A I 0 HT TA, few dave ab the Pan: Amerion, ment op this page. cured,” says Riv. A. A. Mower, of Emporis, Kas. “My neighbor sores | the streot was sick for over 4 weds, had two or three botles of medicine | from the doctor. He used hem for three or four days without relief, then | News, Notes and Gossip Concerning People ; Hustling Borough—All the Happenings x Your Neighbor—-Enter and About You and] Things in al prising Business Men who are De. serving of Liberal Patronage—Kecp Your Eye Peeled for the [atest and Best. {All Copy for Advertisements, News Items, Job ay Etc., Can be Leit with Dan. | ness for the Hastings Jidition of the COURIER. ¢ A AA AER : pard Mctiee, a well known eit, en of Spangler, died last Wednesday | evening of heart failure, after a short Hines. He world have been 81 years old had he lived until November 8th and Is survived by his wife and the! dng children: Harvey E, of Ben: | nett, Pa; Rosa B., wife of Jerome Spiith, of Parr township; Alice BD, wife of I. Sexton, Johnstown; Prank 1, of Bennett, and John Bo, at hom, He is alm) survived by one breathe, Thomax A.,of Hubbard, Neb, and two winters, Ms, Jas. Reynolis, of Pheonin. ville, Pa, and Mes EM. Sties, Of Swrongtown. He was a veteran of the elvil war. The toneral was held io the Catholic church at Spangler on Saturday moriing at 8 o'eloek with is. ferment at Nickiown, : Le The HOA Gwent ta Lilen Counphel | on Tuesday to play Glon Cumpholl bit pain interedered with the game, About 80 rockers went along and were very munch disappointid, bat wll had a pie “time. HAC. plays Ehounshurg al Hastings Saturday, Avgust 10, | The festival for the HOA on Bab Co ueday night was a gL ee It. OC. Protzman has been spiding a J. L. Spangler and Wo Dancan | are in town this week. © Read Jubn HL Bmili's now asiverting. i A Minbaer's Good Work, “had a severe attack of billous oolic, gut A bottle of Chambeadain's coli, cholera and diarrhoea remedy, | took two doses and was entirély 8 ir another doctor who treated a for some days and gave him po . petief, so dischargsd him. 1 went over to sen him the next morning. Io shad his bowels wipe in a terrible fix, thal they Gas boen runaing off so long thal ; it was almost bloody flux. 1 ask him i if he had tried Chamberiaba’s ooo, ‘cholera and dinrrhosa romedy and he No, | went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; to take another dose in fifteen minutes if hs did not find | Mit he took no more asd was rely eared.” For sale by Guin's Pharmacy, Hastings, C. W, Hodgkins, A * : i Would Mave Cost Him His Lite. Oscar Bowman, Lebanon, Ky. tes: “I have been using Foley's k ids | ney cure and take great pleasury in ating it gave me permanent cur: of dney disease which certainly would osost me my lite.” Take rone | “bot Fuley's. All Druggite | Don't be satifised with temporary | relief from indigestion. Kodol dys pepsia. cnre permanently and gom- | letely removes this complaint, It re- | | permanently because it allows | stomach perfect rest. Diet| ing won't rest the stomach. Nadure | receives supplies from the food we eat. ‘sunaible way to help the stomach | 1 to vse Kodol dyspepsia cure, which : digests what you eat and can't help | do you good. CO. W. Hodgkins, | ey Heal ow Hort wit Bagiper Salve, the great healer, guaranteed for cuts, wounds, sores, | nd all skin diseases. Uns no substitute, All Druggists. MM baby waa terribly sick with the Miarrhoes’” says J. IL Doak, of Wil | Hagel, Oregon. MWe were unable to curs him with the doctor's assistance, | and jm a last resort we tried Chamber. Jain eoliv, cholera anit digrhoes rem. | jv. am happy to say it gave im te pele and a complete cure.” | Foriale by Guon's Pharmacy, Hast “ings, and CO. W. Hodgkin, Patton. : 0. 0. Buck, Berine, Ark, says: Iwas toured with constipation until 1 pught DeWitt's little carly risers igor then have been: entirely cared of | d complaint. 1 recommend : hen, © W. Hodgking, Patton. i 8. H. Allport, Johnstown, Pa, says: “Our little gir] almost strangled to death with group. The doctors said she donidi’t live but she was instantly | d by One Minute cough cure. gdgkios, Patton, i 1 3 i § tations. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton. The H. A. CU. put the cleancr on the Patton team on Saturday at this place, | the seore being 11 to 2. The Patton team had on pitcher and first baseman fiom Carrolitown who were expected | fo win the game for them. Afler the gimme the Patton boys took it Into their heads that they could beat the IL ALY at Carrolitown, so on Sunday i. A. UO. pat the cleaner on them SERA This time they were assisted by four Carrolitown players. The score on Hundoy was 6 to 6. It was an exciting gama, There are two young men in town | who are making quite frequent visite to Patton lately and were even cant sitting up till 12 o'clock on a hot night not long wo writing to their girls, A ithe ehild of Harry Gow’ died un Kupday worming al 8 o'clock and was Haried va Tussdny st 9 o'elock, Miss Marion Bober, of Philudeiphbia, is visiting her grandma, Mrs Prats. HA. Miss Sara Goldstein, of Patton, tu visiting her sister, Mes 4 Crodelnni Pioretoe Beckwith, of Glen Cams boil, spent last Bonday in town, Some of the miners struck at Pari fan No. 3ndoes this week. : For Whooptag Coaghu : “BG my children were lagen with | whooping cough.’ writes Mrs O. E. Danton, of Danvibe, “A sail battle of Foley's hoboy and lar oun id! the cough and saved me o doctors hill.” All Droggete The laws i health require thal the Printing, Subscriptions, Etc. | Reamer, who is Authorized to Transact Bl J (evan City, Md, i 3 # 3 § ¥ EXCURSIONS TO ATLANTIC CITY. 2 Afi Other Atlantic Const Resents whi enn % : svivanin Hotrod, : June 26, July 5 and 18, Aogust 1, 15, ; and 29. and September 12,are the dates of the Pepasylvania railroad annoal low-rate excursions for 1901 to Atlan. | tic City, Cape May, Oosan Liity, Boa Late City, Avalon, Angiesca, Wildwood, | Holly Beach, N. J, Behobotis, Dei, or Gokets good to re. arn within sixteen days, including | dats of excursion, 3 A special train of Paliman parlor vars and day conches will leave Pitts arg on above-mentioned dates at LRG a mo, Arriving at Altoona 12:15 pm, where stop for dinner will be sade i hing Philadelphia 68.25 po, in Fine for supper, 80d srriving at Atlan. | floute the only allaall neat 5.40 p.m. Pammigers may Riso sped the not in ¥ | Philadeiphin, and pircaoamd To Lhe shure by any regular train from Market frpeat Whar! oy Boa bleed Miatson oh the following Gay. Passengers for posits oLer than Al. antic City will spend the tight ur Philadelphia, snd Gee recniar rms [the next day from Ark Street Whar! | A stopover of ten days will also be | allowed at Philadelphia on the going trip, If passengers will deport their finkets with the tickel agent at Prod FRreeunt Station, bilndelphia, ico soiwl 1 intely on arrival Tickets will be wild from stations at | the rates named below bowls move anos each day and one of oh the peaaitios for Violatiig this law is viles. Keep your bowels regular by : takiag a dose nf Chamberlain's stom ach and iver tablets when pecessary and you will never have thal severe punishment io Aicted upon you. Price, 35 sents. For sale by Gunn's Pharm. acy, Hastings, and C. W, Hodgkins, Patton, Tu cases of cough ur croup give the ttle ote One Minnie Then rest easy and have no fear, ehitd will be all Tigh Conigh | ou. 0 avy Raat tio a Hue while 4 Gaim - 7% % ay fi; 8 % It pever fais. Poassnt Io aan, Bi + \ Ways gia dos wy se ryt Binet radii adt ous in effect. CO. W. Hodgkins, Pat tn. Through the months of Jone and July our baby was teething and Lo i® a running off of the bowels anil GekICeSs af the stomach,’ says Oh LP. Holli- day, of Deming, Ind. “His bowels would move from Hve to eight mis a day. 1 bada bottle of Chamberlain's ¢olie, cholera and diarrhoea retidxdy in the house and gave him four in a teaspoonful of water and be got better at once.” Sold by Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings, and W. Hodge kins, Patton. G PEE A. H. Davis, Mt. Sterling, Ia writes: I was troubled with kidney compiaint for about two vears, but two oneal lar bottles of Foley's kidney cure of fected a permanent cure’ All Drags gists, James White, says DeWitt's hazel salve ning sores on both fered 6 Years, Doclor ‘hig Get DelVit's, Whit most people want is same mild and geotle, whell in Goeq ® s pelrvatay ESamberiain ts] whomacl bE Mak Sid ui Set] Tables hi YRS v RF Bra he Ploy are pagy to 5 fact. For sale by Guni's Wy Hastings and ©. W, Hodgkbus, AR. Bass, of Morgan had to get up ten or twaive Lhe flat and hid wa ore bok aohiv pains in the kidneys Wis Foley's Kidney cure it'a 3 All Drnggists, Mr. Daniel Banta, Otters Hie, says: “Have had asthma and # bad cough for years, but coud je relief from the doctors and medicines { tried, until I rook Foley's honey aid tar. It gave immediate relief aiid | done me more good than all the other remedies combined.” AL Drogaists, Eriptions, cuts, burs, soealde nd sores of all kinds quickly healed by Le. | Witt's witch hazel salve. Certain gure for piles. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure you get the original DeWitt's, | ¢, W. Hodgkins, Patton. : i sik cebiige Bor ditnient : Piekets will also be good on regular trains leaving Pittsburg st 3:50 aos 9.00 p. tn, CArTYINg sleeping cars to Philadelphia, and 7.10 po, carrying special Pollman shaping cars ttirongh to Atlantic Uy : Four detailed information in regard to rates and Ume of traios sappy 0 ioket agents or Mr. Thos E Watt, | * 4 Disirict Passenger Agent, Pittsburg. PAN AMERICAN RATES v Lave Fare O80rd bh aiimay Co se Baile Boshestor & Pitsburg Railway Co. announoe thal ecmmenc. ing Juoe 1st the following special re duced rates from Posxsulawney to Boaffalo will be in effvel on acoount of the Pan American Exposition. Deason tourist tickets will be on sai every duy at $5.50 for the round trp, godt returning to and including October 31 Tickets limited to 15 days incloding date of sale, good only for continuous passage in each direction, on Sade every day during the Exposition at £7 10 for the round trip. Tickets Hmil- i 3 Ft 3 ion ¥ Gaae 0] REE, ed to 7 days inviuding good only for continuous presage in in each direction, on sale every day during the Exposition at $5.50 for the round trip. Special excursion tickels limited to three days including date of sale, good ly for contingous passage in each direction, on sale Tuesdays only dur. ing the Exposition at $75 the round trip. Betarning i | will bo good on all regular trains leay- LENE x at 2 i Tans wffalo, prior to midnight of the es & ¢ ag 4 : a Fh ad following date of sale, but lpeping or char For hins Court oo be helt on Be fleet Monday of Septem wnt, at o'clock a my. Lhe anid there to accept or refuse to take Uk real estate of Leonard Kist, deceased, at the appraised valuation pat upon bi by an inquest daly awarded by the wild Court, or show cause why the sane should not be sold Valaed and appraised at the sum of g1200. Eisen BE Davis, Sherif Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, Pa, July | 18, 1901. Hastings, Pa. Ma nainatarees of aod Dealers in * All Kinds of Worked and Rough umber. All kinds of building sup- plies, porches, stair work store fronts, window and door contracting of ail frames; kinds are our specialties. Doors, sash, moulding, ete. ALWAYS on hand. Your Patronage Solicited. pi : i 3 ¥ ¥ ng x 1 i ry A JOHN H. SMITH, STOREY gent Fora Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. All kinds of sewing machines adjasted and reptived 1 am now pre pare to furnish any parts or attachments for all lending mi eninee Also pi full line of supplies always on hand: Nestea, bobbins, shotties, oil belts Bobddn winders, sGrew Orvers, Revs, ofl chs, tach rabbi pe, babe rule bers, spooler rubbers, plo Mull orders promptly attended Achirass all orders Lo JOHN HL SMITH Box 2 Maslin HE WORKED DESTRUCTION. A Sample of Bhat n Fabyly Healthy u Dia, le al i and wlemplary Ee 10 fo ba was Ur pel ged bee ey jel was perfectly Pie bee reo ines hee GHEY lia RE was reeosnmended mk 8 Thig gaswered very well and Le sjent his lelntire fn goawing sticks of deals i pnly when fo one chatesd Oh De an the vied to nnfasten the swivels ft. + % Bes wi Pls vIn beens Jzhted, coals naib Brewed mrener Wenther, ; ii SEY ail Gut Ris % 5 cE oR ra went on A Yi 3 Ur v4 bat frive * fur Gane alle consisted of bin fares andd large (onlin, soiie ary books, papers, 8 pack of cards snd an ATI chantry, And yet every oie adores bin, and he is the snoiled child of more than 1 one fxiily th RHOUSE. Wasid Not Leave It 10 Go For Money That Belonged to Him, “1 wort go cull 1 wont lease here for nytt Such 8 papper attendant in aL east wd Las don workhouse wing told Ly an gaunt that i 4 money Post O83 thst be bap eantipunsd 10 Dv hal turned fn AL tion anid ratsed A © soenmdalized her pupils, pair were, therefore, COHN RCa LL We nave opened a PATTON, E. A. MELLON, Mgr. the transaction of business i 1 branch office in the Also at the Old ALLPORT COAL OFFICE, | HASTINGS, ‘G. M. Prutzman, Mgr. n all Stocks and £ Sie ti: Fh fF io) ptt Ce 2 EE = pk : isted on the New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg Xn hav ire alike {Ara *xchanges; also Grain Board of Trade and Provisions on the Chicago FOR CASH OR ON A MARGIN OF 3 PER CENT. § % Sev a bia pl Pipe In the above offices 104. mm. to 3pm. Uhders 3 x 2 ts He City, vis the Deleware River Bridge Fo ley’s Kidn ey Ci re continuous market from wards and Hon: pti ¥. peneciate atientiion, COMMISSION (0. “ ‘PHONE MNO. 3 3. JE! trp toadale ANTHONY ANNA, g IENTIOE OF THE PEACE Collections promptly attended to. Doaber in rend sslate, ol Froorything unoally fonnd in a Gnd chase Gag Sore. HARB Te SR AN RATA i a ¥e 2 tntesl aos Gunn's Pharmacy, Newn depot i connetiion. All the i ‘Geo. Simmelsberger, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, and Hauling done on Journ A. (hoxs, Prog'r. EVANS, NiimE SONDERSEDR TIME TABLE i Never wold the pauper jegiatee leave the workhouse. He remained there gil his death, whereupon, Laving lell Be hi will the money he had seorted To use passed to his wile. Cassell’s Saturdayr + Journal Wir Sido ba i 4 age 5 Rs Sma Jie DYSPEPTICIDE The greatest aid to DIGESTION. yr INFLAMM sear nros, Beadnene 5 ahr £1 menue, Cid Bathe Colds Fo a a FRA rang £3 das Tew LUE RITE Tie 0 slo Ly anil BG. 3 | EW YORK & HUDSON RIVER R. R. oy wy iranian Pivhaaee; Beech Creek Dhstrict Condensed Time Table ead down Ih RE fap Mall Nag Nols MATAR, ya X Fasier . Lai foe 4 ors 53% ¥ £55 oF Peunsylva 2 and GPR FRITWRY. =. WW. OH. Northrup Ge Eee, Age Now York, Willianeport,