The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 15, 1901, Image 2

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    \ppeal Issued By the Amalgamaied
Association for Flasniist Ald -- No Formal
Cali to Be Made to the Federation The
Strike Lead rs Disappolated af the Situa:
tt the Various Mills.
{Soecild «The strug
sfery between mansiactore)s
the steel industry 1s frow fair
d and on the first show
advantage 1s with the for
teral strike order jssned
Ghaffer, of the Aralga
ion, has sc far heen
ly fao00 men, accirding
res obtainable here. The
preliminary calls were an
y ‘about 48.000 men, si that |
otal number now out 1s in the!
borho:d of tooo The strikers
; i here over the showing of |
and their prospects for far |
wins at both McKeesport |
ng during the week are very |
v of the Amalgamateli men !
Joliet and Bayview in re
ont. and their ffilare to)
ruits tn the Carnegie
the Kiskinnetas |
‘plants ar Youngs
1x, Ohi, have been
int x to them. They!
the fight, however, in
or, and claim that they
nipth in reserve which will sur,
nts. They assert that |
ained a foothold in the Car |
in this city, and at the tine |
men will come out. They
their advantage at Me-
ind Wheeling, and their or
re still at work in those two
An appeal for financial aid has
to Jabor and the
tis expect that
3 said to be the oldest
i the world, died in
Assistant Postmaster John G. Pole
and his family, while attempting to
crises a mountain stream Sunday, about
six miles from Lexington. Ya, were
swept down by the waters of a clond
burst. and his wits and three das
aged from ope to elght years, dr
Mr Pole asd sn daughter abo
yoari old eataped. Tie loads wer
Seve ped
hronlk. rivate fag
Miss and Meesthrook wi
alterwards (io 4
A tan suphag
“| Mr. Horan Sars the Situation in the South is
od te ba Wilired Bin.
ein the { hetroadord, Mass wiikey WaT 4
Wor H Lo
A horde of mitra giyterine was ex
ploded tn a saloon in Chicagn, and tw
met were killed snd several wounded
Branson MH. James, a wealthy farmer
aged 70. fell down stairs @
Creek. Del His back was hroken.
The safe in the ofhce of
hurst, NJ. was robbed of $2000
Charles White, Janice: Whitney
we is charged with hav.
ing caused the death of Mary Ann Un
roughty in Honrico county, Vs.
hy any doibe ates 1 :
funger any donb that relations between Be A or has heen ty im
Broad |
i thorities that insprrection in their cone. i
the Attaniic | she railways have mostly heen wilh
F Const Line Railway Company at Allen:
deer was arrested at Richfield Springs, ; bia
| shthusiasin bere and will nukes the Unie
anarchy exieting
The Colombian Mimisier
Venezuelan Capliel.
(=~ A dispatch
ited from Pre
London { Ca
from Lord Kitchener,
fori, says! :
“A blockhouse near Brandiort, Or
arnige River (olony, was rushed and
captured by the Boers after severe
fighting vn the night of Augast 7.
Dewitdering The Official Advices Concern: :
ing the Probable Withdrawal of fhe Colom: :
bian Minister From Venerweln He Regards
8; Siznilicant
L ample supp
Luphia {By Cable) ~The,
wt the Umted States end!
Ly taking sides with Colom:
against Ven
the panther
prubia Bas caused grest
tind States extremely popular, as such 3
atop would put an end to the state of |
Washington (Special) There is no
Coliyntaa and Venezuela ate strained 10
viction entertained hy the Colombaan an.
try is receiving active support from
Venezuelan officials who sre acting with
ithe full knowledge of President ~astre. |
Edgar Lane were drowned in the Ga. |
Lin the nterruption of cable communica |
foup Rapids, in New York,
The annual convention of the
Birminghany, Ala,
Joho M. Linton died near Martine
sattonal Typographical Union met at
No official news is coming through
from Bogota, capital of Colombia, owing |
tion. The dupatches from Venezuela |
ndicate what the feeling must be in Co
| Rico, the Colombian Mmmster, left Cara.
burg from injuries received in a rin. |
away acodent
Shamrock 11
and received an enthusiastic welcome,
The executive board of the Unued
wey to President Castro the knowledge |
arrived at New York
| responsible for recent events on the
border, i
Mineworkers, in session in lndianapo | |
ceived a dispatch from W. W. Ruzsell |
is, adopted a resolution yeoognizing the
steel strike and pledging support to the |
Analgamated Assocution,
Mrs Charles Gallagher, of
York, was frightencd by a high wini
on the York river, and became para:
lyzed and died
Josiah Johnson Hawes,
Caged 94 years
ngheld, TL (Special) ~The lic
sartment of Agriculture iisved a
t atts from crop corre.
dated August 1. The area of |
exteed 1s 1.870.000 acre; esti
31,100,000 bushels, the larg:
duced since 1Bgg Value at,
bushel amounts to $19.20,
t returns since 1892 Area
975.000 acres, yield estimated
| bushels, valued at $34880.
ve that has been exceeded tat
| 30 years—1874 and 1882. Com
od Rol8 ooo acres, the largess)
. but on Augnst 1 the condi:
disheartening known i
of the state, owing 0
reliable estimates the depart.
hat the condition on August
hot weather and drouth |
Peter Shurt, of Sussex county,
wheat near [Laurel Del
It is believed in Philadelphia that
“Rapper” bill for that city.
James Hi
‘of the Mimater. Mr Adee at once cabled
the authority,
of Boston,
photographer ia
New Hampshire, |
the departure of the Colombian Minis
was seriously scalded while threshing
{ed by
; {character as to warrant the taking of
fatal defects have been found in the
ly. { Seates naval vessels 10 both sides of the
Jones, of Caroline county.
Va. was dangerously stabbed by Camp |
beil Madison,
Mrs Harriet Vinson, mother
| gerious aspect or should there be any ap-
Colonel Capron, died in Clarke county,
Vi. aged By years,
bookkeeper, killed herselt at
Wayne Ind
near Linden, N.
General Rufus
Tenn, aged 03 years.
Andrew Hambon
Grand View. Va
The steamer
ping a loss of $0000, She wis the
handsomest steamer used as 3 transier
0. (Special). ~ Stanley
the ya-yeat-old son of Gran
_provunent citizen of Lynch:
ame entangled in the guy rope
n which made an ascension ax
ving held there, and was car. :
o feet in the air. Women and
ainted, and a scence of almost
excitement followed. Thy
presence of mind and clung
rope, which had wound it
ou arm. He was suipended
over the parachute, and the aren.
unable to make his drop with.
ering the boy's life. i
tence. Stricken Thiel
’ Ind. (Special), ~~ Three
ag the jewelry store of J. Mi
y was robbed of $1300 worth
Thursday Mr. Wash.
was notified by the aslo |
Saint. Mary's Catholic ureh,
hicago, that the diamonds were
his | possession, Mr. Wash.
returned fram Chicago with
len property. The thief went to
igo priest a few days ago amd
n the confessional told the story
robbery and turned over thr
sroperty to the priest, who ny
notified Mr, Washburn,
g's Queer Work. ;
¢, Pa. (Special).-~Light.
most singular praok at
John Bonnell, in this place. |
ck the chimney of the house
ig down the kitchen flue, tore
neil's right shoe from her
juried it clear across the rion. |
{Brandiors, on the Orange river,
| dheparches from Lord Kitchener give
d and Express Safes Dysamited.
15, Tenn. (Special) —The s:11
he 1linoss Central Radroad and
ican Express Company in the die
at Boloar, Tenn, were blown opin
I robbed by tvo masked snun, air
robbers kad forced the nigh rel
into a box car and
Murdered by His Mother.
cod meecialy AV Ini
; fred
ie frome a horse
§. if Le pminre. Was rar
& ving
y ay
wiki fuga $i thE rdaRt
grant The s
was temporarily in
& Boisse with Ber son,
. Restans to Marcuver in Finland,
Copeningen (By Cable) 1
sans are about to hold extensive
wers in onlond. ©
ave started to transport tro
gal frie Revel, a fortified ;
Masts on the south side of the Guilt of
Finland, to the scene of the multe
operations, |
: New Scalp for this Girl,
Remswiek, N. | (Specialy —
pt to fornish a new scalp to
and Lochs, of Savreville, nour
by means of grafting pieces of
aken from her thighs, hay proved
The girl was scalped while
her har catching
The skin which
d i3.n u healthy
operation will be con.
s to time until the sides
COVE with the new
ble 10 graft the skin
ing off of a leg
boat between Sewells Point and OM
Point Comfort
A report received at
from Admiral
of a quartermaster on
the Annapolis by a shark while bath.
ing at Loilo,
In New York ]
: h | by the entire North Atlantic squadron,
Miss Effie Richey, aged 0 years, 3 desl nd herd i
Fort :
Frank Howell tried to kill his parents | Reports of Receipt
Seely died at Bolivar, | : ful
of insular affairs of the War Department
wat drowned at
: : from all sources at the several custom.
Norfolk, in the Roads,
‘was burned to the water's edge. voi.
: Lreceipts from customs sources daring the
Kempf tells of the bite
June 30, 1800. $6,916,861, and
: months ended Tune 36. 1000,
ohn Seager has sued
CC Worthington, a millionaire pump
manufacturer. for $100,000 for alleged
alienation of the affections of his wife
garia, of Sarafofl, formerly president
Tutkish spy.
in | eas, asking authority to take charge
cas in such a manner as clearly 0 con
that his government holds Veneruea
Acting Secretary of State Adee re.
the American Charge 4 Affaires at Cara |
the archives and other property of the!
Colombian Legation during the absence
rity, and it is not doubted
here that the Misuster has left. The dws.
patch of Mr. Russell contained nothing
which threw any light on the reasons for
The news from Caracas was consider
the officials 10 be of such a serious
steps to expedite the sending of United
Isthmus :
Should the sitpation assume a more
parent danger of European intervention
the Machiss will be remforced at Colon
bouses in the Island
Washington {Special} ~The division
has prepared a statement of receiphs
In the Island of Cuba for the six
months ended Jane 30, 1901, ax come
pared with the same period of 1800 and
to The statement shows that the total
six months ended lune 30. 1001, were
$7 047.505; for the six months ended |
for the ux
$8 000. 522.
The collections at the port of Havana |
cover the greater portion of the receipts
and for the period named were in 1001,
Bs6o1.601; in 1900, $0,125 444. Cienfue-
Andreis Wessels, the peace envoy,
was not shot, but held prisoner
was released by the Brith, who sar
prised a Boer laager.
ava ¥
Tie Sultan has practically yielded to
the French demand with reference to
the Quay Company concessions,
persons were probably fatally burned |
"and a doren more or less fatally injured |
of a bolder explosion on 8
| pleasure
The Somth Atrican claims commitiee
considered at London the josses of cer-
tai Americans caused by the war,
Unted States Consul Edmund 2. Bro-
dewsky died ‘at the home of a friend in
Eherswalde, Germany.
| Mr. Rockhill at Pekin has sent word
Uthat the draft of a Anal protocol has
Leen finally agreed upon,
The principal chef and five cooks in
the royal kitchen in Madnd went on a | mg steam and Same.
gers jumped mo the river, and after
| much trouble were rescued by campers
Lord Kuchener reported the capiure along tne bank.
France will be compelled to buy
about twenty million bushels of wheat
Boers of a blockhouse
by the
details of a plan that had been arranged
an attack on Cape Tawn hy General
de Wet, while
There was a grea
ar Bleheira, a luncheon being given Dy
she: Duke and Due
Fo SOOO persons Speeches were
Ae Balfour and Mr
Cpited Stites Consul
the { hinese
e mre enritied
mired States
hat von Walderses
1 i Hamburg
w +4
¢13 the 19th
inurdered on
af the Kisrean coast
ie povernment nas
pitrnber i Jewish widtents an Td
UHV er sca Ar Manscow they
ey ii x
Siar hiner Oesanie,
1 og, ran into and sank
Roank iy the Irigh Chanuel
persons were drowned
Sik ye
The Southern Rattway Cr
wpany has
Bolas suey Li mare ier
Pwhen two uf the tubes of the boiler
I blew cut and in an instant the entire
i boat was enveloped in a cloud of escap
All the passen- |
: ;
ry afsonist celebrating
hess of Mariboronga
aide |
General Gudg- |!
a Eigaw
fa Age niece
~ regular semi-annual divi
dened per cent. on th
The United States Shipbuilding Con
pany, the new shipbmiding trust, 4 is
aon.000 capital, all subscribed.
| $2,000,000, will establish its plant
Louisville for
i hearth products,
prefes Foul
' Fherswalde
is ready to he launched with $55.
: 2 = | remains will be buried there
| The Pittsburg Wire & Steel Company, |
| recently incorporated with a sapital of |
¥ { § 1 i
the production of open
4 : : ~ 1 gmaller at both these ports
| of the Macedonian committee, and oth sharon dpm er
| er leaders, on the charge of beng ine
ead} a de Heped sii i
volved in the murder of an aliege Eightaea Pers Isjared, Two Fatally. on
| gos comes next with $585,248. followed |
i by Santiago with $550.28,
The ‘ial wis: Segin in Sofa, Rul | omits ending June 30. 1901,
for the six
For the |
other years the amounts sre somewhat |
Vip pr sin
the Mosungahels
McKeesport, Pa. (Speciali—Two
as the resul
yacht in the Monongahela
river near Peters creek. Robert Criv
well and Harry Osborn, both of this)
{hs father,
place, were so badly walded and burned
1hat they will probably dic from the ef-|
fan the second floor, sent his little dough
ver to Bis wife with the request she bog
‘him a glass of water. She leit ber sister
fects of their minriex
The yact Quail was owned by W. N,
She Bad just started on a
pleasure trip on the Monongahela river
—— —
Francisen LC
Vinters, who was arrested as a suspect
SE + ya & §
conection with the deiby dmeiuing
is robbery. hay eonfessed und vo
ay worth of ballon has been
«fF Trim the hav, where he bad
aki Le
fer snason
bust apparently withow
Monters asked 10
23 why
S84 15%¢
Sa 00 ia ah
they had
wi »
United States Consol’s Death
Berlin {By Cable) Edmund Z. Bro
dowsky Uimited Staies consul at Sohn
friend, Kubicks,
leit So
sprvevor named
Mr Brodowski
ingen Friday might and passed
Berlin Saturday, m perfect health,
wile has arrived at BEberswalde
Ar. Bro
dowski was originally appointed consul
at Breslau, where the foreign office re:
fused to grant him an exequator, where:
upon hia appointment was changed to
Solingen, :
Re Ad
| Seven
| log. :
aged The Kinkora was
| vessel tradin r
Limerick. She bad a crew Of 14 men
The Oceanic brought the seven survive
Dione of an
i Peis
{Special}. — "Jack |
diedl suddenly at the house of a
"Elliott has captured 70 prisoners and
Intge guantities of stock and warons
which he 3c sending in
been received’
A dniriied narranse of the prectipemt
starrgient that
‘ teccived a ny
deny the entomal Dutch an
of food and timely infor.
dey with the
I orid Kitchener received certain in
formaticn that De Wet intended 10 at
ftack Cape Town while General Botha
4% 4non as le heard that the concentra
ton in Cape Colony was effected. wae
to enter Natal with 3000 picked horse
mien and make for Durban
Mail dispatches from Lord Kitchen
er. weaned in a parhamentiary paper, say
| the breaking point as a resalt of the con: L prove the fortifications slong the lined
{of communication, thus releasing men
{rive active service. The garrison off
drawn, :
CE Earns AK oS
White Star Liscr and an Irish Coasting Vessel
Qurensiown { By Cable) ~The White
LE 5 orca 3 " Wa pg
{ juumbia, and it 1s believed here that Senor, Siar Line steamer Oceanid, Captain
Cameron. which sailed from Liverpooi
Thursday for New York via Queens
town, arrived hers and reported having
Irish Channel
heen in collision mn the
with the steamer Kinkors, of Water
Ireland. The Kinkora sank
persons were drowned The
damage sustuiped hy the Oceanic will
not prevent her proceeding on het
iourney. The collision occurred in a
he bow of the Oceanic was dam.
a coasting
between Waterford and
ors 10 this port ;
Later details of the collision were
oteained. and it was learned that the
only damage sustained by the Oceanic |
consisted in a few dents to her port
wo 4
fialy's *GOrasd
: st Naples.
Francesco Crispi died here at 7.4%
Sunday evening from fever, I
surrounded by the members of his fam
ily and several intimate friends.
His wife and daughter did not leave
the bediide for to hours, and their
friends were compelled to use Joving
vigiener to induce them to quit the cham.
o clock
had to le carried out by her husband
Victor ¥mmanuel and Queen Holina
Jt 1s rumored that Sigoor Craps
authorizes a prominent [alian politician
ts examine his papers and paolnh hey
HO 3
Collision Between Two Sections of Excursion
Train to Atlantic City.
Pitstsrg. Pa. (Special) —Two sec
Atlantic City excursion
train collided near Confluence, Pa, on
miles tast of Pitsburg Ten people
were wiriously injured, and a sumber |
of others slightly hurt
The trains left here shortly after B
k At Confluence the frst sec
tion wis stopped, and the second sec
ition, rounding the curve. going at
Legte of 15 miles, crmhed into 0 The
engine of the second section and three
cars were wrecked and trafic was de
layed several hours,
Killed His Wite and Himsell
Scranton, Pa. (Special) —~ Edwin
Plavis, x young carpenter, shot his wife
snd hitnself after a succession of quar
They had a quarrel a week ago.
snd he Teft her, taking hoa ressdence with
Sunday evening he went to
his foriner home, and retiring 16 3 room
and went upstairs with the water, Shwe
was gone less than a moment when hes
rs went upstairs they found the wile
dead on the Boor and three bullet holes
inn her mead, while the hashand was ving
4eross the bed with a bullet hole fry hus
archeas! and a revolver in his grasp.
rR LR So
Winters, in company with Suierwten
dent Ropp und a force of dete pees wont
There they waned all might
Winters pun
Cro rove?
for low tide
she end of
Spiace a
she Valle
si Foysns 3 £} > wh ihe E 8 Ss Peasy
#1 low LiGe Ihe WRG. Ss SERA
deep, covered by a foot of water
fre 4
Vat 3
x t a ”
i rhe andy 3
Senator Tilman Sued lor Slander.
Columbiz, 5 C0 (Speaall—A sun
For Sroo00 damages slander has
heen hegun against Senator Tillman in
Edgepeld by 1 Young Jones Tilman
Lin a speech. 1t as alleped, said Jones was
a craty thing. just out of wn gsylum
years bad
several dR was mn
Clarksburg. W. Va (Special) —Chas.
Newell of Mannington, fell irom a Bal
timore and Ow trestle last night and
¥ *
un found dead this morning.
While the Crew Were
No detatlhs have}
de Wei from Lape Usdony |
the ¢
48 fe
thers was any explosives on board, an
04 Mass” Passes Away : e
: Aram time to time left he on
: . | British transports, have remened with
{By Cable). — Ex-Premiet ¢
When afl was over, the daugh-
ter, Princess Linguagiossa, famted and |
: down!
ed to have spread toward the edge. At
the |
citer heard four shots. When the neigh
: pirresl were In the sacred! sddibiew
ated out the | A Spaniard bas been arrested om
viilroad whart
re, at this head of
At thar point |
fab the
pC rhe
home here from apogdexy
on Board.
w Dreleans, La (Specials
sympathizer to blow uy
when there was a terrific vxplosmg
the stock landing where the Harrisons
steamer Mechancian ve moored. The
Mechamician is to tarry mules to South
some distance around Most of
explosion brought them quekly from
their berths to the deck An examina:
tion showed a farge dent mm the stat
board side of the ship. Two plates at
the water's edge bad been sprung ant
considerable water was let into the ship
Pumps were smmoduately put to wort, | 8 Si
health for some time and it w
and when daylight came §t was found
the seuse]l was in no danger of sinking. .
an early relief from duty. Thus far the
and thi the damage done was aot seri
ous. The crew of the vessel dened thie
there seems lide diwbt, uecording to
the statements of those who examined
the ship. that the sxplosion was from
the outside and thir some sort of bomb
or torpedo had been used.
Allred Leblanc, general agent
the Hurrison Line vunted the Mechani-
had buen broken off pr knocked com
pletely from their places.
was making considerable water nt wii
decided to shift the ballast so 2a to Lift
the damaged section out of the water
It 1s thought the damage can be repair.
ed here. Agent Leblanc nnd
chanician will be loaded with a cargo
jiiates on the starboard side of the
A% 3000 as possible
A British officer, who was on the ship
said the explosion was terrific, and that
a column of water went high up m the
air and came down on deck
Many of the mauleteeri who
complaints of ill treatment, and a ant
: | ber of suits are pow pending against
fe wan |
Britids ships in the Federal courts,
an Embankment
Buffalo, N.Y. (Special) —The two
rezr cars, a Pullman observation coach
{ and a parlor car on the Lehigh Valley
i Railroad Company's “Black Diamond
- op 2 oy ££ Yice os on 4g # =
The wows was telegraphed to Ki ¢ Exprins” which left thes city at sgon
ed the track and broke loose from the
i remainder of the train at Nonh Lecty
15 mites east of Batavia, shortly afer
miles an hour at the hun
The parlor car remained on the
and no person fo it was mjured hut the
{ abservation car plunged down the em-
| bankment and dropped over on is side
an the dite
bay aly 2 few of ia veccupants, ncitud-
of 8 mg Pullman
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 34
1: was badly demobished,
conducior and porter,
were injured, and they nor serouosly.
The cause of the prelim 3 3 pris
tery. Where the observation car wint
the embankment the rails seem
the office of the Lehigh Valley Rud.
road Company in this aty it was stated
thar the train was on time, but was
running at the rite of between 33 and
A 30
fo miles an hour, The goecudent
curred at precisely 1240 aclock, and
| two hours later the passengers chid-
ing the miured
sembempeed von their Why
Fire in (inols Towa
Champaign, [Il (Special) ~The brsi-
ness portion of Rantoul 3 town of Loo
people, was destroyed by fire Telegriioh
communication wis cot off almost at the
beginning of the fire. and details are
tacking. The fire started in a gram ee
Colmnbuag, OL
in the Ohio Pemrentiary.
Bomb Exploded in a Church :
Paris (By Cable —A bomb was ex
alyded mear the altar of the Church
antiige to the thirteenth ce
sod Bur not inforiag any the hone
won of being the author of the dus
Death of Tilly Haynes
Tilly Hans
gf pre
& a 2 hw dk
Bison {huedigil-
Barat: knowns
ig :
it shed Bere
LP er hE
4 3 Si
24 advanced shi
Sy abi IPO
¥acutacterer Drops
fe Ta
. :
rameter ot 104
ner, dropped dead o
Why Britain Objects,
Washington (Special) ~The
Department makes public the foll
“A cablewram reseived from Civ
sioner Rockhill reports that the dud
signing the final protocol of agrecomen
Letween the powers and China 5 dug
to objections raised by Great Britun
against the International Commission fous
the vevision of the anf. The natere of
the Hritish objections is not stated. lt
slso appears that the British Governinent
8 reconsideration of some clapscr
LTR: mg
fest to be only £50
asks the :
as tv» which no agreement had been
tofore reached owing to the oppo
of several powers’
countries “and in
Asleep an Explosion
Occurred, Due to ss Agent Operatimy
ax an mtempt of a Boer
py & Hrinsh trans:
port occurred shortly after midnight.
i i
Yat this could not be officially conf
cian and a report of the damage dote :
was sibmited 10 him. He sad throe
jad been stove in and 16 rivets
the Meo
A Comply with these requests
of mules and get away for South Ania ply. wit TeATeyts
The train was running over 30
The [linos Central depot burn.
of nix, and the flantes spread tw the
betas Section
: { Special — President |
MeKinley has granted 3 pardon to Juba
B. Bulley, serving a three years sentence
Bulley war a
clerk in the Toledo Postoffice and was
convicted of stealing. Opening and de
stroying a large sumber of letters. Ha ia!
| restored to citienship. His term witli
have expired in September.
1 Sr Miner, at Troves ding consderabls
rary. Wie gh
of children who, together with a
astry in Hawaii and other parts of
The resolution will be forwarded to
Congress at the opening of next session.
1 says that the coffee industry m Hawani
From ihe Owisidi--Plates Started ami P14 now in a depressed condvion and i
Water’ Let into the Ship-No Explosives
1 reatened fo be abandoned om account
Jew prives and remowal of protective
uty one all coffee Imported into the re
tiie of Hawaii before the annexation
sist the large amounts imported into
‘miter States from Brazil, Meawo Cen
tral Ameriex and other countries free
i Autry. The resolution refi wo the
{args coffee area the amount at Amerd
an capital invested there and ivabality
4 compete with the Jow prices where
cheap labor iv employed, as the coun
The explosion shook housed. tries mentioned
rattled dishes and awakened people fe Fl
crew of the ship were asleep, but the
Ckdmiral WoT. Sampson for retirement
Sampson May Be Relieved.
Application at an early date by Rear
sy commandant of the Boston Navy
Ward is expected here, and it is sad ©
yially that the Navy Department offi
‘eials have elected an officer for an as
Lsgrunent to that duty.
Admiral Sampson has been in delicate
ould aot
officiate here should he seele
surptive th
Admiral has made no request for relief.
A It ts regarded as practically settled that
he will not be continued on active duty
uml the date of retirement under the age
nravison next February, :
IHspatches from Boston stated that
Admiral Sampson would be relieved on
September 1 by Rear-Admiral Johnson,
Checks Cannot Be Returned.
Banke and other owners of imprinted
cheeks and drafts have requested that -
net the Internal Revenue Burean cance! sack
Ax the ship OF ad :
check sent for redemption mr such 8
manner as 10 render ita further use pos- :
sible and then return to in orginal
They were mformed that under the
existing faw it seemed mmpossible
The Com-
misses says that the extent to which
these checks and drafts are beng sent mv
{vr redemption shows that large pecunt-
ary loss will fall upon banks and owners
i the checks and drafts are destroyed
have! alrer refund is made for the stamps
on the
| Upholds C vil Service Law.
The Civil Service Commission has
disapproved the temporary appointments
aff Exanumers Groves, McDonald, Bret
| feider, Jerome amd Michales in the oifice
toll Appratser Wakeman in
in New York.
The commission held that the appotnt-
went of these five men was Hiegal be
cline they were not qualified under Sec-
tie 2040 of the Revised Statutes
ritary Gage has approved the action of
Cafe Civil Service Commission snd direct.
el Apprajser Wakeman to dismiss these
iy : : ie (A BRD men aed
2 gy | for New York and Philadelphia, jump :
SWE 3 £
to return the men recently
riansierred from Bis office to the docks
the exanunation of baggage to their
crremal positions :
The vacancies creatad are to be filed
from the Civil Service lists
Historians to Meet
The State Department has received a
note from the secretary of the Ilias
Hmbassy, Mr. Carignan in regacd to the
Isternational Congress of Historieal
Serences to be held in Rome in the spring
af 10a
The promoting committee ska that the
Cuovernment of the United States send
delegates to the congress and mvites the
treimation of American scentists, ars
amd men of letters, The congress
1 include all subjects of a historical
he program of exercises Ras not yet
heen defintely decided Suggestions for
ores will be received antl January,
es ib,
Ts Protect Passcagers
Charles Page Bryan, Unned States
Alimester to Brood has transmitted to the
spare Department 5 translation of the
regulations recently adopted in ard
un the arrest of passengers raving bras
silian ports on outgomg foreign steams
© The order provides thar the Chef of
Poiice shall nonfy in writmyg the consu-
“lar agents of the country lo which the
gteamer in question belongs, or m Cases
¢f urgency, the captain of tive steamer,
48 his mention to detain one of its pase
Capital News in General
Mr. Russell the United States charge
saffaires at Caracas. Venezuela,
teen authorized by the State Depart
nent to use hus good graces as the rep
spientitive of Colombia ta case the Co-
bs n minister should withdraw from
This 1s in response to Mr
[assell x request Bir imxtrudlons
Rear Adaniral Morumer Lo Jobnson,
casmanmdant of the Port Royal Naval
Grainne has heen selected to sueced
Real Admiral Sanyeon as commandant
Navy Yard
Hail has been commend.
Desartment ior Bis
at New
1 Wii fot
met und
Our New Possessions.
Civil overnur
he mmoediate
ood :
¢ force of
sent there
ity, whose
250.000 souls,
5 it unnecessary
5 have over boo policemen, as they are
required for nphitary purposes,
ommissary General Weston asserts
that the orupnal reports of the frauds
in the commissary departicent were
h exaggersted and that the tol
Che government turns
x 3;
for Ie