Cuts and Brofass Quiekiy Hewted. Olismberlain's pole | balm Applied to other treatment. Unless the Injury : very severe it will not leave a scar Pain balm also sures rheumatism, | | sprains, swellings and lameness For | sala by ©. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and and Gossip Concerning People and Things ji | | fiastings Praumscy. ng Borough-—All the Happenings About You and You | Neighbor— Enterprising Business Men who are De- Create Hastie Latest and Pest BW. Par He dn Tora] the serving of Liberal Patronage— Keep Your Eve Peeled for the sy entled aha i reli? { Ail Co a" PC % oi 1 | gees for the CAR : ner een the H OR OX A MARGIX CEN : AH, Miu Annan Rowiey Las Gh Fag aap, Hi 4 i i wry Easley has eroded a signe 5 in the rear of his trom “ trip CEE BER new we esa ETRE 3 EARS Ee x ANTHONY ANNA, q Clams boainin's Clagh Hoody : : Paynes wr Toe sunt hing Aevdd 4 wef @ eat i BE Oa A Pip Thicke gia : : : : 25 ATT Bp. Book i # 2 5 Si % £3 pi BERR ty 4 peel id Cn Me ti IX of haw remedy, HE peiasant taste abit o wi boy Ph piebiin . i 4 opal nese 8 Be SALISIaNTOTY Sng Led ane Gorman cube bg tar | 1d 5 CHE BETIVAL hae Présvians nt RT RBLEr 1, Wak Ler Gh dapslon ier BR. Lhe LER tii LY years wil hs dis rade ia favorite with people very. PICReNA wil De Aa] GSO Ss AL anal bo werk al ae El wWuiney chin BE bneneiy Be oo ge dian &r Hall ay . oF Lathes g ¥ gos 0 Fos 5 Mims 1 hail spent #0 croup aod ow i nity and suffered » * wayaa affords quick relief, ana ney online or other haem - err. 1 wi : #0 feeble foam the HF BAY be ven Ais ots of the dinrrhioos that 1 vox 1d do baby as to an adult. Por sale byt. 3 C Teketa will a i ol labor coud got oven travel, | Hadeking, Palton, - ano traing leaving Piitabnes AY Hh YAR pure sited to Ging Plkrnaey, SU p m., errrying sl § pobe, cholera i Le : Philadelphia and Tip mw. 2 tie Front ret ¥ 2h fens sg : : r oo Max ¥ 21% yRican 5 Are GOW DETRCI BAR . * ua : ; : dem Drs bry PALE RR SP . i WTO HERE, HasTiNas, U4 Fi i be bo wk Bi P 23 oe aw wn RC SEER PY OE ih . boomin oy $ iE HA ; i remedy, and afer Lai. TK dol de Li io tists Bi fricIal Haman WMEOLANE CArs LATUGEY any ober ple on ¥ RB F 2 EVANS LC Eali ly Pago] Gye § 3 3 Fad FOBT Jhpie OR Esky ¥ * 1 pit line of Posh aml Smoied Sloss oon EE — SER Pre rear havin en 24, . VINK wo Atlantic City sever i am putirely cured found that itis the perscription they po dh ar LL : " sc 1 ome so pleased with ine : : or detailed prmation In regaed bo wbbese EB x CORT Wrihe Beouteg is bie OnE pRepai : : | ] 1 . pewnd tihat 1 am ansious that it be C Aton whi k toy Fates and theme of frais Apply WH trittmatter ros. LS Le Sit Lope Ean af denial stamina ae peach of all who soffer asl have" a : tered kb Ne z essary to digest not only sors kinds oo Tn Bh game mA iL) wie YY. : silo by CW. Hodgkins Pation, . i Dig rict Passanper Agr ol, Piliaourg. Np Sherer SURETY 1 aTsUAYy ’ 3 vial food but sil kind, Rag ob Laesne fre i Hastings Pharmacy. Cenies indigestion ath Gyspog ia no : i | j y He i 4 yy DY: s Pp E P T ; C i D E res add N AMERICAN RATES Buffalo, Rochester XL tis. The areatest aid to DIGESTION. 1 atie, Pewnnno, Mich. Cmvatter what ite ease. CO. W. Hodge : - yr kins, Patton, and Hastings Thi Low Fare Ofired by hd BR & ary i i Your Rodol dyspepsia cure 5) 3 PharmaY - enh it potnedy for indigestion and. White's Ureany Vermitfage ja resentis Caliway Co - CONTE En trouble that 1 ever used. For ally t the obilid's tote. It lmproves the The Buffalo Rochester & Plllsburg TASES 2g, oe Pep 5s 00 suffered from dyspepsia, at digestion and asdmilal 6 TF food, | Raitway Co. announce (4 . en wb ow Wo Ap me to stay in bed and | cpinpthiening the nervons an and inl gadiii : : x M LE UE fntitdd agony. I any ore. isis bey oreo v Kodo Af spopein cure. | gig i of apirite ‘ 1 bg : ling jt to friends who hood. Pries, 25 cents. (1. W. Hodg. the Pat American Exposition. Season for from Indigestion 1 stways offer | Kins, Aiton, and Hastings Pharmacy, tounst t ckuts will be on sale every ¥ for it if it fails Thus farl, SE day ab $5.50 for the round trip, good @ never paid. DOW. Hodgkins, Henry Bray doy, lara, oo Lo mRYS padnenin 5 anid ine moluding October 31 ; atton, and Hastings Pharmacy. “1 took medicine 20 years for ssthisa Tiaketa | daw incloding ; iA detiommin 5 bat one hottie of te dilute COREL date of ® 5 oo iis : — THEY. Shae TY Poatey waa gaia in xg 3 sh contains ths cements ne ot . Angled ticket agents : you are aroubled with fe worotis | LEE eid me more grovud Pans GY Loki : paRRAEe i. sone . oo 2 i ates 5 : es, Wye Hh gen nt v we Wa ny ] : : > i : : vag Cu - : y heart barn, flatnlency, bead. Lelie during thal Hue. Lwt cough every day durin the Exo wat StOTE fronts. window and door ae x HEE Se 3 Hi & Huoson RIVER R. R Tha : ® ¢ % SEE apa 8 a in 1 2 ¥ Le 4 ; % ; " i « : aI Bel i ¥y pains after eating, loss | cure. OW. Hodgking, Patton, aud gn ¢ hal ; petite, persistent melancholy, or Histings Pharmacy. od to a” dtu {ncluding date of sale, Lindy : es ea ; A M IM AS Beech Creek District ow spirits yotneod a tonic. A few | Thousands suller with torpid iver, grid only for continuous a . in sp sh Ta 0 Sem : = wo et. MUA Ey : Condensed Time Table doses of Hurbire will give yon the rei. aong great depression of spirits, in enh © ois, on sale every day oft Band x Be atta MOM PN ora fa Ha 4 Read down ve foron to remove these dis- P BE ps ts ... dur he Sel oi ab HE Bi Tage th hai is tian ae Cp No : » CW. Hodg | indigestion, consti pt ion, nda ha BEng i : Exposition al $5.50 fo ar stir Patroauag feat tases Toko 3 4; es : ¢ yers pe 3 ete. Herbine will stimulate the ver, TOURG trip, ; ; : in Lam a Pan, =a Hastings Pharmacy. keep the bowels regular, and i restore 8 Special excursion Hekets H mited to ck EY IVY Ts ts A Metho- healt thful buoyancy of spirit. Price, 50 Hive das % ipviuding date of ale, good JU JHN H. M i i H. als cbures Springheld, Pa, says: “My | loents. CW. Hodgkins, Patton, and only wor combina Pass 7 - wife hos been very bad with kidney | Hastings Pharm ay i dom, on sale Pucsrdayy only dar Pianos. troubl aud trind’ several doctors with- | Consmmption Thredivee 2 i Be Po or Bi $n1A for the it bevefit. After taking one bottle of €. Unger, 212 Mup.e BL. Chamnpalen py 4 a Returning E mn - Hekuts . 1 cure, she was much HL, writes: © y Eroibaal with a he Battie. ot pletely cured after hacking cough for a year aud All Druggists, thought I bad consumption. {ined a | gral many Poise arid waa under Norris Silver, North Stratford. N. ipa: care of physicwis Dn several : purchased a bottle of One Min- | panths. 1 used o to if Podavh cough cure when suffering wilh 8 jioney and Tar ry told me was incurable. | pave not been sved me, the second and | ypgoeista Ji : : | a " sured. Today 1 ama] isi In the Orphans Court of the county trea wl} orders 1 Cc. W. Hodgins Patton, | A Tatie K Fas ¢f Cambria. : 4 : HX H. SMT, Hox 0 fthsats Al kinds of Rew 1g mac Hines mijasted : . - and re paired. i an ‘pow Pathe vo, prior to midnight of the pares of to furnish any parts Tharsday following date of sale, bat or attachments for all will x Bot be good ir be! lemling ma. To Lares Big wl ron ie aan iativ t Pole ¥ B dney cure 3 LE) iy, Alooeas Fi I : 8 Ki 2 A Shiltwan, a merchant of | i : ; . Sy oley's Ii ney Cure amplen, 11, writes: "Toley’s Kidney | i Be sure to FXNeYs. ab en i, Bata & ol BPE DERDY alea ; Fag. 03 i : ; : ’ ye ariel 4 ar before the Judges of the makes kikloeys and Wadder right. Ire 8 oting with wonderful 836 | iq had a rus ; : : BR 4 : Lh x t Tn le bad Irpham ars to be # hres. ia “lured SINE Shs here HONE YO, § Mow Jas Torest, 00 ? oe > >= : Sid CHARIEL Dutice ! y : Bre. ont the frst Mon FF Sunte | Chippewn 4 PER Ha WP AE Luk » IEE 3 HX ; rates as i ler next, at 10 o'clock thers ta aocepl oF refuse 89) tage bin real estate of Leonasd b, thee ) ba uly is a Tying rn pr sealed. 4 wo bn ev'a Kidney cure bas antirely cured | : : } i SPE av ALIA sth a 3 er nia 4 All Droggists. ligtes. Al Iirasgistc at the appraised valuation pat upar a Kouthed be i kink ; by an inquest daly awarded by the 4 Dew’ k walt until you become chroni- | Nu Reiteg tas 20 Yvars. said Court, or sh cares why the pated but take DeWitt's: *‘1 had bronchitis for bwenis years, game should not Hf risers now and then. They | said Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, | Valoed and app aimed at the sam of diver and bowels in| i 111. “and never got relief untill used | §1900, : aks : ; ; Hasy to take. Safe pills. | Foley's Hovey and Tar which a sure Eimex B. Davis, Sheriff, i Baws, po Sox of the sil Net of Asse iu pha? 3 PSIST | eo, i, Panieis, w. i Sirthrap, Kins, Patton, and Haat {cure for throat and lung diseases.” All Sheriffs Office, Ebensburg, Pa, July | biy and lis pps i EDWARD C LAFE yy : he uy i age tn. Agent ie ggista. 18, 1561 EER AYA A) 3 ¥, ¥, ; Adeneras gM rer Agent : New Yur Ww Plame peat, ra : » Salioihs Rochester, A i P. 8 Blodgett, gen’ Supt UE emdls jot Kx ule, w