tion Monday morning. The tannery will close down for a while. The shut down is necessary to | | Os A RA A reams of F SUBSCRIPTION. 5 one year in advanes, - - - #1 ra i Advertising rates muh mOowh Wpon Be fron. are gab; wnhes wr the Gpthin of the Sabet. a) al Ehe Postofios at Patten as semi shies paid Beat bar, AY WHITER propotals the fisll towing | questions to bright farmer boys and town boye Wa frequently | soe whith horses bub how many boys and girls oheeeve 4 white coll? Why does a bore ent grass back wands and Sf enw Whe : ine pimays wind one way and a Heat | vine another? Why mn horse, | ' there with a rope, always unwind it and a pow kink It all op winding it into kn awn before 8 rain ? na well: forwards? down a bop dows 5 Paw Panney teinin milrond CompRoY | ning oat gil the poval mba in ear. pied wl SAE tH pany i198 ¥ “ wtenm nt tainly ; depend Mhe coal glows was ee is hut i Pov £5 ¥nver has a ¥ ro should hax ih iL might | players, pee wary to start coal fies along trae to keep the passengers from i It bs thought that sty of stove will bo substituted ¢ in Gime of emergencies, pe RRR Pa tow road law, ap Tovernor Stan, provides petaon who shall make affidavit that ho nse wetoinsively during the prased. year, in hauling loads of 20060 pounds ur more, on the public rots, Wagons with tires not less than four Inches wide for each year afier the of sald act, shall be credited by the supervisor of with 34 fret th af the rondo snd low} {od on the property of such per. 1 provides ales un pecalty for | cach h ofknce of hauling loads of 10, Hs owns p With tires lows Linn # Lew FEO EET 0 Lay that every his lied ried SEE fesse fier pnihon he Pe who Mow deparime facilitate the oarrect of postal money orders it has intro. brpal fom duced for distribution by i gts OF hey Talon mely prised in red ink | The department will furnish stich forms free of cost, and will canse them to be lil to any “applicant, in stich SALLY Bs may be desired, on the request made throug!: the postmaster at any motiey therefor guneral election in Novem ; people will vote upon two im- NE An Taw | providing for personal regis tion and the other to permit the w of voting machines for Both these amendments had | pl af ballot meform organisa. wan believed rth their members more honest elections conld be if voters in ‘cities had to per: their names before m, of Lima, 0. obtained results from the nse of Foo ey core. “It relieved my and severe pain over the toned my system and gave now vim and energy. Iv is an vest and reliable remedy, a sure for all kidney diseases.” . To Stead wn Hurt voor Malve the preat hedider, i 4 for ¢ ls, wounds, BIER, Uns no ’ : ; showing that the deposit Li anid that thie Pennayly ania road sompany i contemplating | hing of all grade crossings ker dlupontinbet watt) all arrears | tes 2 Why do leaves tern upside ‘utnrton ithe side tri left the Ale Chey They HEDOTY Eq) bt Lgl wish CREEY ANON tos daze atts bY Geely dents by the state gone | 400 in the First All races : town Tuesday, Ennmber of entries dud Cat Johustown. | make some general repairs. s pacing, $300 Thursday ‘Aung. 15. Freafor class. pace, $1,000 ($100 extra for the horse | trotting that beats 2:00; 2:40 class, | 8300; 2:24 class, trotting, $300. Friday, Ang 30--2:17 cians, L§300; 2:50 class, pacing, $300; trating 1%-yard Peter K. Risbel at this writing 8] root race, 100, Lyery low with Bright's disease. little hope is entertained for his recov. | Bry at present. Very | A. Kuhn, is having his house re | modeled from cellar to attic, also hay. | ‘ing a fine front porch put np which will when dong bea credit to hath | town and owner. The fire clay has been tested] and in fanid to be firstoclass. Men ard now at work opening a drift and expect ta be able to ship in about sixty days The | [company is a Srong ono ard the prose | pects are a little brighter for the fu frre Mout of ony people are praying not for rain, but for cold weather, is, we peed frost. The woexds sro grow ing so high that soihing but a turkey puth ja visible on many of the side walks in the most p ahide thorotghifiees : Ha rw, xX tes d i HERE tet Tigi mre Aline Fitiroma oon 4 he muy ak and the swileh bn onsen, eid of alot of de with mire mio We notice the Pobiid Set wakes pastes of Lhe Solus] stron bid SA fig yam ben Wat JOINER pont time tlie Natt, fsb burn that phage Lor tntisTin Web wo and we export players, here wing a afte ro Wi Tenth MMONS CAME. HER SU | A SIGN IN WHICH MAS. GALLUP READ! DEATH WARRANT, HER She Dropped (he Disheloth and After That Patal Warning Spent the Bal. ance of the Fenning In Telling Mr. Gallup Mow She Thoaxht He Oaght fo Haw the Faneral, $1 on Ax ie. Bt lewis} ant hed inrtect 3 for Lavak. ile was aban ; he prrived iv wand of port if any games played near hers svar iia ave not players. the Wiel oh Woon, twl or Lares bo sty that our 08D Can Tus toni in Clearfield conotly for money or masbios, Dubois professionals Lee pied. Soveral®iave apo otir Tigers wea ‘Mahaffey to play Dall with what supposes] would be a Mabafley foam. However, their sapposition wot vanisled when Ho players lined up Drom Punxy and wv. eral of yet the brave 4 wit thoy Hiiy places, fun ib on to tha Then the m his mouth ina way ih tos at least 5 in way of patronage for that day wi ball team orp prosed of gentle bag rhver sally tus » $0 Lhe a Ber | rik] kilt 13 $4 aw in Or deen shang 3 : i SE Ck ARS repliation by Dany IE aan ab Mal | fey, TRARSALTIONS ™ REALTY Progesiios ba This Eads 45 asda Hoconily, {horpgeis 81 Thm Hx Yint gi1,000, William H. Deaimpor ol us Bed (ho bie arg wl Gridinin, SF (i. i) John BE Thompson ef ux to Ponnin Be nn, Hastings, 870. gto John E Tho i pare 20 ik JW, BEY, at TH, Goorge W. Quinn to William J. Gil Pattogs, Bi HO fiarman ot ad, hy Hil ot a sheriff, to Fred DD, Barker, Ebensburg, $2,505. arg Building and Loan ass) Chewt Spring Fhamieh ation to 0. H Leary, 8100. Henyy 1 Conrad et asl & Coke Un, Ulesr $1. {heat Creek Land ond company to Anna [He ; Anna Dickie et vir to Bleve Patton, 240, J. A Adoifren of ‘berg, Patton, #800. John A. Metinire ot Swope, Gallitzin borough, $186.25, Benjamin Ww. Gemmill i ux to Mre ax to Webster efleld township, ux tot! LL. Fros Gallitzin Building a an id Loan assochin tion to 8 8 Grove, Ashville, $125 F. H. Barker of nx Kroose, Barnesboro, $35. Mary Ivory to Jacob Rube ef al, JOHNSTOWN RACES. | Lint of Interesting Events for four Days on a Fast Track. John (1, Pender, of Johustown, one of the best known horsemen in Ponp- sylvania, has deposited the sum of §,- National bank Johnstown to gusrantes the payooent of purses to be offered during the big ti be pulled off on the beantiful Westitior it hallmile track at Wedneaday, Thursday 29, B29 and Cand Friday, Aogust LJohn I). Roberts, cashier of the First : National bank, has bewued a certifieste has espn made for the purpose claimed to pay every dollar in purses. This way of doing business insures a very large fast Dorses from certainly be ope ls i Fhe races are gos faa what Ti ers ux bo Joseph to Martha of Johns. a hr? ‘be the pevasion of a gala time in Johns. © hi. oy with wie water be allowed two dollars off his y year, while if the trough | ! ugh for a horse to drink | ng unreined, four dollars a | , will be allowed. hetor tn The lowes is the he | gram for the four dave’ races: Tuesday, Aug. 27 300 class, (rot- | wf ting, $300; 2:17 class, pacing, $300; road | race, $100. Wednesday, Aug. 25--3:00 class, pac $ | i } finned id Ae Comnity That © a Lr bsg i the second SE BAER BY te pair of Innes funerzi wll bold the fu AE Yon at outst He hen rid mind Lim of a bet tryin, he wondered Hf it vould be after dark. “if vou want It 8 dav sooner, yon can hey iL” Mrs dialup cafter solw mod gasps and sn Os 8 (he { bottle, “bot yon my oat or the payburs will taik. Batter Lev It day after tomorrer. amd 1 hope, for your sake, It won't be 8 rainy day Pye sometimes thoaghit I lke a hig hh CP peral when 1 weit, with over 4 wag ons in the pareession amd the bell a tailiy and the Joos a hawiin I've given that up. Na Bamwmd nossdt make any spread over me. in ote of the Kind that Ka oo to heaves without any harrah and fireworks, If there 18 ton Wagius io the purcession, I shall be satisfied Don't voy thilak ten ought to bw pull for a person Uke me It wasn't a dirvet it been Mr Gallup answerodd He wag de festa onigl snd Wwhtey Ten wagons gel, and puthin digrin dyin en that so lotg eontinned xd $c Wak shueeh bait you fat had not have EH ¥ irl gestion, won k i pn ay Be f barthe ong fhe i the parcession. 3a the Dwdln twewint todd iis Rome 1510 rR Yrs pe i wad PEHE TON Wo fay account bouse, that even ohiairs al { with broken bucks tied will lend vou the test 3% ur Own pres col but he needn't go on for an Bole or two and tell bow go) I was and Low much youl miss me, If he says that wy toll is o'er, and that you won't never find a more savin wife, that'll be about ‘naff. do any cryin at the funeral, Samael? Lis Heak them Mors OV HY ii By cattery ods cher SIGIRE, ner right. his tin mntern phen I Eilwin C fanninent Cpotioed that the King [hall vou Ye Hever this id folks say I don't Ans vou to break down and sob wml git op an excite ment, bat vou Rig gasp oa few thes aml | wipe voor eves and blow yo iy mM SHrryY go 1 1 fabs ta i pide to the | playin checker or punthin Een HIT Hike i § fut graven as you could be . hut I don’ af 11. Hew. tn go ap Bw von ard Lo UE resdy tao wid it i Sa bo xin Ef “Mi bse “ # § i cpt 7, BN. and 10 8 Chats: § doe fale Inns BS iar. of pend ne : Dr. Feuners rent, and sou buy A | the Gane Fond Thay hip Hing Bichard fo a Kitchen, HALT af the abl ww dhl net have the gorgeous stage settings of the it. nid 8 veleran «Hn manager tive oifter night us he gael at te stage in Foods Louse adit a LEE aT shor Ce vo Blikping soufoern towne wilh Lsoth Hay Eo faarrhiad fur 0 we See pre hy fiery tient, We wey ¥ Te Berd anid same of and i the ntendty of the WRI fag : BCT they was in Bat pot the kiteh. carl of the palace. To Baftimore | Grant BI Ade sn | Boraiss, Colds, Liver ’ Remedy and Rerve ] gone I ered Hil of th ie Bn ard head ami fi Sy for several gional bis WiLHeAE Pe wil A bottles of DY, Fenner's : ant a ro. a K: 7. deen sWarad fond dys fy GEEDRYSLIonR My Wi fa ha j ad ny see withont avail ‘1 ¢ nde i; fapsiy et iy Hw = "th Vv # SE ¥oradie GaEY oiden Notte for Turgmis and wedges ail feeve found it + histo fouls ites Prasiding widie 4 EB Ha, Sares, Tied for Cuts. Bruises, Buras Old Grip. 3o0re Throut, Colle, | Diy sentery. Bowel Troubles, hi unfatling. Be v Yous Poumon : for Kk (hing dennriphh 13 of the pt rey megicine. Kanie cures ever schisved BY ! % hd EABET REPRASLETION OF Ti A big eduction in Shoe mae fori #9 Action seh, Liver Digests Ww what La $rtiel all Kidney Trouble Makes papers E BROS, Avenue, PO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? EE You Miserable, 5 reais the news the wonderful Faimer 2 Swamp-Roat, the great kidoey, Hver and bladder remedy, i t= the great medi fiomeh of the nine : diz Almas 15 Ever wire g the smi wen! kitney and bad eoiaist, and is comptly hin, AS rol he * worst 54 IGE form uf ry ro Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Raot is not rece srnmended for everything but if vou have kid- ey sr Bladder rouble it will be found pst the reme ty younesd {thes Deen tested in so man iA Wave nn : wark in orivale practics rg the a ples to HE POUY WD put: hase er and hag proved successiul every Case that & special arrangement has meen mada by which all readers of this paper wha have not already ied it may have a sample Botte sent free by mail, also a4 beok ig more about Swamp-Roo it and how fo nd cut f you have kidney or biadder trouble, When writing mention reading this geharous ser in this paper and $y Byer end your addres Dr. Kilmer & Co, hamton, N.Y. regular fifty cent and .. doliar sizes are soid by ail good drugpins Paiton Phar soy Hanrting= Pa nel, Cowher & Co. SVE pes Lo Ranieri tpiand | i Nation'| Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa CAPITAL PAID UF, 3100 060.00, SURPLUS R18 tn) a Viti LEY WE. ser TRE ve AUST aiyedd Thee ined rind rug HEPA : Fit Find E Paros, Proatdent. Patton Cour! er Promeater of Publicity Advertising Rates made known on application. DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSIOLAN AND SI RGEON, (18tee in Gowd Ballding, Room No. 8 ©.o eneral Surgury and The Eve a Specially. All J will pecvive Droop attention,
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