xv YR re A PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA. THURSDAY, AUGUS ST 15, tgor. | | be $1.00PER YEAR. DIU 4 6000 PROGRAMME. : COVETED His NEIGHBOR'S WIFE, Pre The AE he Rendegad ot Froments Hail on Oaose of sn Fxetting Seen op Magee Aes : Next Paesiiay Evening. ; site Monday Naan. : : : Lr Yr .1 3 > m ny Organized and | A musicale will be given in Firomen’s. A man and his wife and another | The W ell-Know n Physiciat i i an Ti spicy A pratt Ne : Rise Ee wrt Live 8h LG tas sh Ls : \ the Charter Gri guted { Hall on Tuesdlay ovening, Avgust Mtl, | who did not live ap to the strict Answered Last Call. under the asspicies of the Patton Sil Jetter of the tenth commandment, | Wy x: ver Cornet hand and conducted by J. made condderable commotion on Ma. WN 15 IN irl | eA on The ltter, A» SKETCH OF HIS LIFE. £. Morton, a well-known musician of gee avenue Monday noon. | Fittabure. The entertainment will be who voveted the former's wife and | x Native af this. Cotinty he Spetit Mom ot] Ar ade A b t w d I i . . % 4 ¥ £% ¥ Sn » : \ $e) 5 wiki be Fixteniied © Hast a good one, avd will ponkist af sees. whe HIE fa alleged had meds Arrange: F pet ATE € Soule one gains yi £ maae severa Spangler mad Ebene. | tions rendered on the Wilcox i ments to slope with ber, met In a Hauld Hix Days in Nirihern Cambria, Being La ‘this S€R501, The first one was when we bought ENTIRELY . i . ‘ 5 q FR : Hw re White Angelos and the wonderful relreshitoe pt reposilory, Wael he ben ciated at Chest | Springs, SLLawrvnes swt | TOO M. ANY Children’s Suits. Piles of these ‘On our Victor talking Hach ine. The admis. of dite a iis wi ndividant, Fatten foe Yoirs. | counters. Think of this now before school comes again. won has been jacedd at the ow spboae [OF GRNEDS irrepiianiies del aye pon FR p Jo De : : Dir. 1. B. Noonan, one of the best) Buy now ere its TOO LATE. to have a 6 a trolley jie he of 25 cents and all sents are reser wk eoantananeed bi good sodhety. ; ee that a 2 + | Beata The complies program one The woman was fee w iso protean Enown physicians af Cambrig county, | LW ; G4 0 wi vr ; . py x hy ht wil build snd operate : pended. ani the injured spebianis hind Foam frat. head ak BR pasidenee on Fifth av sre | 22, £30 p1.5¢C SLs, | 5 s That is, known as the Northern Cam- bat ic os sl pack | DORR With hal, 8 ttle bog about four 78 Saturday aflernoon about five =1.25 SUS al JA the Sunimer ones. Recitation, Esguays in the Dark, Sea Hesnde 2 | . Street Railway Co. and notice uf Miss Mable Gensler. (years old. The dispule grow ac rimon: oe elock, of ennicer, after an Hines ex- } ¢ . i 3 ies tied loud aha seam allen x Big BIg over & prion of several | GT ox g a pid hS rf pepe ratign's charter was filed VICTOR TALKING MACHINE. ions and Jowd and atbeacted u big : i Re em ember these are nice Vestees. ts OPO Hise wv psilinen Wile Ww th ron, } r and Recorder Jones abl oo. oo goin oii rowid w % mn patie h : Hail to the Spirit of Liberty, Metro gp yporenid 1 1H For the past. threes years the doctor ) i bon #3 urday by Fran i pontan Lh ona. A hit Was prods 1 wid it was tive Bat bes the Sioa of a anries of sth ¥ CL ai a i: 3 : po 5: : Flag. palbni a — : of this place, acting for the Monarch Minstrel, fipst part, GeOr- Li worn of the mob to treat the cul fortanate sovidents, ali of which con i be a LRA Minstrels : : sto the fieml dise : 30 Sls Reduced to 812 50 oa ; ? ; i viet Pawtd how pie Fog ; iE . yi He chor Wad BIRT : fen 55 ; > pany had received the char} The j1eass Bow'd Down, Herbert oop sway and run, with the crowd SRERBR. 8 2 3rd, 1908, while ase O60 we 11 50 Ea ; : os oe Ri ERR TR " da haa i ivi BF Law ne $i vor bia ehildren in culebrating. : : 1 i : . - Hie OY By FORTH ; FA at hin hee # Pe XG Rr O00 asked ER, Areata tar. 2 at Sieh iti ” =o » or time since, and while ras {Mp Johnson Tarn Me Loose, SHa8 oo wonid have put Babel to si lent amas Bre cracker expitled 10 33 10 i a 03 Braun Tn A El a Lind wotiic ave pul Babel to sharon, PRR CaO fire SraoRer eX aed i ; $ road had bee in calculation [0 Peashiman : Rant aiieli tHe remnit that he lost 70 9 REY Actors Had Ewciad Madle oe oii which the trio were the principals ta iat, hi Lhe resthil That Ne OSL Py 4 hr ¢ fiom Weeks past, the projectors hig | Farmyard J fodiey, Haydn Quar . a when he was eaplared andl ig sisaple af month af SYS ON 3 1G ible to keep any definite infor Ctette, ther in fio teiting what the outcome ! pw Lo reebived 4 movers Tall on ; | a g Ee % i 1. aE dO by Ey Bad ; Naliey NR 0 gn § i HE : dpi ; ; 2 to theinnel ves and the notice of i Bu On} Black Joe, Cornet Ail Waiter wold have Den pl for thus appeRs: : $3 sodvine arat Two of Iie wiles were : 4 coy 6 SEAR : tH Boogera, bol ®nal aad at : faeridears and Big ahonide div Eas : : ; > : 3 g atl of the charter, with the: © So Service. Haydn Quartette anos of Constable Jackson who tou MOVRE : his ane uider dislocated. Co “ 20 z a Sper? Pe! BQ te. phiarge of Lh trio £0 Sie wing spring while mas. » ul Ine of the stockaolders, oie, eink: = x Hanch of Haus, Banjo Bolo, Ness Le 4 ¥ Cy Rt Fy BA t 5 ah #5 “ cps Tonga: WF Fo” og 2 Gy i Seg RN a #1 Fas® Fh 3 ris to RHQ pone wid Wer $f hearin : diaper wont and iE stated thal every he wax attae foeid by a vhdons dog and HAC ihr Ar =5 O50 x esloe iis Redneed lon. that te road if boil Larry Me Back to Obs Virgin Haydn ay pied and made up and sil is © rhe mingled, Blood 54 80) i a oi Jrnrtette, - : : Foe part ‘of the system projestel! Q ; ; AL the Od Grist Milk Sova s Pan, isto u to Ebenstrg. Blower Baby His ie Youdle Ba GR, feet i op Watson, YE LOAT Folanl ] ilar tile be irs bo yt the : aon in Love, Roger Harding. ) | eullal: wit on : : anid in Fel £€ ow Hh te a SY Ah ? Clmenes With Another Foust for uel Altoona. All ben and Boys’ Summer Suits reduced away down: prit to a froe i therein, when hg ME al ined theaanp They were relegsed adore the roan) Aa 4% ail on ok palin i ab Prencilown sereise sein in the Bappy little Boron Po pig mL an nl a antennas 5 : 3 50 vk 2 up Flanagan Hon, growih soon alls _appenred oe is Cas ERR AE . Fovrihie Exe rioage Sf Ge Fase Pane Sons $ we 3 FR ; Ti < = a i’ Yin 5 ii ay £ oe rg il a an, rss pr Ble iy mathe A EE : i. Mex A PEL el itll Li FIVE i | : . = x wala Bid rh ns Curabinwn, PRAY. 8 EK tne CRGOET | Lp > oe 1 Sy Won q 3. andd hed {© enmibont Leaving Soars BYE =. a a - peared by i ; 4d \ for thie consaiied wits a”, Frank ( G. ferris andl og Pe 1 Walls Sousa's Hann wake ig Pilteiaey pt. whee es nr * : ; we we ddl EARRING TB AENEE . ! 2 i br ¥ Sion anes sire. iL Lae ; fit "a og Wor RE caw ey Fes fogs Faia § 4 : AE : Maybe 1 ary Thdn't Bee Sew x ove, ae an bmi of rad ik 14 Pe Geop seated fa yield | by silos J. E Hed- Biss Teach. about three tuba Be youd URRPOHLOWE, | oo mant of i . 2 9 } alive ei Fok a 3 vg pwd ¥ a griks deere bi faa we Was Cn Tig Sea A wporrsaiia hy 1 =. Pearce, gif ¥ ¥ na Invi FE i Ta ar 2g be & AA WEA eon Libis iat y +i A Ag ARs Es Lis vo 4 Yosl in the maeadow of the ald diction ; | Band, ’ . hel ha Bl # AWAY as si then thie i Fie piv Youl farm, over ihe 1 = chico a ee Sryt Mow, - : ; fon ; For Live pod LW fEonthN Ne foes pea * Waters, Boma of ir Later Bartana) She's Gets ns lore Las fhe wanoeyinge shag Ad he Hy from thoes fairs Polk » # 16 FE % 5 BE EH Hey 13 a We Lops PRESET Re Pant Eirini La raiie road Sa : 4 5 Ark J i : a : K ? EF :. 4 5 of stock holders that the von : 5% mmall creek withoul Bar. qu funeenl was beld ou Monday gy § : : le A a Vem L Osman. 55 ed Wh £3 To : Het ¥ 5 5 : . mE 3 wl AL wy Ma ary’ : i ; yd y : 4 * Avi g #4 eR Rk i ‘w : ny will not have any i Little Bia Me, Doel, Moodoanaadi both when si Was Cooppannk 0 Than JEEIE Co ks he | & Muddori oh Wan & WANE £2 (church with requiem maa citle- 0); Iv 0) ee RB. L Bes Ee Gallo Bolo by Alex Helndt | ie Wad & wan 0} brated by Rev, Father Plerron. The! L rectly QWpposite Hans. CHE Fain ok 44 4 SR Banos, Arie a . ’ . ” ! BanOa i os syer alice Wis Hild $43 0% wrilowing 3 a ited Willian Twostep, Metropol © and tors by briags ; : ; R es : : ey Bia 2 with friends of the decspsed and the haan Lirehioaiya, Tos was enh, LEE WER RO Ee. dortege that followed the remains to id i A Ww hire Mat Working when found that sie consid = lp : bye " . 5 Whe a f a 2 5 a: { Boh ba 3 i ; hake pet rests 5 ope HE ARE Oi of The - eteeIeIne 1199931 ro ee m 11999 Si” : Pal Say sing * A (atliohge she Was SARE Ui BY largest ever hie | in Patton amder | ain aaa dea 191 Laaaaie 3 f yiie La il 3 Lada Linda £5 HR qi 0 iin, “i Tn bi Was # i i A y Mra Yoel, WHO WBS yp, segmstances. The interment 87 Rasdford, Brown, Rat Cfesle. wtanding bie barn door when her el em oa a ; ae aaiiym a Toe : FON BOT was fu the Cassidy cemetery anc Gee A A J eH x PS. 4 » BG as wk B53 5 Boley RNG endgres Jig Lg i h § fie Minstrel Boy, Povo Dos Ly alten vw silent be Loe Gnd g : xp i mer : aa Palmer are loo We: iG Tin rcs f, oh Sen Pha vibe ‘ii A oe i oh he FOnIRIGA of Dr. Jubn B Noonan Lon 10 need un fis- | J bay, Bohweintest, 0: little one hag heen WIAOUS 0G OF Ho the cust from : Wi the business <i | His Old Familiar Tose, Saag by 8B. donk fur Sues nights | eed two diya : . LHL Dudley, given nourishoasnt fn smal crested, Hon. Fran "The Sabbath Morn, by Macdonnongh quantities and andar physician's and Westminister Chimes care is petting along nloely. 5 The Blue and Gray Patrol, played rs os Font BE |e Sousa's Hand. Water Cuties) Pan donee EET Jesas Laver of J) Ronl. Chair: The Pan-Amersn nanagement ry I 2 » 3 w 2 % ut by ¥ be party's cilp- Record. Chave mie Ersugatmanis for the pro gd Hayt hie stain oo 2h oe Sober 21 : duction of an elaborate water carnival 1348, le wus of Irish descent, his i TEER Be i pg A or TEE 4) "dag i © 8 and Stripes Forever, Sousa. an the lake in the exposition groands Bathe r having signed frum © ‘aunty i Stars Stripes Forever, Sous ps et Limerick, [Ireland this § in Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday imerick, [reland, in 1525, to hin 1 i ya The Night Owis Patrol, Jansen. ah week during Aogust. and "onniy: Full directions insic ¢ nf each package. Nearer My God to Thee, Ryder. : : : .i oh Duskey ida Cake Walk, Schwartz. bly September. In addition, the The subect of our sketch speat his : . Price 2 Cents. The Idol's Eve, Two Step, Vie sal will end with a brilliant fire. DoYhoud on the farm and was edo-; i 3 ; Herbet. ; | works exhibition concluding with the Erving - hat esiation : ly i " sit ) Pg. hard to he SE 5 4 iq x : - ¥ Carrolltown is Intermesmo from Cavalleria Rowti- in brilliantly illgminated, two years and fon ook ap the study = If you prisehiage any one of cur own S préparations and it does the oad is | to bs 0x- cana, Muscagni. ; : of medicine. He was a protege of Dr. @~ you no goad, we will, apon the rceipt of the empty bottie or The Rosary, Nevin, jad Aa rota pind ppt iy Jamison, of Loretto, and later entered ~~ package, return your money | jist, as fovely as we took it. The Tennessee Jubilee, Cake Walk, Hy E ‘the Moe of Dr. Sloan at Chest $= We feel safe in saying this, becnuse we know the goods are “stations special low-rate excursion | fos \'s : 3 = right and all that we claim them ti be. R. Stern. tickets to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Springs. He graduated from the Cin- | Bh Eldorado, Polka de Concert, Bartlett. al ; : : cinnati state medical college in 1874, ~— Hy | These lickets cov CATIOUSs HEA 3f nti Ma Lady Lu, Brill oh ph he si tegen and ton | (and inmediately commenced the prac. | $2 PA T T OX PHARMACY, y nd saree | HIG, ; gos ang cons ~~ ig Wine, Women and Song, Waltz, i ditions are folly outlined in a compre. Hew of bs profession at Chest Springs. | @ . ! C Ww. Hodgkins, Prop’ r. | Btratas. araice folder. A copy. of this folder, | The follbwing Yeas, oi the 18th of | ee | Badinage, Victor Herbet. Ox sober. he was united in marriage to ~— y. Pa : oo together with a list of totels, boarding ~ It Pays to Save Our Cash Register Checks. Miltary March, Schubert-Tansig. ' houses and private homes. will be fur- Miss Mary Agnes, the daughter of @7 ; Eel a : Take Notice nished free by any New York Central Resin and A si ee fetion, 14 d Miners and mine laborers that on | ticket agent or by W. H. Northrop, en — Wi _— and after | ith. 1 on will geperal agent, Williamsport, Pa. ’ . and after Aug. 1001, all men will B ¢ ¥ the widow. They are Laura A. 8 required to pay an initiation fee of : Ea be AI pay an of Bids Wanted. trained nurse in St. Joseph's hospital, | $2.50. This is positively the last date i co coonihing coud for the Patton Philadelptia, and Mary Gert ade, | 3 imi we PALIN Yhisaeipliaa, anv Xiary ART 1 on which you will be admitted freq of She Jb tel = a Si diy i” ; yi 5 wink Jobs elt Fi ie | charge, 50 We hope to see you come (0 Be ih Dik ing wii Do Fecal ver unt : Jusses eres hy oha Ml ten, oes x : 5 Taesday at six o'clock pe mo, Sept. dnd, nth and Walter at home, s 4 Fv the Local on next Monday evening atl oo au 0 ren i as P AE to! stireiived by tec broths and i ‘7 o'clock and join our Union, as the rei az . teh ng rves the right tO Sury ve bs i id pd ¥ oh agbns PREC IV Or 8: HEIs. Senisrs, Te lalier are Siza, The ¥ tier time will not be further extended. ! OT Bl : a The iatier are mesa, be wie Local Union 842 Patton, Pa. WC Hisnanb, Secretary. of Jas. O'Brien, of Cleveland, Ohio; ok Sukh 1 satton, Pao, August L150. Mary Ant, now Mos Davi Mate of | company, whieh | Jase MrroHELL, RK Patton, Pa, August I, 3901 Ia ¥ Ann, ms w he avid Ww at of | } Altoona; and Mise Agnes, of AtOona, ers are Jesse aod Stanislaus, A Sure Cure For Pain. final FoR The decedent was a native of this CORTILY, § he mon of the late Jeremiah and Hiza Kaylor Noonan, and was i horn on a firm io Monster township, CAT In this preparation we have coneenitiate about : twenty years study, and Im omg hE dmg In, usc 3 the purest drugs, and feel safe in nteeing it = to do what we clam. 3 = Nard ND PIANG MUR, Lire 5 > toed a pe ih ANGELS AND PIANO MUSIC It will cure any pein, internal or external. pm | i For sale. Instead of ituaginary oes with which the papers are filled, gre what she si bd interest the people. It's Casy 10 Say 3 S12 iworth 820, hut te w does not mean vi aine. Iris an assertion Niw Arrivals ei . A good farm of 67 adres situated | Born~To Mr. and Mrs* A. B. Kean, midway between Patton and Chest ‘on Sunday-—a girl Springs. Fifty acres in 8 stale of cul dl Born.-To Mr, and Mrs. Ed Moore tivation Will be sold cheap. For a nen ana pa Bin protes. | vith nothing to! hack it. Welve made real rednetions, and i an Monday --a son. further information call on or address Bi kn ham. acs, i i Sf) he vaines are herd Lo prove it. ; Born—To Mr. and Mm. H. 8 Eek. Fred Jubuson, Chest Sprivgs, Fa. bi the Exel pi. otal 3 that : : i enrode on Tuesday --u girl. A Great 2 Loss. place; aside from bis practice, ; ol ) ann cloacin rs railroad Born To Mr. and Mrs John The Usion station at Patton was He pics wed to this place in September, | Wigax Sits now sao sousible, taking in all the! Boyce on Tuesday a daughter. barnt Sunday night. The roofs drat INE God Bas 8 russ sdend il $11.06) Suis 1 now 23 : all the books and mpers were de i » and Ww Bs gn foliustaws lo 2 Eherithars | | ..Ta find the standing of a National i i povia Ally su Lin the treatiwent of 3 oN giroyed. The loss will be considerable children and 3 Yoague Asa ball elnh add {0 an Phas phe 5 Ag eat : RECreil salu i ’ \ Nugerous Eschatges. RSE : ue ¥ 3 i number o games won aud lost, divide © He was a life-long Democrat and this result into the number of gies | Nutiew {¢ Tux Payers. | man oho was particalaciy well versed | Are vou going : Thus: a hut haa won Th gunes Lil persons paying their school “and in current events. Of i # are you i { loa 88, the total played wollld be Larongh taxes on or before August 50, | posttian, ae ade fends W hiFeve new line Of trunks i Char cod : A ' he went and his sad and untimely | ; i % {the nao | | ; y allowe : re 4, which ia divided into 78 {the nub 11901, will be slicwed a 5 per cent re | death is the cause of universal regret | won) } bein ng the percentage of duction, J. WEAKLAND, all who bad the honor of his | Collector. i pines £
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