The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 26, 1901, Image 8
WAYS IN WHICH FLEDGLINGS TAKE NOURISHMENT. ry of Feathered Mothers In Caring nd Schooling Their Young — The con's Breakin « Learning to Fly — Birds Are Somewhat Like Children. jong before breakfast—s0 early, indeed, that the sun hus | not yet risen, you will hear the birds You hear them through the day, of ‘course, but they do not sing nearly $0 much nor so sweetly after the sun has _ And if you are very gentle and qui- et, and know how tp gO where the birds are, you may see the little birds ‘going to school or having thelr break- fasts. For birds have to go to school boys and girls do, only they n different things wy have breakfast shortly after se. And it is very interesting to ‘the different wiys and the differ ent things they eat. h a nestful of young wr, blinky, bald : will find that they eat worms, ere is a little chuckling call, and rd working mother checks in the | r and comes softly down on the edge the nest she bulit earlier in the wide months stretch up blind~ only get aaything: the moth- snips her worm and pokes ives into the red throats so ‘gway she goes with a reassure eit.” after a careful look round see that no boys, cats or snakes enr enough to get her little chil- » the can return again. { a worm is vo more than a f porridge in a young rob- sakfast, and so mamma has to ip after trip to feed her brood. & pigeon’'s breakfast custom more curious, for the birdlets their meals out of mamma's The furry heads go poking her stretehed mouth—ons would k the down mist tickle her—and # grain that has already been ed by the sharp pebbles In the sr bird's crop. : ¢ breakfast school time comes rde. The two things they never Jenrn are the two things over fttle girls have most of their | sg—~they don't have to be told their faces and comb their | because they know by instinct when this is done they will be ore comfortable. And they are not 5t to brush their teeth, because haven't any. sve to jearn to fiy, to fol to talk, to hint good food, and eat what Is bad for their iit fos, and follow the seasons, are migratory families. Peo to think that young birds p no training, but came from the g with heads as wise as their dad- w on people began to get me- more with the birds they not so. There are cer- Je pest full of little fiy catchers n known to stretch wings for first time and fy away together the th of the Etreit-—to a fal) eofion. | ¢ And was without ary r assistance from the mother @ instindt of the little creat. is, bu tried to hatch out gn by heat and to find our 0 bird would know ® of their pwn mother. mes a msther bird, when she , time for her babies to fiy, ¢ them away from their push them off the nest out world. But more often the | fair from the nest when d too hard by the breeze or the grows too crowded and one lit {8 pushed out. Then the moth- pd fathers show great anxiety the little ores and they do all can to help them back to the nest em how to use thelr er birds love their chil- any mother loves her ime a hippy little family of lived in a tree just beneath here a little girl watched Ay after day. The bird chil- w very fast, just as all chil- A d as there were five of they soon quite filled the mest ay an unusually heavy hail- came up, fust as they sometimes the spring The little girl wor. great deal about those tiny or she was very fond of them afrald they would be hurt hail. Bh went to the window it they were safe in the nest ere was the dear mother rohin low ng over them with her wings | out just as far as she could, trying to cover all her bables otect them from the storm. came down hard and pelted | and wings, but she nd never stirred from until the storm was fluttered to the ground very, very early in the | in the cool earth for a second DS! : things, h great thick yellow folds of skin | x ¢ edges of their wide mouths | mocking bird and the western Epar- | . Major Sweet Says He Finds Life There The report has been filed with the ‘been received at army headquarters in Denver, S08 men. The village of Jolo jg thus gizad military post eight feet high and one and one-half feet thick, | and offices iz one small Baiidine, There { ings) which will accommodate ter Bis arrival that the situation, in Le far as determined from our expe- | town known as Jolo, fF There ars no civil courts, no ri% of ‘people rs the other birds they wild not understand | : pays him $200 Mexican per manth. At Did you ever see a bird hunting worms for her babies? It is really quite amusing. Where the earth is soft and damp the birds know it is a good place for worms, and they dig! with thelr beaks until they find a tempting, fat worm. i The other day I watched a robin enllecting a meal for her YOUNR ORES, | who ware safe at home. She dug along the edge of a fawn until she found a worm the thought her bables would Hike, Then ahe fook it in her mouth sand hopped further to another spot | that looked nice and wormy. ake put down her one prize and dug Aid this over and over again until | ghee had six lovely big worms, Then, with her mouth quite full of | the dangling morsels, she flew away to feed Ror hungry birdies i A Blackbird does a very queer thing | sometimes. She will lay her protly | little emps in some other bird's nest : and will leave them for the ather | mother to hateli with her own. And the nther bird will care for tha jirtia Black orphans just a8 though they were her own children, nme of the birds that you sea about now are the mountain blnebind, ihe house finch, the western meadow lark. the western rolin, the western henise wren, the catbird, the lark hunting, redwing blackbird, Bullock's | oriole. the wellow warbler, the desert horned lark. red headed woodpecker, row. Denver Post ikon A EI JOLD ISLAND, bi I Onite Agresable, Major Sweet, commanding officer of Jolo, gives nome interosting news regarding his island in the tropics war department and a copy of # had Miss Sweet, danghler of Major Sweet, is well known SOCIRllY in this city. Her father bas many {friends in Denver, Join. which, with the exception of Tawi Tawi is the most remote Island belonging to the United Btates, lies in the Sea of Jolo, In fongitnde 121 de groes east of Greenwich and on the | kixth parallel north from the equator, abatit 160 miles dus West from tho easternmost point of Borneo, a8 miles 8 8 BE from Manila and ka81 miles from Ban Francisco, The isl and was first occupied May 19, 1853, when companies B, C, IL EF. GH and 1. 234 infantry, under command of Captain BE. B Pratt, relieved the Spanish peneral Huertas, who had with him a garrison of 24 officers and deseribed hy Major Sweet: “tt fe hardly more than a gol beautifally laid out. with broad, clean streets lined with Sowering trees and gardens and surrounded by a loop-holed wall about The population is exti- | mated at 400, mostly Chinamen, one | German, no other Europeans, Four mals Moros live within the walls The | pubile buildings are mn oa dilapidated condition. The governors ranidencn {¢ ona group of barracks (four build LA | coousn ww mil the hungry nue | mouths. : Hers | “ha | - thi LH Ey MOTTOES OF STATES Flow Bows Phrases Became the Slogans of Various Localittes, II! you desire to have fun with a learned acquaintance ask him simple questions about his country, is his~ tory, financial condition. political di visions, geographical lines, climatolon gy, topography, ete. Questions that any schoolboy can answer Df. Know all will stumble clumsily over, often getting a bad fall There '¢ oUp ques tiols that | have never heard any Hue answer. namely, “What are the mol. toos of the several states of the Un- fon and their meaning?’ A clever nd i Ses bb ee Se BA SIAL pian may name that of hia own state | ani guess at those of three or four of the mors important sister states, } bul he is unlikely to koow the means i ing# of wmy that are in the original | Pailin. croned and ses him founder hak the profe the great Bead Try some alle professor In a | wor if he knows that | of the United States wak designed by an Englishtnan, Bir Jolin Prostwioh, who also suggested | thi motto, "BE Pluribus Usuam? Our | abieet mien had fatled to oropee any- | thing acceptable, Franklin foffe Adams, Lovell Scott, Houston and task to, “Rebellion to Got of Hercules of larael in j¢ gpem fanny? the wiliernoss pE War or Peace), Favente” “Nirtng hola Invincibleg, oto TBemper {ith Invicta” 1¥ After six Wears the ft yet rempins on the arnig of United Sintes wikat he has to say of the Undertaking). and that under all "No of Ages). bus Usnnm.” is magsificently Amer] cin. but the pyramid. the desert the fsrbidding Egyptian shy anil the oye in the triangle on the revera: are sim- ply barbarous. The great seal of the confederacy by A strange arbitrament of fate was pever need It was made in England and reached Richmond aboot the time of its evacuation hy the arming of the Jost cause and the confederates gov ernment. Its moti was “Deo Vine dice” (God Maintains: The seal is fi handsome silver die about threes {pches in diameter, bearing an sques- the portrait in Richmond), sarround- od with a wreath composed of col- | ton, tobacco, BUgAr cans, corm, wheat und rice--the principal product of the confederate states It cost in England whowt $600. with press, wafers. seal PADETE, WAX, silk cords en It was presentad to the state of Sensth Carne afce of the secviary of state that Minnesota. founded by Amerie ¥atiglion. The theatre will secommon | ‘date one company and outlying hiloek i houses two companies A comminary postoffice, schoolhouse, A Hempital for | abont 100 bedi. a market and some few small structiures compose the re. mainder of the pablie buildings” The commanding officer of the nit- od Staten troops reported the day af- | rience, war an follows: “Bpain posposses the small walled The goavernar Fie complete control within the walls ii of. cork. Outilde the walls the Suitan of Iolo and Borneo is the rater. Spain originally selected and ordered i figure cut in the viel in the aide of ff the professor is familiar with i the obverse of the great ses Auk him he, SEVOran | MA goose fe awl] just A poose, bul arid the chances are 100 to 1 that he i 8 Hitle Foote is a RoSHng. i cannot reenilest the unfinistied pyra- j 8 Eooss, Sas 2 dear littie gosung. mid the eye in the triangle. the Riory i areh i ¥ proper, the motto over the fye. “An i miitt Coeptis” (God Has Favored the link about 1887 and Is kept in the | “Oh” said I laughing, “they gave thelr i big wing Ask the professor if he remembers | { for centuries before steel otters wastinz nearly four pears oa | Peanklin propossd Moses dividing the Red Sea with this mote | tn Tyrants is Cihedienee : How's Anyone tu Know? Ton little bloe jean overalls, Tao straw Bate, maring wida Twn rakes, two hoes Uws shovels, Two pardons aide by xide Two litle strippers, ony at Drst, At inst uite (riepdiyowien, A Hittie ron verenting, And 8 pretty big anrprise, “What's your name, its boy? © Earh of the other, shy. “Mu? Why, I'm jnst a jitthe girl © “Yeu ara? Way soem 17 LY outh se Companion, they ask Maments of Alfred the Great. Wiltshire Down 8 8 tract of fairly level Jand in England, As you stand on an elevation and look across the : conntry your ys catches the form nf | a plgantic white horse upon the wide of a hill beyond the valley. It is a the Downs asd dis 175 feet long from | the bead to the tail If ix believed to | have been made fn the time of King ; Alfred. who died 1000 years ago, The { figure is rather Crude but when seen 3 [at a distances the outline of 8 horse Dotan t ’ Game of the suggest. | BIR. OR top of this hill are the remmus y - ids i ge# 5% od mottocs were “Ballo vel Puce” (In | © 88 old camp. {Forever}, | God's Favors, ietiga Alone : LOROan. Puglishman's device was adopted, and tae fe very distinct Just above the fix A THe Gane. One day Willie called Dot “a Hitle | “Thar was because she didn't | gir to sehool only fo Kindergarten, and conlda’t read. Hike her primary £ | school brother of six aA a SR SR A PE Post in tine Lopnomst it Tom pike op at that, "W said “B Baps toote fea gander a MAD Dist ix not SUE a #1 dems know” sid Dot, doubtful Iy ; Then save the writer In Litiie TOO F080 to children for years: how nearly the first Chrisimas haired Gauls swept down lke a sovih wind into Haly and captured Rome, sll bat the Capitol hiil: how one night the Roman guard fall asleep and the Gauls climbed up, gp. up to the very top how just then the godders Juno's sacred geese Rept fold AGO belivra there by the temple, heard them, and | fapped thelr great wings and hissed ; and honkesn: and how Marcus Mani gs Reard the geese and seized hin o arme and ran io the sdpge of the 20:00 to push backward the top. Gaul “And #0” said I. “the {geese saved Ramee” {rian portrait of Washingion (after | | ter Will, they knew sonlething about | our alphabet hong before men did, for i the fying A Bex Then, gre not wise snongh 10 read, Hie Mase toes” 1 went on. Ui Be wild geese have SIways | shaped thelr docks into As and Vi P And if they dosn't know how to piake | | all the leliters they have helipad men ] write all the letters” rans. iz the only state in ihe inion | The one eR was that has a Prench motio graved ‘was latin, but the die spotied and the Frendh subsditnte Was adopted. "1. Etoile du Nord! (The Siar of the North) Does the profes. that far traders shonld have adopted “Ore y¥ Plata” (Gold and Rilver) you say that one siate his a GeroeX selves $F a $5433 that it is Cal in The only Halian motto belongs (0 Ma Crviand, and ot ariginally Kelonged Pa present he Is not on the faland. hut is ands about 30 milem south recently reburned from Mecca and now dresses In European costume. Span- tah soldiers seldom po Myond the range of the outlying hlockhouses The relations between the yizgiting ons of the neighboring ‘wl. | Heo has | dian motto, ithe Calvert 6 v “Parti Mazchl : tw Perales) To a iritte | Manly Deeds, Womanly Words bus » Ark 5 fas in after FPhitadeinhia Times {Moror} snd Spain are not altogether | harmonious” The Sultan of Sula ts addressed as | “His Highness Hadjl Mohammed Ju- maly] Kiran Sultan of Jolo Archipel. ago, North Borneo and Palawan "— Denver Republican. Cndergroant Houde in ¥onuth Ameriea. Buenos Ayres is to have a system of | three underground electric raliwave | The Bret {8 to be 458 milen long be tween terminals, and is to be huilt at | price. The squinment of the road will | {nchide cars similar to those on the | New York elevated roads, with seat- ing capacity of sixty Park rar will he equipped with two electrie motors | of between fifty and sixty horse-power, | Contrary to the commonly acoepied practice for tunnel overhead trolley will he used, ag follows: insulators or heavy bonds, elimination ‘of any danger or inconvenience in track inspection or repairs, and no auxiliary locomotive required to switch cars at the terminal yards and shops. Thu company expects to have the road in operation in 1802. Servia is described as a kingdom ol easants. Austria buys over 83 per: her farm products and live | work. the Uns will; not have the third-rail system. but the | The | reason for this deviation is sald to be | Sufficient head-room for | trolleys in the tunnels, no exprnsive | ow Life Motion Pivtares Are Made, | = : piAIneY, | @ § Litt-motion pletures ara made with 3 ; : it. then ham { ehibdren i quills; and. when _ geratehy, they Crald ! pon’ | pen knife por tocall that Montana is the only | state with a Spanish motto? Strange | it! | motto he probably will do some pret | i tv hard thinking answering | ! “Fareks” = he | Yeaved to be Greek for “1 have found” lonesome Ty ts Are Males Wards one type of camera and projected hy two kinds of machines says Roy Me- Ardle in Everybodys Magazine fnotar, by band or by an electric at a rate of 330 feet per minute, rome to a dead atnp for onr-Seven tiath part of a second, during wiih the shutter of the camera opens and elnemit Then in leas that the bun- dredth part of a second the Him md down about two inches and the cash in repeated th finished Prom one-half a A minnts 4 suBaient Alnary scene in life motion: ZA £08 men marching abreast pass at a walk pednt iy minnte: and so taking | photographs of a parade fy i =} until ed bark ey a 1Ven Fa in the operator inypartant per. Motires three ger are often only a! the moment SORAESS Are DAsSIng minutes in lengtn or Jour tiresome. British rivers and canals earry 35. those of France 25,000,000, and of Tha | : i i tried moving-pletare camera is nrrangsd 80 | ni that when turned by a crank either i tha | hi : a : 3 : featching Jt as sensitized Blm pagees behind the tons | : ® But | to make emch pleture thin film must i the | 3 $343 time | i Toa, 000.000 tons of merchandise a year, ; a ye En §oaehnde ! The professor if he knows that Wash- ington fa the only state with : “311” ja pure Ohinook | | for “hy and hy” in the fnture or here- | natives | : | BOAT Why, how could they? asked Dot fearhers 10 men and wen cut the ends mito pans; and everybody, with quill pos wrote with the riyieed thelr § teacher | sharpen the tasoher would fase Ht Sew pevEiL wyade Wrote i ¥ a ? fn shed goinse Pe And B and That bow Litre d vie pdms 10 he valied penkniven” One morning reach the raolntbicse white wshonyl % 3 bang Plat 3 Per 1 was of 1 Povie Bike la Dalila Yorloh bright Beaver rid In enaor beeeny el AWOHE Sharon rabid Saved il Fa’ pape oF : wiv aniil this fame Wo Fermin hit the city sud caleBing ony the hand, was ral 4% 3 i 2 a Ry ” MRVIDE O0E. ivy 5. a FRM He bean bw Rie 3 jrromid. bat i be smoath pid to 10 Bey Ril against hs There © ywas a soft Tia place san (peal of ; ok HAE was doa t h oe way thro to take or} or CEN A ife-mustion | f 1! turns on his machine | & wind vik eamerd Dirns on as ARC NE : 4 of the camer : IR VRIe VInR F that 3 [ about : i arpong the neatly piled hoods taken. hut experience hax shown that | 2 FALY ping Doone ion it a Blog x § long pictures on the biograpn grow | the door { through stood ou tiptoe and p nt oi 1 { ¥ » xy 55 been In Were $i ype Sg hr a Radia te 1 : toe water was (riokiing in Tey Le HW ¥ he Boowors irtw hax ad senttearad Ham iy was reslly frightened now. He trted bust if was fastened: and hb small a boy to climb in a window. He thought of running Rome to get out of sight of | the mischief he had done; for how { could he face the scolding that woul} | and Ba i wan tix come? But 80 ane had seen him throw | tent, Caipna of unosnal exe | presence of American pewspuper cor. : respondents wanld bave told somethinit of interest to the American | peoples had oc | Polke. who a telling the story, 1 told floating aide by side with the Amer. viis Ordo Seenlorum”™ (A Now Series | oo Tr RENE rh T He : . : | them the fimans goose story that ho : The ohverse of the great |. peal with its splendid eagle, the 13 | than gliripes. the 13 stars the glory break. | ionrs f1ig from toe clouds and the "KE Flor go yellow tion : il mreatest effort LEN Lope ep 5 x Lit ig Xp gh | Rmgianid from & ol taandn heed. —Brooklyn Life. bin wes fie ball Wernaps Miss Berry would |. pever find out who it was Then the | hoy shut his hands together into two | tight little flats and ran down the road toward the village as fast as his feet would carry him. He met two or three hovs going to school but he did pet | ston when they shouted Loy almost tambled against her, cry. ing: “0. tepcher, over your desk perhaps the books won't be apes ad, &x i : i 3 3 § I snilled water ail gd Plegse hurry, and When she learned what had hap pened, she hurried on 10 rescue the books leaving Benjy to follow more slowly, She had not scolded. “But | ehe will, when she has seen the books | and hag time to tad Wo me thought raefully. Ax he stored the sehoolrootn thers | OF was quite a group about the desk, watching Miss Berry wiping off Bove gill to dry In the sunshine “¥ baow wha did oir sailed put. suddenly, diving into a corner where she had caugnt sight of the bright ball. "Ths is Adame’ Pall and he threw i in thie window and tinped the vase over’ was trismphant over her dis ns Khe covery: but Miss Berry smiled at Pen- wer the meade of her other achol- ren | know who did 3 ars and said; i: it wan an honorable acd frothing fitle Boy who cams eirnight to na with the story of his aréident. There Eas been ko harm done Benjy. Most of the waler drinned to the Aoor and fhe few hooky that gre wot will doy and be fast as good ns ever And that «as all the peril Presbyierian Banner. A Mealoon Colma if #t had besn your good fortune fo | Bie at the little harbor of Heart's Cons | Newfoundland, on Friday, July | have phasryed afeny. The oY IRER you yirid ron thal wert the Hritish Han fron: church and telegraph #a- wand have shawn you that Snes nnd shared intersar i with Americe This was imiteed a memivrable day iw the workd'e Watery Alley Fl oyears during wnvh Cyros praoter of La, i 3 3 i tiie Siedd, Lhe the ¢ hat served the deean nearly Br Oued after ranpated fatinre amd 4 rage Hew wives long had ment. a cade | been lid across the Boor of the ocean | and smmnniviation bee telngrapiic © | tween Ameriva and the mother coun Cary established, John Bs an. eal YEE Wail ign Engiiahm ihe Coin be bis ward siones pre Ovrus Fieve £33 b tite ui bt Mil him wih Ris thé th wo ie CORE rae a Rod medal ang Vide Lu award him the grand al the highest honor 0 Ha Dower of #sue- Af him ¥ hd PRE te hestow. Before foie day conn the repeated faily tempts had brought a shan great (ded hare kad ¥ A i hank faith thay Co ©. 2 PER could be carried and + % at mesh wanting fatthinl frag grad America financial stint yp Rim bad snabid 2 Sey ie dF Rea NR Ri BA py ant i oroiert, 1854 Mr. a Feld was fh sued to aid Hine aro diane Huy to AL Jaton Thonos Mest steamers would CBPYY TWA 16 SoHE Pa al 3 ITER iand Pear i is 85 rah eet fia Lt RIE : i Wl Wik Aver. and ant fram £5 27 {i and falires, fa LRiTY 3 ross Tha sxpaiiiian of 1357 fir of in Aumast, | commnanicatian Wad Li ie a WER ein and Prostient Buchanan, the vd then | working. foi Se the ste Trsetigraeed and dom arsed it alle ple wars not easily enthaaianm or helief $611 1%45 hat i A ¥ 1 i fo Aq a fl nn he attempt mada tine the fabio broke & of Ir had Was £1 A aealn and t in omidncoan after 1000 mile hesn id crntagn a roan who bwowure he is right in. July. the peat Kasten thie Terri) bath of wl had ons. the Med- GOUT Trou the tha cable 1568 coat the AD siaget af Predang to for Newimpniiand, Theres was wb ive Many & gw ¥ Thy iy sa Rnd art When Inndad al aod offers 2 exftorvind ar last and & sermon WLS from the text, ghail na pope Baa -Ohibags Recent Herald ob head sae Ee pd § Ther hi Explaining a Tragedy, He--1 wonder how they ever be came eagagml fhe-~-Their accounts differ. Bhe gays he threw himself at her feet, and he says she threw herself at his hor a and putting them on a ®indow | a littlg girl Ben,y | SLED DRO syetorn tipies, who | mavat nk asain their i he | Pe bd bd peini AR AAAI A AAR Seed, dphit the emin- | emqteful pation, apd the Paris axpo | the snerra of peany people ut be bad | 5 § 3 Miss Harry was shutting the gate a hehind her when a breathless little | uw. jo ¥ I Jaimie wn Acton Mes | sagen Were exchanged balyrsen Lasen ft dg hurd, Bowever, fo dine | A Ts Spas ma ap akin Philudeiphia & | ~ Reading Railway, Engines Burn Hard Coal— No | moke, IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 1, 188, Trains Leave Willis osport Prom Depot, Foot i of Pine Sirppl ny Por Sow York via Phibaleighsa 720, 0a. my SE £0 000 pom. Sanday SE LEO A Be Hy. > 2 Now York vis Baston Sam 1238p 0. 4 JS mn So nindelphis, Heading, Trmagna, | we 4 and wil painis in “ch is {9 tt and HE re. Axbiand Kil cond region 142 Ba. me, Hd, Tl Prati Gor Willinowperts save New York vis Ba % Mund vi £804 ba ¥or sptiha, Bending Tormioal, $80 Bt ow tr, ned SOR poh, SIM % pws WOE 4 am, HOB pm. got § arior oars sani fom : Won York, Thoagh sleep delphi. wighdave ineinded, Williamsport al = ot fe andl al We depot Fa. id Li Eo in fouch comely wi pei Traine to and fren Pal ight trains ron daily © Trelwke ony fo prose in Kae | Tiwloeneratt Tal wiped from Boies and rosidanoel stamtion. 3 EDRON J WEEKS, . Grosvnral Passenger Agent, yi PRE £43 3k iene]? Bussibing Turn Prorior Came on als ERLE iii Pie Si 5 ~ i Se CaniAin SURESINOARE ; : . 3 Huntingdon & Broad Top Mt. ¥ : toad. In effect Sept 1, 1499. KoathoEsnt Ta Pesln No | Bape leaves Huontinslon fevery day excep! Sunday: for ML imitans al Fa, Hy areivies oi ME Talis al Sa We = Hagin Xa TWh eaves Huntington owry Ay dixoens Sanday for ML Twine atl 00 My rere ine pt ML Inds ats po ome : Train No 7 Sundays only; bees Huntings br SEU Dwiiss af 3 a mi, ATTN al ME Jmidast ®ide am foe Ea Al tridns make eonneciions ot ME ws Bi Besttond, Pa, and Ontiberisad, 3 orthuanl, g a + Nev. 4 Malls jeaves ML Daliss fe of wY ws 4 m Reriving ob Hunt Tarts Noo 3 Fast Line fenton M1 Dnilas De Huntingdon at £5 pom. arviving af Ha ee doi sy 0p § 2 Tain Ni, & Sundays only) leaves Me Daw Ios for Huntingdon at £5 pom, arriviggst Sek A ? GE Ra All tmaine make close connections with ro Bo seth ener anal west 58 Huonlingdon et : CARL M. Gang, General | Gr wma Traihisg ” 2 NH ny ISS RR Pittsburg, johustown, Ebens burg & Eastern R. R. Oondinsed Time Tabie in effect Now, 3, 2aANazS soadia Se mw 2 Baan Eh BRES 1000 dl = HE Way EIR Ss gs pup Fede area with Hotta RB al aviog Elonex ts sheianed ose with LL 2% Woe ntl Libri ions Spans La 5 0 RED, Supertoteadvat Lok ony SA ARAN A SRR MARAT. TE AO SN RI Pennsylvania Railroad. In offect May 27, 1900. Main Line, : Leave Cresson Fastwand, Kon Whore Wyproas, week Gayo oon Aon Acosominodation, week days Misin Dane Expres dally... & sronna Aseotnmodation, dslly Mail Express, AREY Con Pholndelphie Ex pros, ARIE ooo Las ve § pomson West wand, Davastvern desc, Wonk ARR. es Paolini Express daily. Ure Passenger, dai enshurg Express... Minit 5 Foaming £8 EcirgE eE sHi5va ne BEHERSHYy £8 Sm * BRBEEN ER CE OE EE schhins Spa daan aaa dally . WYSL ES TES PES Lp A SRE ay ve REBRug tere deYR Cambria & Clearfield Div Loses Paiton~Sotheant Teas No. WS at Tie a. Wm, arriving at Crossog er Tasis Noe TE #1 348 pom arriving at Crosson all £56 pr BL Temes Patton Northwarnl Co. TON RE MEET a0 om. arniving = Ma EE Campbell a ER ave Nov 708 at B57 pom arriving at Mahal Bi al S08 pom aud sb wiaatampbell at 7a Bein POORLY PAID SOLDIERS. Wha Served tn Senth Afries Are Camplaining. Ons oreasionally hears Englishmen hossting that they belong to the rich ext nation under beaven, writes a Landon correspondent. The boast is pot particularly pretty one, and it ritishers tx mot partieniariy wise, because for a pith nation it does some uncommonly menn things Among (hs meanest pinet be classed the way io whish ® piys ita soldiers. The war office has heen heaping sp wrath and indignae tisn against itself for a long time, bud Ir has not done anything lately to stir fhe nation's Blood like Hts ireatment of the Imperial Yeomanry in the matier of their pay, Thess men went out ts South Africa on the understanding that they would be away a year They were proriigsed in some eases that thelr situations would be held vacant for them a year, The war office kept them tn South Africa for about eight em montha and now some of the men hive come home to find out that their situations are no longer waiting for tliam. and that the money whick has ween earned at the risk of thelr Hees, and would come in most useful while they are looking for work, cannot be pijucerad out af a relnatant state. iy ik %, 3% Pope Gets His “Snuff in Americm. Pope Le0 Xi fs stil addicted to the habit of taking snuff. It is not goperally known that the snuff used hy the head of the Roman Catholle ehurch is made especially for his use jn America. This particular kind is the highest priced made anywhere in tlie world. and before being packed is | Savored with the costly attar of roses.