granddaighter of the ‘wiao was entenced to btaining | The Dowager Duchess of rland, presuming tod greatly on latitude allowed her rank, de ‘in the presence f the court ent that would lave Insured Sountess Leiningen, listant cous: of the King, are neiher of them at credit to their pyal connec. For his many nisdesds the confined in an English pen- while the countess ls serv. fenna jal as punish- , biackmill and swin- ter degmdation has gone by the Mirchioness of who has time an again been generally for irief periods, | _arrest in London for and disordely conduct. mnsction o the English hou he Countes Waldeck, is jaw sdetgoing punishnent for for | ugder dreumstancas a Sa - | effectual revenge he poisoned he { arsenic, In consideration of 1 “{ was his house surgeon, and we gat we were going through the wards with fine Indianapolis News. ‘amount of royal infuence could save | her from jall. Italy has two convict | dukes, chiefs of tho famous old 8i- eiltan house of Villarosa, who muf- dered in a most criel manner a young infantry Heutenant who was betrothed to thelr sister, the Princess Catarina 3 ati A Se | The murderer dikes are confined in | the great penitentiary of Maddalena, | 1 | near Naples, which also shelters the Prince (aracclola, sentenced to ten 5 A | ypmra’ hard labor for the murder of his wife. This noble prisoner was onte ; deserted by his beautiful wife. As an r with | his prince- | ly name, the murderer escaped with & | ten years’ term Pennsylvania Grit. He Was (lever. Dr. Guthrie, an suthority on mili- surgery fffy years ago. Was a kindly man, though somewhat brusque {i manner. Sir Joseph Frayer says. | on very well together. One day, when | a large following of distinguished vis- | (tors. foreign surgeons and others, We | stopped by the bedside of an interesi- {ng case, when Guthrie. found fault with the dresser for something he had done. The student ventured (0 reply and Guthrie sald: “1dare say you sald the youth, Hut you Are, and passed on.” Natural Tunnel Is a Wonder. in Jocating the Virginia and Bouth- western raiirosd through the Alle ghanies from Virginia into Tennessee pdvantage was taken of a natural tun- nel which is one of the wonders of | the world. The distance through this tunnel 1s about 1.000 feet. and sO near- iy perfect is the tunnel that only sixty | feet Of blasting was necessary. The region 1s of limestone formatioti, as always where thers are axtensive caves. The cliffs at each end of the tunnel are 400 fest high and the | scenery in the locality Is remarkably don’t you? ‘No, sir! earnestly, 1 don’t. though, said Guthrie a a. ww of tha nivy, and Rear ‘has ben ordered to to Europe and assume | the station. For the pres- | dron will consist of the | to, flagship, and the 4 the gmboat Nash- jeago Is ww the fing | oth Atlanti: station, but ud orders to jroteed from anetro, Brazil, to Gibraltar, | and Nashville bave nl- | 0- | York navy yard. The base t | of lirge timbers | simar beams placed fn an upright poriion ‘paper blographies, having | holdng in position |» half inches in thickness and cover- , | ing the | whith is sixteen fee! square The tar- tramp, silver miner, sheep harder, pear] diver, beach comber, barber and author. He is the son of an English clergyman, nnd was born in Canada, and was traveling over the Pip pines for a monthly magazine when Jie was, though a British subject, se- lected for Benguet's governor. Heo is now accused of using his position 10 his personal advantage In acquiring land and mining rights from the na- tives Werk on two sections of a target representing the sides of an irop-clad | warship, to be used for experiments by fhe ordnance department of the arm¢, is about completed at the New consists | with | bolted together, and braced from behind | Aganst the upright beams will be laced steel plates, for the purpose of | the armor. This will consist of Krupp steel eleven and entire surface of the target, re be experimented with at Sandy Hook. | the species y | we found in the cellar of a resident | of Irvington. They made their pres- « | ente known by raising a pile of wood | ani threatening to lift the house off | its foundations. as raised five feet. and htare is on a level {ver Weaver, which runs property to be lifted hotels and large shops, un- lie jacks are placed. re raised wood- d. So accurate is e that “business is car- usual during alterations” t traced by the antiqua- at to prehistoric times, ting tradition that | e witnessed on mid- ym the vast piles of s one of these ancient may have been a habit ‘Britons to do hom- source of light on this, the , or the custom may | are sections which surpass in fertility | thtds of the total number grown in | ma | strbes, running around the upper part specimens, the latter of “lautinus monstrosus,’’ They were secured by William F. Woodward, who sent ‘ony of them to Prof. Sweetser of For. est Grove, and has placed the other on exiibition. It is rather a formidable jocking fungus, the stem being two inhes In diameter and about tea inhes long, while the cap Ia ths sim of an ordinary soup plate and atwut three inches in thickness at tha ceiter. Such “vegetables” must not’ i fia Oito he got hot, oh, very | don't see any closets.” | “Why, my dear, every room's a closet” be grown under restraint of wootl- | pibs or anything else short of an | Eaptian pyramid, but must be given | spice according to their strength, which is something tremendous. — Patland Oregonian. Fertility of Blelly. *he natural fertilily of Sicily is In- ded remarkable. Without the use of ferilizers three different growths olives, vines and wheat flourish in clae proximity. Great sections al- reddy artificially watered are among the garden spots of the world. The “Pano del Cappucinni” at Trapani, on the western shore, the far-famed “Cine 'Oro.” near Palermo, and the entre eastern coast north of Catania the favored valleys of Tuscary. Al- realy 10,000,000 orange trees, or two. Itay, flourish on the island, while cot- ton and linseed, the almond, the olive, thecarob and the mandarin are exten- sivdy raised. pi i AE ASP TIME Sriking-looking parasols are those aie of silk of broad pronounced of he parasol, while the lower part is | of &iffon and silk. 0 OTTO AND THE AV is strange how fashion makes the objects we admire] used 1o sing the tireless now the steediess Ure. : Lo £p Otte bought an auto, Si a8 not to be antique, = Put the thing was sutocralin, Ax well as automatic, : : And the sute wouldn't aula as it ought to, sa to speak. He thought to get an suio-operator for the WHEE, And frst he trie : he tried a Fark, For he know Lise cirens man a bharsen with pponEes. Aud i a man be shifty Enough to manage ory 1t's palpable enough be waght to mane Ape one Ware pes rove Rity vir ean, : T+ Might to run an auto, since a an Diisman. : "Twas all no nes, hams, pureiy, : That he might sar: “I'm Ota, © Fram Molale, and my motion: + { Mubile Otto ought to ron an anton bile surely.” Turks as Cito moved to Ae | Aen Otto sought to auto on the ante 69 he ought 9, hii the auto sought to thought to suto as Otto pever hat! as he ought not to. « And Otto suid: “Ths sulo ought to auto and it's got to. Anil Duin fought the auto it fought Otle, anid the aulo Lil the auto slee got too bot fo auto ae 1 ought to, ; Anil then, great Scott! ihe ants shat to heaven ao did (te Whire Otto's auto autos pow auto ought 19. «F tmund Vanes Cooke, i sn Odo s in the Smart Del think | you are a remarkably clever tallow. | § a A A ‘s! inte Rat 1 Myr Boilthes or Mre Smith (looking at Town and Couniry. “Iabex don't seem to get along, dots be?” tarrain' pay if be studied it 8s hard as i he does checkers” Puck. “1 don't belleve In parading my vir toes.” sald Blythe. “No, | guess tot,” retorted Biggs. “It takes severnl to 4 a circus man and then “No. bet 1 think he could make L Mguacks, i 3 ually good ! geape architect— whatever | scapes and grounds—occuples an un | anviable position, and he may The Ability = feds on Paper, In some respects a good landscape garden called, in connection with the artistic ‘and practical development of land- be {likened to the (nopesrs in any graat cause where advances are met with dis. He has, first of all, to show that his work, though closely associated with {the pick and shovel, is not of it and has | artistic realizations as well as natural As for the Turk, “Gia also phiin, deny itil | and purely mechanical ones. He is a true artist with visionary ideas, {arge- ly, which are tempered Ly the prac- into piece of laud evolutionary lenses, the effects whith mi by grading, planting. and drives or altering th streams His first pisture living facts. An undeveloped i% seen Hy him through ght be prodaced arranging paths ¢ course of is. per. paratory to adding the colors and | touches which almost put Jie into a i+: the development and details port are largely the result of study and practical ability, always accompanied by the artistic touch aad nature ap precistion which beiong to a good land. i scape gardener, But a small percentage of the pub | lie appreciates the qualifications pos. sessed by the landscape gardener; tO | the remainder ar is simply an unus- gardener, or one wha is too much above menial work and de. force his way to the front by showing resulta—nid these do not come guick- fy. as a rule i 3 § Like any other profession, there Are “ to use a meaning popular term, and the true landscape artist must beat down the barrier of distrust which such men create continnally. P i 3 § Their knowledge and practice are both fimited and they will make any kind of Ta Nr / iE 1i8 NUWE, : make a parade Indianapoil ! hargain, whatever i Host calculated to | ohtatin & ood sum for A little work— | future rewults ate of bat little mo He ordered s saddle of mutton, The waiter brought it, of course; Bail he after frying to carve i, “Tis the saddie, no douhi, of a h : wk Hiehgn NEWER fir Lociug O'Trigger — “The gintl” man 1 have the honor to ropresint, being pear-xighted, insists on slapding three feet nesrer his adversary than his adversary to him.’ =King. Her cheeks were of a rosy hae, Her hair a goiden sheen, Her cars were pink, her even were bine, And yet, despite all this, Taw trae, With enivy she wis green «Philadelphe Record. Jimmy-"8ay, wod yer jike to have Jong curls Billy""Not on yer lire! Why, when two hours for bis balr 16 dry cago News, & fore : | | } i § {go far as practicable, | consideration. just as it would be were | ment to Usess transient gardeners. Where Rk man is recognized to oe master of his profession, he should be | hampered as little has opportunity Expense ought, be a secondary eislly not before he to present his ideas. | a doctor of maiticite ralled in tor med heal adviie | be the highent sim in apy walk of | lite—and no one asks to receive value, | even in sdvicn merely, without nffer- like dat Von Tassel kia ing full equivalent —Meehan's Month Ly. be come out of swinanin’ it would take Nell-“Mr. Weston pald me quite a | sioner to Uganda, of a Dew Jigvovery compliment at diaper as! prening He told me I ate Hike a tind sw vell. he's 8 good judiee. He Funk an 4 Belle | of a pecul longing 10 8 apecies long thought to! estrich farm, you kKpoew. — Philadel phia Record *Hriggs must be geil top story” “What's the proof 7" had his bare head out of his office window at noon yesterday, snd when i I asked him what he was doing he | sald he couldn't afford a yegular hale. cut and was trying a singe.” Cleve {and Plalo-Dealer. Johnny, here you are At breakfast | with your face unwashed » 91 know it, mamma. Croscope Inst evening, apd I'm pot my face with their funny little legs?” ~Modern Society. : Magistrate -- “1 am told that you have aiready been cobvicted fourteen times on this same charge. Aren't | you ashamed to have to acknowledge to that?’ Prisoner-"No, Your Wor ship. ashamed of 'ls conwictions.” Magis trate—""Two months, without the op tion of a fine.” —Plek-Me-Up. avin More Afraid of Woman Than of Man. The driver was beating ils Lorse un- mercifully. One or two men reinon striated against such cruelty, but he paid no attentivn to thelr appeals for mercy. Presently a woman hove sight, and he assumed an alr of innocence “That's always the way, said a by- stander. “It is queer how much more afraid those fellows are of 8 woman thin they are of a man. not to bold us in the slightest dread, but just let a woman Lappe along Kennels” 2 Ene IC. worthy people an 1's paper flis | ea) petals, Tee © A ewan and they quiet down and become re as putty, 1 suppose women really mean business, for i 1 clety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals are furnished by them, This of course. is in accord with the rep | tation of the sex for gentleness. but I n $ hn ' 4s Aun i pe BK shiyw al 2 really don't think it speaks very well | Wi Ley Tal as a and thelr happiness is co pinie. the late autumn, in town. friends in 8 | quire, “Where have you been all sum. ~¥ Lt i mer?” “Oh, at Mapie Court, as ysual, | ~n mist ran up and spend ; for us men" —New York Sun. oo eA AR Sd Thousands to Win a 830 Cup, Yachting is the most expensive sport | in the world. It costs more to win a mug offered for a yacht race than to carry off a prize offered for compe tition in any other sport. Yachtsmen will spend thousands of dollars, and take endless trouble, to win a $i) cup. No peavy stakes are raced for in successful yacht of the year will fall a long way short of wiuning enouch 10 pay her expenses. —~Munsey's Maga- gine, Of Spain's surface only thirty-seven per cent. Is cultivated, twenty-six per cent. being pasture and forest, and the ' rust wild and barren mountain land. 1 saw the little things : a Thm that five in water through papa's mi | are almost rrimson and some parte | bisck—tne hind quarters stripsst par- golng to have them crawlin’ all over | plish black nud white—and the { ; haat, | Surely a creature 10 I don’t think po man oughter be is a fact that two-thirds of the cont plitints tarned into the office of the So- | | have been extinel huge as an or but In walla shaped : 1 drove him insane much longer than a horse—gedma 1 | FPRIR. combina ths characteristics of many : % ttagr night ar Lieneva ing queer iu his { “He in England. i like those of the giraffe | colored. parts of bis body, neck shoul. hs AR NA ER ok fan Bort ARE oo Strange Animal from Afrien. A report has heen received from fir Henry Johnson, special comin He AR made by him In the Semlike forests {ar and Interesting animal be. more like a giraffe—~haviag 8 Ac animals. Hin ears resemble those of an ase but with silky black fringes The head taperiike and the romtrils He ig vari Jers and stomach being of a deep reddish-brown hue, while other paris strange to say, a vivid red. strike terror to the boldest heart ft is Dbornlexs, It is supposed to be the living fossil animal ich COTNS. represerisative of the helladothericm. the remains of wh are frequently found in Greaves. natives have given it the name okapi. A complete skin and two skolls have been sent Lo the Bri i RAs SE AE RAI Fushionabls Correapandence. 1 know 8 young couple not too W | endowed with the dross (hat makes { people great, mers currency, who pinch in town all wiater Jo pen j > £ prod wid ” jald downy bis whip and | their "wountry seat in order to be ahi § five months at “Maple Court,” | The must important article of hotse | hold use that they take along is a Hox fof eee g THBRL fashionable siationery. They treat | ordain o our threats With couteimpt, and Seem oo. inky upon costly dies 2 course. “Maple Court, Rhipecliffcon | To receive a letter from : rg BE - 3 Sh it is because the | these 1 ; one with notions of ¢ tinyes, game preserves, traditions, eC | hey pay $400 harp | whore | they have. besides oan | work and ten bleveles gistance | in: mong it in wh Ba 3 +. Put as a solemn fact ! a simuiy furnished t ahout two miles from the river, the furniture, i rental for servant-of-all- Next year yi a month. “~Victor 8 Press, mith, in New York Possibilities of the Propeller, The last group of the battleships have furnished additional proof that yachting, apd in this eouniry the most the possibilities of the propeller screw are still in the ascendant, for as each hattleship bas made its speed trials it had sxceeded the speed record of ita predecessors, until the last man-of- war. the Wisconsin, topped the record figures of evarytbing fn her class with 3 spead for two hours of 1886 knots. ~~ New York Times. : trust and antagonism born of ignof- | Lance : tical molding of nature and brought and he pictures haps, barely more than an outline, such as a painter might sketch pre- ns possible, espe | The best should always This crvatore, 88 | are. The | of tial Museum | = nor Rhineciife. th Lay Out Lawns snd Flower | or, landscape engineer or land- | he may be | a se A A EH REY SR and he has to} Poe seo a HR tases i oll | : i Lafier ay i 3 3 H 3 § of | Aon PR Se Burn. Elizabeth Am nila Fleters, Rhilal, { ploy of I piy COMPRIS. | the (Clatieston exposition uires to theorize. They do aot believe { Tuesday at the Execniive he can be on the same plane as men | af other professions, Haven Edward Hall tase CE nTes, g | a {of Westmoreland couniy, wax etalon, ald. adie In Alberts of New York each eee had Brabses, jonging to Johan Hi tiaomgh there Gre races of three horn | ing peur Maytowhn, has lay the results in Mauch Chn cI ER IS bar. Montville Man's Lucky Find. : Arn sd The followin tn the velerans’ pension roll dering ‘he week: Thomas J. Brudberry, Sharpsbure. $6. Elizabeth A rh com Glenshaw, £12; Janus M Palmer, fralanawn, 85 Flax Krrptzman, Lal, | £7: Nshua Band Otedia, $17. James Grabs, Othisania. $10; Erascos Kir | Engl ¢ names were sdded : fei pe te Mandaes ER a. TT and Corry, 8%: Wilken J. Baker, favinia Snyder, Har riaburg. £5 Annie E Buashler. Harris hire $x: Mary J. Youy, Patterson, £12: Ehoeiny Bean, Greenville, 380 Witter. Harrisburg. Mi $12: Elizabeth Mheridanyiie. 8% Matilda | as Charleston, 88; Lirxgie Lea. £R Sarah Pendle perry, Plisburg, $3 Jizabeth Moo Feely, Ashville, $8; Susan Rouse, Wattehury, 8%; Martha G. Meunls, De side. BN: Mary B. Hazzard Mopongs- bila, 88 The new sate law, by ® {AARY Riores are supposed fo be taxed ont of the business, does BOT SAC to have had any effect throughout the | evke regim A clerk Issues gtore or- | dors In fovor of an employe, whi has | assigned his wages eartad in the en fle puke COMIDANY to thi 2upe The goiwls are farpish- ! When pay dny comes! farrinhnrr. 812 Mel ain, Smith BE sure. Grepnshurg, hich com. | od ag before emulope’s pay and the whole affair i& pra ally the sale as beilare. The Pennsylvania commission to : wrganized depart the election of Goy. Bone ment hy : ax. Senator J. Donald ain. president; of Harrisburg, viee president, amd Henry ©. Cox, of Toga eonnty, | speretary. The commission ably visit Charleston early in Koper | her to select a vite for a soate alld. | ing amd arrange for a Pennsylvania exhibit. The Legiature appropriat- | col RASA fo the commission i The atmual rifle apd carbigse compe : Hitian of the Pennsylvania National Guard gan Monday at the Met. Gret- na state rifle range amd wi be £0 Joned diving the week under the rotten Col Frank KK. general fmperior wt rifle practice. £ Theoo hundesl smd more paarksmen i sMicere amd men Wil partieipaie in thet contests 1 Comrt Monday onusted the ee of the West Washington school board, | eonpiposst of 8 A Poland, George i MeMurray, Robert! Miller and B. F. 1s eleet 5 prigelpal and | al ¢ Rael tor pegherting tonchors aml to provide ing of the »chools for the dbetriol the year compeencing last June, : Minnis Shartle, the foreman of the Conneatit Lake Tee Co. at Meadville, | foun a purse coniaising giooon in checks aid certificates of de thie property of James Evans The purse and after the money 'Was extracted If was thrown Blo 8 cont for Sh Ry Edward Colline, 34 years of age the county ipesye asyiom, #2 4 victim of grt. Four years apn be was a motorsian on the Colnmbis troliey Hoe and his ear, «truck and killed 8 boy. Worry over inside of Iwo Lapiaster, A stock and wweat train was ditched | hy the breaking | A npinsber of cattle and | Two traps. Henry | XN f.and HOC feed | af a journal hogs were killed. fiordan of HobaRen, Jigr MeConnell at resnshorg. has made perpetud an injunction re straining the Pemasylvana railroad from eutting the wires of the ilobe Teleplnie COWPARY BUUE Across the raltromd track at Latrobe. A bend of eight fine Jepwty cows be agseal & farmer Hy: wm killed by | order of the health antherities. They | were iffecied wWHEB rabereniosia were killa Decanse they showed sigmm of rabbis. amd tis feared that it will bo necessary to Kill Dambiick’s entire herd : Four persons drowned snd a finan- | cal loss that will reach E000 are | nk of the ver Maneh | i wat storm that passed 0 Chunk Saturday. Albert Price, aged My years, vas. killed. and Tumer Chapple was sori | gosly injured Tuesday by 8 fall of | © rock Lp Sinmman mite No, oat Neuth Fork William: BE. Alle, of Beaver Falls, | g to vomnsit suicide by ak fer oiirte acid and : inte the Beaver river, Wis avis) § dares dose i WHiskE. The Res, Gesrge J Latheran pastor in Dnkstown, has ace | copied a professorship tn the Greets. | vy, and will have the pul | 2 © i 3 % Tos x TEESE hy £9 FA Lux pun The Uy ah gh a Xl al tae Nort OARY | fran hises Peden Cans Thus Basil an mera hey clerk and that Tony A pasiver has Deen Appointed iiss Company, of Zelien ern Uaanbria | pera ling { he Pally resales am a plague of eaterpiiinrs Bapyer annoyed by William pris M by Late to tyke aR Antonia Ix mily Rosa, Anzustas Mo fon. charred wih winter of Wililaw Rise The low wages pad is Fayeits county has resulted {un an alarming shortage of school teacliers. Captain I RB Piawy, af Greens Ri 4 FTagrant wire an Italian, was fa 81 {ibery oo eseaped, wt hie Lire Esa. Big alleodsl asslg of the 1rwin Hivb Sehonl i the postales in | Rent onl Th i Phi i each «thet Paungige . Siro dentiantion. £ LA RWEIGARD, Tiss No A any L Gov ale will prob | as Condensed Tim Patterson, Title Paull, | for the open, § Pene a 0p Ane A Manin Line PUSH EAPO. oneness { the price of tes, BIGR Fitle, pow ranges from LR Loazaware, {4 J ¥ subone Company of @ 3 eyes) the stock amd | 1 i | for sine oasis [RAYE hear | Cant : rls go ohne af Wilkesharre, | {4 tug bin toa ill, from whicd | sas resized the principalship i pes Barn Hard Coal— NOVEMBER 18. Frama Depot, | For So York En rietEnin TL IO Mp or Nae York vie Poo Teh HA ed Ho. PAS oth : Xie York vin Nastan wam. 250 § ; i TTR IN EFFECT Trains Leave Willmmeport sorbents TERE ; a selves fom, Wa mr, HA pla Irae ie Wiliamsport: oa Tama Now York Via Hasson {, SUM, Ea New York via "hie Meter iad dpm 8 > ¥ E wo iH Ai prvi, Reading Ter ped EAL A oa, tel TN Crp Anadave vO OF RB ip ox ah poet Dem awd p y Rpts and Now Yore. Throogh Aiehl tans 5 ew Phila b semins run daily. Sun ays re kate can be proennst in Wi apirt 98 fu aad ai se depoly fron hotels wed residences Nigu fame #7 thaget Hime foot Ff Plas Senet, fei oad “ON J WERKR, General Superintendent, : Pleading Terminni, Philadel phin Patlar Cars on all exons Lealns : oo sie ok wena 3 : kets ia = i 3 set Syn Ag ase ie ion ‘ on cs 05 Huntingdon & Broad Top Mt. Railroad. a In effect Sept. 11, 1399, Beacihenrid Peatn Noo! (Expres leaves th Es ary day sxeept Sunday) for ML Inine of ss, ut, weriviop 81 Mt Deline at AWN (Matt beeves Huantington (ow ' ny e3oepl Bumlay for Mi Paiineat?. ardiving at Mt Dai at 250 pom Timin No 7. Sanday only; leavos Fix ivr #1 around the amount is kept om of the | don 2 34. Tmlins 2222, M., Toul boy et Sol a. mn, S00 (eins make onpeeiiona at | Ins foi Bedford, Pa. and ee i, Neorthowand, 5 Train No & (Mall Tenves MS Daibe Hani on at Fiba 0. a ain fe dot at $130 a. mu oe Train No. 21 Fast Line loaves Mt. Dalins ww Fantingdon at £3 p.m, arriving at Hooting: No. 8, Mundars only) leaves ML Dab ise fr Huntingdon 88 £5 pW, Frey Ellin m. fe Ali Ermine taakes close connsctions with PF. RK Doth est ansd went st Hantingdon 1. Camp M. Guox, do Sno burg & Eastern uaz IE faszas *3 a SV FARIS? TORI Siem BE ETRE 22535 Son wut i 2X88 BWR RBG ew gzac ASSET DT on NW x3e2s <=mmz =2s3c aT. | g=8n =m ZR FE MAT peg orien i i niveet] ¢ iho d Hamey Wits < % 2. War fall (nfkarmalion Appr Wy : da RED Saperinicadent ‘ nih pe nA 0 Pennsylvania Railroad. {seme Accammp Satie, Como rr J derma Expre A Jotinstown J i. Week \ Pacific 3 WE em A A Way Passenger, BAILY. orn 2 aatitoe, daily. 14 Mall a a 13 Pemin No 708 at 798 a.m. arriving at Cresson na TUE pale Theer cows of W. G. Damback, of . Butler counts. a. 5 Train Nor 700 st eS p.m. arriving at Oremen oS pr ra. Tenia No 04 at IT a Wm : Baithy | 1 a wm. sod st Glen rain Nor 708 at 57 p. i ot Coton Tia Shortge. A shortage of coffen tes that will affect the whole of ihe satton belt . already being felt. and as 8 result fy $1 OG a Dun, $1 wD La shortage is caused Af the Amalgamated Tie shat paadle, 1 s1rike § hon of Iron, Steel and < and the conseguent ¢ ie seevl hoop company’s mill ¢ source of ibe Supply. Ba vanaal is the dhaributiag pent for Flies For all the corton growing States shh Bair thecal Crerritory amd Sonn and $0000 sx with the many di surly in the yeoal soy and March--for at to meet the dee factors hil every Pork stuck. oF ster part of i had pr Detole the Mrikers ir nrgent demand contracts, made sing of the senson, they Jd har sto meet wis mot on hand The ws seated that they had $i oouastity of Ties and that he prorated among the 7 die contracts between the factors and the manulaciurers contain has Strike clause pleasing he mann rgeinrers Frog their ob sation in CEN the 9 ; have no Me Base Io sueh stoek well it Bar what it thanselves &8 cireamsial- essay tridide UD or fie pw FOR Jue LHL 4 hd " we i i at thes can upsler the of is used in fixing the Sowers, ; ny