TION PIG SKIN KICKERS. This Taw With Have an Eleven Thar Will | be Champions. be About Nineteen In former years Patton has had a 1 foot ball team in the field that was les : in Length. jequal, if not the superior,of any eleven AN BUSINESS. long-haired heroes of the pig-skin in Sot A li this and adjacent counties. This year mead os Soon as Possk | Will De no exception and already prep 'Larations are being made lo put a team in the field if anything better than Ray that his herstofore been the pride of the “North Star." i mo Our neighboring town of Hastings RIBR sinoe Ite Inst issue bas {has received about all the Cambri to additional information re. county honors in base ball this your, the strect railway line and bas and Is, or ought to be, sutisfind to real it jms es to be good aud on their lnurels. Nose Dadian proposes authority that the road will | to put a foot ball teaw in at the earliest possible mo. | will Hkewise sapturcd all the honors, : : : i as well as make Johnstown, Altoona, been current that {Ebensburg, eb al, green with envy «and defeat. : ging scheme, without using | Of coarse, sil this will take money, that the franchise obs i aid ma og slacter Tor a tusk Ogg for a irtunlly be pat up at : very laudable plrpose a concert is Lo but this is erroneous. be built and the Northeri Street Railway Co. will buili | voted to Lhe pardliase : in connection with $ other DEeciEsary expenses, Scheme but Purely 8 prive Nit Bf festa, Romy wl Towns Will be Covered. Ap An impression has carporators were simply in i upon berepfier, the process to be de of paiforms and The as not heretofore | local talen)i to be obtained as well a8 « al some foreign artists will participate and a program of excellence will be rendered. binat lay, July 3lst,of the cur- | ters patent were granted | A. Stone, lo an associ | Northern Cambria Yeternn of the Franeos Prissinn ailway company,’ authorising | wwered Last Moki Culd. any to build and operate » | John Trarice, aged about fifty years, on the various streets of | died at the Lome of his brother-in-law, { Patton, and also from Jolin Laver, on Sunday morning abont farroll township, In the g olock after nn Mines of several nddlition Lo the borough of | months. JOHN TRANCE DEAD. Sg War An and nt the intersection of the | ‘Mr Terative wan a wriman by birth ; ) : i Mr. Trance wa n by birth Le ors vat: ax. Hiale 8K 472 9: | Cambria, $30,701 25; Blair, $6,472 79, Land sactesded in confining the flarnes , ate road of Ww. Jd. Donnelly & Co, | and a veteran of the France Prussian extension of Lang avenue; war He came to Pennsylvania about southwesterly along the now twenty years ago, locating in Clear. road to Baker's cross roads, field county, where he was employed 0 recent hotel keepers’ confer oe mining. Nine months ago be came held: thence by public road ¢; Patton suffering from pw, thence south by Main yamption. Besides his sister, Mix. hroagh the borough of Carroll- | paper, ho loaves a brdther residing in 0 to the south live of the borough Clusinoatth, Me. Trance never mar return with single or double gud, ks, | The faneral was held at BL Marys The length of the route, aocording 10 1. church on Tossday morning al papers, was esdmatod at thine ig galock, Rev. Father Plerron official ; and the porporale existence Was jae The interment was made in ther mi to ninety Snipe years : LialBoli cedaetery. Later, or to be exact,on the 9th lost, Hs {of a paper Bled for record 3 i! extends its road from Toe Westover correspondent of tbe long the public road in Sus | Patton COURIER states that the peoj.e a township, westwardly, 1o in hie pegion are praying, nob for nan, but for frost, to chisel te weeds whieh, he adds, have reached on eBormoss wize around Westover. Faith Without VWiiks h of with prayer, folks will do more 10 i keep the implement works of the leountry running, and by sharing io the resoltant prosperity, they will be mighty with foolish petitions. Prost in August, moreover, is likely to upset {all hope of Tribune. nN; ang irom er street with Centre weet, along Horner street lo : and And. t on Centre street in the Ebensburg, east and west Viremen's Hall on Tuesday night was street to the borough line | an unqualified sncoess, both financhuiy : Land otherwise. An sudience that taxed the capacity of the building was | present and gave emphatic approval to {each number rendered. | most pleasing numbers on the program | was the recitation Ly Miss Mable Gane: ‘ler, who graciously responded to the Lencore. Much of the credit for the | success of the affair is due C. W. Hodg- | king, who farnished the augeius and | the talking machine gratis, as well as securing an experienced man as con- doctor. The Recital 8 Naosess, The recital given ander the auspices I Near Cresson ut an Eidy _Mgmr Thursday Morning. foul murder took place about 1 Thursday morning about one- from Cresson in an Italian The victim was Antonio Dor- and the man who did the deed is o be Libere Rosa. In the shanty wery about twenty-five Italians re employed on the work train. a. ais started Js not | The members of the Greek Catholic yoinm progress Dor | onorepation at this place are makin y stabbed. Before he oy ienyive Erato for the dedics. tion of their church on Labor Day. An enjoyable time is expected and a large number from out of town will be in attendance. The dance and Labor Day Dedicalion. nt the | the field that This be given at 4 date to be deterinined wi A i miner's the north line of the borough Of guhma, which developed into oon. By fighting weeds with sickies and soy thes, intend | + in a more cheerful fame of mind and ¢ | not nearly so likely to burden the Al the weather bureau experts beyond repair, — Johnstown of the Putton Silver Corset Band at Ope of the { Cambria Lends all Othir Counties In it in| 11 ; very Stable and Two Dwel | Bishop-elect Garvey of this, the new diocese of Altoona, has received ing Houses Burned. L LOSS he apostolic brief defining the | boundaries of his See. The counties it ny - : | ALMOST ATOTA includes are Blair, Bedford, Cambria, | Hantingdon, Somerset, now of the di- pay scene of Pittsburg,and Center, Clinton | : ; and Fulton, now in the Harrisburg di-| 2» » ladle Feed, Efe. In the Sabie. ocese, Mr. Garvey will bo consecrated | at 8t. Paul's Cathedral, Sceanton, Sun. | eduy, Bepl. 8. Cardingl Martinelli, as | intend by Bishop Hoban, (of Scranton, | awd Bishop Phelan will officiste. The, preacher will be the Rev, Chaties Kelly, 8. J, of Philadelphia Kiitintios collected by the authoritie of the Pittsburg Diovse of the Boman Uatholic charch show that Cambria Seounty in far and sway he most in Origin of Conlisgration, Which Backed in the Hay Mow, Unknown, ¥ ‘a livery stable owned by Flick Bros ergot AY Ea. tr be stable was worth 31.500 | with $1,200 insurance, winin of; Number Blair, 5; BSomersef, Lamonnt with a small insurance. of parishes Cambris, 5 3: Bedford, 1; ambrin, 12 Somsrset, 4. Dio cesan priests— Cambria, 20; Blair, 13 Homerset, 3; Bedford, 1; Huntingdon 2 Families in parishes Lwmbria, 5,716; | | Blair, 2,100; Somerset, 52%; Bedford; sweyond Barnesboro, to the scene Thursday morning to re pair the damage, Sa am irl aw « His : 5 Wy " SP a a Cambria, 28,680; Blair, 11,200; Bomer- | ci, Lune unknown, i {Rare Fursitord Saved in the Bosidontes Qpapnglier was visited by 8 destroe. | tive fire ont Wednesday morning and | Land two fiwelling houses occupied by : & John and Alex MeUormick were dene There was no Vinsaranes on the John Mo ormick portant county of the pew churchly house and it was owned by Mrs. Elmer division. The following official Bure | pogrer of Spangler, It wan worth $500. will show what the pew diocese COD- The other house was worth double that 4 | The telephone poles of the Uentrad : : yr. : i District and Printing Co. were burned | Hantingdon, 2. Prinsta of religious or | 0 grin had to be dispensed with Fe Manager 5. Kk nyder, of the Patton exchange, went aS, oY ; {The fire started in the haymow of 100; Huntingdon, 100. Communicants | livery stible about 10° ik. thie { Ho : Bo Mantinges. ‘spread rapidly and soon the stable 1 gob 18: oy TH; pos Fis, § “’ was in 8 blaze. The stock and yehic- 8; Blair, $53,054 72; Somerset, $9.- 1.0 wore taken out of the building, bat § Are made some one gains by it. We made several | this season. The first one was when we bought ENTIRELY TOO MANY Children's Suits. Piles of these om our counters. Think of this now before school comes again. | Buy now ere its TOO LATE. | ey ~~ That is, gs the Summer ones, $2.00 Suits, $1.30 Suits, $1.25 Huts at » Remember these are nice Vestees. All Men's and Boys’ Summer Suits reduced away down: 30 S02 15 12 iI 12 PH - i Men's Regnlar $15 50 Suits Reduced to $12 : ps oo IX 50 10 78 00. L403 50 0 os it ai $5 ix 46 Suits Reduced 3 3 g 2 2 kE Child bu oo Vestee 0 50 00 to 4a a ren ’'s Regular 33 §i id FEY re ii £3 $i £4 wi £4 595 16: Bedford, $2,613 44; Huntingdon, | the hay and staff sto red apetairs and : $1,778 28. #118.450 15; Blair, $50,791 #4; Somerset, | Ly j i : PRROre OORlIOY ei $9,136 54; Bedford, $2,613 44; Honting- | ore de Sra. don, $2234 38. Paid on debt in 1800 i went to the aid of the Spangler people Somerset, $150; Bedford, $60; Hunting. don, nothing. Fresent debt Cambria lg of het and quick and soon | $67,040 51; Blair, $46,248 48; Somerwet, |, air ont 0 7 $12,355; Bedford, $1,640; Huntingdon, | . Gh $24 10, Jived were adjoining and the flames the educational and other Institutions oo .¢ the household farpitare in of the new diocese but one, which is, bsildings was saved, bat “a con. the 86. Job's Carmelite Monastery ab a coi mio : FoR a New Baltimore, Somerset county, The a | ehureh property in Cambria county is TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY worth $900,000 se againgt Blair's §200,- aunt went up in “mike. Soba eu . a Pease chien i THis Bod of the Couiy That SEM Lhaee menial 650 fhe ak § i . wi of the Connty Tha BE 3 i Ciogpgns Hands Resrntly. SHERIFF SALAS. an as CPrepetiios in thin seston HEC will be Dis Swear Bwanson powedd ol Wegt, 2. $L The following is a list of properties ia the north of the county which will be offered at public sale by the sheriff | = ut the Court house in Ebensburg on burg, Patten, §1. : Munday, September 2, 1901. The sale Paton Ballding and Loan Amocia : will begin al 1 o'clock Pom j won ta A. FE. Wassbarg, Patton, 8. : All the right, titie and interest © Oliver Evans to Chntou Ww. Phillips the Hastings Opera House company | Ebenshury, $1,100. | (in a piece of groumd in Hastings : borough and having erected upon ita { large frame opera house. Taken inex ~~ ” : : eontion at soit of James MceNeoslis : Peale, Carroll township, Sh. Of Winfield Jones in 141 acres of Takeo in W, Jones. | Of James Dick in 85 scres of land in T4% Carroll township. This land has a house of five roots erected upon if, | which i» now occupied by Ambrose (Gray. Taken in execution at suit of | “Jumes Dick. E Of Jobo W. Miller in 71 acres of | B land situated in Carroll township. | This nnd bas erected upon it a large | house and barn. Taken in execution | atsuit of the Equitable Building and | Be Loan Association. : : : Of Frank and Philomena Glasser in Carrolitown, $500. 62 acres of land, having erected upon | Ta ia house now ni] by Frank pon ; tional bank, Barnesboro, $1,250. ewberger, situated in Eider township. | Also the interest of the same in 182. Margret acres of land in Carroll township, hav- | $3,000, lug erected upon the same a barn and | house now occupied by Cornelius Mei. Joe Swanson etal to A. PF. Was matter, Carrolitown, §235.28, land in Cambria township. Barner, $170. execution at suit of Thomas 2 {rallitzin, $600. Lioyd, Sasquehanna township, $55, ‘Elizabeth: Bolvin to Lioyd, Susquehanna township, $125. on to Join Doff, Hastings, $70, key, Clearfield township, $400. wtic, Carroll township, #8. A. Buoarkhart, Good Show Conlon. Jailley and Kindt's Capital Shows gel. Both properties taken in execu | will exhibit al the old base ball ground | tion at suit of Thomas Out & Co. | on Friday and Saturday. While a ten Of John Hipps and W. A. Donabey, and twenty-cent circus’ the low rate of | | administrators of estate of Uriah Lloyd, | admimsion does not mean that the show deceased, in 105 acres of land in Sus- | is one of an inferior quality. On the (juehanna township. This land has contrary,it comes highly recommended - urected upon it a house now occupied | and is well worth seeing. The pan- by John Meisel. Also in 40 acres of tomime, “Rise land and house now occupied by Wil- | Dumpty, ‘and Madam Jallets liam Weaver, in Susquebanna town- trained canines are features (ship. Taken in execution at suit of larly plensing. Three performances matchless Expenditures —- Cambris, cq and some other things below fire department yv the thres buildings named. The The house in which the MeCormicks In Cambria county are located all on gure at work destroying them. ¢t ux to Patton Bulidieg and Losn association, Patton, Pi. Barker et ux to Joseph A, Vor % Lit gel, Barnesboro, $175, : Jane Campbell of vir to A. F. Stride Fredrick Arble ef ux to Rembrandt : FP. H. Barker et ux {0 Alma feonard, ! Mary Dashner et vir to Rachael Git : Adam Miller et nx to Malinda C \ Malinda C. Exeslsion Building and Loan associa ; : | Philomena Brandt to Matiida Bor : Andrew White et nx to Cynthia EB! —~ Adam Schettig to Amelia U. Bender, : Herry McAnulty et ux to First Na- - William H. Sechler association too Gallitzin, and Fall of Hompty | partica- The same liberal reduction given on all Clothing not quoted in above prices. Some $1.00 and $8¢ Shirts picked out and on sale ter at 6gc each, Men's Shoes in certain lines cut 25 pe some styles of Boys. Alsoin Ladies’ Oxfo cot ; Same in Tr cent. Keystone Clothing and Shog Co. Directly Opposite Bank. ut — ym A Sure Cure For Pain. In this preparation we have concentrated about ~~ twenty years' study, and in compounding it, use ~ the purest drugs, and feel safe in guaranteeing it =~ to do what we claim. a It will cure any pain; ifiternal or external. ae a ae Full directions inside of each package. Price 25 Cents. OUR GUARANTEE. of (ur own preparations, and it does the receipt of the empty bottle or {ast 28 freely as we took it know the goods are If vou purchawe any one you no good, we will, spon package, return yoar money We fel safe in saying this, because we right and all that we claim them. to be. PATTON PHARMACY, CC. W. Hodgkins, Prop. It Pays to Save Our Cash Register Checks. = og 5g Instead of imaginary ones with which the papers are filled, rest the people. It's easy to say $12, ® i are what should inte festival will be held in the Firemen's william and George McK in. 2 re . . 1 . : ea IH McKeage, admin- | will be given in Patton, Friday even- | oq . it teat does not : a 15 assertio 1 Hall all day and the parade of Greek jserators of Robert McKe worth $20, but teat does no Jen arue. Bs on assert . a canvass of the town for donations for the festi val Card of Thanks The family of Mrs. Annie Milly de aire to tender heartfelt thanks to the of the United Mine Workers of Am- { erica for thelr sympathetic assistance during the iliness and at the death of her Swoehildren from dipthesia. | young ladies of the church will make | Societies headed by the Patton Silver of John Hippes in 5 in| a, : : ; pps in 56 acres of land in ng. Cornet Band will take piace in the Chest township, having erected apon it ing ‘morning. This week and next, two a house and now in possession of John Drass. In 50 acres of land in Susque- hanna township and having erected upon it a house Dow occupied by jand of 108 acres in Susquebanna ling. In 40 acres of land in Susque- hanna township, All taken in execu- tion at suit of F. A. Shoemaker. Henry Dunlap. In another piece of | township, with house erected upon it | many friends and also the local union | Ad now in possession of Mrs. Mech- | ing and Saturday afternoon and even- | 4 nothing to back it. | The New York Central bas ar- ranged to sell excursion tickets at very : ‘Jow rates and to run special trains i 3 $1 - % oo Suits now $14.00 ‘the values are here to prove it. $14.00 Suits now $11.00 from stations on the Beech Creek dis- | $11.00 Suits now $3.00 trict, Williamsport to Patton, inclu | ‘sive, to Bigler and return Sunday, | August 25th, on account of camd, | meetings, Special trains will stop at : entrance to camp grounds to land and | | receive passengers. For time of trains, new | specific rates from all points and other | sale at this information consult excursion dodgers | § | or call upon ticket agents. $8.00 Suits now $6.50 $6.50 Suits now $4.50 Are you going to take a trip this summer ? If so, see our line of trunks and valises just received.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers