la Soh Ras PAN. memory RB ATES. PIR. Bord Dae ht ne The Low Fare Oieed hy the BA. BK 8 © Ridiway Co The Buffalo Hoohester & Piltsbarg | Railway Co. announce that commens Ling June duced rates from : Buffalo will be in effect the Pan American Exposition. | tourist ews, Notes and Gossip Concerning People and Things in al Hustling Borough—All the Happenings About You Business Men are NY our lye P ee ele «ol for the and XY our Neigh hor— Enterprising who De. serving of Liberal 1 datronage— Keep La test an d Best. All Copy for Advertisements, News Items, Job Printing, Subscriptions, ! Bite, Can be Left with Dan. Reamer, who is Authorized to Transact HE for the Hastin igs Edition of the Cou RIER, Like appl! Boson fall in the spring | A 5, { lark, of the firm of Lasts & wn shower of rain when the wind Clark, has parchased Mr. Lantay'sin- user Annasnees | theouieh an orchard, so do benrs | {terests here and will continue the fall from u he eyer of spectators dering | ‘business as A, B Clark. Mr lantzy Ca prodoction of “Uncle Josh Spruceby,” | bas interests in Pitteburg, and just as the sun follows the rain so | The H. A. C. having failed to got 8 matter wi number . were does langbter spoomed the tears iin the game with the Altoona Monarchs or Jobin by! he Bunday North American pondering of the drama. 11 Is uot an Johnstown, have disbanded for the son. 1240 Sunday, when its frst fsstte was affected story. It is a true tale of the son with a record of one defeat out of liye of a few simple but hotest people, | thirteen ramos played. jot un ind nore 440 Ses TRY AP DPE ROG the principil incidents of their LIVES) quar new fill sait. See our new line of he ati pep i a v siual to the de f ogetiie’ with pure and ab the BREE | gy and winter suitings, in the latest adr ¥h Bo : i eautiful language. 16 is Joab 8g 00 and Fnglish novelties. stage poem, filled with all of those | Dixssons Bros. fngw which make langhiter and bears Patton: Fa. commingie and in a manner truly Eugene Zimmerman, the populsr. Fiosity In quite an strong in regard bo. At Hastings opera house Cliverytoan of Johnstown, and family i, Se odaw N aa ; night. to the next Sanday North American. : { and Miss Sue Kellogue are sponding 8 op : ws question is this will it maintain © ust received a new and complete fog diiys with R. P. Notely. dong Bt Dn, line of overoatings. The nobbiest ia \ ; pace anid keep the high standard wet in wat Over twe hundred pot! : Mau Nazies | Fhe, of Bache! Ineo, Lite first issne ? The nsarance is given 4 spent Tuesday nui ednesday with! Lut that nest Sunday's piper will be terns tr wolil from, Call and oxguiine patents nt the Park house, even Settee Al or i ie } be (usan tef aig using S uy aw, John B. Hoyt, of the Webster Co, Toe sheet supplement DINSMORE Bros, jl te dan a 2 Bo x Wom Patton, Pa was in town Tuesday and Wednesday, is printed heavy paper gal is in gilan, £38 2 t ; : ai | Mins Gottinide Van Drew, of Pitte- every way equal to the musle pr: Phe yi in ¥ SEI fk ¥ Z ¢ 3 bi 3 Simon 5s} rn Sagarday | burg, is & vigitor at the Lanizy bods, chased in stores, will he “ida from night david to a small botse an ac ad no li ied be essa : nt ie wet weather. They gave! 4 CU. Patterson called 10 the 1daho, hy ohn 3. Miya, | hos : death bed of his brother on Taesday. jot that great success, Annie Moore s&d iY § sul as os Byrd Muhpffoy abd Arthur Commons kis new sung be Jost asc an elerant performance, however. | plo $F xr a ; Middleman played on WW tines a : one which the people of the {United drove to Patton on Toesday night. Miss Uertrode Goold in visitiog tan friends this week. Thon B. Metlain diove ou Wednesday. IT Will BE BEVTER EWE Satninin High Saodsrd of Firat Tasne All records, both ae to qoality of of witless offared to the public. In each of seores of Pennsylvanian towns spvaral hundred There was a great curiosity to | set what the first number would be, iand newsdealers everywhire report | glean ales.” Hein ere, frais which sx ¥ fhe nul Was an Liye Eten are now sloging aud in the Wamen's | buantiful colors, are Hlustrated pages of new fall jackets and some of the wotrning costines, vers silk waists, which will interest Ww Liatling. ak | I i Bap pleated, ape ation was performed vn Mrs, a ahs Abel, who realdos below town, on Fri ny. Bho pved until Monday, “Jolin A. Gunn spent Bunday with’ to laoretio alam Thus Jatent | passage | good UY in ench direction, gars in either direction, stiminiant lute rest by digesting You don't have to dist bat can enjoy ‘all the good food you want ‘eannot be RET 3 WE druggist, ‘My nda in Lown, i DeWitt's little cariy risers never din. ¢. Rice spent pari of the week in de phia. 1 hal Tong wa fTerad from indiges- | Hon,” writes G. A. LeDelx, Cedar City, | ‘Mo. "Like others | tried many prepar. ations but fever fond apythiog that did me any good untiil tock Koaal pepsin cure, One bottle cured me. | Qi ad who had suffered similarly I on the use of Kodol dyspepsia cure, He % gaining fast and will soon able to work. Before he used Kodol | cure indigestion had made fappoint. They are safe, prompt, gen fle, effective in removing all the im. I purities from the liver and bowels. | {Small and easy to take. Never gripe: Lor distress. (. W. Hodgkins, Patton, | Land Hastings Pharmacy, Backache should never be neglected. | i those Marion Harland has some good tew evoking who make their own clothes; recipes, and discourses on { hoterhold fosysics, fnchuding the care o f ie shildren: Mrs Henry Bymes gives | many more recipes for beaut; i lpi how to acquire health id TW | breathing exercises: MeDougall cons It means kidney disorder which, If ad | tributes wonderful stories for childrey, owed Lo run oo loug, may result in! Bright's disease, diabetes or other ser- | {ous and often fatal complaints. Fo- ‘ley's kidney cure makes the kidveys | ‘well. All druggists. : besides which there is Cand some interesting iHustrations. In the comic supplement tare bs an yxerutinting fanny series hy Walt Me. a pozgie pioture Paauzenlawney tickota will be day at 88.50 for the round rebarning ta and including trip. Diotabor 31. 2hy Tiekets Hinited to 15 days including date of side, ti god ony $e cach direction 5 RP Walt Fk £10 Cue ry oe iri 341 tip 9 $7.10 for the round trip. TicketaZlimit el to 7 for pono Jaki in Special execarsion tickets limited to three days including date of sale, good tonly for dontinoous passage in each direction, on sale Tuesdays only dur. 35.70 for ther ing the Exposition at round trip. Heturning these tickets will be good on all regular trains loav- Thursday following date of sale, but will not be good in sleeping or chalr For tine tab. tes and further information consult the ‘paarest agent of the com ips ny. Kaodol Ayspe pain crre not % mers tired nature. It affords complete and abwo- {hae fond yo iE. ts the stomach 8 i i i i iat the following special re. | for on sonognt of Hedeon on sale every | conmnots gu sale days bacluding date of sale, felling mots ing Baffale, prior to midaight of the LWW Ren writ) io Kadol | po You GET we tha ps Bis Alias wha reeds curss made by In Kilmer's SwimpRoot the grout kidney, and pig sendy. | Ed; Ann IA ral ity ¥ ¥ teal alter years ¢ of a ar, | a” 3: on sale every day during the Exposition at 85.50 for the round trip. : poy. Tver ior _ 1 Just fhe rereny you nee Inga any vaya in hice te givinng the Hat chase ratief and has pr gery Cien th best: rade by wi who hi oe y | sample Bestia sar {rem by pall, Bo a no 3 about Seramp-Raot and ho 4 have xidnay or Bladder tronhie, i mention madi 8 in i ponnrou offer in this paper and “send your addeess 10 Dir. Kilmer 4 Cs Bling, hamtne, N.Y. find out yo The regitlar fifty cent and | dollar sizes wre oid by di vod drogrists. Strittmatter Bros., PLANING dyspepsia curs instantly relieves that distressed feeling aller paling, ghving € you new life and vigor kine, Patton, and fags Pharmacy. There are thousands of people soffer. Ge ing untold torture from pile, bocas of the popular itapression that they caret. Tabler's buackese piles ointment patient will remain cured. Pric Tubes, 76 conta ard Hast sents in taotlise Heodg grins, - 38s Patton, ngs Pi LR sy Wor Wamon, Ghaonville, Via writes: “Your One Minule Compt rare ratiafaotion. enatatners say ib ls the best remedy throat and ung Patton, jeri for coughs, colds, troubles, LW, 3 and Hastings Pharmacy. 4 A now ramets for bill on sade at Hating Pharmacy W. Hodgkins Patt it Chamberlain's stomach and lotus, vent the fltack ebetins dar 1d 18 oii Hg VET SR 103%, aR won if given Price, 25 sents per box, | Dougall called “How Bims Lost the .W, Hodyg- | will eure them and the @ Mo £1: MILL, Mahi iarin rare i (f Ben¥ Thos bay 3% 52% ! ( ber and [Lum 5 pear Ea : cf Uetary King. pi u | Lu Halo, Hastings, Pa. All Kinds of Worked 3 elie and ¥ i It gives quick relief and will pre. 48 Lhe first indication of the disease appears. sSamrides from D Eg Dige ests what your eat. . Ttartiieially digests the food and atds | Nature in strengthening and recon | A LANE BACK? ¥ PWS papers is sure 16 ‘know of the wontieriul : heer pa For voars | suffsesd with pain in Live head, CF pati dn the side, snd in The sriadl of the hack Lowes hervons and cop patil Godt cred pot Cnlwern The pills and other msdicines | tried only nmde a bad matler worss Hes ite Painin " i (ime package oured ny Jared | mndie B pew women of fs Mrm Th "Klos i | bnsiner, Crotos-on Haden, X.Y. {Celery King cured Constipation and Nerve, | Statansh, Liver and Kidney [Hsensen, 3 Hodgkine, Patton Pharmacy. Gare Pharmacy, Hastinga £3 AL Y PAIN INS U Tr One Ba LrErYy minut waders. hue Sharan BY ronit 80. Prodan Rec! ester burg Railway. CONDENSED TINE TASL Hn fect Sept. 1, 1901 NORTH ICRI a 5 oN Ox. J htts. = | Faatern Tie i vs AM AM PH PPEW - iy pour oi Bi wr Ens - am Prag - Hide Ed a Raa BE wk i aX nhasR ve ha = wr a wer rRYER Busy D0 0 = 4 Mu . wr for Pants lle Rm A ee BuE8 EuZara on vs 3d i #45 AM FM Loti enves Ponsa for Bh ahiy, except Bandas x iy EARPIELD IMVIRION Fak Bosigel Fo rE Man a , BX x Adifitioon Putier 6 - Z a 5 Dubois ds £4 xf Fane free ena ilie “asi mw HERES structing the exhausted digestive or pans. 11 is the latest discovered digest. ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efcieney. It in- _stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatolenee, Sour Stomach, Nausea, . Bick Hesdache,Gastralgia, Cramps.and | otal wreck. C. W, Hodgkins, | ) snd Hastings Pharmacy, Claret, Market Mn x CAnmrAeld NY Meta tien Arrive Wit fant Lemys {lenrtield, NY U Baal, 00 lane id, Market 88% Cur eneriiie And 40M Fasetion fatale i” i Klection.” There sre other comic We have seen the frail infant, when | sketches in colors Lo excite hilarity, {the infant Struggle for xintones and two pages of short humorous prose seemed almost ended, resusc po ow | written by the men who have made made strong by the uss oO ite i “Puck,” “Life” and “Judge” famous. ream vermifuge. Price 35 cents. C.. The cover of the tyweive-page maga W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings 00 shows Pope Leo and his “Cabi- | w WW ea Yu. 4 3 x ak = be Wm nk aneaniia, the most women's mils an disgestion fs weak, tho mak- OF, flesh >and strength out of © nperfect so that the patient Fay MA as, nervous and dyspeptic. | tak. sprained wrists’ burns, bratises, severe is Ballard's snow lini- 25 and 50 cents. 0 Wi Lewis Oe erman, ioahion, Ind. “De- ttle early risers never bend le like other pills, but co their | | Pharmacy. 50 | When you have no appetite, do not q | relish your food and feel ling you may know that you need «x ‘dose of Chamberlain's stomach and | iver tablets Price, 25 centa Nag i ples free at Hastings Pharmacy and C. | W. Hodgkins, Patton. 8. A. Ingalls, Crown Point, N, YY. ‘writes: “My wife suffered from kidney | trouble for years, She was indoced to *Ltry Foley's kidney cure and in less | | than a week after she began using it, | {she was greatly improved and three’ [bottles cured her.” All druggists. A “stitch in time saves nine,’ and al dull after eat © et. # It tn a wonderfully striking | {color page and will attract national | attention. There are ten more pages of attractively illostrated and gen. ‘ninely interesting new features, It Huppeood in a Drag store, “One day last winter a lady came to | iny drug store and asked for a brand lof cough medicine that | did aot have in stock,’ says Dr. C. R. Grandin, the popular druggist of Outario, N.Y. “She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recommend. 1 said to her that 1 could | freely recommend Chamberlain cough remedy and that she could take a bot tle of the remedy and after giving it a thoroughly and make me feel | nghly ; dose of Ballard’s horehound syrup at fair trial if she did not find it worth c. M. Phelps, Forastdale, Vt., says s child was completely cured of a: bad of ees by the use of DeWitt's | ‘Beware of all! y or bad. ak of Fae and tried Foley's kidney , gave me immediate relief, perfectly cured after taking Be sure you take Fo- y 0 suffer from ples? If so do not tarn to megery for relief. De- R Wesmar, Evanston, TI, “My boy 2} years old bad a se- is thin, Eh Nii, - it. “For sale by Hodgkivs, Patton, and Hastings | distressing and harassing cough. Price, {95 and 50 cents. C. W. Hodgkins, Pat- ton, and Hastings Pharmacy. A report from Supt. J. C Gluck, re-| form school, Prustytown, W. Va, Oct. 15th, 1900. “After trying all other adds | vertised cough medicines we have de- | | cided to use Foley's honey and tar ex | clasively in the West Virginia reform school. 1find it the most effective, and absolutely harmless’ All drug. i gists, Mothers ‘every where praise One| Minute cough cure for the sufferings it bas relieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved. inflammation. cough cure, and Hastings Pharmacy. the condition of the liver and kidneys sion on those whose digestion ls good, You can regulate your liver and kid | neys with Herbine and enjoy health and buoyancy of spirits. Price, 50 cents, OC. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and | Hastings Pharmacy. Wihien suffering from racking cough, take a dose of Foley's honey and tar The soreness will be relieved and a ‘warm, grateful feeling and healing of! the parts affected will be experienced. | |All drngglsta Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws out the The children’s favorite CQ. W. Hodgkins, Patton, | Happiness depends very much on Myers Assiguee of 1G Myers atl wile i Having been appointed an aiplitar on we i tion of Reged Somerville, : | Alonintanl, To pass pai any eKecpiiats that The ills of life make bat little fhpres : distribution like Yertain, thorough, gentle. | % ion Prion and : EEDH | he beginning of a cold will save you! ghe money to bring back the botttie : ! many weary hours and even days of and I would refund the price paid. In. | the course of a day or two the lady {ame back in company with a friend in | ‘need of a cough medicine and advised | | her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain’ 5 {cough remedy. | good recommendation for the remedy.” {It 1a for sale by C. W. Hoagkina, Pat- _1ton, and Hastings Pharmacy 4 i i ~To make good tea and coffee the | water should be taken at the first | bubble. Remember, continued boiling } csusen the water to part with ils gases and become flat. This is the cause of { much bad tea and coflee- L flies” Home Journal. --Old newspapers for sale at this office «6 conta a bundle, Cla the Court of Common 1° In re third and foal sedount of Thomas F 1 sald aocount and WG onake sn of the funds in the hands of the Uinay be fied accountant titled to receive the sme, nofioe 0 hedy given that | will sit at my oifleg in Lhe opens House building, in the boroagh of Ebensbuarg, i A. in. Ir the purpose of atiending to the wil persons interastesd ny attend if they woe proper, or be forever debarred from condng in i. on sald fund, | F.C Bnansavus, Aaditon Fhensburg, Pa. Septonibor 1901, 1 consider that a very ! Whose COURIER are you reading? tems Of Cambirts Uo Fsip, attorney for to and sovany those lamily vee; Fisr thaety ix The Rival Talon propie Bow ta doom well, and cat the pate this ase herter diwe ph ga ellers. They “The Mus From Musou,’ but they are tue and —— re mak andy preg red to shu day showing the men, and youpg men, boss of 30 Areva how pactents Cin he mud to-measare ~ madetofit mate atylishiv, shapely, and sathfactondy at shout one-half ty rwoothinds as much a wher talon apasdly charge. H you could be satisfied of tha you would very promygaly decide to = Pay Less and Dress Better,” woglda t you! Weil, we an slaty Fi We havi the exciusor local sale of Raval Te Wie catvy the complete Royal Lae, and aver five hundeed ated vet at are showing Wal PAIterss in beau satiny eRerLiag REN JAAP 33 BE a val, ad me laa hy fexrn the poo GLASSER, & (hiked Hastings, Pa. $18.00 a Week Pa, on Friday, September 3, 11, at 8 o'clock | galary for an intelligent man or woman | $15.00 to in each town, Permanent position. dirtios of sald appointaint, when and wher | sont per hour for a s time. Mant: | | fac turer Box 78, Phi lelphia. 3 Kidney. = kidocrs sod baer ght, | : : all other results of imperfect digestion. Prnek Prepared by E. C. Dewitt & Co. Chicago. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy | Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings ‘A RELIABLE DRUG STORE. That means a drag store where | as much altention is paid %o sec that a five ent purchase Is as sitisfactory | to a customer as the ten dollar pur 3 i 1 Chins, a child can trade with as satisfactory | restlita as the head of the family, With this reputation, low prices and pare drugs, we know we suit you, Hastings Pharmacy, C. M Schaeffer, Prop. R. F. B. EVANS, DENTIST, FAL At Com eshoro, every Thursday ANTHONY ANNA, JUSTIVE OF TIE PEACE. Collections promptly attended to. Dealer in real estate, ste. Geo. Simmelsberger, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, Draying and Hauling done on | short notice, YRRNER & FRY, BUTUH ERS, HARTINGS, PAL ine of Frosh gingousty tn band, | RENT of wor Apart han pale esi tind Paria Wi The . great o aid to DIGESTION. SA A BW eas lungs t means a drug store where | can ING, PALL nercial Hotel, Barn- rh SAHA AUN ry A BAA Ap sid Smoledt Manta cot | Poultry apd pune 18 5 ay; pordally me s QYSERENIGIRE Siri in SAA AA OA i 1 rnadda elie Asrive Flusily exoent Mundane. E CESEFEXKT ZapnpupMEY gen BEER gKEBTUE UE hi PETRIE. Trina 3 avd Vo a TN ¥ 43 “ 2 Hi hasds wml cs beef, EEE thie aad sordEning ity waeept Sanday, an ie pas ro Bae and Howohester ¥ fe CRIS kt Huve Fabio Z i 22 a5: oat Purnabary 4 pi Panabmes. FLW ASD oO LaAPEY, Puente Agent fuwheserr. 3. F {EW YORK & HUDSON RIVER R. R. (Pentay ivania Davixian: Beech Creek District. Condensed Time Table. Eppa Begel 6 bap Mi Nad: Pal i 9R0 X40 aii June 14 HE Na a Ei Ni ee LR 5" nt 8 Patten iv 805 fa Wanloiree Mahalley Kerriumie to a “* we ld RE x: od Re New Milipors Clmnla Mitebeuin lear a Wooamsdiued Waailaoetin Marrisdais Mines Monson Phiid pst rg A hig hE og rans a Ss AR sb io mw EEULLEEMAE 3 “ph - < ' 10 00 v : {i 4% Ar | BiB ar WA AS Tw Matson Winturne Penle Ciitlintaran brew Mle Hao Uvek Mit Hall Towk Haven Yoangsdale | Wayin Josey Share Janction ery Shore Williamsport pt a eH SRENEGUHERLYEULER EER A AS US ee Ea ak Bealing BH pm ilinmsport Tv HD ee Ww Ph nadedipliia ar 29 50 NY ovis Tamagaa wr NYvia Pills arbi BX : pm sin Weekday SR pm sundays HE OR tra Saiulays § i a 8 . Pittsburg & Eastern Brapeh. Truinis KEE Mabathey Re Hogan, (alen Campbell and tr wavorhirss Tam PN and 5 0 3. Hu, town yes titer Unmpbell at XS 4 46 pn daily except Sunday. erties AL Win BIpapOrs with Phils Wa an wh fading af Jeraew Shore th at Mil Hail it "Penney tv ania; at h 5, vania mibved and £ Budd xy eed X noecting milsad: at micid with the Bufaly Hewboster and frat o patina: ot fanny and Patton {with Cambria and Cherfieid division of the § PNausy Sate paliromd] at Madar with the : Priasnsvivania and Nortlywestorn raliway. or H. Daniels, W. H. Norllirap, Uen, Pass Len. Agen Naw Y Sa Williamsport, Pa ¥. 8. Biodgets, uen'l Bupt, 3 ty be TLE EAE RY Ci BRB i simi at i, PB it £5 ad | daiph 3 do!