Li Muoriarehs News, Notes and Go serving of Libera [atest and Best. | ness for the Hastings Now that the sebies of base bali games between the Johnstown nine andl the Monarebx of Alcona has proven a fizzle, perbaps one of the above named clubs will deigp to take " powice of the HL A CL The manager, Jas. Morrow, has been | ; assidions iii his effurts to secure 8 game : with the Fiood City boys, bot at pres enh without sucess, and the people _ here have about made up their minds that the Johnstown player are afraid | to play for the vhampionship of the | eounty. i The plea of Manager Kellar that the . Hastings nine would not be a big enough drawing card to guarantee ex. | _ penses ut Johnst(iwn is a poor eXCuse, as Manager Morrow is prepared to pay the Johnstown players’ expenses for | game at Hastings at any time. The | i truth of the matter is that Hastings ean beat Johnstosen at any time or any : place, and Manager Kellar knows it, hence his refusal to play. { Hastings claim the championship of © Cnbria conoty nnd is prepared ta de. | fend it against all comes. The only | hing for Johnstown to do is fo shat | apy or play ball, in the event of the Flood City | Blaftors yedosing Ao aoiept ohal: lange, H A. 0s prepared to play the of Atoban Lh AEs for the cha mponsiip af Len Penasyivania. Play tall, either doting | tw Hr AA | sved, a Wt this ite RON sheira is viral Coie, fant i : Ponabiog, ol his opened dp wo very ina ; Jewelry shore mext 10 Heary Basiey's faelare sions. : CO ew tied coxa yell i Eth eid, Pooxsulawiey, Hi Ui Dee PIREE dee Eheim om vans CC Wasted Thave | experivtad py bers Ab once. Ud on ui wares | Alina (3. Pagan Hastings, ¥5 : Every businesn pince in tow elon day's funeral. LV, Scanlan, of Bbunsbarg, sis in dows on Tuesday, Cen BHENS EU IM FAL © nnd 4 Sat Olt hi Gay i President Elipmess a pion Eh rented ¢. Uoger, 213 Maple Bt Champaign, | L, Writes: 1 was troubled with a king ecagh for n year and 1 thowebt 1 had consumption, | tried a tnuny remedies and was under the care of pliysicans several months, 1 aseld one bothie of Voley's Honey apd Tur. It cured me, and i ave ton been troubled since.” All far | White's Cream Vermiingo is oswentic | “ally the child's tonle, Ib improves the tion and assimilation of food, al Bithening the nervous system and restoring them (0 the health, vigor nied olastivity of spirits patural to child hood. Price, 15 cents. . W. Hodg kins, Patton, snd Hastings Pharmacy. x Henry Braydoy, Harris, N. €, says: Mf touk medicine 20 years for asthma but one bottle of One Minute cough oure did rae more good than anything else during that time. Best cough enpe. (L W. Hodgkins, Patton, an ad: Hastings Pharmacy. : 4 Thousands suifer with torpid liver, | producing griat depression of spirits, indigestion, constipation, headache, | te. Herbine will stimulate the liver, keep the bowels regular, and restore a : healthful buoyancy of spirit. Price, 50 cents. CO. W. Hodgking, Parton, and Hastings Pharmacy, Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. _H. "I purchased a bottle of One Min- te couch cure when suffering with a i congh doctors told me was incurable. | One bottle relieved me, the second and | third almost cored. To-day I ama ell man.” C. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. n't wait until yon become chroni- ally constipated but take DeWitt's little early risers now and then. They will your liver and bowels in | order, Easy to take. Bafe pills. ‘Hodgkins, Patton, and Hast- macy. d a ranuing sore on my leg for * writes Mrs. Jas. Forest, Hustling Borough—All the Happenings Your Neighbor— Enterprising Business Men w | Patronage—Keep Your Eye Peeled for the All Copy for Advertisements, News Items, Job Printing, Subscription Etc., Can be Left with Dap. Reamer, who is Aut Edition of the COURIER, noon aboat 4 o'clock, down from ane of the mines ran wid tof America, was here on | opera house on Nata rday night, They Cae bow of Hastings. BOGNE ii Wats 5 : 3 an pn Mavdny, CA 0 Chm lrrinin a PORE Cwondda ita favorite with people wher LnotiioTs © LCT COBY Ga feabiy 4 bo an adult sald Mra Minerva P11, Mand pever got reited | Foley's Honey and Tar whi Cenre for throat and ang Coriginate in disorder o writin: Your Kodol dyspepsia core | times compelling nie to stay in bed and | suffer from indigestion I always offer ! 3 % | | can write because it is the one prepar- i i i | ation which contains the elements nec- | essary to digest not only some kinds § 1 { | Tampico, 111, writes: “Foley's Kidney and Things in a About You and ssip Concerning People ho are De- s, Etc, ) horized to Transact Buse : PAN-AMERICAN RATES a Offered by he Eight ours were wrecked and the track badly torn up here Fridey after: A train loaded : ; with coke was standing at the station : Hallway Co. when a draft of cars being dropped The Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburg | Rudlway Co. announon that commend. ing June 1st the following special re- duced rates from Punxsatawney fo Riffalo will be in effect on acvount of ; The Low Fare fA RAP anid crashed into the coke cars. The rails and ties were torn up for quite a distance and the eight cars, with their contents, piled around promiscuously. the Pan. American Exposition. Season | No one was injared, the brakeman bay. fouriat tickets will be on side every ing jumped before the crash came. | dny at $8.50 for the round trip, good The HL. A. C. will close the base bali ratarning to snd including Outober 31. i season With a game at Ebensburg next Tickets limited to 15 days including week. All the efforts of Mr. Morrow date of sale, good only for continuous to bring H. A. O. and Jobustown to- plissage in each direction, on sale gether have been ansuocessfal, every day during the Exposition at Wm. MaPherson, of Barnesboro, the ‘$1.10 for the round trip, Tiekotallimit- president of sub-district No. 1, of dis- perl to 7 days including date of sale, good only for continuous passage in trict No 2 of the United Mine Workers ~ i ai nt} : i g po FIST (3 afin syery « r business on : fit eng rection, On sa avery Gay | dtiring the Prposition at $5.50 fur the pyund trip. Specind exsarsion teket tree days including date of sade, god only for conlinfous DRRSGRE cach dirpetion. onsale Tuesdays only dar £1.05 for the Eiviune Monday. “Pa Vermont 3 id 4 dH j 4s 3 The Vermont Girl?” wlii piay at the x limited to have a baad of twelve pieces and an orchestras of eight and a very strong Show, CER hy round brip tha Exposition al Beturpin x u sel will be goood on all reguar Sraios fay Ai BOR piror to mpinigth of She fal How $i ¥ eel in alate LEAs ¥ Seiepnien from LiBmhrel conn, afomate hat Seay hee Bnd Pros tekio of Lasser, Nd RPE En ein Foor tine tals pabmednsser 1 inriing ds id AXEL VE Lime iat vy {1h HH Boil. pale alk FORTE aks wp pay ed. GY Jus MoNels of : : . : Cr damit Mr. Riles is wg former yasiGank The two-yesr obd daugiier Gf John Fraser, whi ives J ip ng her tall anul winter stOUK. sin y arena ENR eden Price, ki ITER, Putin, aia 8 aist Loatey ia spending a few asi Aire w § ii es nnd Brijises Qt Headed, LA 1 iy Sa, . Chamberlain's pain bam applicd to oY BRET, ih Eki i wi Leal the parts in loss father treatment. Lind oad Braise, burn, seald or Re Gary y i instantly silay the paso and wii fim any a fixe injury aw PRENSHURG FAIR, Oct i than Bot legve A BCRY. Ripe Phil atieT, very severe i f Pain balm prnoriteg sprains, swellings arid : : wade ty | Hastings Pharmacy. nme Famaly fircal Ti : iy Biwi) ¥aviwite : Lansinass rT § Bip avd gy % 2 a: 8% yi Phe soothing and bosung | opr i ey . < : WW, Hodzkos, Og, RG xu HV asin thin pomeddy, de ploasd and perbapest oares ert hnskers § appiate. b wT ¥ rian Be oats from priz heed wire ents and apr Yop OUiias, | any other cate, Ba It is ewpecially 1 { amail chaldren are goickiy Brg led and whooping ax ib ais when Hard'a Saow fHatraen! ¥ a Wh d SE ar ay SEPER LE The JER ky = conta, & Hastings hurd Pking si apna Or Gide f iy. Aa * x oh : 2 WW Paras] Kistarsville Pa fodgkios, = Patton, B. W. Pursiil, Kintersville, Tat, ifs Che matifeeed the i harms. 0 RL FPR fl ¥ y ‘ 25 years wilh Cry Eb pb $a eon obiain Bo rela Ni Heidel toy witeh haze aa ve aif 4 eee Lonnie foila are Hodis hing, 1s “1 had brouehitis for twenty years ™ = of Danville, itd Hyntti 4 iE A sre denne All Dirapgista fil A Little Wiown Fool i Washing or § nil br tows oR tne ITH HOLT Pricer. 50 eonia in bobbie, Tatu TH WW. Hodgkins, Patton and Hastings Pharmacy That the majority of serious Gucases i the kidoeys Foley's Kidney cure os guaranteed, All Drrapgists, CRTs, ¥ PHY El da a 22 Be sure to get Foley. A Gey sonidis, glosps, wolil BOP Witlla A sootidng and beallng recaedy for ail skin affec Accept only the gen- ulne, 0. W. Hodgkins, Patton, Haat. ings Pharmacy. or fad ake ne Culs, § * Geo. W. Lape, Pewaono, Mish, wiki Bie t §¥ pax wp k 2 hy i pital hggel Slave OL the best remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble that 1 ever used. Fot : vears | suffered from dyspepsia, al CEES. cansing me untold agony. Iam con pletely cured by hodol dyspepsia cure In recommending it to friends who When vou want a pleasant physic try the new remaly, Chamberlain's stomach and liver tablets They are to pay for it if it fails. Thus far] ©98% to take and pleassnt in effect. have never paid’ C. W. Hodgkins, Price 25 cents. Samples free at UC. W. Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings Pharm- : acy. Sid Darling, 1012 Howard St, Port Huron, writes: “1 have tried many pills and laxatives but DeWitt’s little early risers are far the best pills I ever used.” They never gripe. UC. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. : of food but all kind, and it therefore So : : cures indigestion and dyspepsia no. Take life as it comes, and make the matter what its cause. C. W. Hodg- ‘most of all circomstances, but for a kins, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. bad cough or cold, take Ballard’s Hore : hound syrup, the best known remedy | for quick relief and sare cure. Price, 25 und 30 cents. C. W. Hodgkins, Pat- | cure is meeting with wonderful sue- (on and Hastings Pharmacy. i cess. It has cured some cases here ellen that physicians pronounced incurable. | (has. Reploge, of Atwater, O., was | I myself an able to testify to its merits. | unable to work on account of kidney | My face to-day is a liviog picture of trouble. After using Foley's Kidney | health, and Foley's Kidney oure has | eure four days he wus cured. : Many physicans are now perscribing : Kodol dyspepsia care regularly having found that it is the perscription they Mr. 3. A. Stillman, a merchant of ¥ | made it anch.” All Druggista. y All © Fire Laconanis st Ea Over-Work Weaken ; ~ : ~ Your Kidneys. _ Onhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. | { : | All the blond in your body passes through your Kidneys once every thrae minulit, g Pi he kidneys ard your | blood purifiers, they fil ter out the wists or impurities in the blood, | H they are sick or cut of order, they fall 10 do their work, Fairs, acnesandrhens matin come from ex. cess of uric acd in the blood. due io nepiscted Kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsisad _ heart beats, and rmakes cone fea! ax though | they had heart trouble. becauns the heart is : over-working in pumping thick kidney. | polsoned blood through veins and arteries. It used fo bi conmidersd that only urinary | traubles wars to be traced fo the kidneys bist now modern sciences proves that nearly | all constitutional diseases have their begin. ning in Kidney trouble. i if you are sick you can make no mistake | by first doctoing your kidnevs The mid | and the extracrdinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's me Swamp-Root, the great widney remedy is soon realized, | stands highest for ity ’ - aandarful cures of the most distrescing cases : ard iz 2old on Its merits AY : by ail drugglats in fifty. : Ely annt and soe dollar siz. . ~ es. You may have 3 3 : sample hottie by MAT Home of Seman Rook, Fide free, also pamphlet felling you how to find Duffle | put if you have kidney or bladder wouble, ©? Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer | hi TE Railway. & Co., Binghamton, N.Y. : CONDENSED TIME TARLE. | In effoct Sept. 1, 1901. NORTH BOUND. § Easter Ths ; Fase gs PAW P Athearn yy SO, I Baier AiG PCR Mimaron It's » Long Subject, tisele aboot 1 it only vary ARY PAIN IRBIDE © Toe i ssc Uy ail Shc [a Fong tan For thirty-six esis» prany MET EVER en The Roval Tailtrs of Chocago have Seoh 56 haan ete sia peoale how fo door well, and af the same fiw Rochester & Pitts- cul the rice tam Bot they are better doers than they ax et tellers They are ant only prepared to show “The Man From AMusous,” but they are tin and young men, and {i 4 & = AM AM PM FP 3 ue Strittmatter Bros, PLANING JILL. Is of AV. i day showing the me Bows of all America how garments can be mide: . made styiably, Ee ENG Ee i i a RagRREs tonivseapare oe Prades toi shapely, and atefadioely a1 dha at her * gud ByE = sne-balf to LAN supa Rady an mach as fans aennaibe char I vou could be watinfied of thiy you would 3 sy Seowie by « Pay Less and wet Vs Bogs Eh vie big in rey pron E33 Dress Better, Pt satphe vid wie of Real Tai a - wirghle 1 vue i a a 2 Yo 0 J oh TERRES BENE ow NATE Lg XanKs fexen tie GLASSER, Hastings, Pa. il, Patton Palion Vire men's Ha ® i FSS DT 5 w £ % INL Y WED. OCT. 2, ug Mr.CharlesCowles SEER NE OD Suntmrien OV 4 iF 2 Nl se Tienes of at Met: srt FE eh ® ud 1% i ws $54 Monae paiva ® Faded A COUNTRY MERCHANT f Beanie Flag nat, fe a2nanny ww ER ft is th a jon acl | $118. we 1 fit Al & I £2 A prettily slory © ws i i Wak DRbihos Gd i Ea 3 ir: if ivi eadge he ast radiata Oran v father resuiti of boperfectaigesiion, raparsd by EC. DeWitt 8 Co, Chicoge. |g ¥ ; Pharmany * Ses the Funny Band Parade. Hear our Famols Orchestra, Fxrhonl Freed gions 8 100 i Eh opm wie 3 Mie ad 1 i Lo asaeniien ly on le paid to ses (hal Prices 300 man Ce ann 1a AR KATIRERGLE sett Pipe han on Re itisiaehory | i ¥ sor EDIE OW Be hy saatatper ae the SRL pars SON RIVER R. A. 2 shaniid &% £% y's Riduey cure, bo reek aastTicL Condens! Time Table Ear at NEN En Eee Yk stings Pharmacy, % Big 8) y Bio IRR Ha 3M. on Frop [DR F-B EVANS, pnd A Fini PTR, f° FE yO i5aril- Fail siping sealds and plies, ¥ x tap aRive, Lhe fu i + Pan vi THE Pah nt bigs wire span LRA & «Pont fo stints promptly attetided to. does printing ss well and as vheap any other place on earth. ERENSBURG anid 4 Foley’s Kidney Cure 35 Fleas of CORDS 80 fet tha hn Bg - EYEZESNERBELUEELEN Dealer in real estate, ole fark Haven Vonnesinie Wayne Jorses ie Junction Jersey Shoe Wiitinomport ii id iH 3 ito ia aria a mm hie & Heading BR P i Wiklimanspors Iv Ha Phaiindeiphin N Y via Tamaqua ar NY via Pulls ar F All Lick ERR Geo. Simmelsberger, = LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, : Draving and Hauling done on [2% short notice. bit @ 990 : = pm am FWoekdays Op Sundays £515 a 1 BURARYS AN rE Parry or Ft ete , Pittsburg & Eastern Branch. Tenine leave Muhnifey fn Molovn, Glen Clatipheil amd Hooverhurst af 730 n in, 128 ad foal pa Sanening, mye Glen Aan hell at 085 am, th Phils aia gad 40 pom dally axsopl Sank : Ounpertivgs Al Wiliimusport W of wear Satronsge cordially ¢ dpiphin and Heading rtiroad: al Jersey Shore { wear patronage conliaily mo | ith A fall Bimok Ry: ab Mid Hal Cwitly Centrwi Railroad of Pennsvivanin: st PD Pndiipabary wilh Pennsvivania milroad 3 wins Philipsbare Connesting miro; at {letiticid with the Buffalo, Rochester and Pitisburg mitway: al Mahaffey and Patton {wilh Caanbaga and Clearteld division uf the F Pepmsyvanis milroad; at Biafey with the : ne : Presmay Tranis and Nortlrwestorn mitway. ; : : : Cn Sl : {her BH. Daniels, WH, Northup. ¥ int Totoro tind wind Svors, Assdgret of BO Having been appt £ Sry Xr Be Cart of Lo @ ES wares of Th Mourn and om i § ] an 3 os, on Ew YRAN ER & FRY, ¥ ‘aah thee Hagel TY : tare Rar x . : SHOT ERS, HASTINGS, BAL Bie fv ede pins that aay dissrination of the U8 SRITRIEL SO pass Gen Clie of Fresh amd Smoked Mosts vay wi tad. Poaitry and game in Ee WL LE : A ort jan 3 ¥ » Hedland. Ba feed to ald ReCOGOT and Ny roake x she in thie ands ol de to ened WITOLD i fhe Wem, no 5 titted 10 reweive Beran ghenn that | will sit al my in the Cpe Baise bulldimg, in Lhe borough of Kbensbarg, : wn Friday, September X 3 yr. Bop the parpose of sitendiog io the | DY SPEPTICID E i Sustios of said appointment, when aod where | The greatest aid to DIGESTION. all persolis intersted may afterall if thes sem. a : proper, of be Brecer debatred um coming in : on said Bind, Xj Naw York, P. 8. Blodgett, ven] Sapl FO Suarsaan. Awlitorn, Ebenabirg, Pu. September 4, TRL
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