alone, without ‘waiting to deter whether it is an anopheles or a ‘There is as yet no society for lon ‘of the common ‘pune- 8 the first law adopting the an system of Totlag was 8 passed e action n very state of hh except North Carolina and ‘ his Phovie, and this fe for the de create. i theory catceruing the in. appendicitis attributes it to or microbes swallowed by the when eating raw fruit. Old inns and surgeons sling, the opinion that most of cases are fiotitieus and the t of Imaginative young practi- who desire kn opportunity & Mlttle surjical skill at the of the patient. unveiling of the ‘monument to o civilization tha Jap evioped into a great * whith must be con fimperative by the modore Perry. Japan in which he tarred ja" as “the largest bird and he also remarked mental faculties of a man’ 5 | pins pint” He also igh of alr as ; country to SEERA an | war with slanting 7 time than of coal. Coal been altos as surprising ae lant in the matter of {te ; sanded down to us in a manner worthy ity to many uses. A nue he most eficacious of modorn gen extracted from em some which pnt of digoases a - tare, i went, sine. BO | instincts. 1 have led the school, have chosen our paths, so that we are 1 ostin an unbroken family, as we have ' hundred feet in grea, did not ¥) | the heaving it i showed an almost imperceptibie vi. | youngest of the group in this gocdly realm ‘teaching Into practice. Wi osltion from this proud place piust be 10 whose ‘honorably | nid bare Br Frank T. Brees, Glorious in all his ep the great sun fssued forth of his chamber, and all the wild zea baskad in his beams with a million, million smiles. Save the pea and the sun and the sky, there was nought apparently existing-—it might well have been the birthday of Light. The one prevail- ing characteristic of the scene to a human eye, had ore been there to see, was peace—perfect, stainless pence. Yet beneath that sea of smiling, placid ‘beauty a war of unending ferocity was being waged, truceless, merciiess] for nmto the victors belonged the spoils, and without them they must perish there was none other food to he gotten. Hut besides all this ruthless war. carried on inevitably, because without 1t all must die of hunger, there were other causes of conflict, mutters of high policy and mare in tricate motive than just the blind, all- compelling pressure of hunger. The glowing surface of that morning sea was suddenly disturbed simollageois ly at many points, and like nscending {nrense the bushy breathings of seme seores of whales became visible. Per- finstly ft their ease, since their ine gtifeld pedursd them that from this silent sep their Gply enemy was ab- they lay in unstudied grace about the sparkling waters, the dows and youngaters frivoling happily to gether In perfoct freedom from care Hither they had come from one of | their richest feeding grounds, where all Bad laid In a stock of energy »uf- ficient to carry them half around the globe without weariness, So they were fat with a great richness, strong with incalenlable strength, and be- caune of these things they were now atout to seltls a most momentogs guestion. ‘Apart from the main gathering of fonsales and calves by the space of 3 {about & mile lay five Individunsis, who from their enormous superiority in Jens than the staid gravity of their demeanor, were evidently the adult males of the school They Iv almost motionless in the figures of a bageless triangle. whereof! the api wits a mazoificent bull aver 70 fel in length, with a back like some kecol- Jets ship, bottom up, and a head huge abd dquare as a railway car. He i witk who first broke the stillness that reigned Blowly ralsing his awful front with ity down hanging 20-foot lower jaw exporing two gleaming rows of curved teeth, be sald: "Children, ve have chosen the time {and the place for your impeachment {of my overlordship, and 1 am ready. | Well 1 wot that ye do but as our changeless laws decree! that the choice of your actions rest not with your. selves: that although ye feel lords of yourselves and desirous of ruling all your fellows it is but under the compelling pressure of our hereditary Yet remember, I pray you, | Wifors ye combine to drive me from minong ye, for how many generations how wisely | been for more than a hundred sa | sons. And if yo must bring your powers to test pow, remember, too, that I am no weakling, no dotard weary of rule. bat mightiest amoung all our people, conguerer in more than A thousand batties, wise with the ac. cumulated knowledge of a hundred generations of monarchy. Certainly the day of my displacement must come; who shoild know that better than 1? But mathinks it has not yet dawned, and I would not have ye Heghtly pit your lmmature strength i against mine. courting Inevitable de. struction. Ponder well my words, for I have spoken.” A solemn hush ensued, just empha- sized by the slumbrous sound of sparkling wavelsts lapping those mighty forms as they lay all motion: : Jeme and apparentiy inert, been easy to see that along each has Yet it had tion-like flank the rolling tendons each one a cable in [teell were tense {and ready for instantaneaus acting. that the geeat nmusele wounds were hardened around the giant of bone, and that the dukes earh dame fed i ¥ swell bosom of the ; bration as of a fucus frond In a tide rip. After a perfect siieace of some 15 minutes an answer camera the who lay roots from the ehief: “We have heard, O king, the words of wisdom and our hearts rejoice Truly we have been of the foriunats , and ingrates in- ceed should we be had our training tinder 80 terrible a champion wasted upon us, Bot therefore if Io that we would forestall the shame hoes By {hat should overtake us did we walt until thy force had waned and that all-conguering might had dwindled into dotage ere we essayed to put thy Sinee thy dene forces counldst thou more ‘yield than to ours, the young warriors who have learned of thee all we know, and who will carry on the magnificent traditions thou hast of our splendid sire. And if we be slain, as well may be, remembering with whom we do battle, the greater pur glory, the greater thine also.” A deep murmur like the bursting of a tidal wave against the sea-worn ndid majesty, lava rocks ¢ ening sharks gathered & Imasses Ascension marie satisfaction of the grip AL this s#apo- ition of their visewsg sod Be if ad ated by one set of nerves the tolos sal four swung round shoulder shoilder, and faced the octal mon: arch, Moving pot by a banadies broailth, he answered, “it wm well spoken, oh, my children, ye are wWiger than 1. And be the jsege what it will, £5i» | x11 thall kunow that the royal race &till holds. As in the days when our fathera mot andslew thesiimy drazons af trie pit. apd anecarrod by jong claws or ten ply coats of mail dashed them In pisces and chaswd them from the blues deep they bee fouitis, so today when the world has grown old, and our ancient heritage has norsly shrunken, our warfare shal | he the Cireataxd things” Hirdiy had the mightiest song leviathan utiersd the ast word when, with a roar like Niagara bursting He bonds guringy. he Lraried his vast bulk heallong upon the close-gpathered band of his hugo offepring His body was Bike a Lent bow. aml 8 recoil thn amaral sen into deep whirls and odidbe ax i an fdland had foundered Full thon the {oremost one he fell, and ao0p ans swored unto deep with the dmpact That awtul blow dashed Ha rod far into the soundless depths, the champion sped gwiftly forward on his Sourse, unable impetus was somewhat spent, in fare Fie Betors fathom: {sir : whip dg iti te 10 | member of the | frooty rivealed the manner of his end~a hroken hack--while already, such bad ! heen the energy of the ten poaple, great framework of his ribs was partly | They rads no regrets for | the doing of useless things finds wo place in thelr scheme of things. Then question the “He th between un that = if 3 pr the li ond the vounger said) of overlordship Hew ant I am unwiliing AwH? ir ih VAR a3 gptiiomient and am tinin seption bad hagrers, whi pijed: “We nntil the rives, when the pisintained by thee in my halt” This boul fix efiert after a AF mine, ext fh day guinesalon must ancient for sont the Two HR pase, Tw BU # = pith Qo the matter wat settled and prowds | ‘to the man who only sedks the stuff of fo ros into with un air of iv. the young monarch set fein the waiting midet ha gilded seh] their Sali te receive the horsage ate caresses of the harem. tions wore asked as to bonis tor what No guise had become of the missing hirroharhodnd, | things that do not distardb the wha # © people, af other Cihonghies Lange that be | der : pled, have a EH thiime who in trath Haiters bedids hg fa the of things, The the now beater wide He PTE ! Cthe midat of his Doone, {his onaves massive front off Kt 8 {straight conrse for the const pi nn iesg wher : had Povasl masse Bang een fir turn until His Phin Wood, he ciauld again fade his foes, the throa | wera upon him, smiting him with 1} tani Buke strokes circling winoath hit with intent to catch the down hanging shaft of bis lower law, rising swifliy, ond on. beneath the broad spread of hig belly, leaping high nw the hright air, and falling heavily up on his wile back, The tormented sea foamed and Himmel in angry protest screaming sea Sarda circled around the confliel, rv Fra gninown distances, senting blood, countless tribes of ooran owared aphant. Hut after the fra red Bad passed cams the wariness came the rubiage of ail those years of train. Mig. ml the meeumulated inatinets of apes to supolement bind brated foros with deepeigid hemes of alinck and delogies, but slightly had Bo divided 1 that first great onssl warilor cond not safely single oat se for detroction, Now the young. st, the spoliesman. glided lo he front of his brethren and walling sire: “What! so soon weary? Thiw ari alder than we thought Truly, this Latte hath been delayed too lng Wa wer fisr they air ati even ih that the oid Injured fury | was shy Doreashnd hin ob long lay and saline tremendous long. the delegred that sirainel Lip 50 the $i Ei ES yond recovery. whine efonled ly beneath the forcml stay a i readily regain Hs sormaslh ; flow, Bat on tha Bede | roused himself, | ®on to satisfy ni melt that i deed { bis earnest seritiny, to the sonthward, : pose snd steady fuke be {the Ax pleas i ? Tew of And all the swept the 4 stvhieanes ala aE thn Fo Was in: ihe whale Ford hoe milled foie with met REigrted Bt Et oa oi BiH {53 A schial or wrnnilor in RRA Ramin Hany Bie Rina, bat fershius IGRnBDIY {Hinds wan at ' he As yer the thres survivors | ' tunnel fC darkaees of dlasalatio j to be Bere. Ei : that ngquestione ih ® | things, Fi | of his fall farvd hig: Copier naked for a fight that should be re. : au ot his membered for many generations, baie a~="" Out of the varner e5e he saw the foam circles vin sat tall of the shia pur ol inward for the spring, and he, the orger, inunched himself backwards a nun dred fathoms al a bound. After hing raping like any taimon In & Jeah & STs | ! phe of existence, ie The ter came the territile old warrior he smntte ton waves bolling around Hig as Be dashed them aside in his tremendong | purinit Foie Bil herein the purdaid oud | the advantage, for it is a peenliariiv of the sperm whale while eatitiol ses before hing, vision 18 right astern. Bo that puriter must needs be galded soutid and the feel of the water, that, iw Bi far more upon his vast bull than on ihe lither form of his fying my. In this matter the mopar hs wis dom wan of po avall lor expiriince could not tell Bim how advancing a bamblcaps the strongest and he won derdd to Bnd a Bumindss creepiug along his spife-—-10 feel th bias Zronking And suodendy, an eel like masement, the pur ane deseribed a drei Beneath water, rising swiftly, as a daiphin HOTLIZY tows sds Bla pu } ing at the Thedie two gr contest hvdaking Re BL wed ry tin RE ¥ Ewanr offer to. “to da phew rete, No med POW a G4n expen Spained hit ceniity that fat A gr : Yt he still find wn RON ge 5 HE 84 he ¥ ay : turned Yinlded his triomphant who drew off and allow ad Hmply to the now sof surface For more than he May there prope endurin agony of biz overthrow, for before him the long of his solitary wanderings. a whale dideen from his own, ermors to rile again. Meanwhile the three had in search of their brother sorely early in the fight that he had not since joined then When they tnrough and CONE rars, him to rise sida ard lonely seeing Jeera and weve Ah Le thal hier beat are of and fer bg wa Ha pt. Bae L osiinetiy firemen cae very vigor of his chase was telliog | sopuonad (mouth, ia large fines busgsr the ¢ii0x, any weais, fT Tage apng mney lewely where great ukogia of fun. with an occasional porpols iy carsasing down of his throat Yohlured the lila oy he WES nein it 143 feel £3 ihe 5 pi ee WoT HI Wirity ov BE iy §¥ ihe snd failed from the muons mind. By day he wandered l33liy, GVing the ani easy prow Hving Toxal wn his by Bight | hy Warlow 4 CAE iG thew 3 ranfe And this he fate to enjoy Until one un favorite § pang shoot through Hinting inlo aaniden, pianged infined aren ky. in the thie i the new aay pa atk TRE EY 3441 “olf iron feel t of the wheres he righ hi LE AEYOr Ln # Wak BY riaan to Ii, and Bis in BR NGENY re be hess apen fen At the Bit i ely {op ties speed that Ware “head res, the THO Lit as the hari swiftly sonal fated x fiip TY 348K raga for hime He and denths hebind. bir the pinnesie from the ses LOGE 3 HK F341 LONE EN quiet | Bu honr ge atl the | vist thas will { Yeyiaal departed | smitten so fours that which had been Heo Jt was the centre of an innumerable host af | hungry things that fled to air or sea depths ut their approach. A planes | bwdow, hu gyi he seed headlong : sree that Hi oy yd i 2% ata were Zou PR osk ew SAL BY w fram BHA PER Tey RE Bad wold A aR Post Rees fiaw 7a Pater Polities bis dg wos) WA tory now think that Fu above all yon ean view you vine ger sor on thy fx Le a goad ad PAPOTS Can WARS XK Tel al any sort of 8 Baan and Hewson, An Oculist Amange Schaal Childrea. An oxulist who has examined the eves of pupils in five of the Jersey City public schools has found ee vision the progiread hee and no fully and | ar bie drive In the paths of precept. Lda scious majesty. pausing in the céntra and aftsotion | L measured the whore of the depossd sovereign, nor aa These nce festrive all Cand pases adopted hort | tions pars Cher 2 which | suwpended EYRE :maner a ale way is simply a des ot Zod : repembitan eo rat | tome oxy 1g cate Lgailony reel patch 2 z PREY. ne Rai : Co naantity vain en | of the smart | 13ut he had bien taken at a disadvan. | for in such shallow waters thers | ibe Sit psy in. : York Sun. i rather to gid fo the myihioad } : Mings, 0 TT BIE 1 of in Ba : casaalties Mal simply regard this attempt to make soldiers | Chinese coonlie as that Ceneesixth of the children have dofoes ; ; kong Presa. PEARLS ¢ ) No fuel, nu fire, While thets's hope there's fife. Simplicity is the signa of serious ness The nae of the arrow depends on the aim, Nothing 4 more profitable than pre BrAl fia The shadow may be the price we pay for the annsiine When ability meats opportunity the | Crond of duty ia pian, Your promotion cannot bo trad by vor leeamolion target practics at rifle ranges. : | presen). market price for spent cupros nickel bullets is about $90 per tom, : plution in horseless travel mens | i the hatiery recharges itself. so that It takes the hammer of practice to! The heat thinge will i than 32 the top. i miles was ye but stall | : he ou "i built wagon equipped with this motor © apd battery, Jie whe is onby passively wilting tof right will Bad himself wishing to do wrong The majesty 13% he u magnificent miporiiy.. aianding Ram a Horn is seen WATER PURI £0 BY CLONE, Moscow's Nintersufal Plan for awn Iniwetiaas Trine se Liar a, FrEErE, chiet ; i a LATA onsaing much the Ha i Whits HW. oad of 8 man cannot be actively Lin Jagan toward isproving the very primitive | methoila of crashing LAE Taipan, and turning ont a cleaner Kusping © oo Pretion {panics old stone erihare Conaent fe Bedore The British war office | Ras devised a new nye for bullets expended upon and contracts have been made for the recovery and removal of these used bullets from the various ranges. According to English correxpond ence, an automobile battery has been evolvail abroad which threatens & rev. In going down Bill the motor is reversed and ft is ipueh stronger at the bottom made on an Aniericans with no stop for recharg- ing. Af 8 conseqnence of the ipereasing demand for saperior grades of sugar attention ia being turned sow emploved and Higher grade sugar, says The Engineer. As x first step in this db fone fron mills eruskerg— introeineed during the year fo Bat as the nower-huilorkais thin Dparovement 8 Rue motive timigeil oniy fo the extraction of 8 universally | ater hy Bride LOOnRTY Riwt fg & 1 §8 reine FE Eg ih ths water tvaly small Nnking wu hae eon bs HARE cost alee br ii Pas een canton RE selasnition fre introaiaetian hers gritea wh PORIER A py 5 fink 3i s larger percentage of aire. aud the of the wmugar produced re Te. Commercial agent Johnson of Stan : Hebe, has sent to the state welt 8 report on the discovery new wood preservative. He “The sap is removed from Hime of oR» says: | ber and at the ssme time it is impreg pated with chemicals to render the 5 ds oH Wirz either fBrenroof or impervious C4 attache of insects or to daday in Bimin R41 of other waters, Beechwooel can {ke mada aultabls for raliway glacpers or for boot and shoe lasts. 1 neces. sary the impregnating plant can be % 1 twed bn regard Lopr enh sine ground. The cost fx about two cents The cost of the Ht the fo of impregnating font. : plant in about $1000" bacteria and sgt Has acters how and fhe wee aang The sured RE avy id Jar Lh {if fdlh Phe wily an inipros geration hit Giny 4 £ at) "E fae which Ig o ‘ SE shih weer oll anid pit Bt pol SE Age PE Extensive SLT ir have Deey finde in Hail and ary removal in meena BRE Ba tor ficalion, Gsiiizes nil nega dered j tan Daiterix, ge atter wrgrE ing PAGE Culosr- ovvint leas, BL ing taste and there 3 Ditrowdacesl fo foreign matter parent whith of so fond, or donne. 18 ben Crete Reet then ne of th Discoveries in Eareeipt Ie HE y af the build yeahs > Ariat Sa *ad the ¥i the Minotaur and virgins of ALS her hall of Ber vA ‘ figne, is i ¥ of ; of: Ho : ”. re et i grent aay he the nam. | The product called “slectroverre™ geeording 10 the Monier Betentie made as follows: The mates fine powder are fod Into a8 electrie frames in several compart monty: in shout 20 minutes ’ clear Haid glass is obtained which can be yigis in run bito moulds or worked as usual for finer Linde of glass the compart. ments are placed over one another, and | aeiiiaey ; i H % y + ran be elihey ! sun refining fakes place more Fifty volta is sufficient with ¢ furnace. and the enrreat alternating ar conung it is claimed sa an adventage #8 ths that {Ro farnace can De easily start. ; edd fap) re Hans even ie Cine ie exact aire and shape. i that Oroniaation bat | The water is ran. Lan {t Bay an agreabis and rofresn- | i stops recently taken in this direction Cmamved or stonped within a short time, and that the expense of pots will be The trinls are being made bY & conipnny at Cologne, The reartestats are atifl measuring the marth, with a view ta detormin Peale $6 nor [oilow cionely the work getentists ars doinz are under the on. perhaps that these paints determined log ago and so they ‘wire approximately, Hat an ap saxinnre conclusion ie pot satisfac. tory to seiunce. and so the task of mensiipement goes on, and will go aati] an arcarate resuit a obs tains. Ope of the most important Ltn tha pemcnanrewent of the meridian Cooennie Civ twice as long Cenverg about wig | CTOasin The : tit Fier freamn “New | Bre if Pern which ix being done by Freneh geodesiste, LC pemiint Havin the original meas # been made by thelr wmen in the early part of the The pew are ia aeur as the ald ene. and degrees of latitude, pear Quite nheirazn rises point of the 18th vantury. the peak Eo Lei jrrenl 9 new are. oe : fre i unl : ; . rha and Ply Sern may Fo Frans 3 3 By Guin SER fare 25 ha Gree} Ya relly 8 pe art in Xa IR came SR § ERY Reel ¥ snl THERR veg yartiser, “wip att WHT Not The Out of all the men of the Piet Chi. nese regiment we trust it tha Ah front in north rest orcad went worn: th aed, tham, but at {hin not We grenrred an “Bgl VE Tis HAE = 5 woth Ri 3 hs ® i Fon in £7 dgealyive. Enringng but ret EA EARS TH uk Gita. Feveha Is Not Rahbey, Many persona think that gafia-pers india paler are substantial. weorlaet while they ach arbor in some respects stinethe differant to Sliers farmers 2 forests 5 5 recent! bY th | ETON A Threafinaring HOHTON, Amb Central Asin, wy the Rata Bosferilios Boing Hig Prives Abgal 26 : aril negrie 80 Witeions Sega irre I pvining © RELY Lg Me wil aise 20 ther Bn Paw £ riot 5 the large maasiority of the rank apd file who had develed themselves most fradnstrionsly to the eallection of loot desarted with this spoil. We ont of the “van do” ithe an experiment and we sarnsstly advo. | cata itz early sbandonment —Hong- | : butterfle 13 now extinct — Pearson's | 1 be wimeony wre the entismologints 4 monetary point what difficult to saves, fap instance, > and Inconspic Wong Brown called Hudreilla paliusivis, which fa only taken at tone intervale sever ai wich intervening, 1» worth 310 fo while a swallow tail butterfly, ak xh found nowhere else in Eng land Is worth hut 14 cents A pood specimen of the large copper butter iy is worth from $39 to $46 but this | Magauitie. A trip of over 3%
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers