The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 10, 1901, Image 4

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    iyers as played all sum mer, |
well that the original
no pda and at least two of |
Uap oy Baan Decker. : are away a attending seheol.
Tron Ty HO I
Hed ofr in Johnstown thin wick x
| Baturday, likewise knowing that Man
ager Morrow conld not get his nite to
Ome spy. one yore, (n adranee, « - BLIG
mw Advertisiog rates made Known Hpon ap | | gether again in so short a time. If he
i plication. of ; satis business, why does w
| aN papers @fsconiinum until all ares { really means busin why doesn’t he
agen are paid, unless at the option of the | aceept the challenge of the Hastings
Cpablishors : at wit anv i and ant
Eaters wi ihe Postomes ay Patton as eon man wager without any “ifs an His
elias mii] atta i and play the Hastings nine as at pres
eb hd Lent composed, st a time and place to be
SMOKED OUT. } | muntaally agreed apon.
After many weary moons of waiting, | Now my dear Mr,
6 the Johnstown base ball club, through | andaly excited over these fow pert
its manager, one Logan M. Kel ipent remarks and burden the wires
Jar, has at last funy gonded to reply Land malls with intemperate language, i I BO ™N TO NS ST ORES -
to tbe numerous challenges Issued by | and above all don’t threaten the phor
© the Hastings nine. unfortunate editor with arrest, imps ~ pro pum gp
Ii the Johnstown Democrat of Toes. ‘onment or other dire punishment be ) — 4% lL. OF FF E F-2 ! N GC S-
day the more or less cxteemed mana. | canse he tells » few truths in 8 manger
ger with the prestidigitator tognoman | ‘that does nol mest with your supreme
+ hurls numerous e thets and threats at | majosty’s approval. Don’t you know tb oseliiiaes Laas ti en a lg : Cy | | a
i pi Eat.g libel atiit ia asually the last 2 Nottingham BCC Chibi dn, Jon balpik ICI 5 Tea won sac ks, special L.
ae Manager Morrow and the editor uf that a Hbel suit is wsually the last ve ; : i. ; }
this paper on account of the little ‘wort of a coward, and we know from long, patent cdue, Ti: MV), Mil WL fiw il fad. Jie and 24¢C
harmless editorial published in the {your reputation that you don’t belong .
COURIER last week.
Mr Keller waxes very wroth indeed at the cars and can’t be swerved from \ eh
: but ntterly fails to stick to hia text, | What we believe to be our duty by i len w Ea !
something the Democrat editors should threats, or otherwise, worth £OC, 430 cach on :
have insisted npon before thay gave up Verbnm sap. - FJ) & of ns all wor 1 frst black dock.
valuable space to 8 man who talks as | ention | Ft iy : 1 . . y : :
valualie . a : i i 7 a ntfom : ( loth shades, SOT Tony {30 dud US. Worth 25¢. 8S wclal at 17C par
if be were a child in knickerbockers, | The 0, A. BR. Post of Patton will give i > / |e Co SPLCidl « | 7C pair.
. fnstead of & prominent citizen whose An entertainment at the Firemon's : : : b ; : :
_ Yplace of husiness is on the principal Hall on the 22nd day of October, 1901. 1 ur ke y re (] cali ey. SATHEITG C0), DO | ade 5 tan codls, lin ed with meorcer-
aa A Everybody invited to come and help ; : a . %
street and business thoroughfare of op )4 ooidiers replete their treastiry. qu ality jg Vac yard. ised Lining, veivet collars, special at $3.49.
Johnstown.” Mr. Keller opens his | Geo. Boone, Commander. E
nonsensical article with a little bit of J. D. Lines, Adjutant. I [ avy dl Load ietren | ere 5 = —
well,say hyperbole- an well asa garbled The nd enifoyse oF the! Cal Cilio i (C4 CO Hanh Just received 10 GoZeh haps Or Com-
| description of the CourtrR editorial | Pe nnaylvania railroad company put colors, blue. gray, bown and red, YOr fort Bought t he em direct from manil-
Ho amerts that the Courier called | {on their winter caps on Monday. The Hi i
1oc, 8c yard. facturer. Bought them at a special low
- 1 hima sneak and a coward. This is same winter uniform will be worn this
iE dh Al bs a worn last season, althoagh | : ; ;
strictly untrue, as a referenice to Ye4r 48 Was Worn m, althasgh price and marked them at a special low
price, 75¢ to $2.25 each.
1.409, OUI spice :
wool golf
‘to that class. Besides, we don't scare
ni Ht is expected that a change in the ani oe eer os ce Fie . : ite
> tee 8 t -
the article in question will readily dis- | form will be made next summer, a8 #x. 15C fancy sateen od cli CRSECS, WaIsts,
close. The ONLY epithet the Cours | perimerite with eleven different pattorns etc... 10C va red
applied to Mr. Keller in the entire ar- | of uniforms are now beibg made. a Ld re He nen
tole was that of & “welcher.” If the! \ ui coniennial celebration = sil mixed dress zouds seduced & : __ Children’s cotton hose, double heel and toe, fast
: Johnstown manager is 80 Iamentably | marking the one hundred and Aftiath 49C SHK MIXEO aress gouxas requded to 39¢ yara, hinek, well worth 1oc, our pr ice 734 © pair.
NOTARY H 1" Hag. 4 wire) earntrysvey af sneha righ = a
aire — A a | © All wool sacRing, 36 menes wige, 250 yal d Ladies’ black mitts, 7¢, Tic, 15¢ : and 2c pair.
: that is his misfortune and go Soa unis, bo id 2¢ Chri 54- inch skirt cloth for walking and ramy day skirts, All silk fancy nt Bbon. 3 3 j inches wide. special at 12¢ yd.
J gsc yard a
As the Courier understands the Ww toons ] T1c feece | lined wranber wands oe vird Black and white stripe r ibbon, the latest, 25¢ yard,
ais he ~ Naw type, now stoo i superior AL a APPLET LOIS QU Yara.
term, ‘‘welcher™ is a sporting phrase | Worker, | td Ae Black velvet with silver dots, the latest for waists,
designate one, Who BErees 10 (oie en can do ne good aud as cheap Men's heavy all wool sweaters, fancy stripes and gac yard.
amount or enter Ito 8 cou job printing as any office extint. plam colors, worth $1 20 ial At R71.1¢ to
then backs ont. If the editor Give us a tria) order “od :
Men's 73c dress shirts
6 wt Mr. Keller insists wo shall
Lor spend the winter within the |
an p, cold and cheeriens confines of
or Keller in a telephonic con- | Low Prices do not necessiar- j 3 F i Octob 15
Our PAA YY 7 : er '
thon with Manager Morrow | ly mean poor quality.
to give Hastings a game. He | goods are thé best and the \W | oo , ri
didn't do it, hence ia a “welcher,” ac- | prices the lowest. \ Ve arranyia With oh eid the kk ATIC st importers il nil deale TS in the country
oe She accepled Sefintsion of) Nothing more than to have here at this tree a complete assortment of rugs of all kinds, sizes and quali-
5 or ’ 0 | ties. from the smallest to full room sizes. Whether vou desire to purchase or not
you will enjoy the display. ou are respecttully invited to attend.
Cents. *
iy 18 to the term as to in. Plain and fancy dishes toilet |
his attorney to write us con- | | paper, candies, stockings, toilet
g the matter, which letter we | SOAPS, brushes, suspenders
bofore us, we will withdraw our! hardware and in fact alniost
in that connection, His at- ‘everything.
1 is also responsible for the state- | Call and see stock
that “such an epithet does not in | sa he
We must dispose of our entire Stock of Goods
wa will not 1 dispute, sa ws have | in in ACT PT | | between now and the 25th inst. and have inaugu-
t the pleasure of Mr. Keallar's ac-| “ARD IU LERI J1U wo rated a Be Clnsing © Ont Sale. All goods must and
tance and cannot ocontrovert it. | EEE TER nis he art ad a :
Mshe and | kedd on i by! ern po La] = elow. Come early and get
Shae So Ela : : aie : ; y b syeitel. The use tw Hilo Of «iy =
, we belleve him to be a man of | felon re pr Dr. Femzer s Kianey ete h et your pick of the
ho Sin ] ; : : J. M. McRissmy, -
2s fae play, but do think f i : : : : oma. © Crawion So, Pa. June 1% 308. y oh :
: ( : Chania y : ; : 3 ree a Severs xitas E A 3 2
8 tem peat ina tea pot. k ; . J , : : ! i E FyNpe ey ip foe om, Breaking out on BA RGAINS.
Our : my bend apd face. My physician attegil
nf a bad idea : i to for paveral months Tas result i
ustioe at no i Whate \ a Blood .e : . . ;
J a : ! 4 Nerve MCLEE uk 5 io vets eg ; Chit.
Tov. remarks. we | | fiver Bassaty ws I tks, Panne Velvets, Laces, Appligues, Chif
el | W taar DG Vv @ | 100d Cl ring Mipnianons, Ky. Sep fons, Plain and ancy: Ri ; ih
ping him and his ball team, § ain : oy ane aaittn os rs po Gy ans, in and Fancy: Ribbon Velvet, Ribbons,
; . : : ; Simon py oi g Reg bi ro 5 Kogow % yy
d create the farore it has. We hide prvscel fogs without avail "1 . Fall Hats, Veilings and a complete line of Milli-
i ra ; romp tad enner's Dyn &
pleasure in assuring Mr. Kellar # ¥ ; Cure ard the ne of 1% effected en og ror ner y,
Fer sil iar cases that have cone wander my
of our highest consideration. | \ i Koonin “been cured by his Dra
_ In his wrathy frame of mind, the | | | | . LB » | ia
" 5 a At par Jrr Fenner ¥ sl . ¥. 3 N i : 5 e ] >
Johnstown manager also threatened! =~ = ; : : ore : g He viwai DY. Frat Reltaf for M rs G M Stevens & Sister
mager Morrow, of Hastings, with, ; i J fo which 17 1x nidve in Stes SnG acsidents ds . : me
‘which is a matter of supreme ; 1 : 17 ROYD ESPY, :
; satisfaction to the COURIER man, as We test your eyes Free 1 838 vsecior "ann RE ar, TT H—m : ;
oe ' LG BWR rs colds Grip Bors Throat, Coll inetNatinn' I Rank
is se genie Lit bos and furnish Spectacles as oe ; emery, Bowel Fhabins. ut I entasiing Chop, Feed and Meal. ‘FirstNation l Bank
com 0 w jeriff Dav s| 1%: sy ARTO, Clie, Fas. %, TR wt sanibpd MI In North : ; a
this winter he doesn’t know anyone he | low as $1. Lenses can | : 3 fap io “= a it iL Cites Dass Capizis Cob iy oe OF PATTOX.
would sooner have for company than | he exchanger cH A v NE ewiing Lope Tre hat SMALLER CLARK BAN iT . Patton. Cambria Co, Pa.
a many stan] be exchanged any tims | iyo a EE re as ty sate = | BUCKWHEAT FLOR r Cambria Co:
A chon . ’ ’ * 5 we “ } © al z 3
The balance of Manager Kellar's | within a year. - : A SPEUIALY CAPITAL PAID UF, $106,900.00.
Cd olary effort is almost too silly to : | | Reuse! Somerville : . AN Kinds oF Parer Npein . SURPLUS, $18,000.90.
merit notice. True, he does claim to Satisfaction guaranteed — > Miss Susie Wentz, Riter Whee $e Wine 4 “ a1 et BARKS Tere FER HEA
on a 3, : x MARL DREN TARY © Ine fen ister L with safe and conservalive
ha duposited $50 forfeit for a game, | r money refunded. Attorney-at-La
the conditions are so hemmed in | | PATTON, PA.
pets for wale Tor mil the
Jerab ty the
ke prises
Patton Feed & EAH of a Baw will bare car promptand
impossibilitios that it is not at ll | sey - AP
oe Bn | ; aC O SN Bm 'R, { Office in the toed Building. PATTON, PA. | personal atten ting.
y means business. " J is . ~ Buckwheat M i | Is : Interest paist on Lane Jeposita. !
In the first place | he insists that the Jonathan Ower's celebrated bread (0d newspapers for sale at this | ! AE Parrox, Wn H SaNproap,
nine be composed of exactly] The Patton Jeweler at Mellon's. Try it office - 5 cents a bundle. W. J. PERRY. Proprietor. President. Cashier.
Teacher of Music,