SAN So FBS ier nee WAS AAR aa Wert were Bn Pittabary and suburbs ng at 830 ¢elick sharp, Lor ¢ ihe Bpiac eopak {iit Ball's Hall on Tuesday ov oven: importance i% to be transacted and a! large attendance is desired. .Haviog registered, the next thing | {in order for a man who desires to vote in November is to son that his faxes wre paid. The law regoires that a citi- | ren #2 years of age or apwards shall have paid within two years a stato or bs county tax at least 50 days before velpetion, As the election this year takes place on Noveniber 5th, the tax must be paid on or before October 4th. ir | lodge deape our charter for niriy PRESIDENT BMeKINLEY. § [The Bosolatinne A tepted try Twn Piiriotie Frganiations of Patiom, RESOLUTIONS Adopted by Kill Buck Tribe 369, i £2 CHM condoling the dently of President | MeR inley and condemning angrchy: WHESEAR Our Ielovéd prosd Lens shot aod died By the Baud | Har Fat amassing, Riser ven, That we as an American Cdays 6 For a good shisva hair cot or ahi. p y call on Garfield Wilkins, Fifth ld Be Parnell and Dr. J IL Yan inst werk, “Coanty Auditor ¥F. E Batons agrh wi paced husiness at the county capi tal on Monday. LAN work guaranteed by the Clear. Steam Lanndry. Garfield, the Barber is agent : tostant Eplscopal services will | in Patton every tir winks roto 6 From eoity, whe re he was abled. by he serious {Hine of sid dance will be held st 82 yi at Chest Hprings on Rat arday evantig. flood music and 8 fd Lime gramntesd. aron Wealsnd, A fornie: ¥ adidpen asi - ik Arond ia, HE penar ay By guaintances in town last wank Besos ven, That we ange uur aw # laws condemning AE Saoret Oren Eons axon thin funtivr 8 i form, rand that The won HE pabiishod in te Pa thie COURIBR, Wik Hsnmport Leril dna nbd on the socnrds of our Tribe, Proms, AW Ba, § Was, Morir, » Commies SE Pata ra Hept LED, Peal. ied. Porter Rayior Pos el CAL of Patton, p ] Dray Enns WHEREAS Wa, the comrades of LE i Bayiay last xu Bas, LEER * row du of ALonent All the f wl by Hebrews wire closd Aha folatk In the evening. £ you are tn peed of a new sult of eu don’ lL Tall to see oor Dew Fine of just pecs ved, ; Drxsmone Bros. : x you want fine laundry work, ye your laundry with Ww. E Pro- tthe barber, Magee avenu {Ea agen for the Empire. Blea Lani. Vie grow in whieh be mood ahoalder to sh uinr Wis presen vilaoh £ih ¢ country and in defences of Wl Ceiba. WER Havers iki y if Z folds of oir lori wie Gar may any WHEREAS, | The Ax asin of our coms Fades hes priebimed Jas seth iE on Lehi badongo Wy an sR io shat : disapproves uf aay form of governzaant, Rodd ae an araeehast did pesasEi ale our money and ain. | papers, between a watering trough and Palion. will [Please leave same ab this somesde, Willem McKinley, betatn Ba was the president of Bi etry HI Fie a hE airy sateiend ir praise TVS Ww ils Bherty and freedom, and which ih he fall altings and i invite a fu} inspection of the same Don't | suit unt} you have seep 3. Bonn ly, Geo. E. Prindble, Dr. HA. Beiti and gheln attended a Knights of meeting at Ebensburg last ight. since under the ataphon of dA men of Patton haid at and the instigation of such organiza “tion and crush out those that now ex. Spencer, editor of the Bar- wo Sentinel, was the only citizen irip county to sign thie call for jon state Jsonvention held at g fyanin’ day at the Pan. n exposition has been pet for | r 4. The original day, Septem. | was postponed on account of Amt A red cow, with white spots | gs and star in forehead, about nine d. Any information relating | e will be thankfully received by | oods, near Pardee No. 3 mine. | : ot are looking for seasonable | at the lowest possible prices, | je pew broad-guage advertise- e Bon Ton store on the All of the prices named | eaking ones and of inter. fragal, who want the i 1 B® mied hbo the right to e0joF, roravIiag avowed principles of This wrrchiat ¢ ele Wim by owas By ciscrad ion. bet therefore ResoLven, That we, the comrades of | our goble deceased president, join with oar fellow citizens in deploring ‘his untimely removal and extend to Bis devoted wife a potoide s sy patiy | {pn this her hour of trial, snd we appeal to ofr connec, our legislatures and our cungress to unite in such a law a8 will forever prevent the formation iat to the end that oor president and | other public officials may go forth and mingle with our loyal eitdaens and su Joy their freedom and liberty in peace, | free from harm and assassination, Surely if happiness can ever poms | from the beonors or trinmpbs of this world, on that September afternoon | Major Willliam McKinley well have : been a happy man, No foreboding of evil haunted him, not the slightest premonition of dan- | ger clouded his sky. His terrible fate | was upon bim in an instant. Une mo- ment he stood erect, strong. confident | lin the years stretching peacefully out | before him, the next he lay wounded, | bleeding, helpless, doomed to weary days of torture, to silence and the grave. Great in lite, he was surpass. ingly great in death. For no canse, in| ithe very frenzy of wonlonness and | wickedness, by the red hand of murder | piel time and money and suffered so 1X ers bellow FIRE, LIFE AND NSINGE ACCIDENT Juli . : af thie workd, ! That all the love and all the sympa | | thy! ecmnld not share with bis suffering. | i) » TH E- ! He trod the wine press alone; with nn: faltering front he faced denth, with un- | J. E. KIRK’ S HDW. failing tenderness be took leave of &F U RT. STORE. fifi. Above the the demoniac hiss of this nesassin’s buliet he heard the voice ‘of God. With simple resignation be bowed to the divine decres and passed LL ‘on to that Gramd Army above, where L wn all shall meet Bim when the general : roll in oalied J {ip0, BOONE, Commander Jayes UaMyarin. 3 W. HH Beau. hafts, axes, ax Ammunition, anvils, apple: | parers, augers, awls and aw] Creed of Chronte Dinrrhoos After Thirte | Yomrs of safteriog. : “1 anffored for thirty years with dis airrhoda and thought I was pest being cnr)’ mays John RB Halloway, of Froneh Camp, Moa, SF fd spent so wire, To08t, Deis, meds that | had given up all hopes of bitts brie eS, cits covery, 1 was so fesble from the borers, brackets, boilers afte of the diserhoes that I conid do no kind of labor cotid nob even travel, bat by accident | was perimittod to fio a battle of Chamberlain's coli choles and diarrhoea remedy, and 8 her tak fier osveral bottles Tam anti raly ¢ re wd af flaal tea, } &in wo $d a te remit Hat I am anxious fhhat fy pinot of all who aoffer aa f Saar Bar sale by e Ww. Hodgkins, Patton, { Cand Hastings Pharmucy. t Native, poalers and cord. The late Dr. JB Neanan's books Have heen Toft with me fur seltioment : All persons knowing themselves m debited will save costs by nusking ime nigeliate payment, Geo Bouse, JP. ERERSBURG FAIR he 1, 3 and 4. rsiNation'| Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. SETPAL PAID LP, 3106 100 10 MITEL TTR RTS 00K Parton, Wie HH WA NDPORD, Preaiclen) Cashier, YE. 4 aa Mapee A Ve. ~ Chop, Feed and Meal. paTTON PA. Best equipped Mill in North wen Cambria Conuty, BUCK WI LA A REPEC TY All kinds of Fancy 8 pring and Winter Whaat Ploar, ¢ : Pe iis Middings, Bean, Oil Meal Baled Stas ; ; ‘and Biraw, ‘H al Feceived Patton Feed & Buckwheat Mil Is, Dinsmore Bros. w J PERRY, Propet Lar. Parnell, Cowher & Co. AoA pEnie fare THE OP-TO-DRTE TRILORS, 2 BEAL BSTATE AGENTS Giownd Biting. Patten, PR 1 The biggest r and best selection ‘we have ever shown. H. AS EITZ, Dentist! = ~~ flies B | Offs upstairs in Good Puiding, % DINSMORE BROS. mm. Jo 8 p.m. Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. (Ree in Arlington block, bext to Postales, ! Patton. Pa. All night oniis responded fix | prenpEptiy. IHemase of That vr, ness wind throat ihrem special siteation. GEFUWRE HOURS Twa mand 1203p. Te DR.S.W. Worrell, ~ (heap dohn FHYSIOIAN AND SURGEGN, Magee Avenue, PATTON, PA. 'Ofoe in Good Building, Boom No. 3 + Store! sa-Genaral Surgury and the Ere a Specialty. it Our entire Stock must and is being sold af rec ord bre aking Prices. W e are positively going to quit business and can save you from TO 75 per cent on your GROCERIES as long as the stock lasts. These Goods il be Sold, and the or portunity | S «A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned.” Call and get prices. Mellon's Cash furnished tor all kinds gaments 1 wan . rmpossible for such values. roohng, ctc mbracing everything of the latest and most approved pat- : v | he was Hhramt from the full tide of | reunion of the Surviviog ot- this world’s interest, from its hopes, P tt C of the : i eAYY | jt aspirations, i its victories, into the! TF @ on Courier, i and 188th Inft'y, Pennsyl- | oi ble presence of death, and he tdi 3 5.33; Volunteers, wiil be held at Sun op quail, 3 Promoter of Public Oct, 8 “and 5. John Gantz, 8 Not alone for one short moment Audvertising Rates made known an ‘of the Heavy Artillery, Will i which stunned and dazed be could application. m Patton, and. will be ac | give ap life hardly aware of its relin: oo spud y his wife. quishment, but through days of deadly Reu eb Somerville, ovat a indeed to W. W. | jangour and agony, that was not Attornev-at-Law, for fow bunches of as nice Jess agony because silently born with ’ it was ever the pleasure of clear sight anil calm courage, he looked PATTON, ; to taste. They were into his open grave. What blight and. y Mr. Strattiff himself and ruin met his anguished eyes, whose Office in His Good Building. from vines but three years old lips may tell, what briiliant broken are considered a little short of plans, what baffled high ambitions, GEO. BOONE, by horticulturists. what severing of strong, warm man. : : E Of sirup: MAR, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. - Pierron delivered an hood's friendships, what bitter render: onli will receive promt stiention. You are wnvited to call Land see my new line of ity. GROCERIES, on >= Canned Goods, Ete. ; At Lowest Prices. Flour and Feed A SPECIALTY. Also best grade of Lime. Pa. EW etirhing done Correct 3 . ly 11 street scales, located directly in {front of store, mon at 8t. Mary's R. C. | Ling of sweet household ties. | Office on corner of Lang snd Fifth FERTILIZERS. on last Sanday morning on the! Behind him a proud expectant na iAvenues. L Jollecticns promptly ’ Wm. McKinley. He tion, a great nation, a great host of | ave an slognent tribute to the mem- | | sustaining fricuds, a cherished and : dead martyr and paid his in no uncertain | life lay in his. Before him desolation | sermon has bevn | most fa- i , | shaken. Mis countrymen were thrilled | sents per hour for om instant, profound snd universal fetarer, Box 18, Phil iphia. tended to. Properties to sell and rent. | salary for an intelligent man or woman | and darkness! And his soul was Bob in cach town. Permanent position. 30 time. Manu-| at- | Bs { will in the future bamdle Pertil i JOHN GANTZ, Proprietor | izes of all kinds, Farmers wishing it should leave orders early, [will not Lniog Sends ih we Wha $15.00 to $18.00 a y Weel Iror isin stock, Sus orsier divest prom tor OVEer- pp Eee or oA [is assertion is proven by +. a" 3 continned custom of those orice pure chnased of numtenal 13 the of good wearing That which has the making of brat Cory excellent. Styl Estimates promptly 5505 and properly tailored : price hitherto fin work, spouting, oy 5 ‘Special Reductions During August. Don't fal to call and get the Spe ccial . NRREI Pri ~e¢s for this th J. i CORDELL & i0., hl. F thse {th Ave., Wolt Lk PATTON, PA. Furnace work a spec alt Y. La Senorita SEE THAT THs Jue oz Ysals EXACT REPRQOUCTION GF THIS STYLE SHOOK. and furnish Dp gctacies as A big reduction low as #1. Lens can | in Shoes. be exchanged We test your eves Free We have several odd lois od chitidren’s ard Missew’ shoes that we are closing within a vear. Olt al prices loss than they can be ’ : bung ht from the manufacturers; also a : few ladies’ oxfords, THe and $1.00, Qa tialintic ; i We have men’s and boys’ dress shoes! Satistaction guarantee : action guaran teed | latest styles, guaranteed all solid - {leather for $1.26 and $1.30 and men's VEY PAE ER xb 4 ga i { * OF Money rag nded, naning shoes for a1.00 All solid lather. Call and examine stock. . EL. Miller, The Patton Jeweler | PATTON, PA.
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