The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 05, 1901, Image 1
PATTON, CAMBRIA co, PA, THURSDAY, SEPTE EMBER : 5, 1901. Ran Ad fael F pian vim Sos e Greek ‘Catholics of Patton Have a Red Letter Day. AN IMPOSING PARADE. ok Her onan Wan in A Burn: } Gredk and Roman Cathalte Movielies Male p Bandiog and Went in After Him | : £ ¥ Entries From Which She Died | ® Fine Biowing-hmpressive § iremnnies A the Racred Ediice Mirih : Feltowahiy ut Firemely A bright sunshiny day, ailh ; Fn, clouds threatened Lo SGocagion early in the morning, © C which were soon dissipated, an pod ero) of heppy, 31 £33 fern mn, when Mew, En Cosme nn tered a burning building in quest of her child and. recetved injuries, Garis deviivation ol He sohurch, with ats att sendant Tellivitios, fags pepiembered by the find Lr Fe Ley members of Us Clonenca reside in that part of town known ati Robiosonville in a house: jpeent to the residence of James 1, | TORREC gation, : . Holes, In thes rear of the Botse is a : 1 N wa the § wily Laibar Day shanty that has been gesd as & stabie, Lin tows, aside from storeroom, elo, and which on this on easion contdined os quantity of : A little som of the family, 3 boy about five years old, was playing a in the shanty nbout Fae alniock in the Fioon, aol sesdng the straw con. that it woud make & pretty oy i | into the night. Tha atory Lwere Bedd 80 Lhe clinch a ten glolock in morning. CH fewont soviotien met at Fireme Cireeht ait paris its a ® Wore p ie ae Sirs Bh ANE ak A % i or the olbly, and Rin Hora Rung Bs ay Hoathols projestors poent from ana ie sling veremonios spt Lae and Si uay Gea tio SREP prog 1 $i 3 3 > HELE aH The il! To think was to mot, and procarieg some matches he wet fire to the pile, | ‘with fatal restiita. The blage exoends his anticipations and becoming frighl : the fire and smoke ho ran oul [and the was formed ay of the shanty and hid behind tho I pint. owas a get ae Fat ip if id tacie and oiloited 3 Torin Juechn wus thet ment, sud mouitad on of pa Patton Heowead th fail regaling Falios op cp thin praranie that xoratie oan and know. chief plaving io His mother saw the fire, that the boy bad been burning building but & few mo. | ments befors, braved the floes ; sich entered, all the time esliing bim by j : Bs ors os i frighten ; ath = Barnesboro Greek Spang: Cher isrenik, Hastings Greed, to answer, aml the brave, self sac rife Greek and ns - ing woman, sapposing the bay was still | LL ected in the building, pushed her way farther HE SLATE RA0 SL7IpO8 GOCUpeY the flames. { piesins Place in Vou parade, In a twinkiing her clothing eaught | tre ra la be Snapstiad - vel The exoriises at ay hurl kh, which he Bh, ba os Binh tipi oh eonsikted of conseeration and dedics- sament (ind hostensed to ber a | Hon, wars hoth solemn and impressive we, tearing what clothes he could | from her back, bal it was too late. Her ris were fital and she inhaled cori s of the flame. The physics ian tates that the shock alone wim cient Lo osuse death. flesh bung in shreds and she Wis | fh burned from. hen to Bliver Lor Tig Ties Frikiny iY o Pp arto RE ot ben ‘and copsamed from three to ‘hors’ time, They were condugated Ly ‘the pastor in oharge ond a Greek priest fron Srikiool, va Cwas filled fo overflowing and ; were ane 2 Phe seer oi) Rp Rav graeiy Bain £4 ERAED BEY Ws were the sociatica and mm Af fo of the Lit sii vit us Seve COTDBIenC ed bs nod cheer and good follow s fod at S00 & #4, but he d [paramennt A Jobastown ors : EE | furndbed monte for dancing apd She leaves & husband. wlio, i tanes of the fatherand wele i & miner (mpioyed at Flaonagin 1 several small children. Fhe will be held at Bt. Mary's RB sh on Friday poring at Ab conducted Rev. Fath ty y the Cassidly Hi play ed to the rythimic ‘of nimble feet. Refreshments dere in abundanes and everybody ia wood the Nothing ocurred to mar he pl wre of the oceasion, and it wis will | vain resrola on the part of the partici 3 ! pants that the festivities of tier day in the Greek Catholic fof Pattan were brought ta a ol HOG Were Nhe the sina of fire was aounde firemen responded promptly and a ab ort tinge bad a stream of wat ag on the flames, and the blare PROPERTIES SOLD. : without communi. —— EMG ER Presn wid of a Naat : waahareg Monday z At Ebensbiurg on Monday ommeans seen, i Sherifl Blower FE. Day i Binge ud uf the Resuit ot the Convention of Suh Diiatriel following advertised | oof District No, the anniaal election of officers for | ret No. 1; of district No. the baron ol eat Hastings, w 34 Mine Workers of America, by James MeNeells, : nesboro last week, the $50. nj ‘were chosen to serve for the term: : Wm. McPherson, Barnes to Thomas W. Jones, the plalaufl, for L$. (Prosilont, Andy Edale, Hast Interest of James Dick in 35 wens | ete, in Carroll township, sold to J. Me. Leech for §25. {The interest of the administrators of tive Board, Wm. Dukes, N ant- Uriah Lioyd in a piece of land in Sus ; Dennis Sallivan, Corralitows; : Hogan, Spangler; Alex McTag. St. Boniface; Daniel Joseph, li wune township was also sold to her boro; M. Brown, Hastings for $10. The three properties of Wm ors, } Thos. Stns, Patton, | and Mary Allison In Washington tovn- ship anil Ulva wols not the Poot : money being nade In fail Patton i organizing 1 a foot ball tesun | t proposes to make them all “tarn reen with envy and defeat,” espec- ally hereabouts. It is said the big oo hak | town will have an especially strong né-up.~ Pittsburg Dispatch. Patton is already bragging about the foot ball team they are going to filled by men u ah it in the fleld this fall, with whisk oD instruments. We have they expect to knock the spots oft. i bbess office 5 and deuire any eleven put up by surrounding (retire in favor of somo others 1¥'s alright” to bave coiifl- | Please attend this meeting e in your team, but, wait until you (he good work along fore you | de 8, BEL 1, Manager of Fee srt oN Hor the north of the panty: Hastings opera house properts y, in the Slaintis {ur freasurer, Michael MM. Notley for $25, Sail worked Wak ; fans to buy ineirnments for the by yd are requested to meet in Good's Hall {onday evening, | offices of nu ahagor a and brea { de re to re sign and i 3) sw & ¥ 55 X dion saber Bo to elect A WE gust rust be lary EL Gray Wald ans pecple, 7 fentuny the piensa al i bars Grove and Firemen's Park aml ii was & success beyond the most san: sined the far i! + Hail folion Sg Poo 98 Patt RO 6 fruiip Burned Wo the ground on diese SP Pe Gita 5 hid | thin mx { vl fnteiesting silernoon. sonnet ght ; Interest of Winfield Jones in 141 acres in Cambria wownship was sold W. and Bro. F. guehanna township was sold to Jennie and another piece gia and hedp © Electrical Disturbaiices Made Sad Havoc. | MANY BARNS BURNED. The Mioal Destructive Storm Te | Thitt Max Ever ¥ielied tha Norbit Canty Many Erapk sified A yend Heiliesd 0 Auhes, Po sist Fi ar Li Props: Was conaid: san Fay fy Z% wit The ioh any record iu LRaown was that of Jacob Bolte Aube] £ tobetwaen host i and Ashville, and it was struck by Hebtning about Alatek in affernaoon snd completely destroyed The hows will £45 500 Besant after this iBharp in Allegheny Asbivilie, wan alsn wet eetriosl fui ground with £3 ven rench the barn of Javed or five by the Diy pind entabng Ww wi Ue ita contents HES : : Joss of 21 . Another find was the barn on the MeGuire properly the mio tg, occupied Joseph Judge The barn of a Mm Pye, a widow, was als struck and barged fo the groan Thos. Baker's Yharn in Ulearfidd township, two miles oA ugust sino strook, Fhatoalid aot eaten usa of Ru BLU ie winlain froun her, Was fire, morning oh from BL abont sized LHL mataruay doloek a hen on the I fyomestend, Then mies A 1 8 #3 pe Ph gatitie was struck by 1 spite iid barn wie owned by Jv hasid iL about spas Ceedlangs whe Weeks aE ir Fy The ineltded the and ta and pabieds of rye and Wore wd fey Mr Ustbtiogs. They There wan ay instranos of SHG comismbin ge af hay olay of throne Wate a Fy BO ety the nikling, Carecdl town aduo gape 5 iat Faus Go Henry share : tho ynage and { tf, Kirkpatrick farm was Hiaiay yonng horse was lost in Lhe Lake. Hele Were 4 pnuniber of Elsie ahve prideibly FReTioUs Hoses, the year, when ail sy stared, oo bave Lo thorein “te draw the sled trical fad, which ae tists Line a he cheng wis ation Lgsotiate ina vaenstive for the losses nse and autumn, bat ast iy und Satunday the | cortainty broken for this Ha oldest inhabitant’ cwithout a parallel Pench sumnias Frid: riseord wan ges Liven eVBh a { fo cite, REV. RADCLIFFE OROAIRED. Maroy pes the Las! Tharsday Ewing Baptist 00h At the cali of the Patton Baplst s the Cleariieid Baptist Assoch char eh “ation asking the several churches hav- “tive pastors to sit with them | to consider the propriety LI Bro. John vhinrohen BE. Radelillis renpanded Lhe Last ty. Gen. Boone and J. Mitehsll, West Liberty, Pastor J. Eo Dean, Gettsemene, Pastor J. W. Crawford, DaBols, Pastor T. T. Valkofl Westover, Pastor F. L and Deacon H, M. Fry. The council was orgnnized by the election of Bro. J. E. Daan moderator [ Sigmund clerk. After . prayer the council proceeded Lexamination of the candidate, and be- ‘ing thoroughly satisfied with his Cliris- tian experience, call to the ministry and statement of Bible doctrine, unan- imously voted to re fin the chureh for ordination, In the evening the gram was followed: Ordination sermon, Hey Oidination prayer, fe $ » af Cn didate, Hey. mend following ford, Hand of Fellowship, Hey J. E. Dean, i ) Bey Jon E Badadiile J. BE Deady Moderator : Ham win ti fork. Boned TK Rev, PF MARRIED At Eindira, N. Y., on Monday, 1901, by the Rev. Munder, ML BE. church, Mr. Henry F. Patton, Pa. and Miss Anna C. Hoxie, : of Chicago, 11 32 Croand, Peter Latzinger fhe Jar CLatzinger, plies, passed from the scenes of life to ' take on Monday On fhe Syringe thie | Savas feeling “neither heopor those ground hy i < tart Sa chan was mniadiately mimnonied, Prone sed Eel pee from Tan times married and eaves a borge fan. ily of obilidron, ali of whom are grown | Sghtning and {ta contents. The LAG iBsDreRl opr Hart Cane, Ad aibar bara {aod baikdiegs steuck daring the (wo ; repre. ander U1 tas a tendency tained 1 this maaner by the Gurnars ‘ Buried an ok Cand hire ky regione of i apart to the work of the gospel rested Wednesday evening charged with libel by ex-sheriil Geo, M, Werte, who alleges that Bailey " paper on Tuesday morning libeled him | { in an article relating to. complains of : Sigmund Windber people aboul a foot race last Friday at the Johustown Deis association meet, in which a Windber | burg, ean was deb aitared bail ford with the tionary Was Called From Life's Scenes. WITHOUT A WARNING iy He Rewnlis gy prgnped Bread Wikile Waiting for Supper Had : gt the Catholic Plenleo Respiration Ceawiel [afore ie Fondlod SAW i Sepa te Nie Yon re 01d, in the twinkling of an eye, ari aged resident tnrartaiity on asl 5 oh a Be 5 evpaning shout boo dloek 5 Catholie plenis at aed Htienuding sharia Leiba is grove hue wife, and while walling for asal i ni the table with his shoket his hand preg SIA rapper Jad Wy whatever. gastiael ry an well and aw he suddenly staggered and fell against H 2 Baek, who was standing at wide, and then to the ground, “ aid felt Lows Ove cepa Tw Mr Buek bBifted his bead hits Beart imnwahintely, bat dont taal fad fours Ba Lonchedd the % rostiration ground, whiny death TRE if CHER ape and resided ore and a hall miles fatringe £ He win 78 fyoara of a Mr, an a arin a whan hres wan held Wednesday conducted Wis The foneris Lyi by Rev. Fathor at foaschend The CORI of praise. infernent o Cathode tery al RTRs TRANSACTIONS iN REM TY Fropedives in This Yd 1 Chaanges tl Handle Bavontly, { ar] st {4 Cathurite Cheariiald ewnship, EER Kring ot ux io Fr rank Spangler, $14, Andraw HA fina, 4 Mimo B #9 Frank ©. Paar Galina Execiitor of Fox, areal! Natl Wo. BN to Juans Bley, Bhensbhnieg $5.08, John Saker #8 ux to Mary lay, Urisson towashin. 814 A hx ashi ie EL 3 4749 fy ied Mager # Phu artery Poin Dent Sine Wit £0 seed ail Mm Reine Far inh Mr. Lang Book with, upon Joel culied grave of We winesday 4 i GaN Darl bine (aan besvdd ohiki. Last shomonih a fiw who ahi bed of cholern Bath were Iter twin brother, infantum on Wednesday, jald thes same grave. Dieaver conducted the last Ratnrilay afternoon wt 3 a nlock at futerment in Hey. funeral Lh Fatrviaw A CR tery. Aerostod tor Libel wed i fap was Butley, Pheamoerad, Warren Warth the Johnstown iat Ang Park ated by a negr Bailey Cor. eh Naoties. Al Ould Fellows ure tli a 3 Tuesday, tor attend halons Ghituan ils, Takes this aedinl vita sere Tha L Pation Las dnd tidy BREEN ith oh simone and ~The Hing ig wil Hae of sta ai isl ceived 4 haa al every will be printed in the mw he Ground Pater of this 3 Shige wit dronewil dead, withont any He him had : : ‘any thonght of final dissolution qntil township, near Trim ssf : A physi. aR at St. Mary's morning Hy ab un df thee Came That he treasurer, A. Rraw« hin week, of : wn hoe they ; obd aughter fittle one's mm: z i Pr. on of ar- § 14 ie HH : mi invited | Wont ss The the deseription, which it approved style and af the lowest possible figure. i Bend in your : ob work. ones Business 18 Of show windows. ‘As t he w inde rE the store,” so they say. [.6ok mito our and CYCS us for a new hat, tie, pair shoes. shirt, or suit of clothes New fal 1! 2 or | fixings all in now Cs IN y lor early In You i; ancl sty les rig i { me Watch our windows erything marked in plain hg- MPCs and only onc price. Keystone Clothing and Shoe Co. Directl v Opposite Bank Magic Headache Cur 7 , 3 wit 1 EA ¥ These po wders will fever worst forms of Headache or Net Four powders in hae. CUTE Price... R GUARAXTEE. ratio, 3 sEphy OU i CHAM: BRYN Ohe of oe you no good, wa will, upon Lhe racei ph Backage POLO SOME Money just ay fe arsed iE does ¥ FEA pum bottle or this, ba mass we know the goods are 3 tiem tal We feel sale in right and 45} that ARV HR we claim een Another Inducement. in sudition ter thie Positive idgarsntes, given you aur LAs Pacer en Cneors, which are your hire Bases whon you have savin #5. 0 worth. AHIR, Ae give 3 HE sent of We give thew with every purchase ol 5 Conis Or more ak and to a thinking person this is a saving worth cunsicering PATTON PHARMACY C. W, Hodgkins, FP g ZULBAIAAd B . astm AY SITTING hy » 4 MIRKIN & KUSNER, Good Building. AE “ ib TI