The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 08, 1901, Image 5

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    ~ lwis the delegate from this place, | | In iron ribs 1s to be se 4
| The United Mine Workers picnic, : the Kirk Hdw. and Furnt|
at Spangler will be held on Tuesday, | Loh . ture Co.'s large store on
Algust 13th, instead of Tuursday. ws HY | Magee Avenue.
Angust 15th, as at first annonnced. : : a ; pe
If you want fine laundry work, / The Finest
ilesive your lapndry with W. E. Pro-| er Lo ; ma ll
bert, the barber, Magee avenne, the Cris : Rockers = 99%» = 3. F 3 nip)
agent for the Empire Steam Laondry. | vd 2.50 up 10 37.50. wenty
If you are in need of a new suit of | A Lid + new and uprto-date patterns. | No F N B
clothes don’t full to see our new line of \ ¥ 4 LV LE 0
| falll suitings just received. | : The Most Durable : w in u 1 last at
Disssone BROS. ‘Screens to be found any place | F
Frank 1. Baker a former mana : : A Our Store.
ger of the Pation telephone exchange, { =n C ambria county. :
but now located in Pittsburg, was in (Ry ol :
Own duet week calling on his many a ; The Least Expensive : Rida fo Stiee poo fo por new jine of spring goods
friends. TU mr n i : : ex. a | tl clemn np stock heford moving into ony new guarters,
Dinsmore Bros. have just received | a Gu Cupboards and sideboards. we are going to offer you snch bargaivs in the following goods
| a new line of fail suitings and invite al : x : i that it will be a big saving to you. Avail yourself of this op-
0 | enreful inspection of the same Don't all over the WO rl d : The (Greatest : portunity and dave from 3 to G0 per cent. Wa fully realises
ke bily & mew suit until you have een. 1s search f ‘Variety of Jardiniers ever] that Jou i ae have nme et Shewn goods at the present time,
ham was visiting rela- | this display, oN igi $8 brought to Patton. t He peices vo are going BEM oH
na this wee! L.Cirand Secretary P. H. McGuire, : ge : a py, ante rogandlses of the time yon will have use for
vivania adiction of the | . : : : heyy, 0 Jud Doak coir Ehede Does,
¢ weary trmveler registeced at of (0 SETTLE ETC wl the n The Largest : hig
De Ryan on Monday. g a iE og | | | Assert aT ag 500 yards all wool coontry flannel, regular 40 kind, now go at Re
Stay meeting of the Patton Couneil to be + ; # ssortment id Wilting 100 yards all wool dress Hannels, worth Bie, bo-day’s price only $e
4 wil be | . .
wise say thi w ia vem E. i | | in the i ity, rioes: 126. 2%C. 200 yards Persian flannel, was 150. now lie,
ngust in many years. | gg Gianvett and J. H. Rees, of 7 | | z0¢ 436.6 to tio | 18 yards veiling ( wool}, worth ie, now 10.
and Hollis Lans- ay Lo 400, ARC, se up {OG 1.00, 0 yards outing i worth le, now Se
hards | Washington, 13. (1, who are employed and not find any hetter than 80 yards 51} wool red twill sinned, wae 35, now 350.
; 3 yar! tu all wool smi flannel,
; ¥
a Clearfield on Friday. Cif making a grologioal sarvey for the © : ! Soy o We Have : ¢
¥ Good i now “on the | givergnent, dre in Patton and will ra. | WH a : 30 1h 4-ply mitien yarn, was Sie, now Alin
{ > : re: Ho 33E i : # * * Fa yt . $f. * ¥ ir wi ir : Ban wl he 5 We, a file
i Patton Clay Mfg. = jo here for a month - more. % x This assertion is proven by I araffine, 5 put up in blocks 3 : Sy ih Saxony sarn. Lda we ant wr 4 fom 2 i
Hiece attended a select ball The superiority gf the marred a : contaitiing one ‘pound. 1 lot man a water. roof poate yalus ¢ $0.5 50, now 5.
ast Thursday evening. nen ver the bachelors has a gain bean the contin ned custom of those p. Lal St MAN WAL 13 Ot cw $1.25,
, 5: ol = # . fu | ; : :
¢ ts such thing as a borough | demonstrated. At Rartiosbors “last WHO have once pu rchased| : araffine 1s a product of pe- i? lot Riches’ shrunk fannel shirts for nus,
is such a thing as a BoruE | trolenr, pert fectly clean and lot win! swaaters, the 82.90 ki
sedi te ci hove 1
y efficient fire department. | i weak tins former were viotorions in a Here. go :
erly meeting will be held py | ame of base bull by a score nf Atel | ( TF ranterial is the pure, tasteless and odorless | 1 = ts
lista of Patton next Sanday. —Barnesboro, Panxsutawney and Ht Quality " ' Ta is the Air proof, water proof and. : Bixed a | EL .
; _ i fonndation of goX Wearmg. Tallies and ¥ boyw 2 ; i 15
Ife, who now calls Jersey | ar indber were admitted to the fire oo. K 3 . : atid prot. Feil lies and ust men’s Beas overyhirte, acl #1 bo. we . affar Shem ot 200.
‘ome, was in town over Sau. | men's association for this district at GHpATEL iat which ras nits when sealed with par- 1 fot mesi’s ovwrshirts, worth The, now Je,
ithe DuBois convention. The next heen nsed in the making of | affine are absolutely aire 4 1 dion io Hew it I
: mesting will be held at Punxysataonsy. re fo OR htm lot; Indies’ onting flannel waisia, the Tie ind, now go at Se.
Ned Saltmarsh, of Troy, Pa, is. a Ear f Nomadic wanderers] fl Suits so xcellent. gh and retain their mat Cadi } lot ausing a, the 50c kind, now 386
he store of C his, F. | Ha ishiy cnt and properiy tatiored nr: nd delicate flavor, and ot indies’ Besos wish vers, real value £1.95, now go at Te
employed in $ {fiom Bomany, or sans pther seaport, | : FEvEiTy : v1 bi % k gh : : delicate flav oT, ane : 1 16t wood linoda, the li in new 1 Be
‘where BORD and water are at a prov wim, fH arments at a Pr ice nhithe to Are protected agai nst mod , 1 Int ahildrer's fonds, tlie 8s kind, now 11a
and Mrs. H. 5 Lingle were | have been camping ont br the St impossible for sich vailies. : and insects. : 1 jot ladles’ all won sefut pastorne, Sith Sf sill clos ont at an
3 5 wrk hi A
: relatives in Philipsburg this {Lawrence road near town for the past | 5 A Winner : tot Famsinators, was 550, now 38.
week. : ; : ioahd. “180,
Bakerton sey Mining oo. The Patton Siiver Cornet Band Special eductions {1s ot tension tab] per : i lot indies’ wool anderwear ths reg iar Dollar kind, al Tc.
ehartered th capital of yy give a musical entaipment in Fire | [18 our oxi sion He, & per. It 50 underwear will jgo at 7c.
i oa as z 3 iit Te AR Rie The
: {men’s Hall the latter part of this During August. To pect beauty golden oak. extra jou an § baye’ ir ith the & 350 kind, a The
you ‘want rubber 1 stamps, month. The date has not deBnitely | high polish z elegantly con | All wos! hoslery atl 35 por cent off.
: K 3 A i “ : 4 4 " Pre : “ib ko Fe 8 4 $ REPEL 5 % 3 2 Al winter gloves and my the at t
“call at F. H. Kin been determined upon. Full particn Don't fail to call structed in every respect, A a xt
Tars will be given in the next issue of | for only $3.83. j
ne Shell, of Pittaburg, | COURIER. and yg ¢t the Spec ial NY #00 ; We hive a few pairs of shoes io odd sizes (hat we think are big values, If
the Central Hotel on Two belligerants who stiracted a big | Pp f hj h aps 5 cos | your sige is here it will pay you to purchise.
ric es tor this mont Kirk Fu enitlire i We have some very pretty things in new spring goods for your inspection.
erowd on Magee avenue last Thursday Dre
ip in and see ne,
s hair cot or sham- evening were taken to the cooler to
od Shave: recuperate hy ( thief-of Police Ryan, only.
. ne, iA the time of their arrest they were | & Hardware (o i : Yours For Trade,
La : : [dling thelr nimost fo mar the beaoty : : : hb Way :
Mipuiot of Shomer: | of each others countenance. ; Wolf : & : : —
ng b TE ~The Bureaa of Admissions an- Magee Ave f “ Va ey 1 ¥ oY
: : Magee Ave, . £3)! he, u IV =
mo fon sch | riounces the attendance at the Pan- | Thom Son i = AVI NJ Ji J.
dis “| American Exposition during the first Hi) Pp # : : Po a Sian Lo
5 A visitor here on | three month ending at midnight on gba unp ; PA ! V ON, PA.
July 31st, as 2.724.908 With the ex.
a light frost on Monday lave shown a steady increase.
a rr an STIR Wh the ex ; a. ; i : : ; Cheab obi Ia " 4 < 7 ( JE : | : IC “) i Ss .uojI3N
: JWT Robinson has finished the | It -_ ;
Flora Bartelstooe, of New | contract for excavating and grading or} Lo :
Ja visiting her aunt, Mrs. L laround the new Catholic church at! ; a Store Tae
| Loretto and has returned to Patton, | : : i : i amaol
Yeokiey, of the Central | The work wis done and paid for by | Fa Tr Ey You are invited to cal I oh lis D3,
: Ing a short vacation at (Chas M. Bchwab, the president of the Fee” BB and co 3 aii QV ha Ia "0
: | United Seaton Stow! stpontion. : i fils OU ny Hew Gane of ‘poy 1 ID ng e 5 ay A meng
eon pn re te wricsse me 1s full to over: GROCERIES, ctr eames SUPT Jo SpReL Te ot song
© ‘peounty by the Fda ty Motaal Life In. | Howine with Canned Goods, Etc. , : erssiennlotid Gane spr Bowman of
on Court will be held | surance company of Philadelphia.
on Monday and Toentay. | ren and commissions to right man, | : ay At 1. est Prices
| Adddreas, with references, Fo M, Whese | : : :
to 112 N. Broad St. Phisaeiphia. (REE ; Flour and F cad
i SBamor has it that a streed car iin a ; YEAS “
is to be built between Johnstown and : i SPECL AL TY.
: v the ey g ¢ 3 al Mei ” ik to
Fire Hose Co haa | Ebensburg, and that the projectors GES : Also best grade of Lime.
the road bave employed EM. Wilkins, [gH ; : :
a contenct for 500 feet of a Phi : . aia Va hi a Ce
| iiiadel ipl egineor, to make the eV cighing dune Correct
5 i / : . i EG 1 4
i a ) : direc ot vin front oF store. i i og ype 2
| The stpervisors . of Bia Klick, Cams ; fo ~ ifn Li
? bein, Cresson, East Tayior, Richland, | FE RTIL 1ZERS.
Stonyereek, and Upper Yoder town: Hg : © I wil in the fotare handle Fertil.
t ships ware retarned by the constable | LL jsers of all kinds, Farmers wishing it | Emre HH
in the above districts at the June term | ; . o ‘ahonid leave orders early. 1 will not’ 2194 MOS|D & zy y 111 By NEST UD) IN
¥ wd RE: 45 0% 3 a 2 § jad mg 14 {= iE
of Court for failing to have index | : a | keep it ln stock, but order direct from
: | the mantifactorers.
Thaards erected at cross roads, and the : : yx y oe » :
/ k | papers were sent by the Comirt pis and at the right price. | JOHN GANTZ, i AM Ie ne) 1s ot] put SD ded MOTT log Si
Iphia resunie. her duties. trict Attorney Stephens to begin ation ; DID 1 pueoag Suons ¥ 5 x LT 1Vv nN 0 Puy
Rise at § St. Joseph's bos. | against the supervisors. el . : Proprietor j . EAL 7 10)
| Matt Savage gems ofthe miowing Everything in hard- :
aye Lin the Clearfield Public Spirit: A travel. . fom fithn : : :
‘ lo nd Sie Workers, ing man wax heard groaning in wie WAre, Stoves, ranges, |
gthening torganiation room at the Witmer Inn on Priday - 'y a
¢ night. The door nut being fastened, | paints, oils and house :
Fire (la. No. 1 went, the rier entered apd awaking the | orien] A
bo on a special car Mon. en net him if he was sick; be sald furnishing goods. A
do the firemen’s sonven: {he was pot, bat bad been dreaming peomplets line of oil :
{that the Beech Creek train wis on
M. Schwab, the president of time and it bad given him a sight a cl nths 2 an nd linoleums. i SSS Dr. V. A M
* 5 4 i whe k He, ; : i PRS 3 a : r
itd States Stoel corporation; | 10K of night mare Jed Chop, Feed and Meal or. u ray,
frst of the week with bis ihe taba wiefs erecting the Di nl ! : Ln : 8 Ce sont Sooes | PHYS SIC AY £ 2 RGEOX.
Locos of Altoons, of which {ambria 5 stimates promptly ‘FS + a! Best sunip ped Ses in Rare Ls 55 : :
eakland retarned from Feonnty fsa part, and appointing Mor : yr - a rr — ¥ ery Cambria Uinnuiy, a
wounty ot Monday, where he Fagen A. Gareay, the Viewr penemi furnish ed tor all ki nds IN Leb « E BICKW
two good horses for use the first bishop of Ab :
business. Cpu, AY any wioeigod ab the Ape
Commissioner Stor an nt 8 f : mn forwarded to the Tor fing . C1C,
5 ani S23 possi
. nor run probably will I urndace work a low as 83. lenses can tton Feed &
| . specialty. | be exchanged any Un Buckwheat }
JA bo f 00.
Hoard of Pirectors of
d Furniture Co. ad. this ack ote C. M. Gage: Treasurer, B Fi or money refunded 1. a. ob “ | Ses on corner of Lang and Fifth
afew things. | Africa; Secretary, J. W, Ritchie; Dh. | TA ene Tes promptly at
VE { ren
tzin Times came out this rector, W. D. Bernard, Phisdetplin: - : rr “ : nti tl handed tn Properties fa sell ana rent
rte new management and | B. FE Myers Hasvishares Allison On. : i OO Z ER : ee : 1S ¥ al ee
It is well | Smith, Clearfield; A. I. Little, E. PF. |
: : LOM B P they Builds Tor 0 PE
pe | atten Building, next do ° Foley's Hon yr , Ta |
Faphoialappearane Kerr, Bedford, Ellis 1. Orvis, Bele | J TYN PDP a se Hours--5 4.
| |fonte; C. M. Clements, Sunbury. : PATI ON, PA. The Patton Jeweler f 1 > _~ se Hotes a2 | heals lungs aad stops the