oy Roasting | oars. Base ball Saturday. ls thir your paper? | Use chloride of lime. 5 “Dog days end Tuesday. © ~Mother’s bread at Mellon's. «The nights are growing longer. ~The hump js disappearing rapidly. | Are you going to the Bigler canip- | ; meeting ? © .Presh bread, cakes, buns, plesete., at Mellon's, daily. Jonathan Owen's celebrated bréad | ab Mellon's. Try it. Ll full tine of all kinds of tobacco | and cigars at Kinkead's. Bom -To Mr. and Mrs . O'Connor on Monday a son, Arthur Dinsmore is on a vit with | Loftus relatives in Punxsutawney. | —Millee's 8hoe store is being reno: vated and improved throughout. ..Born--To Mr. and Mrs J. Beckwith on Wednesday <n girl ~«Miss Lanra Wicks, of Bouth Fork, | or the Northern Cambria Tele hone and 1 i Gud anv was visiting friends here last week. lL Goldstelu has installed a new heating plant in the Goldstein block, Mrs. Edith B. Ditl and daughter,of | Curwenaville, were in town this week, ~A4 W, Hodgkins and son James were in Pittsburg a souple of fnys Last | week. i —_Ex-Chlef-of-Police Merriman is fh now employed in the mines at South John Anderson, of Elmors, visit- ing relatives in Patton the first of the 3 T. Evans and son John are the Pan-American exposition this When you want rubber stamps, ft eto, oall at F. HL. Kin: or n good shave, hair cut or gham- | poo call on Garfield Wilkiny, Finth | venue. 7 Lincoln 8. Bell has moved his fam. Association Press is enabled bn deny to resign the Presidency of the U nited i States Steel Corporation. : Sheriff Elmer EF David has se lected Wm. Piper, of Johnstown, as | his deputy until the end of hin tern Vix Sheriff (boo. NM. Wert: had heen temporarily Alling the position, : ‘Dinsmore Bros, have Just recely od a new line of Fall snitings and vite a jenraful inspection of the same Don't [pay a new soit until yon have sen | | thie display, - Bugene Otto, rodman in the engi | | neer foree of the Cambria and Clear. : | field division is at his home tn Willams | | port being threatened with typhoid Hvar. Aronson Record, ~Tyenty-five new houses are being i erected by the Beech Creek Coal and | Coke company aft Arcidia. J. 0 and | iH. BE Clark, of Glen Campbell, Bave | the contract for building. i Joh Wirtner, of Clearfield town | i i ship, can dghily tay claim to being ithe champion radish farmer in this | section, if the pair he left at this oflice | : Lon Tuesday is any criterion. It is announced that the Cresson | Telephone (lr, has purchased the Hes : 10. the intention being to gel s new {charter nnd merge the two coOnoerna. Hon. Jus. Kerr, the president of! the Beech Creek Coal and Coke Co, | will move his famify from Clearfield to New York city about the first of Oc. tober, where they will reside in the fu. | ture. What a snake would want in a physician's office is beyond compre. hension, but all the same Dr. W. L Dowler captured one of the black species in his labratory on Toewlay evening, ~Councilmen Cordell, Campbell, Winslow and McCormick were the only members of the borough lawmakers who put in an appearance at the mu. | nicipal hall Monday night and as a | consequence no meeting was held. i «A grand ball will be held in St. Moniea’s Hall at Chest Springs on Sat- “| urday, Augost 24th, Prof Maitland’ o! (orchestra of six pieces has been en- | ‘gaged to furnish mosic. Everybody invited and a good time guaranteed. MacDonald Flynn, of | whey, Ab toona, who was reported last week as Ww & ‘here, apparel. been used in the making of our Suits is excellent. : 1ishly cut and properly tailored garments at a price hitherto impossible for such values. and ; authoritative o el the report that Charles M. Schwalyis all over the world in search of 51 i 1. ¥ once who have better thy This assertion is proven by for Jot mption. (Great Reduction in Prices. Call early Lovery thing in B. the continued ctistom of those purchased Quality of material is the foundation of good wearing That which h ‘Special Reductions During August. Don't fail get the to Prices ily into his cosy new home ori Bech abont to attach himself to wings and ‘only. - Styl call! Special | Flour and Feed, for this month as! ; You are invited to (and see my new line of SR Goods, Etc. At Lowest Prices. A SPECIALTY. Also best grade of Lime. “Jn buying furniture, and get good bargains. in our large line of Groceries will be sold at a sacrihce. Mellon's Cash Bring in your Cash Register C “he cks. No new checks rocery. issued. Ranges and hardwire is at the | Kirk Hdw. & Furt. Co. Hardware of A xes, picks, mattocks, all descriptions; Razors, knives, forks, spoons, Dinner buckets, all sizes, YW ooden and tin buckets, If we do it, you know that it is done in the best style and the most artistic workmanship. You also know that the money expended re- mains in Patton and that you are helping to fill your own cot- fers. Per contra, if your job printing 1s done out of town vou like- wise know, or ought to, tha it you are help- venue, Mrs. Bonnie Kusner and children | {take an ethereal Right, is moch befiter A ‘and now able to sit up. To “Mae "| . were visiting relatives in Ben's Creek any Patton friends this will be good | : this week, news, Bara, the son of Frank P. McCon- Ed A. Mellon, who has conducted nell, of McCormick's mine, is ill with |g cash grocery in the old post office diphtherin. ‘building for a year or more past, wMrs. Alfred Dodson is on & visit is preparing to quit business and is | with friends and relatives at Portage | selling out all goods at a big redaction. | nd | Read his new advertisement in another 0 o = > Weighing done Correct ly on street scales, located directly in front of store. FERTILIZERS. ine well) ® the future handle Perth) Also furniture of every kind should lesve orders early. Iwill not X*. cr os lnw Ag HOW keep it In stock, but order direct from 4 ever so low as now. | the manufactaren. Dor’ t delay or you'll miss it. JOHN GANTZ, | Fortherniore. we have Proprietor | {I seful articles for children. Rocking chairs, | Nice rockers for ggc. In the lamp line we have The finest in Patton. Unless we sell you lamps | Remember you may be cheat'd | Each day closes some bargain | 4s rob yourself, and in pine times out of ten vou are getting interior stock and out of ten inferior work at the same price or more than it can be done for at the home of fice. The CoURIER can print anything and everything from cradles, ete. a milk ticket to ; a multicolored full sheet poster or a cir- cus program, Also dish pans and basins. Remember you should call FLarly and avoid the crowds. Wolf & Thompson. - py or pg fi Ye LINES x colamn. We notice that some of our ex- changes haye saved about sixteen {oents by using a column of plate mat | tir furnished by the sugar trust to { injure the business of Arbuckles Bros, : i who make Ariosa coffee. Glen Camp bell Journal. The game of base ball on Satarday | { between the Pardee miners and the first nine of Patton was interrupted by Jupiter Pluvious after one and a balf innings had been played. The score at that time was 5to 0 in favor 1of the latter, ; Wanted —An up-to-date man for manager and general agent of this "| county by the Fidelity Mutual Life In- {surance company of Philadelphia Salary and commissions to right man. | | Address, with references, ¥. M. Whea- | ton, 112 N, Broad 8t., Philadelphia. ~The members of St. Marys R. church will hold a big picnic at Short’s | Grove on Labor Day. and supper will be served. will be indolged in. On Tuesday, September 3rd, a dance will also be held and refreshments will be served. | ~The third of the series of base ball | games between the married and single ni men of Patton will be played at Ath- letic Park on Saturday at 3 p.m. As {each nine has won a game, the fight for the “rubber” will be a good and hard fought one. A big attendance is an- ticipated. Mrs. W. CO. Lingle is on a visit with her dacghter Mrs. Hazy Todd, at | - Mm HE Barton Is on a visit with relatives and friends at Bane- Is full to over- flowing with Can you afford to miss | Qur bargain sales of | Many pillows; 8sc to $5 per Pair; these are the best ‘And we also have iron beds, Not only cheap, but the best | | Y cu have ever found in Patton | Kirk “urnit ire We test your eyes Free and furnish Spectacles as low as $1. lenses can be exchanged any time and at the right price. “Ayer Satisfaction guaranteed Envelopes, State. ments, Cards, Ship ping Tags, Sale Bills, Dodgers, Posters, Of- fice and Mine Sta tionery, and in fact Everthing and Any- thing that can be procured this side of the Rocky Montains. Mail, Telegraph and Telephone Or- ders will receive our prompt attention. Everything in hard-| or money refunded ware, stoves, ranges, paints, oils and house, #5 wu] furnishing goods. Al The Patton Towels: ~The good people of Patton, we see by Protos Dotaers Paton, wosee| 1 lete line of oil . | rejoicing mightly over having saved a - , | loleing mg over owing vedi cloths and linoleums. | the flames the other night. The white | _ marble walls no doubt had much to do with thwarting the demon. Ebens ern Cambria County. {pure Mountaineer. ~ . 3 : rire ree a rw given special attention. In 74 Mea = al } : 1 HFPICE HOU BS? ER or te frat time In years Patton furnished for all kinds! BUCEWHEAT S101 R | mesn of tin work, spouting,! 0 pier spring ana REUC! Somerville, roohng, elcC. Attorney Magee Ave, PATTON, PA. Dr. V. A. ‘Murray, : PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. cOTee in Ariingtan Blow, Bert Postofos, : Patina HU night calls responded Lb) | promptly TH soma wf the ear, nose aid thre | Chop, Food wid Meal. i Best equipped Mill in North- Estimates promptly tha mand 203 pon is withont a representative at the Re publican state convention. The dele gates from this county are Attorn y John W. Kephart, of Ebenshurg; Vv. R. Coulter, David R. Bryan, Campbell Robison and George Masters. Usunty Chairman Barker is also in attendunes Winter Wheat Flour, Whole Grain, | . Middlings, Bran, Oil Meal Baled Hay and Btraw. PATTON, Pa. Patton Feed & Office in the Good Building. | Buckwheat Mills, RE W. J. PERRY, Proprietor. YAS ol Rowland had both feet -at-Law, smashed on Wednesday by a bank car running over them. Forunately no bones were broken. . —~Two children were baptised ac- cording to the rites of the Protestant _ Episcopal church at the service held in he Bell's Hall last Sunday evening. Ta i yo are in need of a new suit of 5. ,don’t fail to see our new line of tall smitings jut received, DivsMoRs Bis. Furnace work specialty. Head voar own COURIER. GEO. BOON E, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Oflce on corner of Lang and Fifth Avenues. Collections promptl at | tended to. Propertion to sell a hf rent. | ~PDan Harper, a machine boss fur the Beech Creek Coal and Coke com. pany, will leave for Australia some time in October, having accepted a | position with a mining company who | expect to develop coal territory in the | | antipodes, Mr. Harper has a contract | ‘with the concern for fifteen months, | but may remain in the land of the | kangaroos for an indefinite period. : imily will remain in Patton for a 'H. A. SEITZ, Fifth Ave., | PATTON, PA. Office in Patton Post Office. Office Hours--8 a. m. to Tg 12m. and 1 P m tosp m | Building, next door to! JR lev's IO; ev and T Ls
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers