barns burned in another aolunan ix Lie Conrt convened at FEbensburg on | 1405. Monday with, Judge Barker on the ds ‘bench. The pore food cases in which | ] - |W. J. Weakland et al are defendants | on TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION . - were postponed on aceount of the ab. : nat yates made Known Spin ap i sence of a chemist witness. The Besa tion. following other business has heen | MrNo pipers Wienntinned antl ni} srear- | transacted at this writing: igen are yuid, at the aption of Whe Petition of J. A. Shoemaker et al, re- Ent aro mt he Postmen at Patten ix spond: | viewers, 10 correct report on damages class rad riifer. in Cresson township, awarding dam. | LE | ages to the heirs of Andrew Ager. Petition of J. W. Martin, adminis. teator of DD. M. Kratzer, late of Clear | field township, deceased, for leave to] pay money doe widow into court, Petition of David Webster Smith for | order of court to satisfy mortgage “THE Transmogrification of Dari" 5 given hy David R Kinports et alto p title of one of the latest catia James RB. Dougherty et al on land in; Susquehanna township. ate : 1t has no reference to the big . ex-govetnor sur. sister buroiigh was ID ret the increase of indebtedness in aay the borough of Gallitsin, ordinance ; named mfter. Bled j | EnENsaURG editors have bean dlsous-| Auditor's report in the estate of Sarah | i : | MeDermitt, late of Clearfleld town. oo ing United States history with remaz { ship; confirmed nisi. Rule to plead in | : able ingdocuracy, and Bro fins Vy of onse of Kutraff vs Stephens & Rratton, the Joknstown Democrat, intiraates ejectment; granted. that the public schools are again in Petition of John Mnidoon, president 3 || ——————— Tr | of the hoard of trustees of the Ancient Tax te-election of President Mo: | Order Hibernians. to sell rea! estate in i { Lilly, Pa, al Phereon of sub-district No. 1, of dis. | pany of Lilly. trict Nol 4. of the United Mine Workers of Ametica, is a fitting recognition of the work of & capable and conservative | | ———————————— Gre vekr In advanes, «i Haas SMALL Troms are thankfully soe ved, but at the saps time Patton people wonld prefer a new depot rather than gift of cash to the fire department. for West Carroll township. | Boslit appointed Carroll township, Peorie on the inside, and Amended report of auditors in the tion to know, olidm that the jndgeship estate of Richard Elder, late of Eider enmpaign in this county, roon to be FE sonfirmed nisi ie irder granted for private rot to _opeved, will be fooght with urinal ‘atherine. Wirtnee in White township. - parnestiom anf} both sides will contest | pond of Flat Rock Water company every font of 1 he gronnd. to privet water of i ‘of Henry Topper, the heirs | Frohanheiser, Peter Costlow Lakiah Dunmire, in fi filed ind approved, Petition of Mp ¥ in a posi rigtits of Jd, J. THE parade hy the Greek fathuiie . soctetion oft Monday reflected eredit Gn these Jelinrge. The men marc hed with nt ; tary prieision sail baw yal forth much favorable comment, meh Adams township, having the ¥H rf by iret Af ih: filed Land Hesekiah Dunmire aga 3 2 & io ¥ 9 ih 3 eS 3 FEA SXF RHR As ah FRAN directed to stop Hrd comrt. Cemnpany Fu : Hering tor be had wlonry conttry CHa re: Petition of Henry Happ and Honey Thi {a HL af of Chent hire: grated, Pati of LF Ha: of Blaneh Rorm, minor afl Storm, Hor leave money inl : trent Fuow all over the ports af big storms last week. _gection had its share and the lst +3 i Fog SIE, oF JRA Fosgn, tevwnshin, de a, grisrdias Mich: wisi pn his ward part dgranted, John sity perhaps not equaled anywhere, con: | sidering the small area of territory : sovered, a of fats of xen £1 et ei mich ay pay ! hands : Ir might be a good schema for the owners of defective sidewalks to pat. them in good repair belo Some af them ure bad and dangerous enough in the summer time, but when | covers with apow and koe are doubly so. “Hix that sldewalk I a rT tahowing gale na fodlows: Tue fellow who recently wrote 8 lorttoto OC FF Donnell pewApHpeT article Secrying ihe deen. lot of ground in Uresson to denoe ¢f the semriiry f « evidlontly | S10¥ for $325, lot of grotind in Cree won to GG “ay Miller for R805. ; a rymident of Pemnasyivania The pot, Tite — } my ; (ground in Lopes Wo Beiledennx lon have for EE ot to 8 WW, Trees the ones ot to by he 11 this vear give nisi ponsed, inte of granted in fuvoro to show cagse Why whould not be paid, Retorn of M D. Kittell, Kuag., ator of Amanda J, Driscoll. Lites of {Creason, deceased, to an order of wale, i arrall township, role f Matilda Weakland, legacy die her | a Aon ion, Fam TENy 8007 3 TA J ¢ tn com rod £3 f enor gud 7 arfioid town the Common: the pr, — inchs both of A LAWYER in a conrt room ms, y call ship, the evidence of man a Har, a meciadeel, wenith showed that ast June ihe if, and no one will make a com- k Hiren th . whiont the prosecutor, ae fanart or plaint when the cotrt adjotirns nese] man prints such reflactions keep the peace. on a man’s & character there isa libel Prancis and J. 4G, sult or a dead editor. This is owing to | ard with assault and battery by, the fact that the people believe what: Thomas B. and James As MeGlain, and the editor save, Uniodentified {they took the short cat by pi 2 : cr ems the costa. i # ¥ ti : es ; Some ane, sid to fe a scienting, bas | Street ‘Commissioner Jerome Wills! discovired that mice have 8 great an- | way repairing some board walk in Ash. ; ~ tipathy for peppermint oil, and that & | ville borough some time ago when J. judicious distribution of it will be sure C. Witt appeared and insisted that the Ik was being laid on his ground. A to AWE Considering the TWA to keep them y: 2 BW scrap followed in which nothing but objections there are to hse of exchange of epithets were resorted to. | poisonous articles for this purpose, it The charge was assznlt, but the jury be worth while for those troubled did not find sue ch offense and divided | he little rodent, to pas the seien- ithe costa. | Petition of Patton borough for Anal we. Abe Noel, willing or 0 Bearer were ios many" Sooks spoil he broth’ into two Wards. In the matter of the third and final and too. many Iabor leaders with account of Thos. H. Myers, assignee of widely divergent views ars likely to 'D. G. Myers. Auditor appointed, T. prevent the success of too big sloal Sharbaugh, Esq. : strike, To a casual ovhserver, Pres dent Sihaffer, of the Amalgamated as- | On account of the thirty fifth annual sociation, has managed the strike with encampment of the Grand Army of the signal ability and the efforts of his in- - Republic, to be held at Cleveland, ! Xs LOhio pays bie it 1 Aferfory to dis his conYes | bio, September oe 0 14, nel : ; \ the Pennsylvania Railroad company Sl ee § {i cys rah wp ER vi EE ¥ | wih fipor grace, although it MAY he | wg gel) excursion tickets to Cleveland the midans of losing the contest. Per- | | from stations on its lineal greatly re haps that tn thelr object, It is 4 poor | t duced rates. Tickets will be sold and : sold ol who will des his when | i is battle in raging. Redaoid Rates 10 Cleveiand. nsiy =, work general | sive; good to return until Sept. 15, in elusive; but by depuis feket with joint agent at Cleveland, prior to non | of September 15, and the payment af ¥ ing Ratuced Rutes to Cleveland: The Baffaln, Rochester & Pittsburg wey Co. will sell excursion tickets | fifty cents, return si may land, Ohio, on acount of the | tended to October 8 inclusive. For enpampment. st greatly re-| | specific rates and fatter information fares. Tickets will be on sale *PPIY tO ticket agents. mber 8 to 12, inclusive, good | ~~How is your stock of printed ata- iirn until September 16 inclusive. | } tionary 1 The COURIER is better pre- ¥ posited with joint agent be- | | pared than ever before to do all work mber 15, together with fee in this line as good as the best and | ts; will be extended for return | cheaper than the cheapest. Send in tonot later than October 8. your job printing. oto mA AN to the Union Stock coms | John Yeaglin appointed constable | © W. R. Roland appointed jadge of elec tion and W. HL Thompson and Albert inspectors in West | the heirs LL and Hos. Dunmire © af In re the estate of John Lathor, de EX me lot in William feit of : firesson | In the surety cnse of Albert Brand 24th of deforniant threatened to f on ti If a dered the dedondant to give 310 ball $0 adding | guilty, being let off with pavment of confirmation of division of borough be px- gathering of the clergy and laity of | the Roman Catholic church on the oc- | pasion of the consecration of toe new | (Bt. Michael's church on Wednesday, | Oct. 2, which was the gift of Charles M. | | Schwab, the president of the United tates Steel Corporation, to the mem- | ory of Father Galliwin. The Right | Rev. Eugene A. MeGarvey, bishop of the sew diocese, will officiate at the | ceremony. On account of a previoos Lengagen pment Cardinal Martinelli will be unable to be present to pontificate at the mass. Either the Most Rev, Arch. bishop Ryan, or the pastor, the Rev. Father Ferdinand Kittell will act as | colebrant. The dedivatory sermon will ibe preached. by Mgr. Laughlin, of | Philadelphia I Great preparations are being mimde § for | this event, bod Gniy al lasretto and in | the new diocese of Altoona, but by . the Pittsbnrg and Harrisburg dioceses, {On the evening of October 1 a grand | organ recital is to be given after which | Mr. Schwab will deliver an address, | handing over to the pastor, as a gift to "the parish, the complete church. This is by far the most conspicions fuiiding in the whole section of mountain Lanuntry, being fit sven for a metro | polis. The style of the architectore, is tht of the round.arch Gothic period. The ground plan isin form of a Latin cross. The extreme dimensions over the tran. septs are 82 feet, and the length of the building is 134 feet. The height from the grromndd to the ridge of the roof tet snd to fog of {the tower #2 feet. The walis : Berean sand vet thee roof of The xara | reassive front. The church Li] fegiare svar ab the ooenlsr sais I reais Oa Hin the an LATA al ar His ia ody the Prada dip, of the 5 Eg Taio wernt Tas Heresy 18 Koon To FRG of the sy ery The i f Leni ta in Bios sew prince w fir eran wf By whet joonntay. Lasretica May, 1.21 ¥ athe Pering Botta wl ou ry frm i Hay, Plc CER 3 LE oo 5% i 2 gh Htgin'k old chap Lal EXE Pedi Ise iy. ak Toshi dans uw Fad sade dreie ds wae UEP REE rh i (ERE 3 FES PS IEST RPh, whieh sie LBW edt tion, Br oh gin ER OBIS ana Fealianed a wnl the fn was a har i wees inn Every # 2 : by i a RINE ROT Was wed pleased with the conduct ai It was 8 HLT WAR A hai! the Ors, piAYers We neh sev Bh o6 glares . Republican, as he only stale we wig A a ay we » Now, Math what go yin 1 Kaine. ‘of the Tigvrs ? FE Youmasr FAK Eh graph Lo 2 Hac hig Hew ground Frias garne to help pine Mme the i the hase ball crowd, At Lgathering tu the piantead fhe fanme Lick pean tx Endeavor soe Anigmavent Ha was well patio @ Lee (arcunistapoes, Ee CO chs fhe Lhe Marron | Gire va. A hkubn peaches so far this to his duties as freight agent tod Fog Hippel oAl Lan season, in her Gwn en 10 Thx Miss Desde Park rides as one of the finest Texas px part of the county. The crowd went wild when Perry made the bome run. One lonely Weary Willie spent Ban. day in town. Easvay Notices There came to the premises of the andersigned in Clearfield township on August Ist, a black and white spotied cow, with white tail and heart shaped star on forehead. Sbe years old he owner is hereby fled to come forward, prove pro and pay all charges or tl sold according to law, ps abot 7 ar AE RAI Th Ere CRS ndersiz August on 4 about six ine hereby n property and the wili} stifled ¢ pay sali good going September 8 to 12, ingla- All person are hereby frewpassing On our property prohibited. Any or (found so doing will be prosecuted as the law directs, We are getting tired of having our property destroyed and our og PETROL Loretto is anticipating an jmmense | Beech Grove Grange vided. BL : pa Ete Bal way 5 Cabh The New Yours Cent stations Ctivktets to Buflalo : These tickets cover various periods of hetsive folder | togetlier with a lst of hotels, boarding Bosrisen and private homes, will be fare w York Central pany until the compan pays the to $5,000 for the franchise Mt. Ciallitzin Seminary for hoy will be pvmoved from Ebensburg tor Baden. Beaver connty, on Janoary fsb The first se the latter piace, ~Hoshan Shona, the Jewish Year, will be op people +h Saturday and Sanday, and 15. ar aceording to the Jewish cal andar. on the first day of Tiehiri 5082 A grand dance will be held as the Beech Grove grange hall on Satorday, Rept. 14th, ander the aus afternoon and evening. Hef will be served and good musio pro- Fvery body invited. Ome of the worst, if elentrical storm this speetion 3 8 a tillery awoke the echoes and the fre. of on nn gues Hashes of 1 Lp and lang drawn BOCAS Dy oe ont, done wo far Gryed, She Ratlway Uo. attention from outside Philadelphia North Amer borg Star Independent, Democrat and Clearfisnd have ench contained mpthy article relating thereto : Northern Uambirin MELE ol is is re Nog iy § 5 Wine! with reochi Cenmints in 3 bop ring ing, therefore ned a Covriee is doing MoT & httle het fe work 1) tiie ek Paap in Elite mew tl Rhona July, foreseen {amin YS gh fd age irda « dlistioes Tie rat MER Piotakay EXE 4 on Xoo TL fad Bp a en wll peaks oor adonrRian rab Fi pra cident { Sire Arirgorks i Take, 5 an-Ame in thay sonury. 7 tiara: ATR i ; r Toy fn Reis hi wEvEE Me Br sat Agr al fiw Py ed Woke ture wrist he Ben bpd res wit pantomime, ard madair Ben sein | x selling at IW rate Niagara Falls, pein and time, and the rien. privileges and oon ditions are fully outlined in a compre A copy of this tolder, | Ne WwW. HH ATs at. nished free by any ‘ticket agent or by porieral agent, Willi N Fa. apt hese nae Smosh Do won Thee COURIER Ga furnish you with haadas envelobes, OT of any kind, as cheap wu - FirstNation'| Ban OF PATTOA. Patton, Cambria Co, BUHAY a, fendes thrown down.apd mean to have | be CHARLES ANNA, JAMES MELLON. Patton Pa, August 29, 1901. LB stopped. —A full line of all Kinds of tobacco | | and cigars at Kinkead's, i perianal Sitention. Diterest paid on Dogs eponite. A E Parroxn, Yu. HH SANDPORD, at Cashier. don of the term will be held at Fhensbury and the second at Now lahrated by the Jewish ronighnnt the entire world on mm September 14 Ymnoiiag bid ene Bot the WHPRT | sini shriek acate No damage wan CorMax, Mich Sept. 9%, 1000. de gear § epaid do We holding on te a chalr, ! ; ir Afferent physicians bat ree dwod no relied, The wes of Len totiies of Te Baers Xiduey and Cure soinped nnd Paes. MY § : Live several months wittosnt result. | ci x Fenner 3 BI and Tiver Remedy and nrve 1 Tonle srl seru pil Sere. Faas BaskuAN. ew Ky. Sept. 3. poo, soz with dy spopsia, ik) preparations own prose Tigtions without svall 4 eth Fenner a ; y prea ff 1 pfiee ted onTe, any Hay frases Thue hays fon under my wilon have beep cured by bis Dyess vr. ¥. J. LEsARGOGR. ¢ Pear I» Fervor} Fron x YY, have al Fenner s Go den Relief for LmEny years Jor the diogses den ET As a which 16 ju lw of xl have foun ally snd to sll vou chat a orp Presiding der RE Teed for O01 rg Bratsas. Burns. oid rin Grip. Sore Throat, Celle, ery. y Bowel 1 Troubles, itis ¥ : Xan. Ohio, Tun % 008. VERYEN Veetonin NF Ele aes sick pom Auseme of WoEy Be Tou Prague EE Sp Spd 2 he $8 " : : ab avg gl t- re rt A Rea oo a Pry for Aimanss Tor 1901 bontatning descriptions of the Femedies and Led of the most remarkabis cures ever achisved by medicine. i Juhinatewn Republican oilioe ail expnrsion | Dyspepsia Pa Kid, pu fLaeht Bae, 5x. Shar v High Heel. EADY BU PRnOLT ve sewn oh Selg A big reduction in Shoes. dren's closing can be a a of Pi 2 3T ds r= dros ahoes’ atl solid Cand men's * v2 a wii 56% Hoek. E. L. Miller, P ATT AL Thonsands Have Kidney Trouble and Don’t Know it Mow Ts Pina Out. Fill a battle or cormmen glass with your water and lot 1 grand twenty four hours @ ts an He. sriiment ting aul gaan i i Ea wr ar Kid troubin: 100 savant degre 19 Sr pain in Sack Wm Rs kigrevs and Sad tha knowisdigs § FAR §Nariee, : i§ “8 tem bility pas ring of some lied often during ¢ the day. and is get u times during he nl The mild and 2X1 ordinary Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the hi ighest for its won derfyl cures of the most dlorslsing Cases, Hf you need a medicine you should have the ] £04 OY SUES in Xi. and $i. sizes. may ave 4 sampie bottle of this discovery we and a book that ils more about it both sent sheniutel y fren by ma} address Dr. Kilmer a Hose of Swasnp-Hook Co. Binghamton N.Y When writing men- tion reading this generous offer in this paper, wonder ra w hat Charter Notes. serehy gives Joist an 2s iteatinn fo Sime aE day if 5 W. Worrell, egy iy 3541 PAN XR =i N £3 Eye a Spaiielly Bailing Yow ¥ Lamieal Surgurs and the oem F9% Bik sp bis wT phewive Press atientim Patton Courier, Promoter of Publicity. Advertising Rates made known on application. FIRE. LIFE AND i ACCIDENT | REAL BSTATE AGENTS Good Buiiding, Patton, Pa. - "Phone No, 8. —1f you get a sample copy of the COURIER consider it oan invitation te subseribe.
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