due got a great deal of e Klondike, and lost his It was a bad trade. re are about 10,000 musicians In rman army. It is however, un- that under emergency each hem shall drop the instrument | e up the rifie, Smid, New York leader of fashion has | nted a new way of handshaking who devotes his talents to siach || less ends ought to be afictad aftening of the brain. Loria Wolseley pays the American a clever compliment. He says he best of its size in the world. ! ‘also have mentioned that : . . Sa op i tacom = whiten very otten p oh «} § whatever the CmOTESHCY | operating room, or when they held & | parfent’s hand while he died In the | | night. an 4 be a relief to many utilita. | some arctic explorer would ¢ with a plausible falsehood rt that he had discovered h pole snd that it did mot ough 0 be worth bother. | t in the future, are now declaring that signals between the earth Mars Is extravagant. However, : 8 no prospect of any practical to be gained by such com. and there are opportuni neighborly amenities here be are still awaiting Improve. ivr man should not dine It is not good to think much / 90 the great medical zn advises conversation becanse do not think while talk: his sage conclusion must have from much listening to dinner od according to the last census has a greater amount of land water than any other state of while Wyoming has the ‘also appears from this cen w Jersey, within the past gained 70 miles in area, she was credited with only miles, while in 190) she Is : iis, Moore, chief of tha . declares that after a | on of all that has | the last two years, | that the idea of pro- | s and vineyards from frosts by cannon fir- delusion, like that of | noon on the weather. ¥y5 that the great pro- | the atmosphere are on too | for any man or nation and that it is useless tempt to combat | of Russia, says that | shown what undis | crease In the suicide Rs and partic- of 1889 and was espe 4 It 1s claimed disease profoundly affects the ystem, causing all grades of turbances, from simple me. acute insanity. It is quite hat the great increase in the f suicides In 1803 was due of the grip epidemic of the general increase dur. hole period, 1896-1800, is due ame Accordingly, issioner has requested the special inquiry into attending suicides, THE DIFFERENCE, Some people fear the bridges far heyond may not be strong, dragging won along. where shaky bridges sway, YOURE nurses were very good and at grown callous They wero nice girls, mostly in their first years course, and thair lips would twiteh and their in the But they were brave and went about the pretty hospital singing soft. ly in the cool corridors, carrying lit tle whiteclothel trays to the rooms, and being the best of mei cities themselves by reason of their kind voices Now. oné beautiful bright ursseekers, smashed together, and the doctor ami the matron and the girls many people sorely hurt And among them was a very {little bay, about six years old, whom nobody knew anything about becanse father and mother were both killed in the collision, and there was nothing wiwe, except that they were poor. If ts comprehensible that a very great ward but the woman's ward was full {to him was laid a hig, brown bearded min, also insensible, from whose of money and whose few papers went | a very rough looking man, indeed The man came to his senses first, “and it was night The nurse on watch wis quite frightened st he made for that, hut never, to neh words as came from the hig | brown-bearded man's lps, {found he could not move his great, i massive legs, So he | Tight of the night lamp, did her best ‘40 soothe him, because he aroused | jo Aber patients, ani there wae a terri e groaning and wailing in the small bie £ And all at once the little boy came to his senses, too, just for a minute. and his face was turned up upon the sailor's face. He was nol | quite sensible yet for it soemel he | mistook the sailor for his dead papa, i and he sald very prettily: “Good morning. dal, this morning?” fellow's eves, was abashed and stopped “Pm all right” cme unconscions again. The sallor did not abuse anything time he sald: “Pretty little chap.” the boy. “Pretty boy—he thought 1 was his dad.” he sald, and wonid have laughed, only hizx pain made him groan in stead. Again he caught the nurses hand. “gafd it was nice he Jd. Cute fn pain. CPt neither could the saller rise from his back, and nsitMer could the sailor hope to sail the sea again, f child and both were slowly dying Al first sometimes the big brown man the nurses wonld saut thelr ears, to rified. and the matron would thre $ en to move him to a room by golf and that frightened Bim lence, for ever since i had a great love for ehild would wk at in surprise when he fig rages and ga: “Oh, John, that's Anl John would once and be patient. would say: “How do you feel John?” Apd the sail would answer: #Pirst rate, Joe “That's nice” litle Joo wonhl say am! they would lie quiet and look out of the window at the river and be yond where the big hills purpled to the skies, and were always looking up. : So it was in the mornings, when Joe 1H Bl the ehibi foil into one « not nice" hits his ii . 3x Then the child ns to have his hands and face washed by the nurse. He could not turn about Tw see the Coto vavents, ot And even, as they move ahead, keep ‘Soine people cast their glances pack And WOTTY ovr Tronbles they have | ho y : wall In the Tttle country hospital the : tentive to evervboly, not having beers tn the business long enough to have mick | noatness, their bright eves and their spring afternoon. at the railroad junction in the town, two trains, Alled with pleas: : nurses were plungad into a world of | work, for ambulance after ambulance came driving up from the scene of the mocldent and left to the care of the his | on them to show who or what they deal of attention was paid to this lr tle follow, and he wonid have been plnced in the woman's ward, as the i hospital was too small for a children's 80 the hoy, quite Insensible. was laid | on a cot in the men's ward, and next | clithes hal heen gathered quite a sum | to show he had been a sailor. He was | the man. He wits in pain, and great allowance must | in all her Hee, had the Httle nurse to listen | 8 He wanted | to get up anl go right away, and he | began to abuse | i his fate, and the railway and the hos. | pital and the nurse and mankind in | goneral. He wae a very hitter mouthed ; . man indeed. The Httle nurse, by tas How are you The ‘saflor, looking into the Hee | 120 FIYE0 his swearing, and was silent for a v moment, and then muttered clumsily: “That's nice.” sail the boy, and he ] woy more just then, but lay groaning. and every now and then when the | Ifttle nurse slipped by in the shadows, | he called to her softly, and the first | The nurse nodded and smiled, ani ithe sailor smiled back and, { morning came at last, he only groaned | and watched the child and did not | enrse at all, but every time the nurse came to wipe his brow or give him | | drink, he whispered to her to look at : until | far 8 he was in the same case with the | { woull forget himaelf in his pan, and © the accident to RL ABEL 0D Wig hues friend | seemed always first awake, and ready Ne | jenrned al their names and as SOON 2% he heard them Hoving, he always asked very politely: SAnd how do you fool Mr. Smith? i Apd Myr Smith would always an | gwor. because it pleased the child: "Firat rl Jou” “That's nice” sald Joe, : hiv would SPhats nie” wont with him, he alwavs said, though sarmetimen With an effort, I'm poelly thank you.’ Then everybody wild say. with real pleasure: “That's nies, Joe!’ : Ro the summer want on, and very few patients came to the hospital, Land John and Joe were alone save for the niaraes who grew to dread the time thal was soon to part the : friends Al Iast they told the | stantly ¥hizpered: : “And the little fellow, Joo!” | “Ten’t tell him.” said the minister] “he iw oso innocent he needs ro prepa Brit you?” : : ration, days the poor sailor was Yd. For pared te his little companion: your Jenve me behind? “ae John! sald the child very ear nestiy, "I would want you to come too.” i “Woull you feel sorry. Joo, to sall away and leave me on the wharf, or— pr if you wag safe on a big fine #®hip. “Jean” sald the child, “I would jump out and pull you to my ship, 1 wonid” "Good old Joe” said the sailor, and sid nothing more until prayer time, when he squeezed Joe's hand and whispered: “Peay hard Joe. Pray bard for me to come along. Pray for two, Joe” And litle Joe praved for twa, The two used to watch for the srarchiipght of the big night boat whica tun belween Dwo great Lriver. i311 on the front of the little hospital Tue and John, sand In hand, very, ' very weak now, would lie and watch $ far 1b on purposes to say God night’ piped “good night.” ia and John alsa. Then Joe, ied the once powerful Dairy ; hand. would feebly ask: “How do you feel tonigot?’ Cgnswer, with 8 smothered groan, i "“Thut's nice” at £0 10 sieon And so one night the steamboat tis hospital “Cron night” very low, ausky whisper, hand rested on hin But i fittia “1 didn't say ‘Rood night’ John” Lhe whispered, and tried th squeeze | {hia feleml's band. by tens unable even to call out. Lraher side It was dark | afraid. fils fingers closod round the wilds twebly, “Elam we doy ingefoe] tonight, Taku? sald litle Jon's voice Lanftly and tenderiy. | Ther wad a moment's pause, Csailor's voles rang oul with a ry. “Firat rate Joe” share mies” sal] the child And the jets nnraes FWY. Black. in Los Angeles Times. Canaries ae Wenther Prophets, know of no more reliable prophets than my birds” mare lady who owns several canan which I ran hear the fraing at night, brigt [an iin 1EaL the va that the day will be 5 good one, oaomattar if 8 £ bint if they ere wit re The day is sess thoy tay fail oa going shopping Sine In in Lr aver. 1 have pever rd 1 never think or cating of my Lid fends do. That pour men in his prophecivs means Th Ket we Higitimore Bun. trate Postal Sevvive, bit In trates the ph the Polson 1nd orl Japan's La-te. Rete rg slips. show tha postal yar the letter sem. There gre about forwarding slips’ Ivar ne the © of 1s by griwarities the addre f these “ho Wetter wor the stand of Japan. There 1 Jaw in Japan which directs that a ~tizen. upon reaching a Jdstermioa. tion to changs his abodes, ‘Areas — Washington Star. : ani so he | would ask each in turn, andl to wach | answer, always the same Creply chess fully: Anil when they asked him how it of ice-blue, salior that ! thers was no hope at all for him—a | | plergyiman came to prepares him. He | took the news ¥ calmly, but in- | = y | sonstierably. - much trouble. and one night he whis Li i iy so very slight that one is justified “Joe, aay you was rich asx Vander [in the extravagance, Bilt. and was going a long sail, would | stile me hasted to pieces on the rocks?” these last Mothers got Joe had made n story that it! know they were there and smiled in Ak re | “Firet rate. Joe,” poor John would | | past, never to return. | experience agree in proving thar nascent pariod of childhood 3 must 5 i jm portant | ganization the world hag ever seen ia came np the river and turned the | point and cast ita light upon the Ht. | And they would le very still or. said the sailor, In a while Joe's | the | hov's eves were wile with a strange | Heht. [te the sailor's face and his eyes fell | “It sald ‘good | i never & year The sailor tried to rise in bed but He saw | But he could not see toe He was rinning in | found the friends had gone together. — : Love for every {the other “ have heard of all sorts of barom- | tera, or rather weather signa. but | weather suid a Hatt) 1 : mat] Enquirer. “1 can almost alwars teil when ft i poling to rain by the distinctness with | the birds are even more reliable | If 1 hear them singing morning early hefore I take * ¥ : Lo Eb pada g ¥ ¥ rs y ain't ho? and then Bis face twisted | [De coxetings of ther cages off 1 raining at the mo Ao not sing 1 ata had wamther hee! outings. This | vance of ther unless | ; early morming That | o | never got caught in the rain, | wha makes 50 Hg § many toy | 35 on the spvelope, and these make it clear that | {x 431 RE y ig . 3 wed the adresses all cessant 45 i On behalf of the former a good deal | of applique werk is employed. this tak : ting the shall notify |. ; : t silver or aluminum © ound the postal awthorities of his new ad- | git, on Sround- OF Ice-Rine Founlurl, An odd model for a foulard gown is ringed with white and black The collar, cuffs and flounce Wave rows of binck bebe ribbon yolped, joined hy diamonds of ye allow lace, and the vest and slesvelets are of lace 10 mater, the front held in with two | crossed braces of black wolves ribbon, To be worn with this costume is 8 with tea roses and black velvel shirt Walsts, Six shirt waists should meet the requirements of most careful girls. To have a sufficien, stock of blouses to he able to rig the changes in roa tine lengthens the life of each one Therafdre, Iwo of ging ham. two of plain silk for afierncon | wear and one or two of smarter na I ture for parties | many, while peddicge to say, Lhe more And when these are man. ‘would not be loo the better afactured at home 1hélr cost fu real Dainty Veilings for Snmnmer Wear, Vellings of every shade and variety, often of the faintest blue ar gray, but by preference of white, are far and away the daintiest things for dreuny summer weir this vear The simplest xay to make them very smart is to put them over a Pompadour overskirt. The fabsicg are so thin and sheer that the flowers just show through wilh a suggestiveness of oh or and #himmer that ig irresistible, If your dressmaker iz equal to it have one swmmer gown made with a prin. cesse slip of Pompadour silk All it= elegance than will come from Hines. and a few dainty shirrings or ruffles, tucked ar the bottom of the skirt and some similar trimmiog on the bodice The Ladies : Journal. citiem on the When the steamer turned a point, Hts light flashed for an instant | a Trin the Bove Early. Tha boy at five or len years of age in marvebmaly impressioaablo--far moe $0 thas he ever will be again the bovs st this period, hat fathers are an fo "wall antil the hove Didome older” But then puberty influsaces the janz Or PX varity of impress; the nascent stage of development Ia Beience and tals The greatest church on tased on a realization of this fact. Fducation is being modified according to this principle. Parents and espe cially fatiwirs, need 1 recognize JL ~God Housekeoping Mos: Erravagasnt Warman in History, The Empress Josephine was allowed | at the beginning of her reign $72.000 a year for hor toliet, and tater 18is was increased to $30000. But there was during the time that she did not far overreach her allowancs and oblige the Emperor to come io Ker heilef According to during her reign. It is only by going aver her wardrobs article by ay Bo Xk ae of LF. item of her hose--9 lh =r always waite silx, oficn richly emliroidersd or in Oped work. She kept 150 or more pairs on hand, and they cost from $4 to $8 a pair. She employed two hainiressers-- day, at $1200 a Year: for great oocaxions, al $2000 a year: and she paid them sar # from $1000 to $1000 a year lor far. niehings It was the same for ail Lo smaller Hema of her tollet--Cingin arking Gira’ Clabes un Bed Uy ihe Bog Faglivh VW At the pxhilali Ish working = aha in th Palace. in Lowidnn, recently, PWR IB th ede par tere) need le ae Biew 2008 sites ty & ire to msike extra clothin selves to Lake sway on tawip BES. =n *hed 4 poe i the © Hinskinse and Baltani Buttons and buckies—what chorus these adiuncts an in make! form of a delicate tracery in works of smoked pearl mother of Eretura. | gil continue to haw in adoring worship, enral serionily. Cora brttons, applh Care pot nearly go much in YoRue aS jaunty littie hat of blue stra, tri found herp and there when some par by little hat of blue straw, trimmed | iar peried of style commands thelr CBat decidedly of mora prow nounend popularity ix the seeall bate} © in detachad groups— progence. “ton arranged and in this department do they sed aiik bination. Home pragiy, thejr strongest hold on i graceful pattérn in some delicate tint | on a white ground, mauve and pale | belpg among the most effective. : young mini, previously stored with a | great periences, the early formative period Cig practically soneluded, and White if | 1g yet possible to mold the character, Ciard, the wetimate Mason {has made, Josephine speul on aa av | erage of $120.000 yearly on Her | tet vary i i and noting the cost and num her * each piece that one cap realize how 3 woman colild spend this amount, Take ithe imal . were almo Toeart and imitation colored | every sort, kind ang description. Amethyst are wonderfuily (itated ir wen snd have hecome a great vogue, Ame. | tivuts and topazes have alike been out of favor and fashion for their allotted span, and the time is just ripe for their | Before the shrine of the torquolse | ul this pretty hiue stone has Brome a {rifle tog familiar 0 the 2ight To be altogather pleasant, Many are doing holy best to take 1 with dull silver are especially decorative, Probdisgnagian | butions they were. Of course, they are to be two, three and four, as the fancy die fates a long and bewillering one. Scarcely in millinery can a buckle go wrong. to prow longer and Jonger and nar rower amd narrower every day. | And it ta buckley that create a decorative | item in one's eile visiting totlet, Art Colars in New Linnean. The new lines in art colorings are As to buckles, their story Is In effect Bept. 11 Acightfally cool and very sinart for summer wear, and are usually made without lining, being of a sufficiently | firm texture to got well without further Nine to ten yards of linen wiil make a full gown and allow a deep | hut even less may | | tas for Bedford, Pa. support, how to the skiro be allowed for a bolero and skirt, and tig 1s a very popular fasijon for duck | and Hoon tans are (nvariably an atiractiive com. | chintz eolorings, and these are charm | ing on red, blue and biscuit linen. Very little of thig trimming is re | quired, and it must be laid quite flat lace usually is. | Foulard gowns are always In evh | donee at this time of year, and many of the new foulards 3s wonderfully | both (n color and design, es and pot put on Mi as pecially those who exhibit a light green Ike all other lght fabrics, foulards require to be very Jatntily mace the =» skirts trimmed with frifls or flounces, fueka anid insertion, aad the hodices A nice derdgn repre seats a dross of maive and white fot- dirt hordered with pretiily trimmed, tie train gd sk app wide Ham the hit of whinh 1h Ee fucks, a newer fe SROaE, ¢ne go soon tires, Above Are two bans of lyory Irish ! the manye Hning of the skirt! is sen wits | & is nuite sim chemisetts of ire fmgrt fen. Whro Za whieh prod effict The b ply made, with tueke: white lawn with opeswark insertion, through which is run black bebe rib g.elng a very smart and prety Phare is a Rind of half yolk of the Irish lace, and insertions of the bogs finish same lave, wiilathe pleturesgue sleeves fave bands and rentisette asd full puffs of fins lawn, Pita model could be made very £xpensivoly, in ona of the aloe lardinas © gr mercerized sateens er musibas, especially Rinir a pretty baireoed stripe. The hat with it is of Blue tucked tulle, With paste orsmaments and mauve pennies The Lady, Se RR a BSE CR HR Ry JF eyaressp om ; ; pom. in shirtwaists | = - he back with pear) Bit | The Hose deta fasion ar silver Sawn Bae Tian, appli “atipng tk mach favored by Par sign doiss desigiers. Fo a Es pen YO Avory SPIWRINER, ¢ an e%vietive it fare] with black sik with inch | are handles + mend P arisen nd the edge with carved Lioepings made entirely of lace yc BOAR pow asl cretooay appligne and asi * ™ AE {aid Ln AR & id BE * iva 1 co noveliing ara bile iy cenned wo LIAL &it i \ % the 2 weil and 5 ed 1 darker or BF ou contrasting tone, While the military heel and broad! top have not lost favor, the new low vt shoes show pointed toes and high | isthe somvenir of their call spooi heels. The extension sole is still | in evidence, but shoes are narrower and loss mannish thang last season. Some of the new galons or | soarse lace ara filled in with shaded or | dw frills or shaped “aiffa to match the in- “fou | in feaiard patterns or it {s eqially suite ress, dal : = Pe able for making up in one of the thick. | Praldeiphia B pres daily. thome walch oX, y a} ; Facile Exproms, dally cluster of Lo dabinstewn Accom, “week ARF Wrrerii: Hane batiste collar with lace grarne of sppaanrer or ihe United States during { the Ciel white and ecru “lace | gb cift sly RE YF : Washington, Ceently asked for an appropristion for roaeE with Wlsek vitlyet | Faia) *% 5 po wp gion fof trimming for | efforts a snd slik mous. | somely embrofd. | hosiery . guinghigdies are | pariment, RiiVer of the “Mr is 3 porreait i rout of the Treasurer, ix one of the’ un hesdered voile a The harder § are some | Helter shade the plain material and oceasion- J fone, ladelphia Eg + Reading Railway. Engines Burn Hard Coal—No Smoke IN EFFECT OVE MBER 1 : Train Leave Willinmwport From Depot, Fook For Now York ef in Philadephia TEL 0a. mM. a1, 00. 110 pin. Sunday S05 1090 a me Plo Ha] ” York via Easton 104. m., 1294 p. mo For Phiianetp hia, Rew Tamagna. Mee Bane City, As band rs pe i potote in schuyl. ; EET oom eogion THE De. mL 1354, 4 and 1196 pom Aundays oom Ha. my AI pom Train for Wiis niepors: fone New York via Faston 4 2104. mm, Sip ma Sandays $06 Land lp fave Now York vis Philagelphin Dias, £35, SH 8. ny 1 ahd 2pm. San yu IISA Wm 3h 108 and Teawe Prine eipht 4, Reading Terminal, £30 = ma Ri and india, mu, and £08 pom Ph pom Sundays py 4 am HO pom is 15M p.m. hot comets and parlor ears Wo aad from Phitladeiptia and New York, Through sleep. oT of night tralox 1 and Jrom Fhiladelphis, ndays ineladel, shat trade ran dalle lets oan be poaeared in Williamsport at depot, ths Undergrad? ticket oiins and ot the forst if Prion Street. Bajrang chveiod fron holes anal rtdenoas Airset to Routt mting. Ee en. (renee ger IA SWEIGARD, ; aperintendent : arabian, Pilladelphibn Poon Came ont al) SX Bross bradna Hu ntingdon & Broad Top Mt. Railroad. , 1809. He yy hw i Trun Na. i seve iTnntingdon wiry da exew sot i % #80 om arriving at Mt. Dales at eM, mn, Train Xo 23a waves Huntagion Jevery fie expe Munday five Mi Pmilneat Lik p. Bi, arrhiiing it ME eshes at Rud Bi Tews Bo, ©, vilays onivi legos unr Bein M2 imines wt sa mn arTiviyY at Inslime ay 28a we Si AD Ios suai contentions ot ME Dab and Cumberland, Md. Nurthward, : Pauhth Nou 4 Mail dmves MU Dalles fy 1 | Hnanineden at SARS, Th 1 Huntd Frills. llounces and anythisg of the sgtingdon at wih a, arciving « unting full or funsy type must be aviided for | linen, but fat bande of Rossiap gaion or | coarse lace of point JAraba type are moet affective, and grouped lines of | machine ititehing and large pearl but. {RIL beth east and west at Hantingilos an) aX iN mm. Tras Noo 3 Fast Line] aves Mi Imilas or any in ne aio pom. arriving at Hunting: dein al G06 py Timi Nou 8 Nondave onivh leaves ME Dal live Humiingdon af 435 pom, arriving st al Ei rutits inke slams donneotions with f io SARE M. Gao, 6 1 23 Pittsburg, Johnstown, Ebens burg & Eastern R. Cotdiinsed Time Talis ele Nov, 25, 1980, ANSE 22a iE Bow = ABD ins arg op ahd tr fats LET ford, Rusnday Telus «A Kh Philipsburg... Hs 1 CONNECTIONS: iia AM 0 S34 BR 47 a wath NYUAH RRS hi Ww ba isa 1d 1s ¥ i 38 Lo, LAY Puboia, Fubar. Fan Ivvan i i Past ward. 3 A . Waltavaly, a with 8 | Lok , Corny Yitle £ al A ab weds Mills with Hutte eg Ramer with PRB Gn leving Xrane aad TERE pe ia ag fi Mefoemat ing Ry iy ion Resa Ix Mu pert a endent Pennsylvania Railroad. In effect May 27, 1900. Loavet Cremon— So Shore Ex proses, week I, Alsdina Arcam modation, week days Min [doe Express, Sally inn EE Aceniuimadition, duly Mil Exp ; Lan vas Cronsany-—Y Johnstown Accom. A MANES Viny Prossenger, daily. Fantiine, Anily.. stain 0003 0 He SUBERYY DEREES TENET ERE uEUReEs ESHBBEE ECSBEEN Cambria & Clearfield Division. Leave Pation—Sonthward. Tran a, 208 ot TOB 4. mn. arriving at Cresson at Rha VTridn Nor #6 at Bi pom, arriving at Crosson at wid oan, Leave Patton Northwand, Aten No. TOM at 104T 8, In -Srriving a1 Mas en Campbell at : haley at 16 a me and at SAR m “adn Noe TON at 557 pom arriving at Malal sod at GlestCumpbell at 7M Spinner’s Status. In the vaults of the Frensury is & the lmte F. BE. Spinner War repdied the erpntel in sane It was originally in monament should be donspionous place aml Congress was me oa tial a pedestal for if, The statue bad heell purchased Iargely through the of the “dvnariment ladies” whe thus intended 1a perpeiuate the medaory of the man whe fest jnre ducal female clirks nto the Govern. service. The quesiion has now an the propriety of ralsi a satde oa cubordinate after of a depiirtment of the Government, when ie Had nor been considered necessary Jat Ge any Seerplary af Torensury. or to any alher vo fps From the stories of 8 Fuge t ¥ by the old Fyn fit fo ina £4 tis 1 amnel of thal he wi sith hay pisidd statue i Singer siuovesd of fx tisglarly proud of EHAINee qiteer seroll which for many the pe ? fe ree Se] his ® ot rip: is pitment. There Ruiner ino ti and those win m when he beld that ofioe siy that It exaggerates his Fog Snes af ippearance, making Lim look a bit wo graff and much too dorkd, Under neath the portrajt. painted on the in the queer signature, epMe dag ef in raised letters. When Mp Spipner was Treasurer and vistors desiwed to carry away some chaacter at his offive he would give his autograph. | writieg it in the center of a broad of thick paper. suggesting the vation of it in a frame, Fiy apon Win Aviss of Mr. ig in wine —_ Kaew hi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers