bs a AA RI EE bl 0 bb partments extingui hed the Hames { Special) The latest de- the Venezpelan-Colom: viz, the withdrawal of “of all the Colombian & in Veneruela, has increased the of officials here that the relations | two countries are still of a character. In diplomatic specially the condition existing pn these two republics is viewed Liem. though their representatives without any recent information Hl throw light on the situation. withdrawal of the exequaturs of is a decided demonstration of un. fess to the country they repre. Jeaves them powerless to trans: is. Such action usually ‘a declaration of war or a stilities, In the present in. Hows the withdrawal of the minister, Dr. Rico, from Bogota. The latter's depar- owed a stormy scene in the Ven: cabinet as a result of an effort | dent Castro to give Dr. Rico rts. Dr. Rico's subsequent entirely voluntary, but he on between the two rather 5 als of the legations of the terested confinue hopeful that ¥ be averted. The Colombians the people of both republics are ip any was and that the present ¢ due to the machinations of ith personal ends in view. epatment has been advised the battleship Iowa from oo, for Panama, where spatched to look oul for rests during the revolu- | on the Isthmus, a (By Cable) —Later accounts seent engagement in Batangas between gape H. C. Hale, hment of the Twentieth In- vith the insurgent leader, Gon- v that it was more important | 2 t considered. Many dn. and renegades were scen and : commands in English. | racias, two officers and fifty killed after an engagement hours. points to the early cap nder of Miguel Malvar, r. When either event Minneapolis. daughter. Vice-President raction at the Minnes : : : He made an address at the fait and was banqueted at night. H. Burd Cossell was nominated for Congress hy the Republicans 10 fll the vacancy caused by the death of the late Congressman Brosins, George Carter was held for the grand jury mw Nocfolk, Va. on the charge of attempting a criminal assault on Mrs Ella Jeffries Miss Louisette Tavlor, a davghter of | | the Confederate General “Dick Tayior died at her hone in Pass Christian, Miss. A passenger train colhded with a freight on the Schuylkill Valley Railroad, | Cgiven over Labor Day to the sors iri sthur with his chief of toil, who paraded the streets 1Rooo taf, called on the adjutant general in| near Spring Cry Phoenivville, Pa, General Macs Washington tiy pay hig respects. Theenas Brightwell was murdered Fric day night in Appomatox county, Va, by Lottie Robertson, a colored gorl. Rear-Admiral Sampson is reported to be quite as well at Lake Sunapee as he had been for the past six months : "Milton Evans was shot and fatally wotnded in a street duel with John Cun ningham in Shelbyville, Ind. : Israst M. McColaster, who was acting as peatemaker in a fight at Piketon, O, was stabbed to death, Henry burg to Richmond, Va, met his long: lost sister there by chance. A mob of negroes in Southwest Vir- rinia followed a party of whites bent on yaching a negro who had probably fa. tally wounded a white man, and the negroes became so threatening that a sheriff s posse had to follow and disarm the negroes. In a collision between two ferryboats renming between Philadelphia and Cam- den, N. J. there was i panic amon the passengers, but no one was injured. One hoat was badly damaged. A party of five young men and wo men, out rowifig on the bay, near Ex. more, Va. were thrown into deep water by the capsizing of their boat and barely escaped with their hives : Large sims of money are being trans: ferred to the sub-treacuries at New Or. Jeans, Chicago and St. Louis for use in moving the crops. General Ludiow's body will be cre mated and the ashes buried at the Lud {ow home on Long Island. Vice-President Roosevelt was enter. tained in Chicago and reviewed the naval militia of that city. Thomas Brightwell is said to have been murdered near Springs Mills, Camphiell county, W. Va Wark was begun at Newport News on the armored cruisers Maryland and West Virginia, : - Two men were killed at Krebs Sta tion, Pa, by the txplosion of a powder mill : C. Simmons was fatally injured at Evansville, Ind, by falling from a bal loon. Chifiese Minister Wu continues the lion of society at Narragansett Pier. John Deehart was killed at Ross mayne, Pa, by a train, In Irony Borough, Manhattan, Len- hard Merget shot and wounded Mrs. { Frank Schinwoll and attempted to shoot ten-year-old | her ‘husband and her ealously was the motive, Adolph Osterloh, for 20 years the * German consul in Richmond, Va, died ‘at his home in that city. He was a nas itive of Bremen, Germany, and went to The headquarters ould be Manila snl | Each day shows an | id surrenders and | saffected district, FA lly assured and will be represent. The New York ~Advices to reports of the y have been presentative Sea. | presems ata county in attire, has letters from friends parts of the county advising | ports of people starving nded. There has “while some have crops for their own | ¢. the better classes are will d able to sustain the less foes | 5. This is being done, rendering unnecessary, Rebresentative Keays, 00 © Accident After 8 Wreck. “on the Schuyinll | Jar Sy City, near here. A num- | if pee were slightly injured and al cars were wrecked, One of the ] ht cars was loaded with cans of oil, h exploded, setting fire to the train, ing City and Royersford fire | je the wreckage was being removed he track one of the cars slipyed rrick, killing George Gra | ring City, and injuring three fist Held up the White Cliffs : Cyclists Heania mail doach, wounded a passen- | red thie mails and opals valtied | £1400 $7000) and escaped. | vil Governor | essed a French play, | to: Spanish, which -had been | the Pave} : m." ‘an’ insult to d will be on a grand scale, 30 warshiy raking part in the Dg | tracydipary precantions are being taken | Be sr | to insure the Cirar's safety during his {Special) —A north: New York Lior him to retire | | Unionists are opposed to the step Andrew Carnegie has given £10000 | to build a town hall at Motherwell, Seote EE land eatre by a. is entitled Richmond m 1866, os NPR ESI ] Foreign. Munir Bey. the Turkishj ambassador to France, returned to Paris and held a fete in honor of the Sultan, whereupon he wits ordered to leave France imme- ¥ diately. Turkish troops are Hoting be- | ‘cause they have not been paid, Disor- “ders and military uprisings are reported in Albania and Macedonia. SL Marie Josephine Eastwick, of Phila delphia, had a prelinunary hearing in the Guild Hall Police Court in London, on the charge of forging 2 railway cet. 0 = i tificate of the value of £ 100,000. ; Prince Chun and his suite left Switz { erland for Bertin, Emperor William hav- ing decided to waive the ceremony of katowing or prosirating themselves in| the iraperial presence, Dr. Krause, former governor of Jo- hannoesburg and a prominent cial of the Transvaal government, has been ar- rested in London on a charge of high treason, he : The French representatives of Con- stantinople went on an excursion to avoid participation in the exercises in | honor of the Sultan's birthday. Many laborers are being discharged | from the coal mines and industrial es tablichments in Germany, owing to de- i chining busmess. Interference by Russian agents with the British trade routes between India | and Eastern Persma is stirring up the British. The London Times says the British government must speedily des cide whether Russia is to be allowed toi estaldish itself on the Persian gull The French naval demonstration at Dunkirk, which the Czar will witness, | befell the family of Wilbur Alexander, 1 maneuvers. FE stay in France. bat avord engaging the government While Colombia has troops on = : 1 0 Ling Wilbur Alexander and his son, Wil-14h OTQEs, the Venesuclan and Ecuadorean iron: i tierh, the numbers reported are exag Cgerated ber of French journalists rom office, but the Foreign ministers in China negotiating wace relations with China are anxious ¥ > that the protocol be signed so that they | may retnrn home. RA AI. Financial The First National Bank of Chicago hai $74,000,000 deposits and the shares are 3067 bi The value of Mexican imports were $55,000,000, and the value of exports The gross tonnage of United States rallwiys has increased Bo per cent in the last ten years. : Exports of wheat since July 1 have heen 57,280,000 bushels, as compared 2% B88 000 bushels in the same pe- | DANS fo Upon)” d of last year. Lane, who came from Lunen- i bur Alexander, Jr, bi . ner. 7 La Savow. a new ship of the Trans. | atlantic Line, started from Havre for She will bring over a nam- | | ander took hig wife and their son and | Lord Salisbury’s family are anions | Or the journey home Mr. Alexan THE INTEREST WAS NEVER SO OREAT The Parade Was interspersed With Many Bands. The Best of Feeling Prevailed and There Was No Disorder. With the Dis: missnl of the Parade There Was a Oenersl Exodus to Ress Orove Pittsburg (Special) --FPiiteharg was strong in celebravion of Labour Day. The interest, owing to the Amalgs- mated strike, was never as great here as this year, and in the procession were worknien from almost every trade in this great industrial centre. The parade started about 11 o'clock and was in four divisinng, The first division was made up of the Amalgamated steikers, with President T. J. Shaffer in command. It was one of the largest divisions, and the strikers were greeted with enthusiasm all along the route. A feature of the arade was a long line of industrial ex- hibits, illustrating the active workings of trades and manulacturng business. The parade was interspersed with many bands. With its dismissal there was a general exodus to Ross Grove where a reunion of the allied trades of Western Pennsylvania was held Ad dresses were made by President Shaffer, Simon Burns. of the Window Glass Workers’ Association, Wm. J. Brennan, George J. Churchill and others. President Shaffer said in part: "We fook about and see that the original command to humanity, ‘By the sweat of thy brow shalt thou earn thy bread’ is etill true: but many men are unable to earn their bread, despite the fact that they ire willing to do so. There are times when they are not permitted to fulfill the command. They cannot earn their bread because they sre not prop erly remunerated for their toil” A AT REE SE St. Paul, Minn, (Special) —W. § Cox, editor of the Brainerd (Minn J Arena, was kidnapped by three men taken into the country and tarred and feathered. Mr Cox and a friend, Fred Stout were calling on two young ladies. The four were sitting on the front porch when three men with false beards and punted faces suddenly appeared and made Cox a prironer. The men drove two miles and halted Then, while one man held Cok, a second covered him with a revol ver and the third took off hs hat and poured the tar over Bis head and shoul: ders. The men left hum to find his way back to town, The probable reason of the rough treateaent of Cox were alleged attacks 10 the columns of the Arena on several men in Brainerd, : KILLED BY MER ANGRY LOVER Be mati ot avieti hac | She Was Ouly Fifteen, and Refused to Marry | | fahorers alwo wire cremated Lt an car from the rear also was harmed. bat Philadelphia (Special) ~Lucia Pas | 15 years, was shot and killed by Carmini Picardi, aged 25, who aiter- Him Until a Few Years Ober. quale, age wards killed himself. Carmini and Lu- cia were sweethearts and the young man had frequently urged the girl to marry. Her parents feared she suitor, but ob- jected to their daughter's marriage at such an carly age. : Picardi visited the house of the Pas quales and renewed his ymportunities. The girl told him to wait a few years. Becoming enraged, he drew a revolver and shot her three times. He then turned the revolver on himself, sending a bullet through his brain. Tarkey Would Arbitrate. Constantinople (By Cable) —The Ot- aman government 8 smd to be sound. | ing Germany with a view of inducing her to arbitrate upon the Franco-Turk ish controversy. It is not likely, how- | ever, that Germany will accede to the | proposal or that France would accept | arbitration. wre LR SARA FATA Pr Sultan Abdul Retalistes. Paris {By Cable).—The Matin SAVE | that the Sultan's first retaliation against France is the publication of an irade withdrawing the concessions and tax; French religious | exemptions irom the community at Beyrout, Syria The French communities at Jerusalem are algo taxed Albany (Special) —A Frightial 4 large contractor of this ity. Ale raphtha launch exploded on the Hud oe 0) " ji . es i % 3 a SR wt RES Es go xe pviile anil 3 Tie Liberals in Colombia hold vari | son river at “The Abbey,” a mile and a pus: towns and districts an Colombia. | hall below this city, killing Mrs Alex | Cleveland (Special) — With the break. ing of dawn Sunday morning the resi | dents of Cleveland locked upon a scene | of devastation caused by a raging flood | While the entire city was more or less affected. the great volume of water vent: ed its anger over miles of the eastern periion fi the city and raated ao amount of damage appriotimaling $1.000.000 From about 5 0 cinttation of 48 inches all previons records, thie wmearest age am an} Coit Ean ¥ Inns The overflow was caused by a ter. rific rain that commenced to fall shortly ried nearly 10 a'cinck ing to the weather officials, wag the heav- establishment of the Government burean ny this city, Over 40 ytars ago. a miracle, as the stories of thriling es capes from the water in several of the principal residence streets of the city are told : The surging walters spread over an area in the Fast End nearly eight miles {ong and a mile and » half wide East Madison avenue Great volumes of water poured over from Doan and Giddings brooks down Quincy street, swamped Vienna street, rushed ower geet street, rushed Tike a mill race down incoln avenue to Fuchd avenue and then on the Glen of straw and almost incredible damage was done 10 streets and property. FREIGHT TRAIN SLAUGHTERS 2 Shocking Collision on the Great Northers Ralirosd at Nynck, Most. . Kalispell. Mont (Specal) —Thitty- ern Railway passenger train No. 1. at Nyack, 30 miles west of Kalispell None of the talities having bien confined to employes of the raircad company The wreck wis caused by the break ing in two of a fren hit train on the steep grade of a Rocky Mountain foothill. The rear end of the freight tore loose from the head end, dashed backward down the of the passenger train which was faust car attached 10 the rear end of the pas intenident Downs He and his son hirk and their cook, Henry Blair, were in stantly killed from Duluth Minn, to Jennings. The were killed wholesale. Omly 313 were taken from the debris alive Fire immediately following the colli those within nanaged to escape when the collision frst occurred, consignments of valuable freight. er Ship lo More Big Goshers. the week iast closed nine gushers were were completed Hegun Not less than 20 more big steel tanks, having a capacity of 38.500 gal tah to soooc gallons, have been come Jk in the morning | : & x {until 2 in the evaning there was a pre- | This exceeds proach being in 187g, when from 735 foro Bis pomoon July 11 Constitutions] Conve | : RE £ THE TALES OF DISCO 3 Bat % William MH. Humt, of Montana, Governor of Porto Rico. SE When Governor Allen left Porto Rico in the latter part of July it was generally known that he was leaving or good. Devers] times betore he had tried to give up the office, but each time Gemersl Wood Eipressed Satisiaction wits | he Adminitration had persuaded him fhe Work of the Cosvestion fa His. Opinion, it Will Be Seven or Eight Months | Before the Catan Government Can Assume Complete Control of the Island. through Wo post of duty after 2 o'clock, tarned into a clondburst between the hovirs of 3 and 3 ori and then continued with great force until cs The storm, accord. | “1 was forced to leave Havana' he ssid, “about ten months ago on ad st of my health. 1 had & severe at otal fever, but two months 4 4 Maine hss braced me up jest that has visited Cleveland sifice the o ¢ That no lives sere lost is little short of Wwonderinily, and 1 feel quite like an | ther man : “We are remly to turn over the gov ernment of Cuba to the Cubans waen. Lever they are ready to receive it he continued, discpsding the politics] situa- ton of the idand U1 suppose it will be { gaven or eight months at least belore the government is organized. They will Have to prepare Toy the first miec- | tion. and after it is held an interval of | This extended from Woodland Hills | avenue to East Cleveland and hack tO ernment. Cedar avenue buck over on East Pros nearly four months will elapse before the second elrction is held, and ater that comes the organization of the gov- As lar as the United States is concerned, we are ready to turn over the government at any time “1 think the Cobans sre very well satished with the condition of affairs, iti spite of runiors which we hear from Park Place, where houses were undermined as though built | and the convention adopted the consti tution for the island, and I see no toom time to time of discontens, They elect A ed their own tonstinutionad convention ¥ Fig Cu 4 place where Go % : When f+ thers i July, however, © wad not thought that he would return. On July 23 it was announced that Haunt world supceed Goversor Allen to the * IeHomgh the formal apprntment wpde 3¢ that bioie 8 kad been se tire that Judge Hunt war Alen, catnn with Al intimate with ssiand. and was « the reins at the r Allen dropped an for 3 while longer roll able to take The pross & I a regione as the A syxiem is pleastuenble to the Administration, and for that reason the decision 10 XP print Judge Hunt was probably reac ed. Business of the Government. The coinparative statement of the government receipts and expenditures during the month of Aagwst shows the total receipts from all sources 10 have heen $42.304.125 and the expenditures $10.151 477, leaving a surplus for the month of #604268. as against & de far the snonth of August, 1900. of #1 441 The receipts from customs during the present month amount=d to $21- 462,171, an increase over the corres onding month of last year of nearly soooon, The receipts from internal rgyenue were $22036078¢ which is a Ming off of about S4000000 as com pared with August, 1900. From miscel laneaus wrarces there were received $1. 805.160, as against $2240525 The ex- tracted dor, and several of them are now under course of construction. {in for complaint. : : While the xland may mot have got- penditares on account of the War De- partment this month amounted to $5. ten on its feet, so to speak, from the 320613. & decrease of nearly 36.700.000; war, it has inn measure recovered Last | year the sugar crop was about Han 000 | six lives were lost and 13 persons were injured in the wreck on the Creat North. the cane at present tons, while this year it will be more | than 600.000 teins, or more than double that of the priceding year Lantle pro gress has been made in refining the siigar mills where the machinery was x $a 4 7 AEP jk : 3 Bea Yk assengers were injured, the fa | destroyed during the war, as the mils which kept ruening are able to grind all Lwill be rebfted as the necesity anges The people are to 4 certain degree pros. wd perous, and I feel sure that good times ar in store lor the sland Considering Call she penple have passed through in mountain and crished into the rear end pulling out of the station at Nyack The senger was the private coach of Supet- Woold Rather ble Than Go ts Berlin User ‘The car just ahead cone Present Conditions ] tained #6 Scandinavian laborers en re ; the pat foasy years, they re very w : off and the conditions of affairs wi Cassie YO) Fv ie pee RINCE CHUN ON HIS DIGNITY. Lng Hei Berlin (By Cablej It 1s now wry doubled. accnrding to a dispatch Ub the loka! Anzeiger from Basel, Switrerland, whether Prince Chun will come 10 Hero - ya : lin to make formal apology forthe MET. | fing A | shot, guickly destroyed the private caf, FHT | cremating the bisdies of those within der of Rares von Kenteler. Members of the sxplatory msaon says: The flames were quickly communic ated to the car abead, of rather to what reo mained of it. and the bodies of 28 of the oi ird He InTe The fire: f continued to spread through the mass of debris catised by the destruction of the dozen or more freght cars and ther “Linder present conditions, we Can never go to § Je windd rather de than accept them It appears that they 16 Prince Closn's atvtendar themselves before Emperor Witham, in 3 invasive 3 refogmition of CGURLLY. The following information 11 givin re v garding Price Chua's speech tp the iid German Empreor. Prince Chun intend. Beaumont, Texas (Special) —During | broaght in. This 1 decidedly the big | gest week in the history of the Sekls | During the momb 1g spouting wells : | Several miles of pipe | line have been laid, a dozen large stor. age tanks completed and several more ‘give the cate international mporTance | ed to say! 0 regreds that : fed 7 Way the Berlin goverment dictated the fnliow- | ing form: Chines goverment | begs pardon for the murder of the Ger sister, Baron von Ketteler : “hineie in Basel are trying to ‘by emphasiziig the fact that one of the he whole, the month just closed as hat is marvelous, A AS SA PPT Fr Smoked 8 Pipe Over Powder. witnessed a development in this feld Detectives Wha Worked on Bullion Cases Altoona, Pa. (Special) —At Munson, | | 5 mining town north of this city, Eman. ing powder from one cask into another wel Rinus, & German miner, was emply- y announces that the reward of $2000 at his home, when a spark fell from his pipe into the powder, which followed wrecked the house and The explosion | hurled the Rinus family in all directions. The father, miether and two children | were terribly burned and mangled x containing the nanh orcurred, souttering in every direction i Mrs. Mdexander of sk § Miata { sander and her httde davehrer and barn | ; a hornble mane The accident was the terounation £1t 3 a day's outing on the river. Mr Alex- ty ¥ 1 ¥ daughter for a trip somnh from this © 3 £3 Fle ran the launch into Abliey” The was taken ih a side cut near “The { faunch was tied pear the shore. The + Cdn] 2 YCATH oldwwent 15 give some medicine to his father, who was lying in hs stern of the launch. The boy car i: a bi BAA ids speci es Danish Deal Reported Certain. London (By Cable). ~A dispatch to a news agency from Copenhagen says the | new Danish Ministry has decided to ac- cept the United States offer of 16,000, aco kroner (about $4,320,000) for the | Danish West Indies. : May Make Salisbury a Dake. London (By Cable) —The Birming- ham Daily Post says: “King Edward 1s likely to confer a dukedom on Lord Salisbury at the time of the corona- ¥, et DE ony the fiver to % the wite apd daughter were burned ¥ consumed. Mr Alexander and hig y burned about the : evedd My Alexander wi dowel Beant Cie Another Yictim of Explosion Philadelphia (Special) —Mrs, Van Schaick of Hightstown, N. 1, who was frightfully injured in the steamer City of Trenton explosion, died in the House of Correction Hospital, “the twenty-sixth victim, so far ax known The work of raising the boiler which ex plodel was began and is proceedin slowly. Divers expect to find several bodies under the boster. There are sull four patients in the House of Correction Hospital, one of whom, J. W. Hastings, of this city, is in a critical condition. | dignitaries selected for aoe 1M WAS made 3 barpnet hy Et while another has the cross of the Le: gion of Honor : rh 4 fo AB ESN NO ONE WILL REWARD. : Will Be Compensated. i San Francisco (Speci) —Prendent | Ralston. of the Selby Sowing Works, | which was offered for the arrest and conviction ol the thiel or thever = stole $80 000 worth of on the night of August © wil paid as such, though the ik others who were instrumental ering the treasure and sending the r : ot gi ws CREE Can SE ber, John Winters, 10 a4 wil be bb t atl Cosy epoPRid * 3 3 a oe wo 5 4 erisa. and the launch was entirely Edna ¥ compensated for thet Rervices Winters $ BT ed 3g Mow, 55 Carseg Rk Rewards Bra ve Miners. en & i the recent Door Rater May Lysch a Tramp Weeping Water, Neb {Special tramp lass Satarday attomple ous assault on of Waller F west of this town Ab called his mother, whi frightened tramp away Monday Or father of the child found a ir sweriag the description of the oe want ed hiding in the quarry here, and com. pelled ham ar pistol retuen home with him io stihcation, He! gave the name of 1aneell, te, and 3s years oid. i * The other mulls ‘this turn af trade the exports from Cuba for the period sot particsterly | mor fHReTR shoes the ort on account of the Navy, $3.040031 3 falling off of about Seoo000. The pen sions for the month reached $13835.033. an incredve of abont $60000 over the corresponding month ast year interest payments aggregated $2. 463.096, #3 against $1170.08: for August, 100 ek : Change in Cabana Trade Some figures relating to the export and impor trade of Cuba for the first seve siths of thie year. as compared tiilar period last year, indicate grat radicii] changes sre gomg on and that the United Stages and other North Americans countries are the sufferers in Thas it v3 shown that mentioned this year were viiged 31 £34.- Gio ah sane perl | far the ali = worth $20. Hp RL7 Ri vet Sraont gee for the correaniinibing period in 1900 ; i froven the Ulnsesd inst S4140n0%3 for the hile the mmports cont and can countries 136 a shined Ran dunia ¢} preceding ; sd an the saber we Co Important Tressary Decision Mr Tracewsl the Comptroller of the Triaiun #4 3 demon which dhdpo of the famons De Lams Hit holds that sader the” recent i the United States Supreme (¢ ¢ indgment obtamed by ive firey & (6 for S14.307 from the United Seates in ac 3:14 hy chem a3 goods sh A from Po the Unitid States between the date of ix the ratification of the Treaty of Pars and that od soroval of the Foraker Act may be paid out of the general ap- propriztion of the Treasury Department without fart on hy Congress Admiral Schley ackvowiedged the re- ceipt of Acting Secretary Hackett's rommuhication, tre , ; of Rear Admiral How public yesterday. [It is probable that of | Secretary Long reaches Washingion be- convenes Admiral Schiev’s counsel will communicate with. him ia regard to Admiral Howison's eiunbality as 3 member of the count of suiry, and endeavor to settle the mat- ter before the tribumal meets The Consus Bureau wsued 3 bulletin giving Sgures as to the school, nehitia and voting ages in New York, New Jer- sey, North Car and New Mexico, Our New Possessions. joss Ir. Pardo de Tavera, Benno Legardo 1a hyve taken the oath mmission is consid si abolishing the ing other changes 7p iin x : 2 : } parties are in pro- { wron Seni Pa Pabad the inde- 3 Hlocot Ug Dead im Coal Mine. XK Di Suverton Bide Hird ; ixce. All were thrown dow force of the exgiosing, bare Baughsa and Thomas, being night 3 & seat of the accident. clothing harned from U ¥ i frightinliy bummed + the face, i hauds and body and iegs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers