ent of its success economists # waste of energy during er of 1901 as little else than’ who stole $280,000 worth robably have done hiry more invented his flying ma. ® stos Dumont has demonstrated means of sport the airship A ¢ social advantage of belniz | angerous than the auto {11, it tacks the element uf human muscles can propel a wer good country rosds a dis- 4 tors ‘have something to he for. Mere ix a specimen of & pan word: “Donaudampl- hrtageeellschattsoberdivection. retebier.” In English it means, of the chief director's office the Bteam Navigation comp o wonder there is trouble land. @ skeleton spectre of famine again d in parts of Russia and | Again the cant will ery out ving mouths. seem to torment as vast mul as in tie days of the Caesars, at ont is to be erected fn Chl the mypmory of David Kenzi led in that city in 1862, at mors than 115 years, Ken the last survivor of the en Party.” He fougit of the Revolution in | ental Army, ani at the . War of 1812 was on iis grave lies in Lincoln | far from the Lincoln statute. mething more in the bresiy mere slang It is a diseate {eh affects motorinen and on electric rallways. 13 : 5 read of light CArcording | {sts this is cauged by ver- hie time while they aro te verdigris into thelr the trouble begins. If sults, but If neglected the vig. ‘be seriously * impaired; and $s a motorman is not whol for an accident because before hig eyes is more or and he cannot sed clearly. eccentric recluse who to some $50,000, should be is administrators “in the e had wished to escapy of dying rich, and to * good, he should have yimsaif. Of all the ways g that one has money to burn haps the most novel. It has | tage over the usual method se. The post-mortem confla- if carried out, will at least the owner and will leave the go much richer. The in r of the little ironies \at crop out dally in the news, the work and self-denial re. in the printing trade in the : i : on other ranks Even with all | of modern civilization | “A heart is last tn the games of goift Cupid has takes chinrge of the green, And hazards are frequent nigh snd off, With a stymis constantly between. The viethm studies Nig eharmer's piny, Folinws Her courws with an Anxious oye Hoping she'fh and In the sell eames WAY, aking the gare & like-as we ile The parsur’s nibiick wauld help them tren, i ; For to the nlitar the course winld he And when tha gimme woaid Degln Radin A wadding ring would serve as the tee AS single players no more arrayed Against each other, but man and wife, Thelr future would be a series played Of fourscmes upon the Hinks af ile EW Ww a RN BE AACN SH { Between Heart and Bayonet, BY JAMES NOEL JOHNSON, Copyright, 181 hy Daily Story Pub Coy; “Boys” cried the Colonel dashing | up, “do you ses that redoubl?’ | The Colonel paused bot a second, Fo | { hag spoken wiih the alr of one Who is granting a favor rather than delivering | fi command. Capt. Blake and Lieut Summers an- | shout that @ swernd with an oxultant echoed from every ip in thelr come pany. A single impulse throbbed In each heart simultaneously, and the leap ol one foot wis the movement of alk all thelr arteries conduits of burning flame. Their faces gave evidence of the | repressive strogple within them. They had cast sullen, envious eyes streams, into the sea of action, Oh. the sickening agony, the soul neuralgia of the brave soldier whi is compelled for a time to become the | passive oljector of roaring contitel! The wild shouts of his brother troop. ; ers in action ring in his ears, Gring bis enthusinsm, buk his feel ars chained | to the ground, All asound him and through bim runs the thrill of battle are leaping and vibrating lke strings chained to passivity. Ever and anon a shot strikes into the human wall. A man dstached drops and les on the ground. There 18 ree proach in the fading eyes, for the man had been shot as ho stood 8s helpless | a8 {if tied to a tree But now the Colonel's word had cut the thongs from Capt. Blake's impa- tient men, and gave them the fiherty of action. And each man pressed for- ward as if victory sat on the hill to be claimed by him alone. An accommodating wind shouldered ! aside the masses of smoke and exposed the redoubt. About the mouths of the great guns was blown the foaming clouds of death, | The redoubt seemed a great monster jdol. belching flame and destruction to the feet of which hundreds of human sacrifices were niready being cast Capt. Blake and Lieut. Summers charged in front of their exuitant troopei, their swords lifted in giitter- cheer on their men, To keep free and ahead of the exultant rush was all the officers needed to do, Each of the two officers knew that in that sublimad moment, his mind was | in many things the reflex of the oth er's. Images In respective minds ’ 1 3 i 8 { thelr Each saw her In the scene, wera flying as swiftly as the missiles | of death that both worshiped with tho frenzy of idolatry. Above that instinctive purpose of | { shattering the monster each man saw laurels, blood red, he an the expected to clagp and carry away to be proudly placed at the beautiful feet of Christine Egglestone. She was at home-—each saw her in the same anxious attitude, at the door. way, a soft hand oofing her oyes, gax- {ng toward the south. The men rushed, shoulder to shoulder, hut at which was she gazing most anxiousiy? fear. But the uncertainty of it all flow through the soul of each like a sword. Each officer had a clear premonition that but one of the two would escape Until now the company had stood, af men thal, loosed i from restraint, were hurrying, Hke glad | His nerves | fips trait trom a shaken tree. gronns. Still unharmed, side by side, {the rival officers fought, the sane Ime putes moving their bodies, the same vision flaming in thelr minds. : Drove bis shoulder lke a glut mind was enzagp:d wit] theszhts and images. he ecomlbin’t re Falst the belief that the other held a t hinsgedf, to be other They wore enemies. of course. | Sos HE I geil Anfenne they gtlier weil He'd ses me dis with seerel he wold never be suspectiad, magnsminons, Put loam rue he % Leonid, TH be eliween Dthyouphont this sotion” | Ble suspicion flew through the fealoas mind of Capt Hiske and, with refe this Jealous heart of Lieut, Summers j rips tra shaker tree Bhoats of exuitation often dropped inks dying But if each officer knew the other's | 2a! : : - paverdd By a part of the largest pine | forest In the world, the cattiemen are | making prepuratioze for a great war bof extermination against bears, mMOUD- | tain Hone and woives because of lhe ( damage these beasts have Lin the last Wo years 1 i 1 { i ! | of rock stretehing hall : gona from east to west and fram 1.000 i ta 2.000 feet in height 1 J CONE : Which Arfsons | mowntaing, which form the northern A ~ HOME OF WILD BEASTS. tp terminate. : * ander the rim of the Momolles ead at the Totton Basin, and which are av to wionk The Mogolion riers is 5 great wall way saross Ark There are only | | two or three places where a WaguD ean | | make the tL where the toug the eattiemen can rons Tran Cuaily "many valleys lying along 3 1he mouth 19 millex to C gradunlly rises nan ating ind An many more Sugh Lm wiry ! tiging plain on the From the Ulclorads fives nthe rotors | plain, until the rim of toe v Fix about 7.000 Here it suddenly dro innumerable deep, ro fire the ame | fall : in the i a winters wm Pn dark rE XR ALi § riot iy ar n fall ARG wintay moat dark mirjewe in RGLOGND gnwidihy of exwted In ha, ; : ; > top of the mounts 5 : BI couldn't with esch "8 : broad, unbroken r Hwa rather dle than lege Cliriztine, streteh for joy. 1 ‘top of believe He would kill ma i he knew 1am ton! 1 am ton chivalrous 1 | persrish such & Thought rewpeciing him, sid Rill ae HH he twin perils This horri- enite to the Captain, it sped on through | Kach, in his present morbid stale, furiogs with two passions, wrongly feit this other would connive at his death af the awiul monster. Creal months death, thst bacomen hall silence, i deglire—the lust of slauglier. the pressing. omsiversms fnstioct Pwikpn of vapor, Through pinnging arm. thie lust of slaughter. Livut Summers iz at the side Buddenly, without exparienciug any stretched thelr weight him, and be dropped forwani Hails héare iy thought, and smiled, Would rola? last kpurting encrgy of a dying fame, blanwvn its last breath. The geal guns eiioes arose th wry. Lieut. Summer fading eyes. = grimy face streaked with tears, beat ower him “Forgive me!” he began. “gh. don’t mention that,” poke the dying man. worthy suspicion, Ianrels—yours and mine, 11 to~to her.’ aia amb——— saw laurels throurd Take then se Keep Them Interopted Beep your Lusy would have them happy, occupation is some daily labor whicr hae been wisely allotted, arcomplialies] as well as for the child to accomplish existing circumstances Eo iY 3 5 children hil, i Neither | could tell—each had his hope and his stand that no matter hiw tor him to do still nierrew. This toiatment discouraging, says Woman's Companion, will encourage hy hie instead of fneit: 2 i ba St 4 and will early divine discontent which siiows of absolute satisfaction fn that which tas been accomplished until tha achievement reaches perfection. Tela {s the discontent which Emerson impiatit that spirit & 5 % sspiration, Sap oA se Aa UY i The Oldest French Immortal, fegouve, the oldest ot the French immortals, fs 4 and is still fndusir ous probably in deference to his famous saying: "It ix often said that God etter tu | * Now the men are in the very teeth open and epurt out tearing ratasilen af All sounds, small and Uremen- douse, run together In & continuous roar All passions ars reduced to one primal, wlemental This 15 : Webater, Hesghe | From the rim of that vortex, Bope. love, despair, fear, ail fly like fechie ‘ stone | through pressing foil; through pointed | ‘eves: through 1ifted lip: through sing swept by herole melodies, but he is: X ; {ing nostril, but one feeling BUTRES laugh at the distinct palin, Lieut Summers felt the Cstreneth flow from kis great Aros. Cat; overbalaneed gang in his sars a moment, but by om- | nilpotent will force he struggled to his all-fours, and then gained his feet by | the assistance of Capt. Blake, A feebie { thread of smoke was then seen crawi- ng from his cost a little below the i preacher add Fovtest “My laurels for my grave!” he grim- {otherwise The next instant a dim, straight ob- fect came plunging down through the smoke, spearing toward the heart of Capt Blake, In the snarl of the crow dq ang lam, he had no power tO as aid it, { hiid he known it was coming. ing menace. They had no pect 10 | | Mage. pistthier brave map go back with lau. Instantly Lieut Summers with the drove his shoulder, like a glut, between the bayonet and its intended sbeath, Now the death-dealing mouster bad died in sudden silence, and shove Lae tasty shout of wic- | ° Least Bye ping hooth at which he is A ereat. strong hero, hls : foe faites of such booth, eount of 1 health or i be praventsl fio “Forgive me for my un- | Now, go home with : writing in Of the namis for whish the Lslestor wishes to \ | presence of the if you : When the | sew that it is it La possible | it under | Dut whether | it be fn work or play, let him under | well be | may have done today -and do not be i chary of your praise--he has within Himself that which will make it pos. od waterproof, snd to prevent from warp | of Lrment, Home | : fig the ohild toward oven Dettor work, ied Fb pale of the current is wl fireaches, and which is haly if doubt! ig not allowed to creep in to mar the ( first week in August wers $3.2517%2, | against $8.190.243 tor the first week in © August, 1990, an increase of 851.538 Forty-five roads show increases and SEB | mat who does a thing vio af his | rival and both fight with that col | resolution and tremendous exsdution of | fenriess men exalted by a dual purpose. cing and fect the Borges of wolves and ilons and winter months lerars, mdr these bLegste fesiriy ail £ io exons da of fewr wad tars in whitey nad to Ba near Bae that dike their the plese Y hes slang the wiils rage. try to the soul : range of Yhaenag ers making ihe Eanons and fo cant water fig in many 2rd from: the nearest vg is right aniony these theo Rak ponfneg /re gt -ahoGter 3 mare praia the Bere, nsinin RAPE SAR End a OUR THREE GREATEST ORATORE, Webaier, the Mateiman: Berohor, fhe | Freaehinr: Forvesd, the Aotor : The rucat Sresisieteit Tan ent RL 3% in 0a throes Slatinen dali SRE ship. the 80 pot fd tha raatdinary Only bitaally trod w Horse in Lf he has a ptealy gait de 8 Hepat d the beauty of 11 elite ate. Beecher in the pulpit 2nd Forres pn the hoarfs were is thelr slednants And their atriteder wore as pracefnl 48 the poise of a bind Ups in ve tire. and hy ues they hod learns What they (id way natural tory of each was that of it wae drilled ton wal toed of expression 2 spoke ax a delater, Bescher as a #5 a trassian, And they did pot speak with full foree "he Best of debate was reqaisite to warm Websier to bis bool Beks Beeoler was tame op the nisle form to whit Ee was in the pulpit, and | gune Lopeleasly The waa Forrest would have into the ale In any attempt off But along the grooves that esch was aconsterned to play in Be Bad no peer. Amply endowed, kis oceupation | made him what he was : A GTA 8 Se A i 5 Re Voting: By Mall fn Aesirails, four Nie In the slecticng this meribhery of Lhe Austraiiag the citizens have Lie hy mail Any $80 an Fonscioy Tie Sra {voting resides at the nenrest poli | * { eiectur Who vf believe thal sot be within or taal oo ac trraity he will votifie personally thereat may ohiain through the local postaffies his ballot paper from (he re turning olf he district The vote, Gr who Ha or on piling day he wil oan Ari AA NAR S01 vote is in ical postmaster ort police officer specially apy the district to visit sick and infirm sons who cannot attend the postoflice | These witnhessus, bowser, must not | took at the naloes the caandidazes which have Deel written : ae BSAA Ns MAE oR i es of Electroplating oad Doors and other soodan articles ars 1 ¢ now actually electrop ated with copper | ; * Peet snd other metals They are 8rxf treat. : in such & wav as to make them shtinkage by filling the with a pro}er Varsish bennett with strips of metal and cover. the eiectroyiatse, ries are (Hen with ‘a4 melallc will take pat inte the electrophaing vatand oo tached to th Tes Tg wi : Boy See ther MEY REQ Lah | the gael, Ro “hronsed’ Fak doors are made of wold elewtriiyte Earnings of American Ralbovavs, Cross earnings of 52 rallroads for the seven decrouses. Ninoe January 1 the roads referred to above earned $280. Cattlemen Sec to Www | Linn 4 | penatrating the heaviest armor plate { and safety to those WhO handle IN | Maximite iit 8 government sectel Tf sahatances | pressed nth briguets whit Fly sold last year. | rhanges mile Eth | “Those 15 engines have heen working | 5 : pasannger raing sannine 3 ilinile { and hour, and goods tr Ct 30 miles my hoes F done their work well They st irally, and are rem They are a little higher in con! | cla i ehaded the : 2 2 $uic id sr rey Wa They do net, ms fac as | can see at’ then and there to L are vigilant dete I rien as to the effect of contain “oils and finds that saeaivpils Cexample viele mo Lif anything wm fans are dmtab | authority cited fw? i slatement wis not enough Lene in thal iar whose cal & thy Scop ha used to Bave an $Npo The numlier of varietins of apples peccnized In 15391 according to Prof 4%, all but 22 of which Tazenhy, wis 320 originated in the United Biates Ia 180% only Mw varieties were adeaitied, | 48 being of foreign origin, 23 Grow i Russia. German gurgeons say that the deli. eate membrane which covers tHe cone | fants of an egeatell will answer as well as bits of skin from a homan be. | ing to stsrt the hesling of open wos. The discovery bas already been sucessfully tested, Maximite the new high explosive, {invented hy Hudson Maxim, has re | eelved it fini teat | the most remarkable explosive ever known, not only in rending power, but | in siabiiity, eflectivencss after | Sp s In some parts of our country. saw. ve 3 Aural tm hryied at fie TILIA. Rot 48 hal | 2 | but simply to got rid of it. rope 8 better use has been found for | ; : gawdust : | sawdust {8 impregnated with tarry | bestnd and : 1 Are Pokibe | weighing ahont twe.fifthy of a pound | | each, Bring from 95 centz to $1 per Cthnueand . equal lignite. and they leave only § | percent of asl. iy 4 in Austria, for Ingtand aril then for fuel In heating poweyn Ss The Armsirican locomotive seems to | have been waeremstnl In He invasion of "India A teporr from the Incomative +4 Noe tuesintenilant of the (mdh snd und reitexy on the ‘vorking of 10 alter : in the sopines fo au fa loneal reaunirameuts, and thay onsumiptics than our new B weogent, cowl ware ig sepals than ot The coat th engine AE oi) Postar trees have been marked for * | slaughter fn Portland, fm 1 | has many of this kind of toed, * | were planted when tho city wid grow 2 1 ing. ang when shade | or variety, sxrcent maples, wer scares Th eg far with ftw 74 Ivy to find water and 1h wf slender roads In choking the sewer The 2iiy 3 »a peed five th Possibly if hax net pedurod to ba dreaded than thirsty poplars, MT A Online. who his stadled the habs | Hs ar mosey FHI AT int as nl a thormonghie, free hig erperiments omew lows: Ha has mals exte senertial ail profeviion a2 vu ahnded by pnenlv nies trees w fr ail for the renid rinily fopd it in 5 or tf the Insert |B fais tof endenn! 18 onbie effective nt Purle, while it totally gouth of Franses Pyrelbrin Aowever veweds everywhere, either as tine ture or powder. The tincture. burned foctugtly drives away the post arya, of bourse reay be Willd by trols ti] spread over the brogd) plares It is Prod worth remenibheiing that oh He : fate a fon {it sorte will alas Fainting Hise Eyes, “The Puintiag ich vou hear Hatle now 3 a hpar pow en peed Bdvertiaing, sat persed groused memories of ear tor days within me wainting with ‘Filgel Eyes Painted’ “Gama Years ago sacha ty enshile ba Tie {x the sapie sh Woo 0% west and In front of ib tid Big LIAIEY wig wigs which ais dn the © the anly Til Enrds ¥oxwn on York Sun, Oar He anriabis Eavannre, Mrs. Sraggs-—-They must biive some biz pistols oot West. s ; { pharatier duriaz 11 annedts to be E i < ¥ C away with ua <dinmbeidt _ Exyerience is the extract of suffer We thoroughly enjoy only the please ure tha. we give Dans ae Cengure is the fax a min pays to the pubilit for being endnent — Swift i Charity gives itself rich; covetouse ness licirds itself poor German prov. ert fn wa truly see and KBOWw OurssiveR-- Davenant ci ; He who wishes to secure the good of sidiers has already setured his own. {odie Only what we hay {ite cap we Thilse who ought 16 be most secre Against calumny are gonesndly those who |sust escape it Rinisinus it is a wise man who linows Bis own | business, god it is a wiser man Who ! thorouithly attends to iH LL Way. But in Bu- | land. ; No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of He oF (ems porate who regards pleasure as the E Bigham good Cloern, they | nye. panning | have | VO i wt Iashinned, EERE hE q phabiy goad atgrte {I nifieant gvunis er engined, ard 1 nm very athafiod | C with them” "Lean enzing wos about “that of the Fas * the Jine for similar work trons of toy oth- | | lets pemstrate the smallest crack In : the terpa colle sewers, fori masses ge pad cventually is at growing sxyenve annnally {oF the re. | ws pair of somere whl : choked or Brakes the offending trees are to be girdled, | the | Portland uitizena to presery: the trees as sewer jnapeciors Anvparentie thay | vey in finding leaks and leaking sewer pipes are more 10 | Rave Won this iE reavon | Imguhed the trothind botest returmed roo: Bis vacation 18 foouly | {gee of breaking all ksown records, fat | ¢ stare. and all are, | 2 Sahiesd ty nie ones | ; ; | pitdous ang fills in Italy and the 2 iat fhm Be SE the Amar. | around the %3 notecent of ised 08 ie | BON 5 i the i strode i. . ; Rf the ZTcent Rind’ in a lamp with a platinum wick, eof | yo ol TE® | salt |. vastly amuse pe | in g True bravery ia shown by performs Ing without witnesses what one might be capable of doing be work -Rochefoucanit If you Bave built raatiex in the air your work need got he lost there 18 wheds (hey shoal Is Linn vader then TROT EA # ) ey INDIAN SHUPPI RE How Fucks and Spaswe Meat Against Fringe and diaries : Arkansas City, Kas, is quite 8 trad fnic pant few ithe «(ron he serftery. One day sumber of backs and suse single file. tied thei bunch and garted last zilowane : The Best pice Ley 0d farnitire stove, had slaneed io Briggs in tie window nie spend their Sas ot of oils iringw ooh Tew pigs % oui Ges Latics hgia pinned & | § tay wiih the Balls danse Elev and bree it for belts, ng mane fete ofl it and while all that : {aniaaticaily ver Tliere were by thet ladder anid, tn search of lon fine mouaw EL a haniinas entmiy Boul es 3258 iF ir rel bisniets, we of satisfac SH sn suddenly and off they sacl fall of pnd Leraledt part of the town, began to de somr them This was too much for a group of small boys near by. They tmmediately dared the bravest of thelr number to stenl or beg a hena ni. As the former wag fac Chin sale Tmt Be nut on 8 hangry. woe BeZole ook gearicniating and and appronchesd savin “Me eal’ Shy unbiinkinely ing bananas. font raving him from a distance, the ganaw eved went on bait The x &oui wrelkiis wonid pot give up so the pan : tomiine continned until the last bas pans dlsappearsd when she rose with # a Bounce slapped Hx akin full in the pate oo aller Wore. Boys's face, aod 8 ~Saturday Esening Post A stigbing Seale. ria didn't catch 8 blessed fish” man who bad =1 will astral that © starusd out with the right at the thi fieh that § especisd stil: enjoying Life. When my destination [ was told sd nagioworma | could % i oe who mads a them ID RID. weil Bins 8p st i he coald get gut discourage #8 to all are { aprivad at Wm that If | peed got them of a busigess of Taras a Sad Gc gud {ome same. ha 1iicent Kind or said “Pwr yOIL WA wotehar kind woul 3 the way he out tre question. “arell' sald he Cif You WARE WOPMS : to drawn the heent Rind will do but ike drafrs: they do got elsvtrio | tan it according to he | | drowning the worms Paihia af Blackened eves. of | Rizhed me. th : : © ing place. wilh Dothing in my Bamis : Py ee i or 2 wi Rei men of experiance. ls S50 well sstale | but my fishing rod | met the small that it does not A sign which | {fF you want worms ta ea better take the ¥-cent Rimd, «1 jpravely assured Bim that | needs gel the kind got them and spent the rest of a boiling Bor day that be bad Pare my wiry to my beard. esent £35 boy. who after solwmnly surveying me fir a moment. fished out from a | pale of ragged trousers three dirty it wai merely ; ing! the brief announce | simple 10€ that small boy empty niclials and handed then: to me 3a¥- WAL amt want ta cheat vou, mister” rte very fonr of (nes mors meets ramied Lent Come from trvise my Dick spoon Dee The ar: decinred | vears back | A tn have a place Gn an avmne far : tall of vive and | Roo i which | Hamilton sdterward perfected in deseribing the charms of the hest that Barna offurel "New ; i sw , telling her about it. ia Moor walker alwavs © trolt Free Press Mere dninfon Somehow it is tmbosdible fo sym. pathite very hard with 3 woman who has three or four big. strong dsugh- tery and goes around complaining that the servant zirl question is keeping hoy awake at night A woman finds litle satisfhetion In being loved if the follow doesn't keep A ‘man who ha: had experience as 5b tend when he is out in coorpany that he doesn’t know bow fo boil a baby. Many a man would become a cone Calimity Is the povfac) glass where are Ril the Seow put fous Eig TURD na pure fringe oy jooped Har with bis compan. sz adelee? h Hah youd ¢ wrought into our fake 5 ing herself Sk mae boo 2 g 12.800 woff 2h sag sages ES d E ie | The olive bon to the treo sia tresnass | fy the middle of fhe plied sect in the Line on the sewers It la a fas! growing | tree. and graceful when growiug but Ar ren 5 Mr. Shagss-Why? Mrs. Spagigs—There's somathion 8 : the paper about a train robber covers tog a conductor with a revolver | ~~! Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. i eauldron of deat ine ih sondetaned man to work. This is ab. $81301, an increase of $22.631.281 over |wurd. God condemned man {o live and] the eininaiveeig Saf the corre. yed | gave him work as a mitigating ¢.retim- | sponding pert of 1900, For the Jong- ke | itance.” : er period 43 show iscrease and nine 3 AH AISA SE NSH A ie wife boasting to her relatives from ald. obi ferrin Rf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers