The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 26, 1901, Image 2
? [ria ia apy N YY. (Special). Leon B z was placed on trial Monday with the murder er sia eKinley, He en ‘of “eilty.” which wis suhe : to not gaily of the court, : af the day svselioatod i ; Count Ce 10 oeltick, tin ht Jiro had. heen secured, were not raised hy ex cosnsel, hut it was significant | man sehr sid he had ot i 2 we # - an ; White, ane of the Dreh 8 aft rade, was on the herich diately alter the opening of the iter the prison oe had pleaded, eran Lo Lewis, senior poansel lendant, announced that, we eague, former Justi n a = is, and Mr. Carlin were ready fi wet in behsif ui "he sand, 1 that 1 should sav ig one presence bere | At the ” a yi far the defendant de was suggested nd kiew nothin was oul ion of counsel for the defen. the erienmstances of my on ft were told 1 me ant to accep. ystagces, to deiend that at no y evidence be presented : at the court will not permit the copied f minal in the land” with these circum Just ice. White, in reply, ‘will give you every | » prisoner wil have a fal and that dur] ag a minal case” of securing the jurars WAR | taaed to une a permat for socialists to retaken with a celerity that was © : ¢ the day was over the hold A meeting. en sworn, the jurors tad : a description of the Tem: : fers the ceime occurred. Shotographs of the interior of e. amd bi in cated the death of the the ¢ vations organs of th ad» abo learned hy the | District Attorney Haller be | deliberation, tor address Cwitnes: Samuel J. Felds, of the Pan-American Ex ¢ ground floor pian Music, and was iol a photographer, testimon y ® pete the au- : during the mterest As he sone ESriencases only. 1 ble aration nf the trial, can hy Placed At two full | 0 (Spe : short drive every day How, ded by br. Rixey and Mrs “1 do not feel goo Ey says: z Lid id this week. ley first looked out | ; ¢ siiw the guards on pa. | Directing a | of her house. call Dr. Rixey, she asked him. the guards removed. d lem,” she said. “They minutes later the only i on duty was a gardener from se | whe was raking the Neb : (8 pecial). 7 he Asy- ye insane in this city was de ve one man was barned to t 18 bejieved that two other who are missing were burned The loss on buildings and | $300,000. | contents will be about were Boo mates in the mam © re and they were rescued with | y. Many of the lunatics fought | while others were | being saved, ly cowed, the attendants hav. ih ana ailrt he Goa miles os exo a regular freight cago were released 1aaid there was by dis rienced of the Sus | the release Plsiand of fasta, hep Hy i zation of an assoviation having in view i the erection of a na wmonnrient at the cemetery at Canton of wit! nsgaring hore with reference 1s I was extremely | Put the duty had d and | considered st my ; derly Peuted with : Yankee, surgeons credit for skidful work and claring the Preadent's deat ihote he due rea a Panegy ! Jonepl Parker, of the mtgrior of Joseph A. 1 asker Lowhno drank to the health adi hie fant | oo Uswith ber crew of 25 whitever ity im leading them out of | {the request The anarchists under arrest in Chie In the hearing be- fore Judge Chetlain the prosecution no evidence them and agreed to their discharge Frederick Fraley, ol president of the National Board Trade since is crganization, apo is dead. He was 97 vears of age. George W, Bowman, a weslthy ming owner, hax given $1.000.000 to the Peo: ple's Chyrchin Chicago for the prose. caution of its work Senator Hanna declares that he wi support President Re poseveit if th President carries out Mr. McKinley polity. An impressive flational memorial ser vice far President MeKintey was held tin Washingten, Thou ands could not wer gato the balding ard meeting was held in the stree exercises contisted of chart hy clergymen of different | sions amid singing by he entire aud } A guiina widi’s Bedlysuard. tad, rig “| Major Ahamiea, two captains twa Liew Lignans and #0 ren have surrendered Land taken the oath of allegance. Gen Leral Chaffee bar refus { requests tor ni the prisoners on the | announced in The engagement 1% [ Washington of Mise Annie Ridge Ear iv. a grandniee of Ceneral Early, and | Ale Arnnid Randoinh Fairiax, thiz 4 mm Fairfax, Qieps have heer taken for the organ tinal Meni in which he President McKinley s re iis A suit has heen bro ugh ina N Carolina court Ly pnoress for the purposes of taxation. An artesian well com ractor Riley was laund dead near itrack at Keystone, Ya | badly mangled Kilas C Swallow way cen Rev. Dr. sured at a public meeting at Harrisburg ih ranCes seoting Mr. of any evidence unless t | weeause of his pterances respecting ; st the trial of the most | Me Re cord : during re cent ataet sractice, Aaron Leftwich and Leseaped murderers from Virgina, have been captured in Missoury Simon Sterne. an authority on rail. road and constubional aw, exp red an I New York from apoplexy. Mayor Hatch, of Camden. N 1. re: Johann Mow was arrested again in ‘New York charged with bemg a disor: person; Chita feinrmed Church was dedis Approptiate exercises at Martinsburg, WW. : Cot. to mine the We wl x gia Lifer, The ew Medical of the Mek News publishes a re Hinley case, giving the de. ! to an unusoal anit unexpected complica | tion, Ex President Cleveland wept as he dr on Presudent Meo Kinley before the students of Princeton P Und veraity. The Third Pavey conference : of Lonvitle, Ky. wibers x5 the nabionsl executive com Butter Patrolman William Hinde, af Crolgods, was discharged from the adn The tranart steamer Huduog 1s 1 p Kearsarge, of the North A pompany Has Aen arganized at 8 pf sen tury, s commandant of the ar Were in Fairly Good Condition to Win against | Without Help, But Looked for Ald From Philydeipnia, : of | 33 years Loony of Cand un W on (ictoher 1 oon ident. Shatter Says ant of She had condition of his | | health Secretary Long has granted | ey : i THE OTHER UNIONS cause He Lacked Support. HELD ALOOF, Ae Ha A ba Other Lador Bodies, and to the (emeral Fablic, But Especially American Federation of Labar. ney advance | the statement by Pr purest fer, of the Amslgpusted Adana Living pesthir ih wer) secured goad d sey nyerfiow | The 3 be wibilersnes denainyings | ence, with the Marine Rand Aocompanye i ng x $i vies i one cent care fri Nine Tn succession fo the title of Lord fame 1 Ts orth the yairoad Uvgluation in the State 'h Sirol cnn named he rasirond Tis hoody was ohn Johnston, ; # f Toledo, Ewe lyave Teen belie | od ts hive foundered in Lake Superior mie. Foreign. Orin Pawyt. eitir paper in : 14ste ol Was coh cqted : : wrers Have decided to 0 the Arrrian To. Conlon Dawint Leneral Dhol rrory Lepror ren ris nether ¢ iw we Boers rushed a vam Lieve of al 3 tant. were killed. The Yeigial tured by the Boers at Boheepers ‘have been relénsed There are now Nek too Boers in the An Arew [Geld and the Pmitch in © ape Lolony are rapidly joining the Boers, who are overs running the colony Harry de Windt, the exp made a third attempt to rave via Behring Stra, helween Eure an Anterica oo He as re ing as from the Russian and An merican | ties The Parisians are very pointed hee whe Urar Paris Ir is again reported Land and Bavdin tendered i pation Tram the Cabinet Aiss Helen Stune, the Am onary who was kidnapped brigands. has not yer heen rel Fleven persons were killed and 17 seriously imjured hy ano explosion i powder factory in Tours, France oe e LS Larpr. wil ; | ws a hort « Buse ts V a Financial | The railroads of this countr . 81016500 by fires last year | The pools in the New York street [railways are actively at work again. It is stared in New York that New | : have occupa tami Tara Jersey Central is eurning 20 per cent. on the stock. i The exports of hreadstuffs and mea in August were larger than since the latter pant of 18208. Pig iron production in Germany was 40,530 tons in Jub, an increase of tons over June, but 53.574 tons $s than in Juix: 1900. (YET aod En ost | tion has part af the 1 ghee front | gents, Pie sictenit that the RIVE a base Currencey apseuentiy tw charge RE OUT aren 4 ? tin of the parler y Hedge Jami to th ¢. relied se {aber " Miata nd toward Bq Sever fatied dk he Ameriiss The i avd > Besnteal tha wert Fe & ati fir ene a, re x Hee Wy wher Fi 5 pd Fiat fu Perce Sarid the body ot Presiden o dit 4 ar % ries Ry 3 never be | ! ] Sat they ¥ Fes sod rath the memories ho witnesved thems, the wd, Bower aden 1 jed through the nenth which will Lo se 18 Again 1 rit the TAR TON WAR Tare of Ihe jor ree ATURE et BH In ho of Ps ¢ and Big twa chililren, com ~¢ a guard ery a keep anes He my this Refied LUpom the | b i ¥ ott shop Hos | cectiving vant wml L remain for an sndetinil £ Life BE clans | gran; est Eg : ie a8 8 of public approval of otir own people i Organizations wild to gain & decisive vintory, we try save what we could 1 a Mr Gompers of the Anwric ion of {aber 108 peed MroX organ ol pat 5 sertisment yaCaLan, went waited for Mr tsopipers, appear, not hay he sige We neglected spr anos called noon at the tat 05 Now York whe fades in 4 Hy £3 LF were ted WewnTkerd: lew, nf the Cival Fro pitt My | the tar mEntwe ; > PEODUS vo beamrd it miners Contes Ded at L arch, Ww Bften Jian ipecial wie ling variation Eve Fre ident wa Pu Ye hoe om Moreh Mare ‘ "Fue Veowdy a Bik op A {to the First Methodist E oh, there was af bret mprnion, Hnnidx SF Rey hea % shgre Ai the b We tele 3 ny wat carried to It wax one ui the oud vprissive: nner Lined Seates EARL eT of acted + FRE 4 stack far iret cirly aed from for. the cemeter Clee re THER at though friend were iy 1s FEF ATs wg § tounk Tec LE A dv “rate £1 1 T ate The Vista, San Carlos, e government assisted by the gun oat Carioca, succeed: od in expelling the rebels from those points. A brother of the governar of the state. who was persecuted by the insure and who succeeded in crossing the frontier and entering Paraguay, ar- Asunscion. govern Bella The forces, | § contradie ion : Journal RESTS i the nat nt d Feemod Og ansing the ROversment. given by T Yer oi re the Mann, th rectness of is original MM. Millerand and Baudin their gn ta the premier, but were induced to retain their posts until after the Cony s visit Slr Morgan gave ny : ant | F replated why | Vasyl office by Jodin ~ i tavel : ‘ Eoztish Torpide Boat LI00 Freiait (urs Ted Up Fie the uo dee [hebars maintains the cored statement that rendered IA Daring Barglary in a Phila Car Bars. : AAT BIND AND 6AG vo WATCHMEN, i : Thin Blow Opin Twos Sates, Potbers Went fn ihe Stole a Fowbdoat and Fscapsd Pa. { Bae He Si . ex 2 Zand Hs f bn A peace pide dd to Fwy LhEeory Re WARS SNK S $ AND MAS “y PERISH Desteoser Coben ¥recked of an Explosion x ’ The torpedo Ck Gl TERRIBLE Ran RO Al Ww RECK, Thirty. Two Wire Killed and Nise Tnjared in Poumaniz STRIKERS POLE OIG BRIDGE, and Bish Lincs Crinpled By Forty Mea in Lee of force. we x nid : natant aes apd BAAR oh whi wk Si : ’3 rs wer hen out rah the windows, severely } hipped about the fave and one &oman fainted wn the panic which pre vailed. The local fire sompany was call ed out and assusind in | flames, From Which They Took the Day's Rectipts, Amsuating fo $1.29. Alter Secaring Their Booty the Delaware River, Sree 5 Ai. stip ares LEE 384 per ; ERICH wn i cath iit Ri Tasgy . A Hagman a WARS 5 rw nips ef 2 ers. The Sectetars. it ix under : will ash for $2c0.000 for the Avab afee of the tanresa, as against $100 000, which wis approprinted fase year. 2 ander which the secret sor Hy Hmits ts opere vem af connterfeters There ja nev thing in the law which tver authorises detail of secret “ety guard for the Press ted States, ar any othel The law docs not ome ate the ranns ng down of anarchists i whatever wark mo that divednion 0 tine by Seornt Service mon B rst in penlorminy 16 the &fa- + which the bureaw 1% operated the. purpose of eXtERGIDg the and anthe ity of the buremt rend in recite inerease aver las 3 het des 7 of ant at Ege UPERLic fy. Niw Comptroller of the CorrzEcy: Appointment & wore 1a sv of the nateg nels Pennsy! 4 Alonzo 8 gin a, at Nue Pa wv a Texan, Bipsinens ia she duties r Fanenf at 4 {gt rset ATONE a a vecret Stary : ¥5k ap Si Secren renresent 1% treaty ail be pnsriment to owned shall roxy hae had pore formal #3 E % y Preadent Ba ; ae 20 wy vernar- a de chan rie ot andes Services in fd senetal Mae Ar- the request neve an Hw wise their the sure aod fake at the friends Vigita Hee v miles tix Lan Twente nak tie the Were pipes things he has 3 ae bly oi Dene zed] taeprge ATS the ill fated apprentice of ined States gunbaat ane ho was one of 1 ieut. Gilmore's party when that officer tured by the Filipmos in April, The remains will be be forwarded to Manilz for shipment ant wwiirdnd 4 pert