oe a Hee REI AR Theres vothing that ads to the ab he built will inaugurate a new era of rote : perity for Patton goes withont saying. ot Roy Eaton : eek or teractions of a town ‘more than a good ESTABLISHED - - 18. tain number of ita citizens are required | » BL 10 not only give a large portion of 3h SOME gw nnn time to the detriment of business and | TESS oF SUBSCRIPTION No ig Stsoontioned aril aft arvonts | be away from their families in bard, we pmb, mrioes gt the dion. of the Petition at Batton ax sion | of purchasing and keeping thelr instru. asa ind! water, Rs NEW TROLLEY LINE proficient and in touch with the tows | That the mew street railway whe they must be provided with music and | proper uniforms, In most places the citizens bear this expense besides paving the band boys The first town in the county in pop: Xpense pRymg lation, the city of Johnstown along ex cepted, it is the natural centre for prac Sh Healy the whale of Northiern Canibria {the best incentive they can offer, io In business, ns welk as in every other something for their time, aud there by | end encouragement and ap eneistion That it has not enjoyed the commer. cheerful effort to thrill and enthuse a cial advantiges its sis, importance and situation entitle it to, has been simply the lack of adequate trans por tation facilities. While “all roads lead j oe, a, t Patton,” the rufiroads entering hete {exoellont brass band, but the citizens have their me tables so arranged ‘de little or nothing to encourage the that it takes alroost duy to reach het band boys or show them that their 4 ity Is appreciated, nor as and return to nny of the surrounding j musica] ability pn ! gist them in the way of room rent or | keep them sapplied with music. The Patton Silver Cornet Band has | good music which never fails to draw out the poopie and assure suo : In addition to this inconvenience, the | 3 of the places from within two twely miles “as the crow flies’ are t if not more than Seale, thas | weeks and they are deserving of all © by rail the substantial encouragement possi- ow road will bring us nearer |e ! . fare will be cot in half of bet- | Cumbria County's Examining Board hile no schedule "of rates has | If the are any young men in Cami- named, the projectors of the | county who desire taking up the line heing occupied with more |), y) Lrofession it would be well for r matters relating thereto, | orn to study “Sam Kloyd's” pussies, to amume that the fare will be | | the moral of the Katzenjammer Kids" » and not higher than that ¢f | ung such like before presenting them selves for examination to the Cambria : assurance having been given | cotmnty examining board. Learn tosay the charter obtained by the tock | yyo0 mon In Arabic, “Hurrah for ER $a not for speculative purposes, | the red and a few other color” in for the object of daing a simon | oy and give a lengthy biographi. ; legitimate business and that | al sketeh of your father's nncle’s #o0N as possible, it behooves the peo- grand father’s brotherin-law, at the ple of this section to give the new pro- | game time telling what he had to and its promoters all the enone: | ith anything that might have made ment Hastings, Carroll: | Milwankee famous. Be prepared with | Baresboro, Spangler, Ebens- Lan inflated cushion to sit for two L pordistent practice, besides the pxpense : ments in repair but in order to become | {indace the band boys to turn ont Upon | {every ocension in good practice an il | tively all poblic meetings, ste, with |, Many towns boast of having an made rapid progress in the past few | citizen of thiw place, dea | Tauraday, at his home, at 7:16 p.m. | brass band, and when the people CON: | Phere were present at the time his | : sider the fact that in order that a bank | only daughter, Mrs. Emma Park, and | may be maintained in a place a cer- | his wns HH. G CandW. R DC tand J A. were unfortunate and did Lot get bere Gill after their father bad | departed this life, Grandpap Rishel, jas he was familiarly osdled by his many friends, old and young, has been La sturdy able bodied man, never suf faring from any stoknss during Life time, always being able to work twelve to sixteen hours each day. And & mere charitable man pever lived, fas Be, when eal Hed om by any ond in 1 work never known to refave. He always rememberd the poor and stood Pready at all timed to go bo the bottom : {of his poe ket for the last cent if nec. | easatry and God along knows Bow {muh Geandpap Rishel will be missed | o thy his family and friends. Wo have Eben informed that deconsed was past 67 years of age, also thut Bright's dis ease was the cause of his death, | Vincent Moure 1s having a fine cole tage hornse built on the corner 0b next ites Thomas Tabbs, on Uhireh stresl {Wa can't nnderstend what Vince Pwants with a house. Ha! H! The fire clay business is at baat no joke ably trouble to get ap a game of hall Why don’t Patton come ta the front? We are ready af any time. Don't be. Heve they have the necsisary sand. J.P. Fry, J. P., Is on the sick list. Water Caratal, Pan Ameria. The Pan-American management | duction of an elaborate water carnival on the lake in the exposition grounds on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday | of each week during August, and | probably September. In addition, the carnival will end with a brilliant fire- | works exhibition concluding with the and will include a ballet and water pantomime, brilliantly illuminated, g stations special low-rate excursion | tickets to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, | These tickets cover various periods of time, and the rates, privileges and con. | ditions are fully ontiined in a compre. : hensive folder. A copy of this folder, | together with a lst of hotels, boarding hotimos and private homes will be far vishen! free by any New York Central ticket agent or by W. H. Northrop, i general agent, Williamsport, Pa Fraportant 4 Hinters, An act approved July 8 provides Our Tigers seem to haves consider {hackache and severe pain over va = hips. It toned my system and gave ime new vim and energy. ® It bap ‘honest and reliable remedy, a ure ‘enre for all kidney diseases,” A have made arrangements for the pro. | Droggista. bombardment of the ports at Taka, | f Serine an Arraignment For An Outer Their Coal. The Philadelphia Inguirer pubilshe { the following: “The Penasylvania and the York Central may give Plushies Me ditional trae Hellion round reaction ag ny as Patton, in a reasonably shor barge, A working with Peonsyivanis hia York Central wishes to boild fn that | ‘section an opporionity for building the Hine will Aret be given to Pennevl pania on condition that the istber ieoampany will grant the joins tae if £y the new mileage to Now York Centeal on favorable terms “The New York Central now pro poses to build a new braneh ai connec. ‘Hon with ita Heeolh Creel division, | The Beech Upreek sxtension railromd, owned by Pennsylvania and ranting from Beech Creek through Clearfield Cand Clinton counties to Keating, a diss. oe tance of shot Gfty gic miley, had been : Jeased from that company. AL Keat. ing connection will be made with Philadelphia and Erie branch of Pens ‘aylvania. This arrangement will se enre an onthe for some valadbie soul : piropertiog’’ : Wm. Finn, of Lima 0, obtaised cexeellent reapita freon the ase of For ley's kidney cure. UIE relieved m For Sale, A good farm of 87 acrea situated midway between Patton and Chest Springs. Fifty acres in a state of cal. | tivation, Will be sold cheap. For. farther information call on or address Frixd Johnson, Chest, Springs, Pa To Houl » Hart Use Banoer Salve, the great healer, It's guaranteed for cats, wounds, sores, | and mid-air acrobatic performances, | piles and all skin dissasen. Una no The New York Central is selling at all | substitute Al Droggists. Mr. Daniel Banta, ( Strerville, In. says: “Have had asthma and & very ‘bad congh for yenrs, but could get no relief from the doctors and medicines I tried, anti] I took Foley's honey and tar. It gave jmoediate relief and done me more god than ail the other | pemedien combined. All Drtigiisia High living, intemperance, pxpisirs Land many other things briog on Bright's disense, Foley's kidney cure will prevent Bright's diseases and all ; 1 il and Patton are al} vitally intet: | weeks without. eating, sleeping or (that any person trespassing on any nther kidney or bladder disorders if ! drinking and only to xoswer Why You ealtivated lands for the parpose of taken ih time Be sure to take Foo trolley isa good thing for each were never in Hong Kong or who 1 and the route as given in an. | | placed the hieroglyphics upon the column. shows exactly what | {pyramids of Egypt: also answer if ! Johnstown is not the largest city in | the world, why not? Was the button made for the button-hole or was the 8 only boot nineteen button-hole made for the batton? If to reach all the points eggs sell to-day In Johnstown at 20 | at v | cents per dozen, what will be the price of hay in New York next Friday? Sambria county has its share of bril- lant lawyers whose marked ability Is known even beyond the confines of | the state and it Is surely not the feel | ing of these gentlemen that competent aspirants be everlastingly and repeat. | edly tarned down. - | The members of the examining ARABUXICAL omnes, in that the | | board are learned gentlemen of wide | "experience, but surely a man who can pass the state board in New York ought to be able to pass examination before Cam bria county’s official body. : ; Cam | —Gallitzen Tymes, has been so expensive {es of officials bave been! WHO says the editors are not the | up before their offices salt of the earth? Listen to this from This year, however, the Mirror, a newspaper published at pir: are reported to the Minnesota penitentiary: “Why is nto . novel scheme to that from the first inception of our paper until the present time we , | have never bad an editor to sojourn in our midst? Other professions have to the party | We have bad enough to farnish sabels- ds. An agreement hay tence to an African chief for a year; | into that, no campaign doctors in sufficient numbers to depop- ulate a state, and enough lawyers to : establish a good sized colony in hades, wr withont any offort | But editors—not one.” of the candidates or of 4. The low man will then penmre pol, while the: THE report that the enemies of Ad- miral Schley will try to prove that he - | Santiago reminds the Courier of the P JONES, whose series of | | attempts of Grant's enemies to bring store management in Print. | ‘him into disfavor with Lincoln. The | intoxicated at the battle of | hunting ard trapping, and taking | ‘therefrom any game birds or game an- | mals, after public notice from the owners, lessee or occupant thervof, : such notice to be posted on or adjacent ' to such cultivated lands shall be guilty | of willful trespass, and in addition to each offence.” The penalty Ia recover. alderman, and one-half is payable to the trespasser may be imprisoned for | a period not exceeding three months. The defendant may appeal to the court of quarter sessions, on giving bail and | | bas the case tried by the court. Reduesd Kates to Clevelnnd, On sccount of the thirty-fifth annual encampment of the Grand Army of the 1 : Republic, to be held at Cleveland, | | Obio, September 10 to 14, inclusive, ‘the Pennsylvania Railroad company | * will sell excursion tickets to Cleveland | from stations on its lineal greatly re i duced rates. Tickets will be sold and | good going September 8 to 12, inclo- ‘sive; good to return until Sept. 15, in- clusive: but by depositing ticket with specific rates and further information | apply to ticket agents, Notice 0 Tex-Payers 1901, will be allowed a 5 per cent re- “duction, W. J Weakiasn, Co Hector. If the action of your bowels is not | eany and regular, serious complica | tions must be the final result. De Witt's little early risers will remove | this danger. Safe, pleasant and effec. | tive. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton, : 0. 0, Buck, Berine, Ark. says: I was | troubled with constipation until 1 i bought DeWitt’s little early risers. | ‘ Sines then have bean entirely cured of has attracted widespread at. | ' martyred patriot merely inquired the my old complaint. 1 recommend | says that some merchants | brand of 0! be Joy ful’! the General : age their advertising at a. ‘used, intimating that it contained | ‘them. OC W. Hodgkins, Patton. Mrs. 5 H. Allport, Johnstown, the damages recoverable by law shall | be liable to the owner, lessee or ovcn- pant in a penalty not exceeding $8 for | able before a justice of the peace or the school district. On non-payment ey's. Al Druggista, Senorita sig THAT THIS Light Sole. Medium High Heel. taser nermonuerion ad Situs ne Or, We have weveral odd lota of children’s | and Mise shoes that we are closing ont ue oem lems than they can be bought from the manufacturers; also ® fow adien oxforda, 75¢ and $1.00, We have men's and boys’ dress shoes’ latest styles, guaranteed all solid leather for $1.25 and $1.35 and men's mining shoes for ¥.000 Al solid leather. Call and examine stock. joint agent at Cleveland, prior to noon | of September 15, and the payment of! § fifty cents, return limit may beex-| tended to October 8, inclusive, For All persons paying their school and : borough taxes on or before August 30, § Received by Dinsivore Bros., TRE UP-TO-DATE TRILORS, Frbrelnt Loy bigg ost an ad trade is not a brisk as fighting properties and he wonld like | SAYS: Har little girl almost atran rl we h: ALE eer shown. 1 believe’ he concludes, “that {to distribute a barrel of it among cer: | | to death with croap. The doctors said | she couldn’t live but she was instantly | & “ ; ! 4 the most advertising at | tain other soldiers who wers not cov. ‘relieved by One Minute cough cure. uve the best of the argu- ‘ering themselves with glory on the purpose be to draw| - field at the time. . the most » | ANENT the Bchley.-Sampson contro: station in ‘to be | versy Mr. Dooley asserts that the lat- WHAT ABOUT ter will have no trouble to prove an ; alibl. | C Ww. Hodgkins, Patton. ¥ Eruptions, cuts burns. soalds and | | sores of all kinds quickly healed by De- | Witt's witch hazel salve. Certain cure | i for piles. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure you get the original—DeWitt's C. W. Hodgkins, Patton. Cs DINSMORE BROS, | Magee Avenue, PATTON, PA. tn aan, Mich. Sept. 7, 1000. boln Fear JJ coald de no work and fig A ; ola ne Lb 2 chair. 1 doc [ mt ae rd Gino fa fe vii sax oad Pr Twa otties of ney Th yi. Penner's Kidney and Backache sure © 4 FRE. ge 0 hg 4 z ¥ Mek: INXEY. pa GENEVA, Craw Pai IR, 1908, vad & seven srtack of 1, TF 3 pe A ¥ 3 Fotis wnt Blow] podsen, Dreaking out on § et syst fae ¥ ¥ phy wletyw tended = pind Eo Lb prt his witha pesnit. | then rE a the of Dy, Penner s gx 3 Jones of Br Tepust 4 Boot Jud AVE a ft and | None Tonic | ornplete fare . Fraxx BAuxMaN. re ond Cleariis § Bowed ¥ for ry FROMO, Kr. Sant. 7, 1900, rent Blood € Antty 7 yore jose 7. Seo Twn : a a i a pepsin p prevavations and sit af my HER poerripl ons without avail. | “Hunlly preseribed Pr. Fenner's ° ¢ Oi med the wes of Bb efooted a cure. Many Cathar she diny cases that haya dons rmy Ion have been cured by his A Dr. PT in : iM ar De, Fenner. Fredonia, NY. ; Fos ve used Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief for : Lwinny ours Toy the Hisense gud ts F foe whiten It be advertised aad have foand it ithe wepirl tix all yom slaim for lt it. orang Eider M. Tind for js, Briley, Bus k Sprites 1d, ; le Savery, 3 onl : RET A APA NEA: FX 3 JENNER, Fredonia N. ¥. Akron, ORY, Jan 4, w wkd Suwena of yum S1. Fn Paes a a it bas . eno X your dragrist 10 TTT Lebel the Remedies gis Es a of ihe reont remarkable sures sver a FRE LE medicine. daillet & Kir WILL EXHIBIT AT PA ON. Friday Eve. Aug. 23, a Sat Renn and doe, Don't fail to see and Fail of Humy D> Du pty, "Madam Jaille et's Matchless Tratned Canines: Ms ., the Occult Masterpiece of Airiel : : EXHIBITION Farma nce. (30 and take the children and arm £58 amuse nient. } a 20¢; Children ander 15 yrs, 10¢ | Women as Well as Men * Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. TRO i Ridney trouble preys upon the mind. dis ; fourages and lessens ambition; beauty, and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid- that it is not uncommon f for a child to be born = afflicted with weak kid- nays. ithe child urin- ates too often, if the : | aoe alls the fle if when the child raches an age when it should be able to . bedwetting. depend upon it the cause of - the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first | step: should be towards the treatment of | thetie important organs. This unpleasant ¥. | trouble is due to a diseased condition of the . Kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as Lomo ‘people Suppose. [Women az well as men are made mis- - etalile with kidney and bladder trouble, { and both need the same great remedy. ‘ The mild and the immediate effect of phat is soon realized. It is sold f anny Phares, | Trarvifeially digests the fond and airs thousands of Star letters elves | ay in strengthening and recon from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer | structing the ex Misted digestive or-. & Ca. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and gangs. Iristhel lates disco wired digests | Session his paper: ant and tonic. a . can approach " in eMciency, It jo- tantly relieved and rermanently cures | Fi it : i '|Ba k . Iyyspepsin, Indig: AWE Lett, Feastburm | IPS Na ion nD | Flatulence, Sour Stom ach, Nien, Of Fall Saitings Just, { other preparation’ = i Sick Headache Gast ia,Cramps,an OF P ATTON. all other results of (mrerfoen digestion, Prepared by E. C. Devitt ACo. Chicage: | Patton, Cambria Co., Pa C. WW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy {mnn’s Pharma (CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00. SURPLUS, $16,000.00. dpoants of Corporations, Firms, Individw fd Hanks rwestvect upon the post favors na consistent with owe and conservative ny. ship tekets for sale tor ail the loading Fimwdpn Tralis pasasie in the prinetpa 44 of the add Wark ; Tespendance wit hay A anr prompt and : ¢ paid oie Lire deposits, i. Parrax, Wu H. SANDFORD, President. Cashier, Patton Courier, Promoter of Publicity. Advertising Rates made known on application. Parnell 0 wher & Co. DR. S. W. Worrell. Pies LIFE & . INSt 1 NGF ! i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, | I In Ofire in Good Building, Room No. 3. REAL BRTATE AGENTS Sir-General Surgury and the Eye a Specially All Good Building, Patton, Pa.-"Fhosie No i indie will receive prompt attention.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers