—— talloon has been in | d by a Braziiian living in France. hat benefactor of the race will | an automobile which will al safely and securely dirigible? San Francisco doctor has been by the French Academy of » for the discovery of a new _ This is ‘wrong. Doctors who ® new diseases should not be | Thire sare enough dis | ¢ Memphis Commercial Appeal | that 16 solve the servant girl more Cattractive. It must be d. The foolish prejudice that should be destroyed. The ween mistress and maid must Sston a Herald remarks that never was a time when the na 8 80 actively engaged in carry. out the earnost counsel of Wash the Farewell address: “Pro as an object of primary insti ations for the gener. x of knowledge.” ie gue othe mon su ; emits It seems to be b to exterminate this | , ablit doctors, The dread | yo low fever has been ed in recent years, and the sion has fought valiantly | dsly against many an in- many a contagion. But. can not be annihilated as ately in these days it is mennce to the great cap world. But it is still a in filthy quarters of " Orient and the Oct that locality. he conditions of clean living are neglected, ¢ raging sign for the the modern American that © y of outdoor Hie in the 8 sors to be Increasing. and Yariety of sports and which allure to open alr has grown greatly. Not very {Quite a friendship sprung up between ye elapsed gince the he 1 ap rn it. » suppose that the pleasures) es are especial privileges | ‘peeker. The immense hey confer shonld be I alike. society development they the richest of the blessings | 0 reach of the people, ears 4 87 percent of the | the greatest silk pro- in the world, and It quality is being steadily { 50 that t promises to com- ays bp drawn on for the tin dapsasks and other rich When the attempt was first @ fn this country to manufacture only sewing-silks, handkerchiefs the like wore made. It Is esti- now that one-third of the do c output come broad or web. gools—as rial for dresses is called— , hand and machine twist, crochet, embroidery, art g0 on. The domestic man- stand first in that branch usiness which includes the ind the exportations increase while there are no importa service must be | 1 { It ts a mis ; In the present is ribbons, next in: ! in better days—and in view of the iL truly remarkable style, and that his labors had been unusually steady and Lia Fh Lv dik Tefen to Lian & noliugy . | fors Belric's driver. Tim Murdock, led him out of the great Sutro Tunnel and | where he cast off the halter and turned Ed Ll stag Gilg 10 BR Distal Dliriop | Belzte adrift bright, hot sunlight aazzied his vision- ary organs Four years under group | 8 vonducive to blindness, and Beizie ! had pulled ore cars in the drifts of the | deep Comstock mines, and trotted to and fro through the Sutro Tunnel fully | that length of tioxe. So Belzie blinked his eyes and gamed about him in a | dumfounded manuver. fréegorm PY BGG i isting dn such 4 priitiant ae Perhaps Belgie remained on that par- fio ibang longer. Fo ANNALR begin: the days slipped by, and ere Strange things will happen, and it | became apparent that this visible ribbed donkey was thriving on his sagy | brush diet. His master noted the fact, and decided to terminate Belzie's fur- Jough. Mules were none too plentiful | Just then: work was pressing. and, . bones that emerged from Sutro Tuan. i nel four weeks previous. So Tim Mar donk was detafied to round-up the re | juvenated Beelzepub. His accustomed haunts were searched, no brown mule | i with the peculiar markings of Haizie { cotild be discoversd, Inquiries wers i made, but no one remenibered sesiog : Rina within the last week. Finally the | stage driver informed Tim that he }! ‘seen # mule ambling down Geiger Grnde, pretty close to Steamboat : Springs, day before yesterday,’ seemed a self-evident clew, and Tim got an nxtra day off, mounted a spare ' mule, wandering Belzie i Steamboat is noted for Hx hol springs, geysers and the aitogeiber ex- traordinary formations in and about These springs are a favorite resort for natural scientists, and offer a splendid field to fhe ro | searches of geologists. i There happened to be a particularly . zealous professor sojourning at Steam- boat about the same time Beizle was muscle. Two prospectors, firmly be- ‘ Heving they had struck a “bonanza.” | were extending an old tunnel in au hill sicle, about half a mile from the main springs and geysers of Steamboat the young professor and these two mines The three made frequent ex- | peditions, bent on investigating the | wonders of hot spriogs. surmising causes and effects of internal heat, and | the prospectors Hatened in utter fasci- nation to the theories propounded by | | Professor Melling. One saitry night a heavy earthquake shook up a goodly portion of western . Nevada and California. It played odd ‘tricks In and about Springs. The main geyser went dry, When Professor Meilina discovered this fact, his rapture Knew no bounds preparation of exhaustive lee gazing into the cavernous dry vent of “the erstwhie geyser tie lesa, tired, yet gaaped oul a ¥aiuble ‘and excited description of an unpre incoherent was the azeonunt give: the two men that it was with 4.0 Melling comprehended gt one something stranger still then (he disappearance of the spring hol Jowead in the wahoo the te “By the trumpeting elements Love, this is great!’ Professor Meiling torch ER ERE in favorite tert, as he beheld a long regular fissure beginning a few ward from the woiith of the tanned and ran- Lak the eve pould peueizate the gaoum Pulling jets of steam arose in clouds, conYerting the prospec pel into a veritable surediy the elected the water | has found a pew put! fessor Mellins, “But, professor. that ain't pom what amazes us Ju wt i to the infernal racket! Even #8 the miner spake x decides rumbling rexounded within the tunnel] it grated on the ears and emanate. from the very earth. The turee men were silent: mysterious workings of Lalu seen and woweniul them. Another ¢loud of steam sparted up; another grinding roar; berated in 8 jerky. hollow manner, they dwindled away 10 an almost me- sipmny pet gnbterranean force nota ¢ t here” satd ® youl Tom we Jy ¥ TH frie wis 4 good ale vet he had | fact that his ribs were protruding in a peting elements’ He can not afford to miss | the opportunity of beholding this odd | entirely creditable, it was deemed ad- | pitts pinked his brown eyes. The Francisco his mind was He didn’t know | whither to be pleased with his upusual 1] { boat Springs. Nev, | here last night surface It is certain, however, that as | { moon as the sun dropped behind the crest of bald old Mt Davidson, the | . mule. seemed relieved: he grew quite { gportive by the time night's sable pall | fell upon the drexry landscape. Thus | did the overworked mules vacation | | earthquake {long the bony, long-cared, solemn- | looking Beeizebub became a familiar | object as he roamed about the Vir- | | ginia bills. take it all around, Belzie eomid ill be ‘ spared, especially since he no longer | out the same figure as did the rack of | satisfaction the (rrsgularly This | and struck out in pursuit of the | C rustling for a new growth of bone and | Steamboat | ' He recorded voluminous notes on the | natural phenomenon, and began the | ures for | future classes to digest. While busily | engaged In jotting down notes, and | { und noesnny noises seholng vob it. Therefore, tore hove fn sight. They were breath. | deavoring dented freak of nature that had taken Cp place on the site of their tupnel. 50 | they were understood: but Professor | w that | mere | | bly expressed himself by using his & magn spring appeared th x rwels of tha b Las 3 the E Eada & lt iy i vho had deserted in 4 it Tever- | lic gurgle. The miners’ bronzed faces turned a shade paler. “Boys, this is wonderful, wonderfull If Dr. Endlin were aniy here! Trum- I have it I'll tele phone him. spectacle” Impulsive Professor Mel Hos let his enthosiasn have full sway; and with the final rumbilng sound | echoing in his ears, he dased madly dGwn the hill 1 the hotel His impatience and anxiety caused girls, and by the time he got Sah Nevertheless telephone facilitios in the Far West eventually bring about thé desired connections, and wire. “Yes, this Is 1. Malling; am at Steam | Big earthquake Springs went dry, but | o | cracked other Lig fissures in earth's | rumblings | Subterranean plainly audibie. Come up at once, Hring Peofessors Smith and Landers Wonderful, I tell you—it's wonderful Murry!” rr. Endiin, the noted geologist, placed a dea. of confidence in Pro fopsor Mellins and as be had felt the in Ban Francisen, he thought the professor certainly had dre veagom for his graphic phone mea. Age. in the morning. “Greitest recent phenomenon, doce tor, | goarantee you’ to investigate (1. Bee you in the morn ing. Gooahy, “Goody.” . Professor Mellins paced nervously between the dry hasin of the late Quieen of the Springs and that fresh crevien at the tunnel He beard with repeated rumbles, denoting unparaiieind interior disturbances. Hours will slip by. no matter how | tedions the minutes hang. Dr. Endlin, with Professors Smith and Landers ard 8 couple of newspaper reporters, ailghted the following morning from the bright yellow "V. & T. coaches Professor Melling greeted them with | delight, his roddy face beaming ax only A mag's can who has played the steliar part fn a commendable act Tima was a valuable item to these | after a light hineh, the party sallied forth to inves. | selentiste, and, directly tigate the owiburstia of Dmme Nature Professor Mellins piloted them to the gaping hole where the madly boiling waters were 80 suddenly and complete iy ingulfed. This ostensible fact daly impreised the learned men, and they examined everything in 8 practiced | and professional manner, “Hat we fail to hear the Internal ox- plosions. Professor Melling™’ “Ah that you soon wiil, Dr. Endlin; sYRY Reccanpany me us thin hil and | will comduct you to the spot.” raports had spread | rapidly and over a wide feld in regard | view, to this shaking up of the earth at Now, various Steamboat Springs. Accounts varied from a faint ramor describing a dried. | : the | Malling, and seemed to pity him, up spring to the disappearance of the whole Steamboat station. [t depended, of conrse. on the number of times the | Curiosity got | ta man of tterh, ale Bad Leen repented the better of a number of these good people consequentiy Feild nt leant a dcore wake. The flwaure til] zig tunnel; hot, the crevice: but the activiry of & day. two prospectors, Bot having a reputa- tion Ar steke took a cheerler view of | they were nol ex- have ther things, Besides, Cruciatingly eager to fianza tunnel forever filled with steam | through | read Lad after a tn silently and fraitiessly to atch a subter of the prospeiiors “Nall Doe this here phe goes by fits and stars ar RRA right anw PR - ranean spent ITE wi, one ated with: eNO kinder Setwit 3 0 awaited a spallonearly | WE Scag and several re | the foo ard r- yi “ga vg of Tos By ig Endl strode hack seriurbed In think trip and ning directly into it. extending as fur | thin © sat Fro- ae the phe. inten od + last vibrations of ited away, Pred ape hisisels i The 3 Sauer private inn thelr thenring th Lym ord cpon the scene once mores An interval of gulstude prevailed | and scarcely a sign of steam could be E ting ther to remain and convinces | you say? . mover heard underground thunder, ‘now's your chanpe.” him to speak barshiy to the “helio” | i quake here, Hank? turbulent. | some big institution of big learning” “H'jakers, an’ vez are sthrictly in it ; writers, phiying those who do nothing _¢ise a salary, and to those who do | other work a fixed sum for the many with comparative “All righ. Melling, we'll be Up | yut rumble. Pihem, | throat of Tim's mule | ass is akin to the filing of many saws * o at once, and never an agreeable sound. | seg Sh Juhilager tus . ist This particular bray created all of this | of eh wh 8 4 Story to on affect and more in addition sot eactiy a repetition of the aubters ranean capsonading, thire was 'h | : ha gay shading. Fe Was Much : vacation or falls behind in the pro- | duction of copy. These extra writers wre usually newspaper men amploved . on some paper in the city or hen one Inderground thunder gaged in some other clued of Hterary t mulé's back; Lonnw the scientists be | of men and | women persistently following in their | saggmt into the : yapory clouds hung over | the | ates ets vould not be compared with | | those of the preceding Professor | | Meliins lonked slightly rrestfallen The | me boomin an I finch hee | fom minutes i wnt inter. | Bur Just you i h to dis | on IRENA sppeared | ward earth —San Francisco Argonaut obamrved at the Tagged rent in Mother = Nevertheless, a dozen men bad Earth. heard the unearthly racket; these { were Yugily engaged in telling the | others just how it sounded, and bid. in themselves in ceadniity.. spite of thelr It was thin aggregation of ommanity that caught the ¢ who had been scanning the country all | | the way dows from Virginia City for a | iign or sight of the vagrant Beslzebub. | Tim was not a man who let alip an | ppportunity of finding out a bit of eye of Tim Murdock news. and he refined his mules op the “Phwat's the dishturhance Hank? “It's you is it. Tim? Disturbance, Well, | wonder! If vou “Paith, an’ did ver have an alrth- “Sure, Tim. It's paralyzed our bo | | nanza tunnel and locked up a rosrin’ | fury inside Professor | Mollings bosrt Beat rapturously as he | ! recognited Dr. Endlin's voice over the | of it, to boot” “Who's the pgintlemen with specks and knowin’ jibe?” “Scientists. Tim, and they hail from the wid ver Htile wanhorsge tunnel aint vez, Hank?” And Hank nodfied a ready acquies renee, Tim had guided his mule directly in front of the tanpel. be sopearad unduly interested, top priciest up bis long ears and sniffed the air suspiciously, A spurt of steain was elected from the crevice; i owas a forerunner of aeveral denser Eolne, Professors and ail others drew near. opeciing to hear tha resqlt- it came, as formerly, bat laud énough to startle A Bush when Natures stupendous (orcs as saris Heell ia a manger that indicates only a tithe sf what she might de. dent. grating ory issuing from Althongh | similarity betwaen the two. “Mither of Moses: Yaz gaping rawhs’ AN its a foins thrick yer afther plavin’’ ipods 10? Him that shinek mo good | siule Peeltvbul ter niitherin’ sclonites will plaze to dhte nt an OF pees his ugly mag)” Professor My nyenient bank in a dared condition Ee noted Dr Endlin's countenan Hoeoted a sarlonic agnor Reveral derintve srain before « reed Bhan Back, ye domned fools, an’ Tim Murdock had leaped from his he tore wildly into the comparatively clear atmosphere # the tunpel and disappeared from Sa RR liferent emotions filled the breasts of the difforent individuals Dr. End ins face was & study, he glanced at hopelcasly dispirited Professor yor | he maintained a dignified and soap. sromchable aspect that best becomes The maparity of the | chuckled looked wide and of "1 told you sos” were! AfpectiRtors namber verpegrd, threo brave souls ventured | within the tannel. after nutes or go had elapeed. a vommo tin was heard in the darkened Two or a few fost yal Back again | ite a fool t% Bis megiok ; ork tunnel sonahiiy wane more darlint!” Hiawly, taretully. surely, wtaeired PRReEe ott of the uanel. Once the sure 5 slipped. apd his hind feet down. (5to the crack tha: made ‘a flour dangerous ground would Tim Ber to asRist Bim put into day straw to Pro fa morsly | hack, 1 tell {il RG Belgie! it Hack Hal there, Yer sin . Mie awh. Tim Mur Bia i TNne and only then, any ol the aod W Ton backed the last wines andoing ar roe unsightly animal then | aniekly down the hill Dr. Ende fs comrades conbi appreciate | ja wide of things and sed then fairly roayed, the cause of the “sub lings. plainly audible nimal welcomed Bel storied bray. Belle, | and with huge actuaily steamed from | bad in a woe-begone | warm-hearted Tim lay upon Brel & laste ris and again | holds ia riding shows Lich ad Saminhed, Fes inif $d HEH i of CR 5 ferme sally the now | Men Who Can Write Ouse Week With of the sami herole and fresating type trail leading to the group of people at | Star. pss of glamor would undoubtedly be i special guaiification requisite to aud. cess are an imagination of great re source and fertility, and an unlimited capacity for hard and rapid work ' Each publishing house engaged in the men who 40 not attempt any other "Thus laited thers and gaged in apen-e yal astonishment, The nie not so distinctly fell upon the throng. i Man's stimifcanes seems infinitesimal “Thank you, professor; will be glad | ing twig, thrilling moment suspended between the edge of the cliff and the yawning. rsekeboun The hush seas rudely broksp-—not by below” 4 a commenting human voles, not by another intarnal clamor, but by & str 2 or aealng fr re gaged to produce a certain amount of / En 4 ve FI} 1 The biay of an | COPY within a given time in order to : supply hosts passed the Hips of the | mentioned {ncredulous | : : i upon the daify papers for stories of | | sensational ' that may serv incidents in the fo t me rescue me poor darlint Bel | that may serve as incidents in the fc i giel™ Manila a score of thrill | dent wer on the newsstands {inited Biates { wpe | sleep prirbn set af {ably the recon! Lduvtion. it Cwarda in three rule, L pURe want aelion, Aa Rreat terial error in the deserintive sect [ ehdent Pow imarobable the deeds of the Yer Aid may be, Hie fF Popout ta LC fed Cahie to | FOR BOTS een now THE AVERAGE PENNY oREAD- | | FUL IS WRITTEN, i ; { Ease - A Novel Written in Thirivoeix | Hones — Mules the Anthors Have io Follow — Hex Its Rigid Marality. Te the romantic imagination of the small boy the writer of dime novels is as the heroes be portrays, writes Wal ter L. Hawley in the Washington | The actual fact is so different the resultant accompanied by a corresponding de- | crease of sales. The men who write dime novels do not wear thelr hair long. They carry no six-shooters nor | ‘bowie knives and maoy of them never (saw a live Indian or cowboy The writing of such literature is a husiness rather than a profession, and the only business smplovs a staff of regular geript and copyright on each story. t# carried on the huginess of embodying and reembodying the good pid heroes, Alkall ise, Gentleman Joe Big Foot Bandy. One Eye Pate, Dead wood Dan, Dare Devil Dick, The Man With the Iron Hand, The Boy Detec- tive and i! the other popular favor ted, who are still on duty, traliing a dinna. hanging borse thieves rescning kidnaped maidens finding lost beirs, recovering lost fortunes and in other ways helping good people out or bad gerapes and leaving bad peoples “cling ing. weak ang despairing, to a yiekl that holds abyss a thousasd feet . the regular issues of the at short notice. They are einnend an vextras” or “specials” and are called spon when a regular writer iil ona 0 wark tf sR 1 1% oceonpy their that swealin, | ork Ee | shteamin’ bole fer the tddification of | Loo imunder” stories produced {gre written to order | author does pot even select the title # fall back aealr : : Ly B fl hack against a ‘of his story, and in many cases he 8 Ninetentha of all the socaiied A A rile the compelled to follow s plot suggested by the publisher or to use some inci dent in real Hfe as a baxis The publishers keep a close watch crimes and adventure | ton prepared for the small boy, and when # great event or ap indident of | national Cexciting race between publishers 10 be interest oconrs there ls an the first to put upon the market a dinie novel relating in some way to the affair that is in the public mind. Within a week of Dewey's victory ia rug atories in which thit battle was the chief incl When the sailors of the Prutser Baltimore were attacked fu the streets of a South American city & few years ago. and thers was much wild talk of war a publishiag booke in New York put on sale 4% bdsies after the news of the affair reached this country. a dime novel with the mur | tered Bogtawain's mite of the vritiser as the Bern The author of the story far 34 hours without rést or She A, HY wards of © ony. to the wyrinters sheet Ly wraty {t. This is probe trp rapid Hierary pvr happens that a which wint as he often Lwrtter of anch Mlerature lv caiied upon to produe a story of 40.004 to 50.000 days Writers of dime povels do not, ag a attempt a polished atyle of Bug and rarely resend or of their copy. The publishers nla, incident dalcgue and thrilling sitaations, A successiul writer of dime govels must possess at feast superficial knowledge of a great variety of subjects. He ni Ge Gide 1 write a story of ile in the ziame of tity, ane of adventures on the western plains, of war in Cuba or the Philinpines, withoul making any me NEE 1t is a rigid rule that the pli sad in must be plausible Mo nf revise a ish. the anthor must le agreed WW avoid jmppssibilities and absurdities it Aluals ow un dnatlan in } y marning and £1 Dregctwonnd i 1 Be : tr nan in wing explain sutist ae the Journey the other in the a far gary ne Ow he frag Lima The ¢ Hime novel writer mas £3E0 up a chara nif apother writer and oa C stories ito repeal himzodl Cir often happens that he of ral i cn ited i ironical dav | sone tnsnt Wet Lensitiong aiid baridly ‘onnts of Professor Melling's brilliant | shasaménnn al Steamboat Springs. Profegsor Mellins's gride forbade him appearing in publie for months after | and the bray of a mula iy to | the mast agonizing sound on Cin shige Hi him through : potion. | de plum may appear on the title page thitoiish th ther along acl vonnry itd or individual nnd pew changing BY withom perm it ting hin sf danng nical char ripe Frpiy 3 hig b in dereain iis 48 farried along £0 np 30 stories published mandecn “Hbrary” style of eh While the same name Or nom iN ff neter the pf each story. a dozen different authors perhaps contribute fo the series. each taking up the characters | | author fell ilk one of his daily writers, who was em ployed on a daily newspaper, arranged them for one cresté a thrilling incident or climax “is very rigid COeTsY OF Dthelir breath” Ltn plot against the Aa Any Leent to the Bermudas pans writer, and carrying them on ® new i felds of adventure. ey A publisher who had created are mantic western adventurer with . nam that proved popular with the boys contracted with one of hi rege i lar ‘writers for a series of had been issued, one every two weeks | and the other four extensively adver Ctised to appesr on certain dates, the The publisher sent for and with him to take up the work and carry on the central charase ters unchanged. In order to prevent delay in getting out the stories as ad- vertised, the extra writer had to read up the career of the hero from the start and write four novels of forty thougand words eacs in twenty days The tusk was successfully accom plished. and the writer in question did | not Jose an hour from his reguisr ‘work as a reporter. Devoting only ‘nights and Sundays to the stories, he C dietited them to a stenographer, working sometimes six and seven hours at night at a rate of two thous Land words per hour. The regular writers of sueh stories, work, are able to produce one story of forty thousand 1o fifty thousand words a week, for six months or aAyear ease. Under press wre, they van readily write two a weak, but could not long continue that rate of production without a period of complete mental and physical rest The anthor who attempts to lay out a8 achaditle of his story. fo work out a plot to the énd in his mind, and name all hin characters in advance, cannot write dime novels He must be able to take a title a name and an incident suggested by the publisher, and write a story of a sperifind length, letting the plot grow and Lwetlon develop as he He must invent names as he forms the letters that spell them and Viele must always triumph, in the “dime novels and vies be overthrown the in addition to the men who are én. ter. and the hero must be an example of all the virtues desirable consummation being achieved invariably in the last chap Nor must the vil iain be too wicked, for in certain ree spacti the morality of the dime novel it may surprise many porsane who denounce such flietion as whelly bad to know that the publish- er will not permit a line or situation that might ee much ax suggest inde vnlgarity. The villains as well 48 the heroes all swear “under and oaths ars never weal in the lines of the story. Four or {ive args publishing bousest fn New York produce tons of such terature every week and the business is con ducted in a systematic way, There is the sharpest kind of competition in the trade and the writer who oan suggest and work ont new and novel plots or situations will find a demand for all the material he can produce. a a THE exiLeD Boss. The Rritish Mavs Scattered Them Wide iy in Different Parts of the Warld, A mall sketch map. occupying a corner of the Geographischer Angles ger dhows the places in Potugal and india where hundrids of the Boers captured in South Africa are now Kept in confinement. Having distributed the prisoners from [odia to Bermuda it wil certainly not be easy for them British govern- ment (lrpnfe's soldiers, the first large party to fall into the hands of the Arithih, were landed on the island of At, Hidena in April last vear, and have wean Heine ever since on Deadwood as the {gianders call the plat about 400 feel above side the port of plan. that rises sep on ope Jamestown. Anither part of the Boer army, TM in pumber marched easteand over she Teanseanl frontier inte Portus supan territory. They were captured wenr Romati BP the gateway thronigh the mountains by which the raliebad from Lorengn Mar yes macends to the Transvaal plate cai. They wore sent to Portugal ar ¥ Lie HTL the expense of the British govern. which is now paving the cost their maintenance. Four hundred af them are confined in the citidel at Sepicae, a small fortress on a penin- sula utting ont into the sea a little portly of Lisbon. It is a very secluded piacty, the few thousand inhabitants srsnnd the citadel heing devoted al mest reciugively to lace making. Pour nundired men are all that the storage capacity of the citadel would accom mandiite. and so the other 300 except- ing the ofcers, wore sent (0 Alcobaca, a fear mijen inl aul, Commmulsr Pleo naar. w was in charge of the party whett it surrendered is kent a prison- sr xt Thamar about 0 miles porth- of ishon wheres still stands the fame monastery of tha Knights of wham was ropceded the the new prowess and in Brazil and in the them an epidaring fie renutation. The nfined at Caldas yea] oar ho ELEY LLP, x a “ capgiering of Ta 5 i eg if whose deeds Keinhg Aniothar rim carried whenes they miles pnt fram South Af i tsmbay, were taken ndand abet th. Ahm Their fon does nat Appear on waiariy Invinns if it is proper iit Anmednagar ‘a hot, waterless, agtiiont hole” in which OTE a cor. heater (Luardian tranapet sir Bo ef Fy ag £50 ne. HILAL sanpnident of th Mane has given his aninion of it Another bateh of prisoners has heen It seldom hap- in any war that the defeated | prissners are 30 widely scattered — hy % ¥ 3 | where they were left by the preceding | Sun stories, After gixteen of the series