inn inal - Cerca No OE Sims nase rnc a | publishers. the callonsniss of the press and pulpit it 1s backed up by the town, A stranger turns from the pews columby of 4 paper to its adver: ising colnmpe, and it he fails to find TERME OF SUBSCRIPTION PY Lee) piney, bei} BV RTO, «Wy i chants and profossional rset he Sones i Yui epEbRd i Sten ud Koen Spa a Aulve gr prs ap {os the conection that the editor is not 3 BX papers disontinned antfl all arene appreciated, in which case it ls a good | ili, (nnices al the bption wf the 3 x p | place to keep clear from. No Leven | Enters at thy Frodeiton at Paton ky dedond: ever grow without the active assets SIS nti! an, ince of its papers. Nor can papers grow and build up their localities without the assistance of the town. Business men should realize this and | pemember that in lending support to their local paper they are pot only building up their own business, but are helping to support that which is | steadily working for the growth of , the whole town. A LABOR DAY THOUGHT. Labor is prior to and independent of apital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and conld never have existed if labor bi had not first existed. Labor is of capital, and deserves mach the highest consideration. Abra EET FOR CONDEMNATION. Owe of the most flagrant aboses of | lth, when such instances in some | orm Or manner Are an every day to the WHAT 8 man gains by giving bis | wages to his wife has again been ex- emplified. lee Carpenter, of Jersey | ! Bhore, an employe on the New Central jrafirond, reocived his month's pay last eck and handed the money to his] millionaire Henry M. Flagler ie, who hid it in her stocking. That ga! y followed by his marriage to 8 ' night burguiars entered the house ran | an yormg enough to be his grand. {sacked every nook and corner and | ghter, ; went through the wearing apparel in is in itself is not surprising, bot search of money, but the stocking ly-| i, {ing on the floor was untouched, and Mrs. Carpenter is being ormgrataiated ‘on her shrewdness. Moral Always ‘Jet your wife handle the cash. racont divores of wptngerns- have become so accustomed to #be encroncliment of wealth aod the er disregard for decency, morality | or law on thi part of some of its awn. | Ax Fuglish Inwyer has written 8 ; In surprising, when the dastardly | hook entitled "How to Avoid Paying ature of the present incident is Debts "Ex. A useless task. Every brought to niind. town has any number of dead beats Nowhere lave we sean or hoard of | who can enlighten the people without | \y condemaation whatever as to the {the inquirer wading through a mess of | | of the Standard Oil magnate; | useless verbiage. | r have the Florida legislature, | } his willing tol in farthering this legal- | togie the editor of the Windber Jour- d form al adultery, ven the sabe | nal fired at poor Brother Bailey, of the 4 scathing remarks on the part. | Johnstown Democrat, in bis jas isso ther the press or the pulpit so far | jas something awful. i LA GL ANCE at the eriminal iat In ane | commentary on the Amer: | other column shows that ¢ fmmbiria that a dastardly crime, and | county atl] retains its prestige in cases advisedly, like this one OF We her leas kind. Li nothing but commendation, or | WESTOV ER. an undignified silence. Fla- | Mrs James Wood, of Patchinville, ‘wesithy, and his weaith alone is wns a calier at her son Merill's fant | Tuesds ble for the action of He legis. PR Marie, oar enterprising VOUng | : Hi merchant, will visit the Pani American is first. wife, a very estivnable | exposition next month. : man, unfortunately several Fears | Andy Hausenstanb reports hleve Tex 5 ie afflicted with a diseuse of Hvery business poor this season, mud brain ard was placed in an insane | and rain every day being the canse, 8 A. Kughn.onr very obliging station | agent, deliversd some fine peaches to cient and dried . Lo-| | bin customers Monday sod Taesday Wt very long age ber hos | one | Harry Moore, the boss carpenter Her charm. (and slectrician, is polling up a Rew ga warned ap the old te : 10 Shes tation, FP. Mower deft hast rh hid no matty ¥ in Es ; Sore ting. Be he will brits | giddly young thing to bis way | home some Whoppers. CJR MoKee in selling medicine and : great drawback was his wife, is meeting with geod HACE, iis ; : goods sell the second time without fortunate woman, the | ‘trouble, as most people know a good: youth, who toiled and hing when they sce it. ng | her young days to help Jax B. Hunter, of Ladose, is runniog id iay the foundation of the the barber shop for Merrill Conley, the DOW | latter being sick, The boys say Jim is a dandy with the razor, butisa very light man for such heavy work. | The fire clay business is flourishing. We may have a lively town yet. The | bank cars and rails for a half-mile of | narrow gaoge railroad have been ore 1 dered and business will be rushed at one, i Mr. Youmans bas been away on a | visit for some time in New York state. | While gone be also entered the state of | matrimony, returning last week with his better half. The boys and girls showed their respect in the usual way | with tin horns, cow bells, wash boilers martial band and many other musical | instruments, The happy pair have | the best wishes of all for their success . through life, We are sorry that in making a truth- tal statement of the ball game played ‘at Mahaffey some time ago betweet: agp the mixed team for Mahaffey and 8, 3 were ‘married by 8 ' the Westover Tigers that we made the a thle clergyman of Louisville, editor of the Mahaffey Gazette so dog. groom's gift to the bride was a | goned mad that he went to kicking d four million doflars, and the and busted bis crupper. All right, Mr. | Editor, do the best you can to smooth Bute woman, who slaved | it over, bot the more you smooth it | ¢ al ight to a cent of his | nations as to the finest play ers we havi a. living nearer you than to us count nothing. Us, our own strictly citizens : of Westover, can beat your team, and T the vig con! corporations ins: to prove to you that we mean business the validity of the store TC challenge you to play, uo players, but citizens, of either place to take part in the game, One umpire to be {chosen from Patton and the other from any place but Mahaffey. We are ready to play you at any time as above | for $50 and expenses, Arrangements can be made for this game by calling on or addressing (eo. C. Rishell, man ager. Now please be kind enough 0 pat ap or, i there the business cards of the mer ol lephons wire from the lannory offhoe neti Barney { Hark, boiglary: : Pant Prous: fw. Barney C Sark, burglary; Paul Prene low, Ipold, Barney Clark, borglary, John B. Piarr. Burney Clark, Faith. POR GRAND JURY, SEFTEMEER HTH Commonwesith vs OG. A. Maskley. |. burglary; Vitor Aorcitie detainer, prosecabor, dosnt Hershberger. James Bradiskey, larceny by balles, M. E. Lindsey. Frank Knorr, larceny and receiving: Conrad Hoteler. Jacob Meier, larceny and receiving, Eils Hawkins. Harry (ireen et al, cruelty to ani mals; J. V. Hoffman. Martin Clay, larceny snd receiving; John Beckley. Thomas Burford, assault and battery with intent to kili; Dick Mack. (irant Woods aggravated assanit and battery; John Geisel. John Banton, mansisughter, DH. Roterts. Lawrence Palliser et al, burglary, Edward Peden. Edward Penden et al, distarbiog mesting, J. C. Gardner, Annie Kowalchick, marder: I J. Harris. FOR GRAND JURY, REFTEMBER 8TH, {Commonwealth va. A. E. Fretta, for gery; prosecutor, Joseph Springer. A. E Pretts, forgery, Andrew Du. man, A. B Frets, forgery; Uriah Marsh. A BE Frotis, forgery; Michael Frank. A. BE. Frets, forgery; John Duman. AE Pretts, forgery; Charles Fara | bangh. A. BE Prette, forgery; Simon Adams A. BE. Fretts, forgery; James Bennett, TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. Changed Handy Bedonilty Uharles Anos to Paul Yakoer, Pat. ton, B26 J J. Dietrich ot ax to Vittor Quinn, | Carrndl township, $15 Pan! Short of ux to Agnes Boley, Patton $135 Cheat Creek Land xpd Improvement company to John Begar, Patten, $90, { hewt Uresk Land and loprovement company Lo John Chobl, Patton $86. M.D Kittel ot ux to Henrietta i { Wandroth, Cresson, $280. WW. S Barker et nito A. ¥. Barker, Erensburg, $348 50 Y. 8 Barkerot al to Kate F. Barker, | Ehensbury. 5 Jimeph A. Switzer ot nx to Bem birandt § Carroll tow aship, i : fm 3. 1 wor of nx to James Ma Vistondale, 2806, Sonn J. Hetrick of ux to Belly $ Sider towrabip, $i Jomo stax tn Jamel A 1 wiv gx to Josep Epil g 5 Malihow 2 ‘bang, Alleges A Yo Barker CC resnng, $606, Barney Clark, burglary; Adam Tres Ls ticket agent or by W. HN {arn iva ition panciaa ent of the paris at Taka. a rnin 5 baal ti Je Heantiy stations ES laworate ex tlokots to Buffalo and Niagars Falls | These tickets cover varions periods of tine, and the rates, privileges and con ditions are fully outlined in a compra. A copy of this folder, {together with a list of hotels, boarding | hensive folder. honses and private homes. will be far nished free by any New York - general agent, Ww iiamsport, Pa Bids Wantest Bids for furnbdhing coal for the Patton | Bebool boiling will be received ant Toesday al six Yolock pom, Sept. 3rd 1061. The board reserves the right reject any or all bids W. O. Huasaun, Seorctary. Patton, Pa. Aogost 14 1807 Nisthon 10 Tax-Payers All persons paying Wo Weagiaxh, £5 ; $e ELECTION DAY. lige Fi ok Paw It {ame to Be Tasedery Afrey First Monday In Xovem bor, we GAY for oid. infin & dar to guid Veelf wihihin : Por sani Ass phoneme electors on tee fat Tae ehetaric, grammar, syntax And | properties in This Kurd of the Consity That Friday in tk 10 (dur, {¥iher states elect its WE el etd to 154 Sera Gaseriad That Lis SOU cons was due perily to Drasdolenit vot cing. which was de poseibie by he fash of 8 definite eloetion day. 1 wis alleged that Kentucky and Ohio Whigs had verted in both sintes he Hert os Ctwing held on different days So in 15h Ge Iw wre paswed the aw pow on the winiate Hooks sa king the fout Taenday after the frst Monday tio day Loe Labemiavio Puan wind Riiae Chant Orel Land and Impeovement a company to Anna Bobanais, Patton $5. James Fitzperald et vir to Margaret Switzler, Carrolitown, E300. Anna Sehawarnder to Blair BE. Sesds, Cresson, gia, Cath Sirittmatter et vir 0 John | Lantzy, Sr, C “arroll township, $1,700. Reduced Rates to Clevelnnd, On account of the thirty fifth annual Lencampment of the Grand Army of the ' Republic, to be held at Cleveland, | Ohio, September 10 to 14, inclusive, the Pennsylvania Railroad company | | will sell excursion tickets to Cleveland ‘from stations on its line at greatly re- duved rates. Tickets will be sold and | good going September 8 to 12, inclu sive: good to return until Sept. 15, in. elusive; but by depositing ticket with | joint agent at Cleveland, prior to noon | of September 15, and the payment of | fifty cents, return limit may be ex- | tended to October 8, inclusive. For | specific rates and further information | apply to ticket agents. 3 ings Bacar ning after en k balloon waa on the ol of aucun Land te saw his AL step dng nie rhe ear Plucking up courage he stepped | forward, paid bis money fd was ak lowed to taki Lis sent with ihe othef | geronauts. Away went the balloon, and it was tor anil rhe tle (arty Gre mi and Lharongh taxes Gn or bot: re Agel 5 1901, will be slowed 4 & per cont : duction. Sutings jost 3 * 3 £0 Sp ® wer £9 by THE OP.TO-DRTE TAILORS, i ng of the prov of pat-. election x21 BE xe HEA shims Ah Hatin : oR vein jwough a i vg em #1 Spain mo Nearw, Biosset, Liver and & Gi § i. W Haodekine I (innn's Phacrary wae well above the tree tops that the | Seaemmericial” toeped toward his cus tomer with the first remark of “And L pow. wir. what ean 1 do for yoo In | ealicoes ?” at YEA mse The Nedroom. The simplest and most economical | plans for purifying the air lo bedrooms are as follows: Heat an iron shovel then pour ou it a few drops of vinegar, If possible, have windows and doors 2 sii af the time Again, have some (humps of camphor In au ohl saucer, ont the poker till very bot (bul set reds and tonech the eamphor with ft The smoke that arkees will Ike away all disg prevails odors snd eave 00 op | pressive scent behind lotion AD (3. O. Buck, Berine, Ark. savas: I wi troubled with constipation antl I: poaght DeWitt's litte early risers, Binoe thon have been entirely cured of my old complaint. 1 recommend them. ( W. Hodgkins, Patton, FipstNation'I Bank . OF PATTON, EWErs. Hiddile Solved, Fyrst hry ha § 43h see the pows eal picks i A Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00. SURPLUS, $16,000.00. Accounts of Lirporalinns, Firms, fTokividun- | cals snd Hanks reesi ved prs the nae evo. bie ferns oansistent with wale kid conservaiive | tanking. : Steamship tokets for sale for albehe leoling { Che, Foreign Drafis payable in the prineipad | vities of the Old World, : All porrespomndence w {13 have our prosapt aid § porwnal attention. i Interest paid on time deposits. A. E Patron, Wu H. SANDFORD, President. Cashier. single The Sarsinew river By piles Bove and oan Bs bmnde hiage d : been sebutioget IN IWWE OME (hed Toet of bine bonds. Golf, The game of golf was put down by an act of parlispent in Scotland In i 1841 as a nuisance. Then fines were FIRE, LIFE AND INSURK 1] ACCIDENT IMUUL inflicted on people who were found guilty of playing the game, for it inter fered with the practice of archery, a8 men preferred wielding the club to pulling the bow. Lures Digests what you eat. 3 artificiallediges # fandand al Natare in slo Wr re ou Cktructing the axhan gana 1t is the dated a Sp N or p reparation Depew Flatuie x i pa Ee fet Sole. indiven Fligh Heel. ‘enact ae hd REN seoe. A he reduction in Shoes. Wa bao seve al cold lta of 0 hildren’s andl Misses’ show thal we are Ov : out af prices bee than Shen can be height fron the manufectarens also n fous indies’ oxfirds, T3c and $1.00 Wi bnee Sette Cd bo yu’ dress shoes’ jatest styles, maranteed all solid lather for 81.2 and $1.35 ad men's mining shoes for $1.86 AR wold leather. Call ad examine stock. liller, We A yA PATIO. PA Thousands Have Kidney Teobis. and Don't Koow it. How To Find Ost. Fila bottle o or somhmon glass with your | warm and lef bt gang messte four Noes ® seiirnent Ar pets ting dicaies an wy BaNeRithy conde oY © ton of the Kid 3 #4 ir stains your Hen i seidenre of kid per wogble) too frauen desire past if or pein in the back a alse eomvinein ET proof tur che Kidonys and Bade dey re out of drder Whast ts Da. There 3 comfort is the knowledge so sfien expressed that Ur. Kimer's Swamp Raat, the prea kidney ramedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, Rulners wr Biacider and every part tof Ihe yrinary p i gon carrects inability Pf Bald waler an scalding in in passing RB, or bad effects tte ue of Hquor, wire or heer, and overcomes that unpleasent | pecessity of being compeliad to go often during the iy and fo ge! up many Hmes ar The mild 23d he etre {1703 seed » Medicine you in 8 HE You may haves maple bottie Sf this wonderful discov i and a book oe mire about 3 both em abso utely free by mail addniss Dr. Kilmer & s i Ca, N.Y When won reading his gberous oar in this Churtet Notice. : Ned tem | in rely given that aa appiieation fue pale Wy the Ceveriey of iw ce enn on Sataaday, Lhe ak 4 tty ac (aR by Juhg Ww. Kephart, 8 Wiemberotti, Hm Kortmugh, Fran Sher ihe SY rotons of fhe At Act. of 0 seul RE Peutny an of vor ir ihe srunrter of ma 5 {a DR. S. W. Yigal, PHYSLIAN AND SURGEON, Woon thoes Building, Reom Nod L cduenavad swig and the Dye 2 Sai AH Pa rel, Cowher & Ce. wo A pon BD REALESTATE AGENTS. Goad Building, Patton, Pa —"Phone No § cued be Wil toond ve prainpt atfention. Patton Courier, Promoter of Publieity. Aldyertising Rates made known on ap plication. _. Advertise where you are sure of restilts. The Coumiks is such a me dion. A