| that Ee relative A ion a character of the rosds, oeations of the people and w cach one now has fo travel mail. A map of the routes sd Is required. ‘The petition : endorsed by either a Senator nmtive in Congress. Each Be aver twenty miles long. at least one hundred families, desiring the delivers must after be prepared to pot np soit hoxes. These boxes will be en | titled to the protection of the United statutes. Rural cartiers are not red to deliver ordinary mal to tanding back from the main ‘hey may carry other bush | ness han ted Statex mall, Patrons re tired to en-operate by Keeping ds up to the »andard In = or. The maximum pay for ear Row is $500 per anpum for a route of approximately five silles traveled on shorter routes, Carriers are to carry a supply of stamps, ped envelop ud postal cards, and must cancel stamps oo all letters collect. a Bas rama She to ones fin all , wad thst in Catarrh. Hall's Ontarrh | the only postive curs now kmown to r medion! raternity, Catarrh being » con- lusiita, equires . Sanstitational etrongth ped ging 1 pre istoric times the rhinoreros d in California, while large Ao tigers lived in the junzies. A WE i EAT FITS permanently cured. No fits or asrvons 8 first da xa ues of Die, Kline's Great 82 trial bottle and treatise free we, Lid. 19] Arch St, Phils. Ps | Geran: and Bwiizeriand stoves are rt of the house hang rn onsi soften tho gums, relucss in FR pRin, cures wind 0 colin, 5 bade Ho rs Seamer on is be have a an r automatic ham donot balkies Piso's Cure for Consmp- on has an equal for coughs and F. Boxes, Trialty Hprings, Ind, Feb. 15, 1900. IA TL NA roses ‘Ladies Can Wear Shoes size smaller after nsing Allen's Foot. a powdar for the feet, It makes tight or new shoes ess, Cuyes swollen, bot, sweat. ing, aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns snd me. At all cragziste and shios stores, 25. Trial paskage FER by mail, Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Los, X ¥. Lettuce was England introdused tate feom Flanders about 1520. When tho herd schis and ona is Garfield Headiche Powder in mmeded, simple fo th system, Co., Brooklyn, | X. Y.. for sanmupi ile powde ri WosYY, 8 This | soft heads to grow softer Sear Yor the Rowels. ter what ails yon, headachs to & u will never get well until vour are put right. Cascamers heip nature, ithont a gripe or pain, produ avemonts, cost yon | RSA Sl A YT 4 by riding op he oon~ on and sasteting natare in doing ite ~The proprietors have so much talthin tive posters that they offer One Huon. for REY CASS that is falls to cure. olds. ~Jous | remedy will cars the pain apd impart Senid to trarfield Ten | and Women Who Tose Their Wits ‘at Alarm of Fire. They were speaking of the strange dS i A ARS bit anic that seizes horses fn a fire, and ¢ difficulty of removing them from Burning buildings A veteran officer | f the department who was one of the | { Judge Meck's court in this city has Tobp laoghed grimly. “They are real no worse than human beings” eelired. 1 have had a pporianity for observation my word, 1 believe fully 2 sel al he grotty fair | upon 1 5 percent of | the intelligent people of any coming. | y'ity have an ingrained dread of fire amounts to something next door to a monomania. | don't wander, alter vhat I've seen. that the old fashioned | fiictures of eternal punishment wire so effoctive im Sling the mourners bench at camp meetings. The fire read or fear or whatever you choose o call it, will deprive a person tem. porarily of reasom and make him ust as pnmanageoable as the poor horse in the burning barn. We see examples of that sort of thing contin. yally. Not a great while ago, for in- tance, a fire started in one side of 4 doubles cottage in the suburbs It waz soon under control, and 1 was shout to leave the gpot when my at- tention was arteacted hy a curioa: np story of the next house, aboul 100 fort distant. It sounded lke tilderly Gierman man in an apstairs and walling: window to another, burnt oop” temporarily out of his mind Cb SAR ee pani i him to his senses ¢weeasion, a fire broke out near a good the side mext to the trouble down one of the corridors for thai fgxperience an jong ax 1 live make it clear that there was no dan- fo. hut that ome word ‘fire’ isiness. There were, perhaps, three heads on. simply made short sided igh: and yelled. whare they _pthers pitched the farni. anybody alive ‘ihe door. It was the guterest and Inost exasperiting spectacle | ever laid | yes on, and after that | always had a { roar coming apparently from {he papper | room, rushing frantically from one “We will all be burnt cop’ Wa will all be | Fire fear had driven him It took | #5 hour or so to quiet him and briag | 1 remember, On one | somebody | moaning and groaning with pain. I went to investigate and found a stowt. | eipal witness for the State dized hotel. and we thought it advisa- | Wile to arouse the sleeping guests om } went | purpose and 1 shall never forget the | i tried tO : “LAW VIOLATED. A of Uofee Brought Out by Seientifie Experis<Presence of Hucteris. a Tarypo, Angust [mh—-The jury In found James White zailty of selling adulterated coffee ‘The prosecution was based on A packs aze of Ariosn coffee The Riare of Ohio, through the Pars Food Commission prosecutad White, The case was on trial for nearly x month, and attracted sational atten tion The mannfactyrers of Ariosa eonducted the defenwn for yhite. Attorneys of eminence were retained to defend tint after a short consnitation a verdict of guilty was returned by the jury. The State of Obio considers this a big Pare Food Commissioner | victory. Riackburn bas been waging a warfare on spurious food articles and the de partment hax been successful The complaint of the State of Ohls | C Fioen-Widter Hatent wax that Ariosa coffee was coated with ® snbstance which comcesled defects in the coffep and made it appear better than it ix. The Rtate charged this coat. for the propagation of bacteria Prof. (3 A. Kirchmaler, of this city a wellknown chemist, was the prin He tes. tified that he had made scientific ex. aminstions of samples of Arioss purchased from Grocer White In the open market, and found that each berry contained an average of 300 bacteria. Mr. Kirchmsier further testified that other cof fers be examined contained few bac teria or nome at all. He declared that the glazed coffee was of a wholesome | food prodnet. Chomist Sehmidt, of Clocinnatl cor roborated the testimony of Prof. Kirchmaler, | further testimony. fier whatever and plenty of time to pack s Saratoga if anybody wanted | Aid the ¢r four exceptions, who kept their | The others proceeded to | give me a capital imitation of the vio: | lent ward at a hinatie asylum. Some | rusher between i thefr rooms and the Ball being unde would rather per- | others throw up thelr windows | The dpfense secured some of the most eminent chemists and scientist In the United States to give testimony In their behalf Prof. H W. Wiley, of the United Bates Agrienltural Depart gent: Prof. Yaughn, of Ann Arbor University; forid Arion. Dir ful examination of the method of man afsoturing. He told of the 16- | BUNU00 eges need yearly In the prepar {rire around and shouted for the fire. | men to hurry if they wanted to save They all geemed to have a dread of the corridors and stair | ways and preferred jumping out of | thelr windows to leaving quietly by | good deal of toleration for the stapidi- | iy of 8 horse In a stable conflagration, 1d Hike to know the opinion of human heitige entertained by our own depart | BE a : Promos Which Happen, A lady spending the summer in the i E i i 7 & it £ | residence, Jdteamed that the {of the robbery, In her dream she (gaw two men, one of whom limped. ment horses."—New Orleans Times | ation of this glazing. On this point, in erosexamination, the State's at- torney deftly drow from him the ine formation that these eggs might be kept in cold storage for a yeur or two at a time The experts who heard Dr. Wiley's testimony were piensed to to so» famous a chemist. The doctor at one point In his testimony explained very clearly how it is that the egg put into the coffee pot by the housewife settles the coffee. He £ald that the Beat coagulates the egg. and as it sioks to the bottom of the i pot It carries the fine particles of | drink. ‘¢ountry, some 20 miles from ber city | latter | | was robbed. she herself beinga witness | {in the act of rummaging some truaks | {in the hall A candle stuck by means | ‘of ita own wax on the newel post i i luminated the scene with a Jim light i Mier finishing their work with the | | 1 nnks the men went ap stairs io ¢loset, frera which they removed Tar dresmer observed ver months, a 4 CHI {aioe and hangings stored for the sum. | that they overlooked her most vain t gible curtailing, which bad been placed : well back on upper shivives. ly she seemed to be transported birthplace a! Azburn. N. Y. she cspesially noted the bronae fig wre of an indian which surmounts prison edifice. ta her Sulden- where : the | AL Breakfast the next morning she related her vivid dream to those pres (emt, five of whom are now living and “vouch for the fact. Subsequently On marks of wen entered and robbed newel post were the candle. The curtains taken but the best ast found whire the dreamer bad them. hery. Investigation of this man's ¢& term In the Auburn penitentiary — i Health Culture. A RN SAS ARE SA HS ASA When the Frestient Lost His Hat. The Crystal Palace exhin y31ie $¥ __ opened at New York July 15, 18:3, the first affair of this kind country for which foreign were solicited. The “big show with a procession in which Franklin Pleree, mounted, was spicuous feature. The hero of tl rode a mettlesome slewd and pricesding up Wall street the dential head gear a new silk hat | the prevalent style, was incon Imently a | tumbled to the pavement Anathe Itorse recklessly fortunate tile, in exhibits “hegan Prost Tape presi rr Sa SR COP eH A SEAR os i Jeft of the misshapen and bedaubed » hat was worn Ly the president. to tae great amusement of the spectators, un Nations! Magazine. ne hn A IIR 5 Feidrless Tmaeint of Character. “What is & celebrity. pa? | "A celebrity, sonny, is a man who { gets mentioned after he has boen dead . 1 10 years."—Chicagn Reccrd-Herald. it ons Was found that the city house had the | the had all been which were | sten Suspicion was directed to a painter who had been al work on the | Phone, who was lame and Winslow*s Soothing Syrap ap for shilitren who Js Hamma. appeared Immediately after the rob | L great many character showed that he had served | the vensus yo ine rely nt hig the 3 3 a ase of stepped mgpon the 8% | ane crushing it out of the | gemblance to itself besmearing it with Hard hearts are apt fo grow harder and mud-—-real Wall stint mad. What was | Can the French Revolution which have | Bibliotheque | Nationals by the British Museum will coffee with ft. snd thus clarifies the the voffes pot that does the work, Later on in his cross examination, Le admitted that when the egg put on Ariosa coffee at the factory it became coagulated, aod as ogg casnot be coagulated but once, that the coat. tog on coffee was practically no value, 48 a “settier” when it reached tw eoifer pot. Professor Wiley acknowledged that the glazing might be a favorable wediom for the propagation of bao teria, although be would not testify positively either way because he was not & bacterislozist, Professor Vaughn, of Ann Arbor also a witness for the defense, said Be found bacteria on Ariosa coffee Professor Blelle, another witless for thee defense, testified he found apy number of lively bacteria on Ariosa coffee be exawined. and agreed that glazed coffee surely was a more favor able medium for the propagation of bacterin than un -azed coffe. Pure Fool Conuglissicner Blackharn gays: “The State ix very much elated over its victory, We are now concider ing the advisability of Informing every grocer in the Beate of Oblo that it Ia an infraction of the laws to sell riosa, and at the same thine give warning to consumers that the coffee is an adulterated food article” The verdict of the jury in this case is of national importance beenuse a other Stites linave pure food laws like that of Oble. and It is natural to sappose that similar ac tion will be taken by other Pure Food Commissioners to prevent the sale of ghuzed coffees. Huge Atlas is ‘Being Prepared. The largest atlas aver pr Polted Niates is be uarean. It Panik 0 Cllies rng prep prod ! Bot ¢ 1 fakes antliines, i hit af the counlrs, gxXaminer la iy of pny wh extent of var % 3H syed the any joe ty Tons, ders valine an ’ sy X $n Hr ARK To 1 her Bia t Hirth Any brit the charts 8 that will make op this at! bich will not imped until ail the other publications of are cin it understand He the Pen sis public. sentinn fea. will special tures embadiod in all tue other works | | 111 a substitute could be secured.--The | An therefore eannot be until ail the rest are aisheq Two thousand of the 30.000 hooks been presented to the be kept there. The remaining 25.000 will be sent to the Bibliotheque Se | vigpe Interesting Facts Concerning the Roasting | a loval grover, , coffee |. bim,.: a he : Edaas Pa. nnd Ofilo, feels... L Girrrs Brass per igshal a Dre : Foag ing or glazing was a favorable medium | Drie 0 Mo creamery LCR ay | Froce.. PE CoR% EEA NG PE Pereeeo The State did not present | i Prive beaxy 109 10 [0d - Frisia, 3000 5 o Medium, i Fat heifers A | Butcher, #0 to 1000 he : Comino to rye vCash 10 pod Tat Msi owen wael 0 LL zhn i Exten nuliel sown Fach, Profs. Bletle and Webber, of the Oho | State University, wore called to de | Wiley made a care | ¢ Gvond to 2 Good aps in LB : Promo beavy | : Flags. Listen ; Rants elpped 0 i Lambs, caghmon to fair, C bpring Lass It is the act of coagulation in | af ewrront ails, tithe Caf the C nfacture Chetter wentlier i 81 AYE ] the #3 4 $ eh ® i het after tod x Csevarad Gir hoops aml sheets, : by § i faetured in safficlont quantity io about | imports g : anly inted in the by | be showing ; nud | will | pled at A $ hw! ws orhps and | site of in Austria | ay uke Of staristion ixswed hy | “hE Xe | amd as. | alter! pleted aml handed to the) eon pled gl i { Care being restored. PITTSBURG. Calin. Floor aod Feel Waear-No rel. 0.8 Bye No. 2 : ea Conn No, 3 yell . one. Gd Nex Byala shelled. 63 Minoatenr 0, : 9 Oars No 3 white, Se & ihe Ney ¥ owhiis i +3 Prove. Wer t pate SLM Fancy Rrra 3 Li Hay No 1 tin RY 6 Civyer Nol 18 3 Freep No i $6 Hoviws meidalogs % 5 2 id Bese, bit. 18 Brsyaw- Wheat | wo Hig 2'4 g 7 Datey Proalacis Bryren. Figo ereaii Clie sysmpirry | Funey sotintey rol : Caywsx- Olio, new, New York, new Poultey, #in Bexsioper bh. 0 00. 00.8 Fralis and Vegeiablay 8 Yes avoun. Fagey whity, Woah Lanpxan- cpr barrel UX iO8n-- jar barrel, Ms Sr BALTIMORE Worar Noo ¥ peel, ier PHILADELV III Frove- Wister patent, Wasar No ad Na, # mix of ¥ % wie Povres oA relipney, ARI : Eom Periasyiviania Sodx | NEW YORK, Patents, Wapato Now J past, Nod Eos Save and Pen Cit LIVE STOCK Contral Hoek Yaris East Lig CATTLE ixLy tex, 8 Sort Reet a FAERY JEes Teli 1a Lai ie £5 A inky Stmiveay 15 # sols ; lis ke * ol LG we Oe Han Eriine motion soins. Yost 2 HRY § rh rd Seoviiu ihe fates Ce AHIIBON Wr Tuy sueny E Extn, medlom welg uw withers 3 3 2) oad To al Blew ; | Medion iis eas + en ty fair... EAM RS, Tamwie, goed 10 0b slip shigioml LEAL VES exIre. goed to elie, ORES Ya nde catia heavy... PROSPERITY 1s UNINTERUPTED. AA A RE a | No Complaint About Trade Uncertainty Has | Been Eliminated Possible Results of the Stoa Strike Discounted. Rn 0. a fron Ele hore part of Bo complaint say af hesitation Is in general trade is ochiegly gnemainly as the dam ialior troubles in the weed man Clallect ions continge fas helped the Honey SHAY, ernie sarrised are Average for this sedsan Of § By bartieniar] Ir in the 3 digtribintdion aml wing ohsery od hie $y Load, eri Le ced 3 ia Bellies classes, ae k = af je tha FoR. South wess, Belief in felt Flee iran dtgd jhoerta nd iy oF of Heturil, ait industry ow ix einbisl and the santesiants auule wiry and ail the pot be materially Eo Toul 3 Lie praslaction fe wi rartadied, a uf Bars and tubes will be re | in these lines | advances alremily A bad imparmiion | And gquattiions # fenil 5 fallow the torea and whieh uid been i the plates, furs in Hen a Bieer thee aloapestic demand, in the Ink! fisenl vias £3. TT0.000. agninst E15. T.000 Years am Mirchasers of oan forms of fAnlebiod steed arp sine eagertivsa to place while on the other hand in less urgent redgest, further ame niiion and paris for hoisting prices hye turned = i deny shag Erie Sonim ls, pi Having droit ta the atlier ex. that ite Ions Iralie wigterr ail the siti bas lust sf om and CRED eorn. The hating at itv nid eliimimmn Tarkevs, A healthy ery ena Laan the week, Tie prasitic yd £ Feng HA t di (if tro ao enix pie Train hia Atugnind enn enna] i rhenune nal a Ar the segeosr adv hare wpa 3 tgie TiE ME tes, fig ALEC a Wit De 8 tude E astern gomlitiong dic ged »i NOC Le ¥% ord shoe manufacturers as favoerabde as last week, while reports from The west am more | encouraging, Orders from the drought alfocted regionz are Bo tong Or eon terinandnd, aml earlier cancelintions Janther is steady and no dltemition in prices Is aot civated. Tobace Frvgpacts in Wisconsin are the poorest in 10 years. 62's | id in history of a Coney of ( Carn the Beresidon of Bichand 11 i solomnity 5 | Hall persang ds hy ceridin | ing John 2 ards 2 of 5 0 whoavn in the pariicoiorsd dresses of 2 1 he period. : an & Co's Weekly review | “of chide | Het i siuntry aver fhe volume | werehan. ¢ 3 ier flan § send Haat 3 Gg went and departinends af that | Pro i clear. plate mills are | af wn Helng valid at to ahvwing jirog is iE te] speculators | early | planted | SIvE Lh £ i find ¢ A most body. exiled the O constituted by the proclamation puts | lished in the London Gazette of June The duties this body will have fo partort: are defined by he procla mation: they are viry light, owing ye 44 the curtriimont of the made coreg This Court of (aioe ar jess thon of Merman 1 thine ¢ ppgie dp Tondo ad pany of the duties of 3 regent tree the demise of and the crowning of snetuer office tua merged in the when Henry of Boalllpgtodake Seon Ring of Esgiand The fArdt mend riba od thon earplnony, i» neither gore swells Court Rewer hailing ag Bove Te rake of Lancaster’ who for Dakedam of Lagcastie and of leltester and ldncnin Wak mitted upon his claim to bs high gosraret heard of the Ring's chivg sword “Oartana” amd career at that hold hie steward wveral dave in Westminster ta peeeive the olaiaie of wich tenia OF COR that Sart Titi ta officiate at many, from a Cettoniap mmsuaseript, show: of Gann! holding the shew chur: and reseiving the olan hamas of Wodstock, Bath ane Wire es ks: ASA NS What Garfield Hontnche Powders hnee de meonstrsied thet Headaches may he conrad without the ue of karmfal deage. Thin bss ple remeity arts Hie magic it pever fails 89 ere snd does not bara o or * derenge the synteny rile of (Ritigin that The nearly unl Ler bl yl xy 7 atghiore: aa wer iriven fasabiy i ak Tips ti SRA Tromp’ Fn Meno The perform: Jon. § Untutogues Free Ad ress sha nis Faridoma dil CPT. We give an ilinstration. taken hal v's expo nf egpd 3 Horaouin Fa ra Raoms Frere Preparatory one Commercial inh a Hoal students st special Fantoe or Senior Tear © Pel nie Comprar. Rooms to Kent; mod THEY. wy Eadwenwis Hall for tors under 18 Fra BSth Yexr will open sepremiber 10m, $l We wat Traveling Ri. VA. MOKRISSEY. o. §, €, fees or Local | Hildre Sore to iy = year and ait steoeding 10 expeviente rim muy. 3 { local representatives | saisry Lawler and con mission depeuding : fcvisted Send stamp for Hill 2 Matis position prefered Tees; As Dept TI WELL COMPANY. Philadelphia, Fa. = _. Et ins = a tiier for suabet tchings, and chafiags for cleansing the scalp of crass, salen, snd dame druff, and the stopping of falling hud, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women use Coticura Soap in the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations, and excoriations, for too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifiers to use any others, especially for preserving and purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children. Cuticura Soap combines delicate emollient progertics derived from Cuticura, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refresh- ing of flower odours. No other medicated soap is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic foilet soap, how- cver expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, the BEST a EE nae al and Internni JrOatmant for to cleanse the skin a (HNTMENT, tO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers