27 inches long, storm collar, newest sleeves, new box coat, nearsilk lining, worth $6.50, Fall Season. our price 5-00. he (Colors, Dark, Gray and Tan. Black figured and plain colored dress SPECIAL PRICE REDUCTIONS. ee roods 235¢ yard. | | Loe . oo a | ——— — Ladies’ black all wool Kersey Coats, Black mohair brilliantine 49 and 7s5C L'Aiglon sleeves, mercenised lining, 27 bi ; b : L LY i es . * So : a of ROR (8 3 SR i $17 Pe : § La ] per yard. We're building up a large Business by inches long, box back, a regular $8.00 coat, Shan: i . on : as re Po ‘ 24 = ’ : } ; ort oh : : ! > selling on a small prot basis, Although our price, 5.90. our goods are low priced they lack no feature Silk crepon, worth $1.50, g8¢c yard. He) lof trustworthy merchandise. No matter! Aclton or rainy day skirting, 54 inches what you purchase you gel gy: Extra fine quahty all wool Kersey If vou arc desirous of prac. (oats, handsomely stitched, tailor made, pearl , 8c yard. good bargain, . economy you cannot buttons, newest sleeves with turn back cuffs, - : ~ Black all wool serges, 54 inches wide, our offerings in Fall Dress Goods, Coats, lined throughout with satin; color, castor, 39 yard. Capes, Blankets, Haps, Underwear, Skirts. worth $12.50, our price 9.90. Suits, Waists. Oxford gray mixed Bouche cloth ladies’ sleeves, $12.00 : 5c yard. Homespun dress goods, 49°C. Bovs heavy Ni & he 2 All wool Venetians 49c¢, all colors. dre ind denser vac vuct T + LL, : “iy : He shirts and drawers, 23c cach. Ladies’ cloth capes, trimmed with braid, . 7 yo | : colors, tan, blue; red and black, $2.98. Black broadcloth 98c. | Children's all wool camel's hair under + Lee r= (wear, priced according to size, '12C up. 8c yard. | Men's heavy flecce lined un derwear. 30 inches long, full size, heavy cape, worth aa well made and finished, sold for soc else- $5.00, our pric wo? AOA dn AA ‘where, 35¢ each. a | v Ei . : i ik . : : : 4 he el FATES { # Ae eye KK er y ~~ Quting flannels, Men's extra heavy wool fleece lined L dies Capes 0 ne all wool Kersey, 6 « ai Ay price rows of same cloth stitched around, button. lat 434¢ sa! underwear, a good value at 735¢, our ‘zgc each. | ~ i . 27 Our special price 6.23. Heavy Outing, 13 styles, all new, good colors, 7c yard. 0 ys Fa 2 : y oo Colors, Tan, Red and Blue. Ladies’ heavy full size fleece lined vests and pants Extra heavy Canton flannel, worth roc, 8¢ yard. 25¢ each, co ¥ Sxtra fine all wool Kersey capes, 34 inches long, lined Shirting prints 4 4¢ yard. Misses’ fleece lined vests and pants ric each. a : on : a : he with satin, trimmed with rows of satin and Marten fur, a swell garment, £9.90. % 36-inch unbleached rauslin, worth 7c, 434¢ yard. oo Children's fleece lined underwear at special prices. % 4 4 s 5 Heavy outing flannel skirt patterns, worth 29¢, Men's fleece lined and all wool underwear Rg and g3¢ have a grand assortment of cloth capes, all new 81.98 to Brr.2x. 5 Salt’s silk plush capes, 27 inches long, Thihet fur tnm- Grey cotton blankets, good generous size, worth 7s5¢c.. . {rel : hg : . our price 49¢ pair. nung, 1.17 inch sweep, orth $7.00, our price, $3.00 Men's blue flannel shirts, worth $1.00, our price 79c. 10-4 Cotton blankets, full size, selected fine cotton, Superior quality Salt’s silk plush capes, 30 inches long, gsc parr. i a : : : . : r collar and front edged with curley Thibet fur, lined with Closing out a lot of men’s and boys’ dress shirts, worth | -mercerised lining, price $6.75. and 7sc, at 33c each. Extra heavy large size cotton blankets at $1.25 i 3 ¢ Sime cape as above in crushed plush at $6.98. Boys wool SWeaters, yori 50C, our price 39¢. Wool blankets, $2.69 to $7.00 pair—all good values. plush capes, 34 inches long, Men's sweaters, 49 fine all wool sweaters, g8¢ and $1.39. } LIf vou need anything m right price. hibet or Marten fur trimming, Men's heavy working shirts, double front and back, ble stitched, worth soc, 39c. : 5 a Lie eid i ; = | : 5 5 ag Lo 1515 Separate Skirts, Sits EE i is Silk plush capes 1mmed with brmd and beads, $8.95. Fanos dws i sR EEE trade ©
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