The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 19, 1901, Image 3

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    are found profitable by
&re ‘ean fol in
ornament. The arse and
da mand for pure jellies ami
shoulil create a larger mar:
e future for crabapples
eon AN
i rent the Fowis You Don't Need,
It is sald that if young pullets are
fo be retained it will be an advan. |
tage to sell all of the young males,
insing males desired from a dis
: The miitake nusaally made by
ie is in keoping all the chirks un-
early or filly matured. thus in-
g the colt for tood without re.
selving compensation in any man:
ner as adult males seldom sell for
p Bs cents per
pound. Such fod ‘as corn or wheat
not he used exeinsively for
fowls. | Finely ground bone
group: meat and cooked potatoes will
re suitable than any other foods
ning growth and eeping § the
a little Jot the Best eariy-cut
# few ronts to give their
in the spring during the few
efore they go to pasture. A
hange from cold to warm dave
them, as it does us, a spring
g. or tired feeling, and a lose
ppetite, so that they need to be
pred with Yomething hetter than
to the vows in milk. nd next
Aor thase | soon to calve, ant
| ints early ent, hut where one
Jaege fields and not all favorable
Haw to Cnitivate Cabbage,
pardon ers In to give thelr
a ngs and three enl-
hosings. nder rood man-
Lh gud seed, and the land in
and AYErage ROAROY.
Put sometimes |
is mn overgrown condition.
cumulation of plant food left
preceding crops is something
ot know. and therefore conld
iré om. This, added to the
uring, ‘has jumped the cab,
#0 fast that soon after
ec a putin they promise to
thelr, heads earlier a. we
Ry hy do we nosh eal
a and uften the § seocrd
“ground. ET on the ron.
cabbage land le lacking In
ft mesds extra how
ing In! the arly stage
a» will end its ite
- Where cabbie
nt a Santen. until the
and 8 el tip-
exceedingly agressive
praying with bor:
resorted to, and it
through spoiling
| dairy as this
the man who complains abort
ndlicbore mixed in water at the |
rate y ounce to a gallon, and
| sprayed on the plants. The mixture |
was made stronger than usual because
the hellehore was not very fresh. :
Squash bugs became numerous late |
in the seascn, and were at least pars |
tially responeible for the almost total
| failure of the winter squash crop
Potato beotles wers very scaros, md t
it was unnecessary to spray the pots
toes at all
peared, but were picked off and Killed |
A few tomato worms ap-
hefore serious damage was done —
Connectient Farmer.
Sassi Athions tae
Handling Dairy Products In Hot Weather
A good denl of the success of dairy. |
ing in hot weather jz knowing how |
to handle the milk. cream, butter and |
cheese 50 that there will be no waste |
should have
for this is pretty sure to
tore in the ond
so situated that they cannot lay in A
stock of fre in winter which will mest
All their requirements In summer.
When milk is first obtained it needy
chilling as soon as possible, and a low
temperature maintained rontinnally,
Now, If we can check the growth of |
tacteria suifictently ths milk
roam can be kept indefinitely.
some will have thelr cream spoiling
within ten bourses after milking and
they will attribute their loss to bad
Bat absolute
niaced on les
reliance cannot
ihiat the farmer has placed at his dis ©
nomal Ive
something else more necessary. and |
without which even lop 2 of little nse
That other thing Is cleanliness Now,
i soma the idea of cleanliness acting |
ak a preserver of milk and cream may 8
hut nevertheless |
ihere {8 nothing so important in the :
When the rans and
milk palls are not thoroughly cleanad
wear 8 Hitle absurd,
| and sterilized from the last milking |
tens of thousands of bacteria will lark |
in the cracks and corners, and when
the new milk is poured in they will
swarm throughout the
| bacterin ara the direct cause of the |
milk and rream souring. We chill |
the milk right after the milking in |
order to stop thelr multiplication
| t1eat nourishes them and makes their
When the bacterin arn |
wrowih rapid
eft in the unclean milk utensils thou
sands of them are Immediately mized |
with the new milk, and they begin to
snnme the finld to sour. Bio matter how |
kaon the chilling process may begin
There are only two sghwolale meth
adn of handling the dairy products |
suvcessiully In hot weather, and by
sheerving them one is almost wesured ©
of no loss. The milk should when
first obiained be serated and chill
This shoul! be done as quirkly aa
somsihle, and in the most cleanly men
ser imaginable After aerating and
ihiling the milk and cream should |
in the dairy. where the
fa kent at a uniformly
Heware of opening
he stored
ten pwratury
ow Beare
Aare to this storage room more than |
will cause n warmer current to pass |
The next
ges that absolute |
aver the milk and injure it.
reqitirement is io
rleanliness is observed fn the dalry,
and that every pan, pail and Kettle is |
washed thoroughly in hot water after |
sich milking. and just before using
any one of them for the new milk
sterilize it.. This ia simple enough.
Pat all of them In bolling water, and |
{ then any germs bacteria or microbes :
milk will |
making the utensils ab. |
af alr. dairy room or old
fue dostroyed.
aniutely fresh and clean 0
fers, In Anwricas Cultivator.
flmsden Minis,
8 Wal
Dist rose hashes occasionally with
siresiacked lime to kill the slugs
Try sprinkling pulverized
sround plants that are infested by
It rose bushes mildew in hot, damp :
weather apply sulphur after they are
Keep the fowers picked from the
annuals if you would have abundant
snd constant bloom.
ninch of soda in the water
The green
rose buds can pe kept in check to a
great extent hy dredging the plants |
if wn powdered hellabore,
Keep vines well tied as they grow, |
and they will not straggie off at loose |
ends. to be broken hy winds or tang. |
{ led among their own tendrils
When the cacti have finished their |
spring blooming the pots should ba
plunged in a sunny border, and the
plants well watered and kept grow-
nil summer.
It the rose bushes hecome red and
rusty give them a thoronah sprinkling |
once a week with water in which has |
been put a handful of paris green to
a hucketful of water.
An occasional scattering of wood |
ashes around the sweet pea vines will
help them. but
should be avoided now. as they wiil
encourage the development of vines
at the expanse of bloom
Ne Guarantes Given,
“What is the matter with those
weather bulletins of yours?’ asked
rv hat
can't be helped.
“My dear Sir" answered
ton Bran,
| ment stationed at Indian Hanaiis, :
dinnn, the following letter winch res
«i Hance ean be placed.
| Mexivo,
+ plessed to substantiate vertmlly or
other way sil that be says in |
hin letter. ;
. Anvone desiring information should :
A suceesefyl dairy
ite liberal supply of fee |
and the dsiryman who falls to make |
Very fow dairies are |
| meres,
ba |
This is not the only
way of saving the milk and cream
is necessary. hut there in.
mass. The
od. |
the :
| gxpense of raising a steer, a farmer
conxider 14
would cost any more than $400 or |
horax |
worms which eat into
strong fertilizers |
the |
weather prophet. “those are merely |
predictions, not promises "~Washing:
Tha Pesartment
Otiawa has just reecived from Mr, EB.
7. Holmer, the Agent of the Hom
It anly neoes
hires no tonal nent,
gary to sinle that Mr. F. ¥ieher, ft
prominent of the Dunkdrds and
man ppen whase word the nimost re
indiana. snd he will
{in suy
apply to nearest Uanadian Agent,
whane addresses are given:
Kia Marie Michigan: J 8, Crawford,
214 WW. Nipgth street,
Mo: Benjamin Davies, 15414 Fast
Third street. St. Paul Minn: T. O.
Carrie, Room 12, BR. Cailntan's Block,
¢. J. Broughton, 27
pet. B01 New York 1 if Bailiding.
Omaha. Neb: N. Bartholomew,
Fifth wireet, Des Moines, lowa; IL
YH. M. Parker. 530 Chamber of Con-
Dalurh, Mian: E
street, Coimbus, Ohio
{ To My Many Friends:
1 had in Western Canadn,
Wa visited the territorien of Alberta
Assinibaoin and Raxkatehawan,
{fawn thew far surpassing our mag
such rich, Josmy safl, go much of If
and so unlform in}
“1 do think the so i of Canada as 8
| rule equals, if not exoelin, the finest
| prairie farm lands of Ind
Janda pre immense in thir richness,
writer of the letter, » one of the most
: Broan 5 heat.
Yiis Bome fs at
MV. Mo |
Innes, 2 Avenue Theatrs Blok, De. |
trait. Mivhigan: James Grieve, Ranlt Foe Fo
Ransas OChy,
ny Flour and Foot. ;
Wr No 2 rd... 8
Ryn No. 2,
wwe NE
| | Comx--Xn. 2 yallow i er...
of the ‘Interior at
No 2 yellow, ihetind
Mixed sar
Oars No. 2 white
No. 8 white :
Frove. Winter {atone
Fan) Brraleht Winters
Hav No} timothy
A 3 Neto
Fre No 1 white mid, ton.
Brown mbbibiaps
Bran bid. 0 Loo.
{at aa de
: Pairs Fradasts
Fovremo Ein creamery. 9 2
{31 aYey LFoRINery. Cor aH
Panoy ahantry soit,
“Hikio, lew,
New Yoon, new
oulicy, ete
Hessen Pe oo iaiieais
Coenen drama,
axl Chto, feauh.
Fralts and Fagetaviss
fires Praxe per bushal 8
; Potasors
c Canbaog
DIX barrel.
203 Grand avenue, Milwaukes, Wis: r
Monadnock |
Building, Chicago, Hil: W. H. Ben | Panes. Winter Patent.
Js, ¥ i
Fanty white, # oh.
(fer barrel. ove
Wagar No 2 asl,
Cosy-~mined |
Oa i
T Haines, :
Room 6, Big Four Building, Indian: |
apolis, Ind: Joseph Young, 61, State i
Frovw--Wister patent.
{ Soren
I am pleased to make a report foie iN
you of the pleasant visit my wife and «
{nation but Mitle did 1 supect to Gnd
% level praitie lay. |
Berroa - Ohio oreamery.. ooo
cai 2A
Ne 3 psd
i mined |
” {ord
pe wa
CBee rent ry ¥
inna. These :
i and when ence the sod in rotted and
i poly erized,
knowledge, The long sunshiny days,
together with the rich
very fine wheat, pnts, barley, flax and
it Is us plishie and aw
cultivateu as Indisua sandy :
> | Prive Beary. $1300 15 1600 Ta
Western Canada, trom my point of ov. :
view, offers as fine opportunites for |
mixed farming as any plece in my
soll produce
other coveal prociuers. There 8 scarce. Mo
I ly any attempt to raise corn, except
I genten In too short to depend tpen
i maturing field corn. Frow the
C surh A vast extent, practically all
quits & bit of timber, mitch of it may
has Jovely forest groves,
Gud gixiy acres.
1 Lave po doubt bot that this oun
Ltn Reep It fresh Toney ales ha
Jom twenty to forty lewt ¥
this you see there can be plenty
hay mown for winter feeling, Bul
nave had reliable farmers to tell
spring. Upon inguirmg about the
pepiied that he did pot
FL0 10 develop A three year old steer,
who fs renting land in Da
hundred and ©xiy acres uf gow
at the titoe you euler it, and by pow
‘ Ing and cultivating Lye coves
Foar for three Years, gives you one
hundred nud sists scres of
for $i0igy This and can
from the raifond sompan
| corporativns or Fhe oul
{$00 to B10 per act
= From oa Gnancial tendon
* Heve that
iy OBLE man can make F000 in Canada,
whereas he would only Mase
Laney to get my » :
White County, Indians,
than it would e081 ie lo
: eight hundred acres in Canada.
[aay seein a strong view to take of
the matter, ‘Lut when you take into
corsideration the clearing, ditching
| fencing and the expenaite breaking iu
of the stumps, and they compare tle
i expense to that of jand needing osly
& Lowel
wimenl for
int. 1 te
€ i ry
t the breaking. Jou will cone ude that | oo, 00 of Angus: ©
i it is por such a wild or on i
Keep cut flowers fresh by clipping {
the ends of the stems and putting a |
sistement 88 you might at frat think
I enjoyed the balmy, lireezy atmie
| phere, which w
| fog, snd the ovol nights which made
Cit wo pivasant for sleep.
Op making inquiries reg
| the people never suffer from the cold,
gx the weather fs dry and iavigorst
Ing, and in a great macy pisces farm
run outside the year round
tne great advantag
erien established by
i and ron excviusl
the farmer,
i. I visited Thomas Daliy, a farcier
pear Edmonton, Altera,
me oats be had raised, some of which
took the frst prize at the Paris Ex-
position last year. The same yielded
110 bushels to the acre fn 1880
Yours truly,
Mexico, lad,
By the advice of emigent soul
dihe authorities ot Munielh have deel
Usd po lounger to use gas or petralenn
for fehting school rooss,
Mrs. Whislow’s Soothing Syrap for ohiidren
| heethiing, soften the gums, redades inflamma.
ton, aliays pain, cu cares wind colic. 350 a bottle
Times must be
ean't even collet
1 do Bok Bele re Piso's Cure far Com
has an 3 for soutbe sud colder e: Jou
ir Springs, Ind., Feb. 15, 1800,
into consideration
is withors a pier.
tatiy hard hen a man
Taki eve
wt persion |
» ti the settlers
fn Western Canada is the free cream. | 1
LGiovernment, 1
veiy in the Interest of |
who showed |
varieties for tables use. The
- Prime medivm weights, | Ph
| point of getting this land ready for
the ploy, 1 must say that | never saw
: Labs eilinnm
fry excels 4% 8 FraLing OF TA) peli,
country, because they have such ri 5
grass, having and abundance of rain [ Bpmng Lanes.
plenty of water streams, nid as 8 a
water may be reached at a depih of |
that thelr stock will feed on bay |
wlone, aud be ready for niasket in the
I yup think Canada offers a fine
ing for Aa young tin or & Wan
Life 3
1 i BY ~ig %
: land will cost you anly $1000 (RiGARY 1
Land orders eid fag
3 ta we
ind land
for a sedies of Years ht el 8
- $1
and I feel ware that 1 spent mots
iy gece farm in
eaitivaied i .
This | ™
ers and berders allow thelr stock to
resdy. so all that one has to do 16 to Frisia heavy hag.
hiteh to the plow asd go to work.
This ix not the case with all the Cane. |
‘ dian land, however, some of It has | ;
- Ext ed § 3
be called Brush land and some of I i, Saetiom mothe FH. § :
dotted hora
and tlere, thereby coveritig a hundred |
, DVR soimisaa Yeni
i Eas Aad = SEE the
was bracing and refresh. | Sry 4 .
: i fairy Zire be
rding the |
winters in this couniry, 1 learned that |
Foas state asl Paving
Central Stock Yaris Evi Linerty
25 {a
Frove (300 3400 ba... 0 SDB 0
Madinm Fok ta Yah the A: «ng
Fal beiforn
vie SHEE to Ten ts id 1 45
Asians bi fxie ae re “ ¥
Oaen. soumaon a far. a
HON $e et fat bulls & sows 2 0
i7 3 $i
Exten mich pentitig neh.
Best heavy yorkees and medina
L300d 10 obit poknes. : . wa
Grist} plsow afi i
Fax. SOIR I hie rd SRE 5 5)
T G3
Common to tnir |.
Bongbs. i
BIARS ooo. vo
Gone to slivgen |
Medium, ites
Se 53 we
" &
We NE he
Tame pond ta hice, lipped
Latte, soninon 16 fair, . lipped
Sh Ge
& 4s
§ 5
3 43
ww Ki Gog
Set-Back Can Be : Guiy Temporary -Proy. :
pority’s Foundation is too Sirong lo
Ha Parmanaatiy ¥ Hindared
heed |
weak i ¥
i Iron & {o's
Ad asassin’e
progiess of 4 §
the prigresd of a ne
{a ond pda rt SR 1 aR
He by the
wmigrl 51 i #
sonia ged Urirines, Nat
{ four fur
Age :
GAT stning thes lon! £5 d
the ouitly dapacity of farnaves
of Septimbser 1 was JONG ©
only a i
a Jdaervesas of
ince {iarpy
wii 1
Fae pron
peal foativen) Bie
sania TEIN BP
shate the Bh a vy
onlay except:
ul Tar vireens
rations. and
af eRurmons pronoriinns
is Rers working
Fall Ricer
ith thie
Gime rgie
ing oXiw
5 Oth
4 amin 3
mova] do
hranely of the
i= hr a better position
prey oie date this
ewing to lght Be
} Parehases of
worsted fahrion are largest in
lines aud while mills have few pow
Pie they are ful ly seoupled on lous
Kitehtly sasior terms prevail in mos?
the great wraplo commodities, An
gan in the visibde snpply
of miffed. together wih receipes at
Brazil ports folly Indorsing the large
estimates of the eurrent crop, depress
al Noo 7 Bia LBbae which is within a
sixteenth of ithe lewesr price ever re
corded. When! did not respond to a
lower government estimate Thong
sii are
evel amt this
industry a1
at any senso,
{ Sleeks 4
exports from the United States have |
fallen below the unparalleled moves
ment in. August. the week's shipments
aggregated 4,970.058 bushels, fone inf}
cloded, against 3.876.288 bushels last
vesr and 3.510.888 bushels in 1590.1]
These figures do pot include Canadian
wheat, which continues to go out free |
1 msn nna
HE Eee
¢ 5
PL make 8 man br right.
than av other State.
! smwser
; sway Rateal mdventonie,
| Sted an i
Cin press i
; it Bralioates wortus,
on Fred
| mess alter drei
Nerve Bewtaray,
Dr BH Roose Lad,
Foal ogmeiy neds beranf in love
onan 1
® oh
Men Co
Ni tlanad Ni Tg ft SFISIGAR i Garfield Halal Plsatory,
: pt H hy "Tablets and Gartel! Litian ara BOW OOPUD
i ot 71 ol nar on
Pong the large and slegant
| Imboratony ressntly
rong from the
1 growing
Lowel deme irved.
pera of NEW
I wads fell from 43.700 to &
1 lation
| to E20
1 oie
inp kf
storey the original color fo gi
Bair. Tt keeps my hair soft,” Mr
eles Kilkenny, New Portinnd, Me
Ayer's Hair Vigor as
been restoring color t
Bray hair for hifty years
and it never fails to d
this work, either.
You can rely upon i
for stopping your hail
rom falling, for keepin
our scalp clean, and for
aking your hair glow,
BL08 abies All dreppistr.
Fanner supply :
s wil} «1p
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Ayer’s Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
. stipation, biliousness, dys-
pepsi sick headache.
28e. All dragglsts.
SF ak SL lA L158 i RA
an four ante hy ar based a beautiful
wn BF Sieh Die Who wen
BF rR BE £ Smnaics * WOEYW > Ey hd Tena Wo.
4 rod biir oa SR ER A AA STE BEY a MS Sti
Coton Flantations.
Par pany genermtions aller the fra
raised in Fited
Lraran Wak inal? to market (poker of the
cotran phiniitions of the doinivy were
of thn Sissiesipnl out mow pear
ghtire | Ameren
the ferrh
ane half if the
on of ton comes from
tory west of the
iy «
We pati JO, for avery padiage of Pore
wan Farinress Dae (hist falda fo rive mtisfac.
tion. Monros Drag € 2 nville, Mo.
The shortest terns af Govemors are in
L Me anepc husstts and Reode Island ~ one
It's the hard mbu of the world that
Thera ot neers | Patareh in thin motion of the
| penpntey than all oiher disesser ut tegether,
and until the Jast few years war stipnosed to he
: ines rable, For » grost many vears doctors
srotionn red Jt a loon! disease tod presovited
al vermedies and by constanty falling to
ere with Joes treating, pronounaad it in.
enrabile, ;i
Heionon hans on aadarrly to ba a
| eenwtitn ional dieses 8 thene lor paguives
_eonutitn ional treatment. Haile Uaturrh Onre,
manafectured by FJ Chenev & Ua. Tajeds,
| Ohia ix the unie consi tiansd rE on tha
market Its taleen internally on dees Teo
10 drops ta teaspoonful It sels dirseily on
the Biont are! maeotss sarfacen of the svatem,
I They ofiler ons Bandred dolla Tor dny exes
ft faiie bh curs. Send for decades mul testis
Domaine Address BOI Cusxey & On Toledo, ©
Raid hy Drupgiss The
Hall's Family Pills sre tha beat,
ore I #*
£3 she Torcitorien
Trwdian Terrivory haw L000 and Arizona
Routh Dixkota hax 3
Hest For the Bowels.
Xo matter what sile von beswdacks to a
wart will never get wall antl eaar
| bowels are put righy. Cascamrers hulp nature,
curs yoy withant & grips or bein produes
: rosh ton Dust 10
cents to start getting vanr beaiih baok, Case
. eanmTs Candy Cathartio, the genuine, put g
every bier han U0 CL
Beware af imitating,
Lin mete ote,
£ Sh Hares 3 IT
iT The next
fongest Stalin is
the widear Viegas
Frey % , Vermifugs
J FILTER ah. Dragginte ny
Barviwine, Mo
41 00
by mail E. & 8
The rex HuaATe
af Bhuul
wed, No Sin GY HarToE.
Aas ane af De Kline's Grea
wd trial bottle anc trsatiss Tron
Ari xt, Pha. Pa,
Fits grermanenly o
The lest in wbmiration
gel Wha is
dent ttn. “Tha Garfield
mana factyrers of Garteid Tea, Oar
fall Hegdaele Powders (earfail Tos serun,
farted Digostiee
Brookiyn, X.Y.
aM saidding and
srmevsd be them. For
many yours the Car ald Remedive have buen
in popularity sisl their success 8
wet NS Sl Ae
1900 the papitintion of Ne
i 1 fhe pai.
cf OIkianoma increased fram & 500
From 18m to
fare in uniform.
| he
The Cradle Rus the World”
snd all wise mothers make
a honsehold remedy for the
simple reason thai it always
Gifterent branches
| wear
bine Seon to flee a Pear amit all
: v ;
far beak cross each other ablig iY,
and was pot aware that this ay :
nly deformed bill is exesedingly’ wer.
Yieeable in exiracting tHe seens
apples and pines. apon Ani
erossbill chiefly femis The
nian at the Zoo 1s of a greenish yellow
hue, bat the fulidressed male bird is
height red, which relor, together wit
ftecrossed bill, has been explained In
A mediaeval legend as doe fo its at
temps to draw out the nails from the
Russia 2 Land of Onitorms.
11] anyihing Russia excels even Gen
many in the matter of uniforms. OB
the sidewalks of any of the large
cities, and more eapecinily at ral
stations, it is safe to assert
Mast 25 per cent. of all male
it is a puszle 16 the
ipurist to identify the bearers of such
atinetive garhs, copsoauently
af the Loyern
ht gervies are often wrongly infer
dire The gandy uniform does sot
4 avR indicnts a high official, ax ap
affieer of high rank may appear in &
slain uniform and one of jow rank -
tit infrequently parades the streets
fuss and feathers thas
with more
fils commander,
In tie the of Pliny, silk was sup
posed tev Be oa vegetable product and
iid “Naiaral History™ entitaing 8 lon
story of the way in whieh It was 4
b picked from trees in the East fidies
Hi spun and wuven ints fabrics.
tation of W,
£0 shone for
as exoeiled ail of
thises prices. This 5s ther’
st won Oy meri one
shisen hava 16 give bell
plier 23.00 and 83,
reputation for ithe heat
ust De misintain
ft Cathe Yvidaty seed .
Oana ro. Ww. Ee Douglae. Freeh vom, Mies
A:omess DRTAFT, 7 £1307 STNY.CTY
$000 TO 51500 A YEAR
We wost inipliigest Men and Women: a»
Triveitag Representatives or Local Managers,
ding 10 experience xual ability e ru
wont Joos) EEnreseniall ven saiaty #5 fof
werk and femaiseion, devesdiag apn the 11
Bevnted Sead stamp for Tall particaiars sod
Bais position prefered. Address, Dept. 8B
Fan BELL COMPANY. Philusletohia, Ps
; ES > Tr