AR A a J Hap FO pd Re ire Absence of the Dreaded ail. ations in certain en aimat at the fletins of the Hid £ sha Ear 1s mina re ee de no indication of peri i temperature, Jou; oe The improvement in the Pris hus continued since cy” Tot Rotts His ¢ sand: Booresting “there ix np specia bulletin. rue. ont ¥ ~The J pre ement 0 is Tally fin No official bulletin igned by the il- Rixey, M. D. ferman Mynter, T es MeBasnte. The striking ie Hews. = e | i | 8 bad let ' the Presi be no attempt to extract . Bile at present, | see no reason A “the. Presis den: will not recover rapidly.” ; Dir. Roswell Parke said: “1¢ in such 8 case as that of the Presi- {i dent the patient is in good condition at | the snd ofythe third day the attendants | are jusisied in regarding fim as having | passed a must critical period, We J nf mr aow him ta talk much yet or Sway brim te ire himself in any wa MRS, WKINLEY HAS FAITH ENerved by Strong Bete! That Her Hu Will Recover Rapidly. { Snesaal yo tH rast Ao Rinkey 15 gor | know he has Husband periecy he Ars ars | Hin ox great and fh fespnre deen Frost &v rig Ames : fiat we ve re happy” Mrs MeKind dent, said This frer the CIANS WAS i | fally encouraged her |’ SCENE AT THE SHOOTING. of the Prosi Hp aer iE, Wiig A baren a | Mr. Mckinley Displayed Wonderful Nerve i After Being Weonnded. William McKinley, Presid nited States worn ded . ‘3 4h WA £5 OPINIONS oF Hs POCTORS. | Conger in the President's Case is Rapidly | Passing, Though Net Yet Gone. | affalo { ~10r, Chae. McBur. ney Sipe it the 3 Py Lie i dications n- Bey 1h EHH i Are Sepcint) said afver the is 1 othat all the mn favorable ad symptoms have appeared, “hay $i Dine Can Say now den 1 Lake was ned suspcionsly ciple of Emm High Lo i & Cacsi {fon a0 were areal ed ox anarchaals sail fin the President ae &3% { weutk stil Phones may tiie, of all go WE may be ab say that he is lescent. > : “Put 1 have known cases” pot in Dr crowd was in Ma who wis present, “to go well for in the Temple po tten days and then change for « : hail foond no iee Lwhien the Presude “That is trae > exid Dr. Me. | ing, beside the C ! Burney, cwh eptecatingly. “but | dem John Ge hi cirfitines DATE LICAD Fox pris GY B WEEK WZ may salety LL Yelary Greist py & 5 £ id ot it YY. {Speci he President was shot the | the FRE cheer ul hamor | of Music. The police hie of any kind, and ratriage, wecitive. Pres of he Pane Buffalo. N ih Loony Ppa faedore 4 pou ir EO ve f BER To pmb ane FAS ON ay ey pet +} a NS OS CE cosa that Te is a convalescent, n | priabably be three weeks before it wi fhe safe to move him. We must wait uni {rhe ster wound is healed and strong. ! rior wound 1s, {fare he is able to sit up will depend | | upon the rapidity of his improvement, and 1 may say further that his improve: esident’ $ cundition i irney, and by Georg ry 0 the President. Parke in such a case stirgery, Log ge Eve ond condition at the ay the attendants are hum as having ca say now that th ¢ President 15 out of William McKinley—We trisst in Beite re ‘recover speedily. Senator Mark A. Hanna-—We know he greatest danger is already past kison, Secretary ol Agricul i esident will Ee» well He rail ad emiplo juted and hall a dozen passen ftimore und Ohio Ka: 1 1 of the through % coaches in the rsionists bound d the £3 A, R. ange, presumes engine and three 1 tr. The Lterly deflerent po extremely wn Famany respects a lucky ie ds a SARL SRR A Lape Mynter, Evens Wasdit Lo i the wound of President McKin PRESIDENT WILLIAM McKINLEY. “1 will to the side entrance to the Temple 3 1 {wis met by a mighty salwe of cheers | land applause i . The three : The inner wounds through the stomach | : proper will be strong beiore the exte- | Almost immediate How lang © wilt he he. taining Secret Ber ter and Samuel R Ireland drove up. ard these detectives, with ie eral other Mecret Service men, entered the bald ing together. Inude thoy were by Director-General Buchanan, «ho ; arrived bart a meonient bel and he ds recred then: as 0 in pasong teach off h con Lreit sree Fos: a min ely © ment, tf 1 continues, promises to be rapid” br. McBurney was asked 10 compare the Garfield cave and #3 treatment wit that of Pr esident Me Kinley, He sma ted 24 he replied that to do so wonid be to give the whole history of the Progress | of SUTgECy dur wip rhe fast 20 years CResides” aid hie the Cases are ube Garfield's wound was | tanae ane | ht was difficult 10 bande, sesihle to ut the I i CH Vs hi Hew NIG badd 2 way. { while i fom binpiier, fey : arranged tor No main shuthea SHE Spiraea ns FRE i phrson ia re Dr P Ri Py “1 am not 8 ospeds bgt ram a Ey M that ly fe 15 Was {vised peroning ar periosteal tha i$ i 1 consider both now very remote proba inlities, hs mptoms have appeared, but no one #1 in a3 a p the stom Peritionitis might result of the two apertures in Lach, but up to this time—~a time bey the gghtest Mr. McKinley is going Th | blood povsoming | yet extracted, | warry about ths Seles F CORRE R, jet off trom possible harm | tinrities with their prisoner to a tram, standard record not symp of a mnie There IH fio! the Xi highest evidence Ax th the bullet no do nat hwlieve we ed : The presumption 18 centre that it 1s faded somewhere ih the mus. been decorated of the back. Pursuing natuesl | green | nlants, it would now be encyated and | der "Bower There will sie wire sual Sh FA is his re grad he President sti Both covered R44 sydes of WD Canis Citizens Prevented a L yaching. Ind (Special) A mu Boonville to lynch “Buck Wheeler, who was arrested for kill his son-indaw, Elbaz Burns Hudson of Warwick county, telegraph. ed Gov. Dorbin for an Evansville com- pany of National Guard to protect the prisoner, but before the governor could | ‘he reached the mob had entered the Death of Herman 0 Armour. Saratoga, N XY. Indi napois, fry ned at si Amour, saratively frail head was able to rade our ed ba bye Rain Ly den been in Com sone thine, twice a day and appear : strength, Sunilay, accompaitied hy a coachman, be too re guitar We town. The sheriff then appealed to the | and on his ret rn Be he felt Seve neh citizens of Boonville, who responded, | voireshed. Shortly afterward he oe” heavily armed. and escorted the au | yeated on the porch of his cottage con. his r was taken 10 Evastille versing with friends. Suddenly he ceas [ia walking and immediately expired. brenti i | po Brion #5 fisted : hanging the tase i Ady are just ; i of the phvse | yoo an iL A y dure | i tg balloting WwonGet- : a AR ¢hyrged with being smplicated ; min. | CORN i : Lamoure. kim on ene of the hal ™ he hunting was in a solid plc. ane had tine to produce a knite had he heen able to think of such a thing. couple of men tore the benches aside trampled the bunting down, wh E Milburn and Secretary BE ‘carried the President over the line the passageway leading to the page. whieh had nod been Bees strips of purple bunting: Soldiers Were at Hand From the southeast door and extend. | ing on up to and around the curve was | a Line of soldiers from the Seventy third Sencoae Artrdery ory each side. These | were Iter spears ed with neatly uniformed i guards from the Exp YET BOnce; NT {nto der the command of Captain Damer When the Py wsident L party was wi ith Mr B AEiEO gr Medvi 8 in cath! {iene arid 5 on racial bp RHE and Lent aed | Brecident wn bg fa tiie palm bower a oy big geet han gost, * Xx i EY 1 Lik thes fry ple ax Seeretary sit mare than Milburn and SEH 4 TyrY was the Pre ictal as mere] Raine ABT ; he Fowier 3 rs 2 Wokttee Treat dingedd Bis Wikx 3 LL pe Bie as 138 res lent withdrew md 4 fegers Brier &Y then, ¥ hie wont eel the hen all was rewd Sar ttered through President sprilc standing charge of th i WAR reply g : very plossant amd gs Be wanted Ld La anette 04 Trelis doors ee Bay gb * adjusted and lsagh Sprnstary Mowing urn 3 artited én placed hand Sounded seas & head and This seenied to 7 2a ent &¥ ad | fe Ht Back inp porte 3 Bp 5h Tt Fs and 35% Jus shomid eed a warm As Ho he woud Ti death Ho wid give Mdier, 3c) more ¢ i : a : “Organist W. | Gomph started on a | ennatd low at Brat and swelling gradu ally to more majestic propor ft the whole amditoramm was | melodions tones of the big pipe organ, 1 The srowd had been pouting through | hardly more than hve minutes when the | sweganist brought fron sewerful in F sfraaent 14 nod FORTIN 1 drown yen the suf He of oly if of the peonic the Pressilent wers w ctalder To every child ihe President bent over, | shook hands warmly and caid some kind | words, 2% in rake the ¥ glad. As each person | Was viewed cfitically ny 5 = vice men. Hands were watched, and anions nored. A Supposed Accomplice. Ls A hii fed ¢ ROY RH Feanident was iaush ty 1 Flossmtal £57% pasion grounds in An anon Ae the havo al sie wages $x & HE 2 Tariey & man CIEE Far down the | Aspe spnear id fine He was sh L meath a Deavy straight bi Piz & | pers Lk { ret = IY we { gonter Fie ane % ‘ 5 0 © er how : Was agai fe xpraaiing ardiy tos $a5’y PIAS oh 4 bu : {had | he pert HIETS End by was insured. Coed his tose hand diIreas : eda waitin 1 hay the gaaassin had td hast x an aren seid the young naan. sw that it was neds gary for Ireland Ly pu 3 Te SIAnist in ¢ 25) : in apiring i tmapned. fhe Preside § aml bene Land no 35% wounded Bey Dtested that . mind and reache: : re somal nit given ; Was ak white as hus and Wik shks ng from the Wis A hardly Be the assas iti i eR 2a he wives Weak wh the ex shie £0 stand on Hin Tout, ithe floor. hath do 3 Fores £30 iat 0 Fay * Bix X 3 a Preston? them LW Sine j i way, “wy Ig ponent SEY se sede the Hr role CORE needed, Seven Lives Lest in Wreck. | May Change Yacht Plaas. : York | 4 Special Kili Wag LAs Were Myrred pil En LEE BEY ctteen ie train Wis LY The ; 5 dead : could not be Tine d. They were Bar yest hands who had boarded the car at init EY Many Bodies Feom Manila, San Francisco, Cal, { Speci) i here Ath Za transport Dix arrived he tras Leulies from the Philippines, if h nek, an 1 {ra RR HS trom Mania A and ned | : ed to road) the physician ‘was pleased thar 8 ng over ils ir : his hs hand © sink ENE 4 dency te respond Wri : figstonad ~The | port occupied 28 days in making the run | i etn oF CIOLEOSL Axsailant is an Anarchist Baffala, N.Y. (Special) — When he ifs his morning nap Monday, it McKinley called Dr. Rixey to ais sud asked that he be perants mormng papers he was dented this, but the e President should (ale so active an interest m pub affairs. The Presdent Was Assure that if he continued 10 BrOgIe Ss LAN OrY ably Be might in a week read the papers Jal : Far the fir is if time wl Afxpsnn OH course, PR skiiant “Heo ma Peavida . Present Ar man unt he cept lh Hei an sourchun’ the Wak le cw 4 4 4 Too bad too bad’ was tes is shae hu watt trust, thusogh, that he will with all {airoeee ihe Parts PEERY shay Baty wand the - we ed me at the : a a Kiley aps fever RR Prespdent the reply. 71 he treated from all SYN siormed shows une and hy President Gf the we vigil arrived the American great writ over his vist asd dempnstrated t fiat grip ppan the affections countrinten. The Presulent wae pin op hel and he fot himself hugthly Pr. Rixey he save tn show neh had been X x wan feds that veld of ry & Hoorn Hsned 3 YIRtYS % Axx YW fostare of the heen made toward res sens te that he has y symploms of re i theres Was no which usually resnits from nnd § # Areas at ne ike sBoOWE &n : Afiae Pleg Oe ytd stich a sheak wounds were herr Atepdy oe Hurpey hand thst i all hig oxy clan He has never Rrtows y another who exp hited Re gre fa jens treatment rienle 48 patient Preaudent My Kine marvel 2 aged ) ak stirdy of en who are capabl #1 wnder darling saeh things The Presdent asked how long 8 wintlidibee Tred le would be permitted partial af find. Dir Rixey told him thar the wounds fue Stomach would sot heal an de ar ten days, and durily tat fir does “hh IR 3 Fi ¥ rhe PoE £53 Abie tar from ade 0 went way had enough wing darved Ww conindpoce in the tHe aomsince Buchanan, © oer that there bee aropoued 10 nl resem very Mn angGunee. 4 inve Al ould in all men £3 Pan American aapeather fn SE “Dresident’s Day” fr 3% so hy gs ac¥ 3 SEGA. CROs. $ELeIRe RAFT al HOW ROOSEVELT BORE IT. “Our Om Thaugst aad Prayer.” He Said, “hy Now { the Presideat.” Ly we tolny Bars who was fa Motte, shooting of demeancr of He: are + the he vo vegitsed the dazed oF nis. sreong ae, 5% He was plame sd tenis nile His eves by laboring user dee Pp ered on and ask Sikewise keenly af in minke he aad spasnneement oo ve ak tog svi oataude “The NV jon: Predul tent paced nervously dictated a tele wa ial for more Gartty the second bulles ng $i Proudent' s HeCrIsar: fata the avered sinterest wd mer fer Proctor, anit down the i5k : Savi ly a ivi TALE That's goed is goeal May it be every Du true “Hp hrashed seule those about fim, aut oa the veramila and made the sifapuring ann inneenent nnelf the Vawes Pre esijentizl party’ rington LUHHE. shonsiniesis, SA en 1a it was bauds Lia : Bear mde 8 lr anily geste $31 aed his hand on ooBar- panned TURE $300 er eiis HEX “ ; Speak Se SEES shit gos RATNER FROM KING AND EMPEROR. Persons} Messages From Edward Yii aod William HL to the President. Kiel oR, , Sent. 7 Hud¥al the My WISH and SIOET 2-.¥) RX Sept. 6 ail States of Roem gsher President ; Ameri 3, Dullaio £43 perressed by spd 4 4 sure Pa speed bv recovery N LL iL AM A Sad Accideat. { Special), AN near fare! ‘oth, small chil aed. While a Farrcloth, siver, one dischasesd. grant R. 1 & = rmuatit Crergpistown. 3 Ham mother of a family oi Hisw On otheran-law, £ dat #4 Sh 3 ae 5 caliber reve of the toads was acondeatally Ihe bullet struck Mes F abdinmen, taking a course downward and lxdging in the lett kidney Her Ceomibition is oritical and the physicians | stant that recovery is impossible.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers