoGistan brothers, and it is posit bla the proposed stmaer bome of Dhishop Garvey is to be near there, an # Lea Adie Wi for vir nh PATION § is TERESTED in Corjunetion With Other Cagiialista he Will Balla a Big Belek Plant, AE. Patton, the president of the | Pirst National Bank of Patton, Henry ¥. Hawa, a prominent business man of Johnstown, Attorney Wm. Patton, of Curwensville, and Samuel PP. Arnold, a lumberman of the same place, will erect and operate & large fire brick ‘plant at Curwensville, The yenture L wild known as the HH. Y. Haws Fire Brick company and will be cap- Plaid ab 81040, 00 applied for within the next few days, Thowe interested in the project have 258 gores of fue hard five clay and 200 acrvd of soft clay and coal in the vicin- ity of Corwensville, besides 300 acres of aml in another part of Cleartleid CCOULLY. {1 4 the intention of the projectors to ber also operate a plant near Johnstown for the masulactare of fire clay and silica brick after the Curwensville plant has been started, All the fire clay will be shipped from Clearfield county and the material for the silica brick will come [from Huntingdon county, where they have 530 seres of silica under control, TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE Rant, Gibson Anteances an Exvelient Pro! gram for the Week, Co. Bupt. Gibson suponnoss the pros ‘gramme for the thirty fifth session of to be held #t Ebensburg the week be 18. Among the day instructors will be Dr. O T. Cor: ‘son. of Columbus, O., Dr. 8 ( School and the U. of Pj ‘Beil, of Ulrk University; {haries FE. Ellis, of Baltimore, and Musical Direc. tor Charles Gi. Woolsey, of Philadel- phia. The evening attractions promises Lyall, the entertainers being Dr. Alberet . Armstrong, with a pictare play; the | Hon. Alfred Taylor, brother of Gover: | in his lecture, | ; 1 ters and more particularly to the law of 1897, which prohibits the sale or shipping of quail shot in He the state. ‘nor Robert Tavior | poetry and Pearls” Dr. Russell H. Conwell in his lecture “A Jully Barth Re and Maro,the magician, State - haeffer will deliver an address | joint | gession with the teachers on Wee nes- hop Larvey's roshilonee al at the Schwab | probably near Mr. Ean, A charter will vo | fon Saturday Crowell Campbell CMitehedl Ci ieee ‘the Cambria county teachers’ institute ‘in the surrounding The woods are Lequirrels have been in greater numbers that for The increase of #1 BEX Stn 5 5 * BT Ft ye Vo Lor. FOOT BALL CONTES TS Tres at Eheasbning Hs rite ia pn Fier sites (Fe Senedd wil Bd fap ® Foes month Fark snd This Pisce ap es of : ove hoe Panty Soda the il & aah Brunei ey 1 pie the holy Sr Marys HL will be held Hall - We An exoel- lent program has been prepared, as the following will attest! FART IL horas, “Miller's Wooing.” af at Firemen's wh avsdny svening, Oot. 83 Instrumental sobs, Miss Edna Nichols REN3Y Vocal Rolo “Mississippi Shore, Will Groene, Vocal Duett, Mm. J. P. Eddy and I to his present resi- Miss Gertrude Noonan, This ides is said to CiHnsmors, Vocal Sola, “Adrift! Howard D. Reading, Miss Anna V. Earley. Vacal Solo, Mra. H. 8. Liogle. Vocal Dosit, Misses Gertrude and Anna Baum. Vocal Bolo, Roswell Barton. PART 11, Quartette, Mesdumes Eddy and Bar- ton and Messen, ( dibie, Voonl soln Bddy, Vocai Solo, B. I Myers Instrumental Dusty Parade, BA Risk’ Mes “Mosquitos ; lece. Vocal Sola, “Hash My Littie Coon,’ Miss mars Guochares Instromeatial Solo, Miss Bertha Shar baug oh. Voori Salo, A. Dunsmors Vows Nobo, “Fly, Gentie Dove, Miss Bron Saw ¥ ors. pe skin HEROES. {ations Setkiiied Fatwa Pa Doky andl South Fork ~The Gane al Ebsasbirg. The mansper of the Patton foot ball after considerable trauble, has succeeded ir seenring the South Fork eleven for & game on Satdarday after. noon. Our neighbors on the sonth are credited with putting ap a good article | of foot ball and sn excellent contest is ssaured. The Patton team bas been strengthened in a pomber of weak aces and the buys now feel confident of giving any amateur team in lbis section a rai for thelr money. Anaad. Cininsion fee of 35 cents will be charred] for sachs game played on the home ground, and those who du not fesl wills ing or able Lo pay that small amount are cordially invited to stay away from Athletic Park when a gaue is in pro ress. It takes considerable money to keep a good foot ball team going and lovers of good, clean sport will or ought not Wi pliject to beijing saintain i. Ticks ata have bein printed and anyone who Bann’t a teltet can he feapared as pave the ground, evening a ball will be held in Firemen's Hall ander the aus spices of the team. Good music wiil be provided and sn excellent time is guaranteed. Every invited The foot bail contest al Ebeusburg aflernoon team of that place aud the Patton high sohool eleven proved to be one of the moat exeitiag in recent years. Every foot of ground was hotly contested “and a tie was the result. One 20 and ‘one 18-minute halves were played. The line-up bs appended. Patton ~i Ebensburg 0. Left end Tibet Left tackle Hartman Laft guard Owen Centar Rig guard tight tackle Bight end H. Evans (Quarter bck Buoisinger Left hail Anderson Bight hail Fail back EF. Moss un Satariay Beezer : Mitchell wil Chietrick MoKensiek Harpér Netz Nuonan Penepacker Umpire Pider LieOrge Times Y Soh. keeper—M D. Kittel mucker, of the West Chester Normal ! TY Dir. Bandford | Tots of Gann, Gams is said to be very pleatitnl of rabbits aad pheasant fal and quail several seasons past quail is sail to be due to the open win: The first snow of the = senson in Pat ton fell tis afternoon. An saturday Pes Fane i the anspiees of ehtireh on nop i ae (ivesne and Dinsmore, Tastrumental Solo, Mie Helen Pris J . P YE Miss Misnte sant Me das Gti Sm ———s between the Brown Evans MoRenriok country: districts. and ers. 4 sivie marvels of excellence. Black. hildren’s Suits ever shown in this section 1s now r your mspection, The Russian Blouse, America Prices range from $125 to $5.48 and $6.00. s are perfect and the colors elegant. We show handsome Reefer Overcoats with large buttons at £2.48 that can't be beat for £1.50 10 any other store. elts at $3.50 are Red, Bine, Oxford and * The Russian Blouse Overcoats with I The colors: tO 9 ERTS, Ages 2 : Shoes for thie little fellows. ha Ts Caps, Sweaters and It’s a fact, we Hever + x 3 & very low for quality and styie Keystone Clothing and Shoe Dealers pd Mothers it will pay you te come and see us. Respectfully, Directly Opposite Bank. Am” pon TTI li Sd are alw; ready for an Sailor, Norfolk and Vest- The pearl such a stock and the prices are tovs. trinkets. novelties, etc, as are to be found anywhere. CHRIST We are alway 4 1a fy od 3 Yi) i} 5 2 HS he best stock Hatton. PATTON PHARMACY. year will use of Come 3 3 4 3 ~- 3 4 AEN'S Suits, latest styles, £6.00, 30.90 and $12. a. TEN S Owvercoats, in all the newest designs, at $6.90, 2g.90 and $12.00.
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