SAR os eo wo TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Sufi v, ome your, fn advance, - «+ $100] the litle one Pana, after bor native ok mdi Shown pon ap | town, and Mary, alter her grandmether, {and so the baby was christened Pana’ : fais ot the option of the | Mary Cann. It is solemnly alleged that ‘HE 1 {Pe 4g arants Hag A stoffiin af Prion ay weond (8% the time the parents had pever 11 featiay, Legposition, anyhow, ad guests of the : : the Fast totic Club, who rete ud they | o play Johnstown. Hf Hamtings play J abtistow 7 for R100 a | sipha al Haste © (hig connon of the Year. Meschantx and : masa gement ‘might Corse | the offer to goo ap then Johns TLEFE . : fait and winter tride anid the more Pra CPOAnARe ment. otters are getting in Hwir stock for the | [gressive Ones ark Jetting the people 2 not thio Bh aly ef bite dus of the : Wnow what they Hawn throngh Ea pals i ams wg bane + » ia the sere gn FE fot ne smnry I state that the COUR. nas of well fepuiated newspapers It Jick ort ers and “blow bard COM {on ix fn the front rank of that ola the de hinstawn base hall pink. Cadet initnarnix and save cal Yesd the hoard of the Pao-American. The whole family should be invited to the Baffalo 2 | strikes town, arid with good ronson 3 8 i el no adequate place to hold en favenmhie adver ising r the Lown revel ves from stratgers who discover our de fleierey in that line Bay the least. A frond Bali anil ent | be ar everlasting blowing, WH RING Gin poll od bo forego The 1 5 ADVERTIRING Hews 8 good news nf ¥ raprimsy 7 Juring Hw long AWRY at CETOMR joast a Tore Millwood Gooey council of and Ind Ea Lsinous, who refaie the Episcopal church in session at Mil srankes adopted i memorial presented . We hive Dever seen it chy Lo H. Morehouse Iavoring the : of the recent efforts to pet tha team toy play ball yi fur money, blood or! CORO amotio eharth of Amevien'” The | gnestion will come bedore the mie seal % fared ratagory of sonvention of the chorch al Deiaeey thin weenl for Boal settlement, r ston the Hastings 4 the boroagh of eM Viable for 871 and aries sustained © ger om an by pein tn dy antler the § of tyimfre not inoour this ih hat kind of 8 gi Be a baby thes wi hid Dave to go were nod very fat farm 10 Hy spiaknst Chiro and Heron ih expression Pidniter sams Die great Ameriong Liat gid be resvives af all he aeirnirg flr sport. Tire Poiana He ned wall cated Whe op 4nd ada Wiskpos tana ise te promptly ivi gas Bis reason that the Lim haod oorness Kins woul Rob yrove a | ert ir waa made to Have oH ogame played at eres oud. 3 ton, br Bg ain the astute mang : yo can bay ther : rig. we Jounstown would-be Te started to talk money one frm Hastings WHR | Yils peed the sure of { Fasthe iF ow, rh made A Apex Bor a at hat the selfsncrificing prince priest, i %h b Liorett x is a at ard good man, NNR Da NN AS. etviewing th aforessid | sports who wasted to wa gre 1¥ all the telephone and trolley rom. 2 0° CL Ha a Hoageieh tha changing OF The nun of the Protes. iscopnl ehireh to The Ameri an Fran Tite recent suit at Bhersburg, where fitting menament toa - the better, Tie Detnoweraly Bonte, sav: UH ANY jae loy's Chi would have removed all 3 Bat ttn tert Eat Did thar Roughly PONE an pan Gang have el 8d be chedooospmtal ied and & pest leads headin dingo bloat Csvedl relive nwa. TaN Ir is a matter of satisfaction Ww know | er Gallitzin, Is recsiviag al Joust | CERT dal after death the honors he earned while! yet living. The new Catholie ehore ho dina Fras xii : Beraki, { rr ain i op LL hel der, owner, they | panies that have been sod will hap Trae, be ahartared to do business in this connty | © cderl one oF two ofp baild lines, il will be almost itvpossl- oF hotel, but when bia to view the heavens on account of wt gon. and offered to wager the wires. EXTHAGRUINARY precautions wii taken by all good citizens at this time tha i RR to prevent the spread of contagious dis. | the work of thel money ™ Northern Fear REETeEation of quitters and : an the Johns to ving HAC oa base ball chet is beitig desery- I, you say? Then the | jotiy seorel] on all sides. The game of : tay Johistown at ¢ either | : Hastings or at some neu- for from #1 to $300 at any | r Kellar says so. The team will make but one pro- d hat is that the Johnstown nob play the baby act and PENNSYLVANIA bobs ¢ Afleld #8 they did at Altoona the National base hall league this year, cortat defeat stared them in the | | Pittaburg won the pennant and Phila. (man who is always trying to teardown “the work of others, is ciated on this mundane sphere. up serenely in delphia gots second place. ‘Rah ol ball, Mr. Kuliar, or else ac- the Keystone state. p the Hl. A. (0. as the cham. | of Oambria county. Your binff| led. “Beg man, x modse or | at. We all known you ! AS Rh of employment or strikes a streak of Chard luck in any wav his wife always | celebrates tha event by prosanting him with a new hahy ? Prupent buyers will read all the a in the Covniee. It will | save them the price of the paper many times over in the course of a year. the challenge of the Hastings base ball | team, Tus old world hasn't moch ase fora the builders | : Way is it that when a man gets ont “Tue letter that never came’ the one from Manager Kellar accepting Leaning, Hating: ra . $500. Martin leap, Sr, to Maryn Leap, Cdr, Washisgton townsing, $b. T. Flarnes of ux et al to Ages Haro vay, Barnesboro, 885, Francis Fick of ux to VV. J. Rlaltz, Carre; Htown, 80 Keystoae State Seenrity and Loan town | association to Joba Whited, Susgue hanna township, 8550. Patrick Coyle ¢t ux to Charles Shan | felter, Gallitein, 3150 i David W. Liovd to Jennie M. Notley, Susquehanna township, $8,500 David W. Lloyd to Jennia M. Not ey, Biaagquebanns township, $2.5850 Jacob W, Baker et ax ta I EF Not- : ley, Bsquehanos loweship, $5,000 “ranoes A. Oaks ot vir to Jenols M. % Ei 3 Brody ts it Nottie, Sasquebanna townal Land nob the destroyers who are appre. | Fhiree From (he Cambiela Yoilwine, H. Denlinger and wife of E bat ton, were in low Hii 3 Ing. Messrs, Croend, Te ten, were in tee ey Pati i ¥ Ehat the grail organ in Lae ‘ab Lontio Bb fdrew Udrpegss Sehwih's ie 5 the ehinreh hrngseis, : Woe insisted an being Permiilien a do Coren Gf Lie admiration ¥ wiher Coniling snd Mr Sehwab Araly decided to allow hin to furnish somethin gi rthe crgan. The instrument cost’ | $5,000, After exposure or when you feel a | cold coming on, take a dose of Foley's honey and tar. It never fails to stop | | & cold if taken in time. All druggists. | i noady wonld not cost madh ami wold Ph ari Gk eer ocr 7: ing ia Hovp srr. Poa E Shrek = td Saves. ok, Sie, itn, Hiei gee Tow, Pia BG Inlenaling Goi Whar we Bootie A ery WAR rany Agericuitare i Fria. Hon. Phen | spoke and pointed ont that indus atry and pers ¥ ae ge iat Rk oe Be ya meegea lige ee SH Gay riiewan, Xer a vote Pasens tendered the sueaker, the eed. ing adiourmed. agony Bribe Bra nnrinia embers othe JRE Cole, Lanier ae] auWi ber of doctors without relief. Alter 25 two applications of Bapuer Salve, her {hands became batter and in a short time she was eulively cured. Beware of substitutes. All druggists, i ge Cana E LaaWEieD, plerk Fae i I ree The Patton Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Patron, Pa. Office in the Good Building, Envelopes, State- ments, C: rds, Ship- pig Tags, S Sale Bills, Dod Posters, Of ¢ Lin ny procured
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers