. ~8chool. _~—Auatamn. i September. Oysters R here. Is this your paper ? Begin fall advertising. Mother's bread at Mellons. «Fine job printing “the COURIER office. ~The Oarrolitown Fair is in fall blast. ~The now Pittsburg exposition is now open. Are yhu registered ? Wednesday | was the last day. Fresh bread, cakes, buns, pies.ete., at Mellon's, daily. | OW newspapers for sale at this ‘office conte a bundle. Jonathan Owen's celebrated bread at Mellons. Tryit. 8. 0. Daggett was visiting relatives | in Bellefonte this week. : Born To Mr. and ) Leary on Friday a Boy: Mrs. Ross the nident of the year.” ~Born-To Mr, Shuss on Saturday -—-8 son. Mrs Harry F. Good is ona visit with her parents in Chicago. There are about ten cases of afpy.| i theria in Patton at present. Julins Hoffman, of Cresson, in town Tuesday on business. FE C. Brown was in Hontingdon eonnty last week on husiness, Richard Lilly is erecting a plow double honse on Magee avenue. | LuMiss Byrde Hurd is ev sights at the Pan-American ox Charlies Lloyd, of Lock wha visiting friends in town 2 Prank O MoCiure was attending a wedding in Juniata county this wack, Mrs 8M. Wilson and Mrs. Jay Was | Haven, nat wenk, and Mes. N. Pl Young. ‘traveling for the Patton Clay Mig. Ces, this week. The fine stable of Charles AM. | electrical laid Friday or SBatarday. No damage was done. ecommiskiomers of the stale | Beptember 24, 25 and 26. Miss Mollie Mellon 8 on a visit | ! with friends in Altoona snd will spend | goveral days at the Pan Ameria | position before retarning homie. j ie | Get. MacDonald Flynn, of Aloonn., | : | was in town this week looking quite well for a man who had just passed | | throng a siege of typhoid Gover. ! ray attending Harry Brooks a traveling salesman, {who was well-known in Patton. i i | wl you gre in nied of a row: Reet ad { clothendon't fail Lo Bee OUT Dew Line tof {fall snitings just recoived, in NEN or Poem “Hf you want fine Iaundey work, eave your lsondry ® ith W. BE Pro bert, the barber, a now line of fall stings sad in enpefal inspection of Duy a Dew anit ont (this display. oe same, Ra quorum being present the res | ; gp irae Fiona pa Sra Hoy. of DuBois, were in town hy we week, For a good shave hair out or shag. HW poo call on Garfield Wilking, Fifth avenue, Me. and Mrs, Geo, ing friends and relatives in Jefe rao county. aeMink LaRue Winslow, of gette, is visiting ber sister, Mri HE Barton. Kane are vial: ents 5 SOTTPRIY BY Fase snes fr dawn on Saturday for the past five months, is in town | | Buh wab at Loretto was struck by the The anroal convention of county | of Penn sylvania will be beld at Bellefonte on | Bi BX H. Denlinger was in Tyrone on the faneral of Vo ihe H.W one of the oldest | citizens of Clearfield sounty, js the | igoest of his danghter, Mn PP Reuben McPherson, who had been | ¥ #1 Aw pk AI THY we i #5 38 WE SgiL. ® Creat Reduction in (all Prices. carly and get good bargains. * I Everything in our r large line of Groceries: will be sol Id at a sacr fee the continued custo 1 of those whe have Magee avenne, ihe 1 agent for the Empire Steam Lanndry. | | Dinsmere Bros. have just received ecia! Reduction | During August. Patten Fire Ua. No. 1 bas pois vel on La ehek for 820 fron the railroad com pany in recogn heroic work in extin Leant conflagration ab thes Pennsyi iv ani, wodom. As Gray, the congenial bond: face of Spangler, was in town on i Tuesday. lea MeKenrick and BEd Knee, of FEbensburg, were Patton visitors on Saturday. «Henry G. Dill, of renewing aquaindanees Labor Day. ww lam A silver chain brace Marge links. at this office. Now jy town on £ owith Mark Loomis uses a crotel to ane “sist Jooomotion, the result of a piece of derrick striking him on the foot at the clay works. wi Mrn. John O'Hara, of Pittsburg, da 4 guest at the home of Lir son-if- i oe T. N. Nagle aM. OG. Lewis made n trip to Wi md ober on Monday, accompanied by Hin | won and daughter. «Mr. apd Mrs. J. 8. Dugan, af Coals | port,are visting Mrs. Dugan's mother, Mrs. PP, Young. wH. TT. Peters and Ed Weaklard are running a refreshment stand TL the Carrolltown fair, ~The Patton Stock Exchange wits | closed: fram Friday nntil Toaesday on | meoount of rahor Day. John C, Gould made a business trip y Altoona on Tuesday. companied by his wife. ~All work gnaranteed by the Clear. field Steam Lavndry. Garfield, the | Patton barber is agent. =John Stapleton, of Punxsutawney, vas in town last week, friend, Wm. L. Meehan, Por Sale—A good six-room house {n excellent location. Fur further par- tioulars apply at this office. Five persons were taken into the B. church on Bunday on confession of faith and three by letter. | «ufThe new advertisement of the Key stone Clothing Co. in this issue Is short, bat full of “meat. 1 Read It. wo Minsen Annie Swoope and Annie Anstead, of Westover, were vi iting friends in town on Labor Day. The Patton Silver Cornet Bana tendered a serenade to Harry 17. Good ‘and his bride on Friday evening, © oJ. Minnis Johnson will give his pie- torial talk on John Banyan at the Baptist church on Friday evening. Ceci] Mitehell, of Clearfield, sac peeds Geo. BE Worth as superintend- ent of the Geo. 8, tood Electric Light Co. ; ~The Fatton base ball club defeated | the Oarrolitown nine at the latter place on Labor Day by a score of 6 tos Landlord Frickland, of the Miner's | Hotel, bas just installed a pew | ‘whieh is said to be the finest in York, was Prod company Finder will please leave | He wns an visiting his : : Ln i eT by the Bev. BA. Pol ae HOT, Lmanion. WW. H. Moore, supervisor for the Peon Wt thie afd friends Mr. Moore ‘town, Pa wg tx now i J. Lather, one of the a town Monday and nade thin foe Rm jie Fat eat]. Mr Lather fe py LK that the recent heavy storms di siderable damage in his section, JW. Strattd® and Harry traw | aitomded the Tame ball pame al Wiest aver on Natarday belsiesn phe nine Phat lace o nt Hie Kees py EY VAL cocding Mr. Crowley, pow snpenatond Lent of the division, for ludiana, Pa, to enter the normal ‘school at that place ' make the law his profession and will | matrienlute at Dickinson law scheol after & year at the normal, ~<A drenching rain on Saturday ternoon put a quiets on what oy . {ised to be a very interesting game of ‘base ball at Athletic Park between [Patton and Gallitzin Tupi ous upset his sprinkling can during . Srp ” the last Ball of the fipwd i 7 ¢ i ¥ § patter wile had pends no pan. The an Park Spring, sb Bbensbarg, of that i than any. pes de nes now The mz Lpraoms, other Pitts the prostion of an ep ion denice. --Ebensburg Moda +The announcement the Very Rev. Father | pastor of St. John's Catholl Johnstown, and Viear-Forane Pittsburg diocese, has been on for Vicar-General of the new A ‘ toona dicopse of the church, moently formed with the Rev. Monsignor Hu- | {gene A. Garvey. of Pittston, Pa, as ‘its bishop. The V jcar-General of a | diocese fs next in authority to itn i bishop. He officiates in the absence of | | the bishop from the See and is empow- | ‘ered, }ike his superior, to grant disper | sations, etc. srocding the Magis sn ve dhe tevrrbios Tw Hannan Oar A ik 3 ak Ef A site is : being sary party, tor, Rector, Bat: ation of the boly Come # former popaiar tial farmers of White township, was in Fdgur (3. Yeckley, a graduate of. the Patton high school, left Monday He intends Piavi- i fanings, when Park Thompson. UR tu irchased a nroven bv : Mellon's B. Bring myour C ash Register C “hecks. edemption. Cheap dom | 6ROC FRIES S, ‘and at the night price. 2 £00 ds, Ete. Ar Lowest Canned No new checks issued. iis Korrect Flour and @ Fees); T Fah » Fer Rd PAIR a gaia HALVY. J OH N GANTZ, Proprietor Dinsmore Bros. = TAE OP-TO-DRTE TRILORS, wey everythin Lae most 3 od { pat- zest and best ton wv have pver shown, get prices. Evervthing in hard- DINSMORE BROS. ware, stoves, ranges, paints, oils and house. furnishing goods. A ple te of noleums. hine J. B. CORDELL & GO, Fifth Ave. PATTON, PA. oil Magee Avenue, PATTON, Chop, Feed and Meal. Hest equipped Mill in ary Capabrig Conuty. CRW 111 i AT FLOUR ne 8 nied | Patton Feed & 'H. A. | i 1s Buckwheat Mills, ‘WwW. J PERRY. Proprietor. E1TZ, (iffice in Patton Suildiog, pext door ost Office. Office Hours 3 a m. A a ipnwipm CAvennes. TY Hy sn 11d call 3 avoid he crowds. goodat eRN OF Si ve ba Furey Pana * $id se reas ! wa al $U And We aise pave Ton Not ¢ mily rk heap, but the best 5 rr 1. wr aa 3x "$ Y ou have ever found in Patton ht Furniture % Hardware Co. Magee Ave, oS PATTON, PA. Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICI Ax % SU RG FOX. Offo in the i ood Building. Read your own UDURIER GEO. BOONE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office on corner of Lang and Fifth Collections promptly at | j tended to. Properties to sell and rent | State- Ship- = a 5 5 . wis " CTs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers