The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 19, 1901, Image 1

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dent, William McKinley.
We farther agroe o
lolosed and not open up to sell any-
Hibing under any circumstances.
‘Our signatures are a guarantee that
we shall do wo.
Boystons Clothing
Wall & Thom pon,
AH. Raohk,
EL Miller.
Jan Compons & Son,
Mago nvenus;
iD Boles,
3. 3. Fionyatrivk.
J. A Myers,
Ed A Melion,
Dinsmore Brow
I. Goddbabidn,
Chas. ¥F. Fite,
{3 0 Brady,
OA. Mike
HT. Peters,
Pasnew owhor & On
Paton Conrier,
Jas. Bpence.
A. Mallon,
£. Will Greene.
ROL Dames
Mex. ¥. Branesn.
FB Willan
J. 4. Bperry.
Goi Langbeln
ALC Fishibr,
H. AL Witherow,
Joby Gants.
J, Goad,
Jobe K Vally,
| Award Tully, Be.
Photo and View Co
dont Dmnteison.
POHL Riller,
ome pt Fedor,
Wil Donnelly & On
Crartiadd Wilkins,
BS Tower,
Evans Rites,
WwW. FE Probert
Jan Covina 4 Kons
Fifch avenas,
Wo Winkiand.
Miriin & Kosner,
Mow 00M Bivens &
fAteio {iron
Patton Supade Co.
4B Cordill Ke
FL Willlamu
Chae. Rhody
Chas. boliman,
CW. Hodgkins,
Io teat
4. HH. Huber,
Gio, 8 Gownl,
AR Fryekiand,
Wm Yeockley,
Jolin Gaglianid
Frail Supper
J. ©. Harper On
C. 1. Fomberg,
Jou, Friedniun
H.R Back.
First National Bank.
J.J. Denney.
Wi Perey.
Ernest Braer,
WL. Nicholson,
Mes 1 O Brig,
Reon! Romerviiie
HH. A. Seite,
JERR BH & ££.
close and stay |
Headed oF a Hastiige Conple Wha Gave
Bik The Laugh,
Chiefof Poline Ryan neatly turned |
him the ‘sperey ha, ba'’ on Saturday
{accompanied by two
aha hands were hard
i 8D the somber gab of |
Beh Orvek Cond & Coke D0, Heal Estate
And Engineering Dept.
Peeth Creek Cond & Coke Co, Miniog pt.
"” i a Paytausiers Of
1 In addition to the above the local
tanion of the United Mine Workers of
Ww #5
{pasyed resolutions to the effect that
the members would not work on
be closed.
1 Paden No. &
Pardee No. 5
Flannagan No.
: Colombia Nn!
Parks: Noob
Pardow Nog,
Flannagan Na 7
Mosbanman Na 13,
Axharot Nook
The memorial services will be beld in
{day afternoon st 3.30 o'clock. A cor
{dial invitation is extended to every
| hotly to attend and pay a last sad trib-
‘lute to the late president. Garfield
% (the meeting and the following pro-
| gram will be rendered:
| Hymn, “Jesus Lover of my Soul,”
Tovoeation, Rev. J. BE. Radoliffe.
Hymn, “Nearer my God to Thee,”
Opening Address, Rev. Dr. Deaver.
Jive Minute Talk, Prof. B. 1. Myers.
rw mo Geo. H Carfman.
“ Rav. Ernest Fryck-
“ i“
| tard.
Hymn, “Lead, Kindly Light.”
Address, Rev. Father Edwin Pierron.
Five Minates Talk, John Lowes.
“ i“ “BR Somerville, Bag. |
i bi
£2) i $*
W. H. Denlinger. |
Prayer, Rev. Dr. Deaver.
National Anthem, “America”
Rev. Father Edwin
A united chor composed of the sing-
4: ery from all the churches in town will |
{lead the audience in the singing of the
{hymns and National anthem.
“Restanraat Sanday Morning.
A nervy burglar effected an entrance |
{Peters on Sunday morning about 3
“ {o’vlock and but for the vigilance of J,
"| L. Mapes probably would have made |
of with considerable booty.
neer on the New York Central and
UD | boards at the restaurant, was returning |
home about that hour and looking |
{ant on his hands and knees crawling
behind the counter. Thinking that it
wis some. one of the other boarders |
| fellow, who was out of the back door
| made his escape in the darkness,
| “Iacal talent” was at the bottom of the |
| attempt, ua the follow seemed to know |
the land too well for a stranger. Mr.
played while a crowd was in the lunch |
iroom, and it is not unlikely that this
farnished the motive for the attempted
Amirioa met ony Monday evening and |
Thursday and the following mines will |
| the First Baptist charch this (Thurs. cgument Conrt would be held on Oc- | Sbriner, Rev. Dr. Deaver, the pastor,
| Wilkins will officiate as chairman of
Rev. J. E. Radeliffe |
came into possession of 8 con- |
erable amount of money after bank.
rs, which he inadvertently dis-
returning home from Chest Bprings
Wien they
to be ont
fhm, bat |
Jof any who mig hy
: Hyad
ban Wy
reronstraten wilh
i | they ouiiy yelusd ab him devisively and
Hinerossed their speed, thinking that
: Heeman, being on foot, coud |
not possibly cateh them.
Bub Mike is resourseful, and, like all |
gentiemen with good warm Celtic
blood in thelr veins, hates to be circum. |
vented, Hastily jumplog into a
that happened to be coming slong at
that time ba drove out Palmer avenue, |
while the other follows took the Beech |
avenne route, and to thelr suprome sur |
prise, was waiting for them al the in |
tersection of the two streets when they |
reachiod there,
The Chief
that they
calmly informed them
were in custedy for,
the borough ordinance
| agaiost fast driving in such cases made |
and provided, and that the youog |
ladies would have to continue the
journey alone onless satisfactory -ar-
rangéments coold be made A forfeit
{of $10 was at last agreed upin for,
Monday morning,
thelr appearance
and the couple rejoined the girls, sad-
men. IL was 4 o'clock Sunday morn. |
ing when the guartetie left Paton.
court news.
a Many Cases of Interest Were Trisd at
Flensburg This Week,
trial mt Ebensburg thin week and |
i Judige Barker announced that aa Ar
Eater | 21 wd a special civil Conrt on |
Nopember 11. All cases to be tried
| during the latter term must be put
{upon the trial list four weeks before.
The following has been disposed of:
Petition of Mine Inspector Josiah T. |
amining board for the sixth bituminous
district of Pennsylvania. Granted.
Johnstown; Mine Foreman Jihn Don- ul
aldson, of East Conemaugh, and |
of Weliscreek, Somerset county, ap
Petition of Christian and David |
Sbaffer for satisfaction of a mortage
j over forty yerrs old and unsatisfied.
‘The murder case against Frank
Bundy for the killing of his wife in!
Johntown, has been continued, on ap- |
plication of the defendant. Charles |
K. Fraser, Chief-of-Police of Johns
{ town, is the prosecutor.
kavckast were plaintiffs and John Boss
plosder, Joseph J, O’Kowit owned 8
mat shop In Barnesboro, which was
‘run by Mrs Eargis Fazkaockasz
i John Boss wished to collect the price
‘of cattle sold to the plaintiffs. The |
{shop and all things connected with it
| were levied on by the sheriff, when
| Thiet Elects an Batrance into the chy | | Joseph J. (Kowiz and Euargis Eaz- |
| katckasz both claimed the property, |
{and the case was brought into court.
into the City Restaurant of H, T.!In the case of O’Kowiz a verdict of | | allow it in his building
‘80 was given for the defendant, and
in the case of Eozkanckasz $90.50 for
the defendant.
A case in which Mary A. Duvis was
Mr. Mapes, who is a freight engi- | plaintiff and George L. Davis was de- |
feridant was tried yesterday, Miles
| Davis, by bis will, lef to one son a
4 pines of ground in Clearfield county, |
through the window saw the miscre. | {and to another son, the defendant in 8% (Peloek as the tine for another meet- |
this cuse, be left a piece of ground in
Cambria eounty, A provision in the:
will was that each son pay unto the
suit before an alderman, and abtained |
It is the general impression that ‘a judgment against the defendant for | ©
| $57, one year's payment less a eradit of |
$a, The defendant then appealed the
The defense contended that the de-
fondant had made all the payments.
A number of receipts were offered, but
| they were so badly mixed that they did
not aid mach in elucidating the case.
| The jury is now out.
aay Sp A SH RRR
—Doss your bustaess need a rejuvi-
(the {ablvs on a couple of young men |
from Hastings who attempted to give
The fellows in question were
young Indies |
reached Mages avenne |
| they whipped ap the hoses and came |
: down that thoroughture at break-néck
i spend), endangeriog the lives and limbs |
| dar and poorer, bat a great deal wiser, | :
Not many cases of Interest were on |
{ Evins for the appointment of an ex. |
Mine Superintendent Peter Connor !
A case from Barnesboro, which took |
up considerable time, was that in which |
(Joseph J. O'Kowiz and Eorgis Euaz- |
the defendant. It waa a case in inter. |
© C1 mad
Of the New Methodist Church
to be Held Sunday.
1 ix Now Being Prepared tir the Oeasion
LOkreymen Froan Abroad Will Pastivh
pale in the Corprans ies Three Distinet
| RepvicesSpoetal Mie.
The members and congregation of
the Muthodist Episedpal church of this
place are anticipating a gala day in the
history of the local organization on
Randay next, September 22, when the
corner atone of thiir handsome new:
! church ediflee on Fifth avenue, between
| Magee and Beech, will be laid with im.
posing ceremonies. :
Preparations ire being made to make
| the event one long to be remembered
{in this section by those who believe in
ithe doctrines promulgated by John
| Wenley, Considerable delay, from var
| fons catses; has been the means of poate
poning the ceremonies from time y
: time, but now everything le in readi-
| ness, the walls having been laid and the
superstructure begun. The first brick
{was laid on the sacred edifice on Mon.
| day of this week. ¢
While the preparations have not
advanced far enough at this writing to
| guarantee the publication of a set
program, it can be said that the exer.
olses will be both interesting and
instructive, [tis axpected that a num.
ber of clergyman from out of town will
{ba in attendance, but all of thelr names
could not be secures] at this writing,
| Rev. W. P. Striner, pastor of the |
{First M. EF. church of Bellefonte, wil
| however, preash in the Baptist church
Lat 11 o'clock a, m. and special music
| will be provided for this, as well as
| the other services throughont the da;
The corner stone laying proper wil
ba at 3:30 o'clock fn the afternoon and
addresses will be delivered by Rev.
| W. H. Sandford, superintendent of the
, Sunday schoo, and others, with ap.
propriate singing interspersed. Tho!
| ritual service for such occasions will |
| also he rendered.
The corner stone will contain the
pamea of all the contributors to the
pew edifice, dilly papers containing ne
‘eounts of President McKinley’ 8 Low
Mine Inspector Josiah T. Evans, of speech at the Pan-American ex
tion, his subsequent assassination, fun-
‘eral exercises, burial, ete, a copy of
ther discipline of the M. E. church,
| Methodist hytnnal, Dr. Bockley's Ne
' York Christinn Advocate and a cop
‘of the Patton CoUumizr containing
eut, of the church,
| In the evening at 7:45 o'clock services
will again be Ladd «¢ the Bap
ithe nature of which has not bee
decided apon ab thin writing.
! Barnesboro Parrots win wit Allow alr
Town ti Hee me INsagraced
Our neighboring town of Barnes:
boro in common with a few, a ve
few, localities in this country, has a few
disreputable perverts who are accused
i of uttering disparaging remarks con
{cerning the dead president. Accord
| ing to the report which reached Pat-
ton Wednemlay it was intended to
‘hold an indignation meeting last
night, and a big crowd gathered for
i the purpose, but the proprietor of the
| ball where ths meeting was appointed
i said the mob was entirely too angry
‘and demonstrative, and he would not
This did not improve the temper of
‘the crowd any, und some
Come to our store and we
1 you all about it.
Fall Announcer r ent.
New stocks, neckwear,
rts, hats, underwe car, gloves,
osiery, she es, pants
1d clothing.
Our boys’
uits are now
tock of knee
or boys.
and children’s
ready as 1s a big
and long pants
Look in our windows. |
It’s here you get the latest
nd best in everything.
tone Clothing anc
Shoe Co.
Jirectl y Opposite Bank.
These powders will never fail to cure the : :
worst forms of Headache or Neuralgia.
Four powders in package.
..10 Cents.
I ) BOB. oe a i i 4 NC 7 SO i a ol a
NASA CSRS DR aE Sire ee Eon et le
ify purchase any one of our own preparations, and it does
ou no wl gdm apon the receipt of the em bottle or
you nog return your money just as freely as we fool I.
We feel safe in saying this, becauss we know the goods are
: ght a and all that we claim them to be,
SR ES eon pr
Another In ent.
In addition to this Positive Guarantee,
you our Casi Ricerei ((HBOKS, which ire worth
your purchases when you bave saved $5.00 worth.
We give these with every purchase of 5 ceuts or more and
to a thinking person this Is a saviog worth considering.
CW. Hodgkins, Prop’ r.
given above, we give
5 per cent of
members |
‘wore in favor of setting off at once |
after the alleged defamers of the dead
president aml giving them a limited
tine in which to leave the town. |
Cooler cousvils prevailed, however,
and it was decided to set Wednesday at |
ing, on the pronise that the crowd
was orderly and would attempt no vio
fence. Notices hud been posted and |
i him the de ) 4 ‘
trying to frighten y De yelled as the | a EE a! word sent out for this meeting and a
‘Land into the alley in less time than it the sam of $5 per month, or $60 per
takes to tell it. Mr. Mapes quickly year The one son paid his share, bat | t E was ty SocRER ih able
| followed him, bat the would-be thief the other refusing his mother brought ) ascertain | eh i
large crowd wus expected. What the
One of those acoused of using anbes |
coming language is Station Agent Con.
'dron, of Barnesboro, He is alleged to
have remarked that “it was a wonder |
| the president wasn’t shot long ago.”
what he deserved, but that gentleman
| {Jags the interpretation is wrong.
: Condron save that what he really
meant was that the President, in min.
i gling so freeiy among bis fellow-citi-
zens, and displaying #0 great coufl-
dence in thera, made himself an easy |
Vietim 0 an) ong is ght have de-
sigos u his life.
probably do yourself the favor of purchasing.
This was interpreted to mean that Mr, |
Condron though he had received only |
fin a
Points about
‘Ready-to-wear Clothing—
—are worth your serious
If you'll do us the favor of examining the goods, you'll
At any rate,
invite you to look: at these offerings.
Smart Neck Dressings
We have just opened a line of the prettiest
‘have ever seen,
A pleasure at every look you take at our window display:
Come and see the show 1
ideas you