The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 08, 1901, Image 4

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    ‘ dtacontinned anti all ArTOAT
unless at the option of the!
paint 4 anyway.
got excited. Election day is
distant and lots of things |
the meantime.
money makes the mare go why
the new trotting champion |
i Crescens even if it is a stal- |
Socialists have treated Patton
r than any of the other poditieal |
How will Patton use the So- |
¢ watoh oor y partisan journalistic |
make the fur fly. ‘Sail in
goin hear!” “Lay on MaeDmff, |
fayned he he who first ories ‘hold, |
: ‘fdeted while Rome burned, |
the Patton fire department would |
& have been condemned too strongly |
¢ had emulated that
pe on Sunday night.
HY not have a pugilistic debate be. |
y ex-SBenator Wm. Eaton Chandler
Bob Evans to wile sway
honored at the Derno- |
- | offer much cmsolation.
| these there are two million more men
historical |
Kocording to
than women in the United States. Now
that it ia a settled fact that there is no |
i deficiency in masculinity it behooves
| those who are an
get to work for the ones they want. It:
{nay be remarked, however, parenthet-
ilecided variation in the matter of qual- |
ity. :
| iantied, be it ever so kind and gentle, | ©
was experienced again Saturday night.
‘Portunately the resultant run-away
‘was not attended by any casualities,
nck than good management.
streets were crowded at the time and |
especially if you are on a busy bust: |
ness street, gven tho you only leave it’
a minute.
i OUR compliments to the American
| Press Association, but the COURIER
really ean’t nse the colamn advertise
ment of coffee they sent ns in platgs as
‘pews matter without the coin usually |
| exacted from advertisers. However, |
we expect to see the matter mentioned |
in pamerous exchanges controjled by |
short-sighted publishers, so that their |
{abors will not be in vain, There ure
| damphools In the newspaper business
aa well as in some other vocations
Tue CovriFe is in receipt of a copy
of the Kittanning Daily Tribune.a new |
pope recently started at the county
t of Armstrong. Onr old friend,
ia arry BE. Himes, is the editor and man-
| ager and tha issue before ns shows that |
he has lost rione of his hustling abili.
ties and still retains hia “nose for!
convention by the selection of news.” The people of Kittanning are
a4 a delegate to the state
The "Bquire is a Demo-
re & few pertinant remarks
unidentified exchange that
truth, pure aod undefiled: |
aver comes when men are
as their obitaaries and wornen
Notice in hereby given that the
o aa they look when at church, |
here | tent is prevalent
be heard. As to the truth
the statements the CouR-
other cases might be ex- |
matter at all. The good,
i avd it is the daty
one 10 “ew to the line, let the
al wire they may. n
this : ay and generation whet ta
lightly of & woman's character is.
ie ra or than the exception with |
n class of men, the following
from an exchange is most appropos
ink how many years she has beer
ding it, of the wounds received, of
» toils and privations endured, ancl
) BUS] rion follow ber actions. Thy
yf of woman is the salvation of the
the hope of future greatness andl
ption of man.
puri 5 and man sinks beneath the wavy
of despair with not a star to guide his
into a channel of safety. Think,
, before you speak, and remem
that any hog; & can root up the fairest
lt in time. Be sure
‘Wipe out her t
+ | Bright's dione.
to be congrituiated on havidg such an
up-to-date daily paper.
Wao the Gods would destroy
| they first make mad.” J. P Morgan &
reported to bave been in such a rage
| at the conference with the labor repre-
| sentatives that his notoriously carmine 8
_ | hued proboscis assumed a deeper red | gen pively gralibing at him; “what's
| than usual, if that were possible. King the row?
| Plerpont I pught to legrn to control
| bis temper. It may prove his undoing.
Dip these Demooratic resolntions
| corporation have anything to do with
i Sahwab's declining to be a candidate |
| for Prothonotary ?
Notion of Plasatation of Fartnarehip.
| partnership heretofore existing be
tween J. A. Adoifsen and C. F. Forse
"berg, transacting and doing business |
in the borough of Patton under the
firm pame and style of Adolfeen &
{ Forsberg, has this day been dissolved
(by mutoal consent, J. A. Adolfzen re
‘tiring and C.F. Forsberg continuing
in business, to whom all accounts due
the late firm will be paid and who will
| psaume and pay all indebtedness of the
| sare. J. A. ADCGLIZEN,
(. F. FoRaurRo.
July 18, 101
| Neues!
Notice is hereby given to all persons
sonal property, including household
| goods, ete, of J.C. Hildebrand, and |
have left the same in bis care subject
anxious for hasbands to!
“ically, that while there is a plentiful
smpply of the sterner sex, there is a
Toe folly of leaving a horse standing
but it was more the outcome of good |
The Against
He was not utterly demoralized,
lr Mm Swechan. Warren Worth
Bailey, Jos. A. Gray, John Kinney
Harry Shoemaker, Hon. T. J. Sheri
to fil} any vacancies that may ocour on
the ticket from any cass. ;
The platform, which was presented
by the committees on resolgtions wis
(quite lengthy and indorsed Wiliam J.
and the Philippines, censured the
Democrats, condemned the trusts in
nnmeasured terms, declared for the in
itiative and referendum,
M. (Gufiy, and declared that the pringi: |
command the widest recogmition.
The platform also declares sympathy
for the 175.000 Amalgamated assobia-
tion men who are now on
| the fact that the wealth
Lepecial privileges to the favored few.
The connty commissioners were also
withont advertising for bids
‘the convention, and was opposed by
J. B. Dénny, of Johnstown, wh
thought the stricinres on the county
| Gam meninges wer
{Homer Bailey, of the Johnsatoas Boe 1
Geral, repiied to Denny's attack calling
Lan sll Shonest Demotratd to ra is £0
the support of the platform,’ and i
was adopted i in ita sntirety.
if the action of your bowels is not
amy and regular, serious complies
i tiond must be the foal result. De
Witt’s little early risers will remove
this Sanger Kafe, plossant and effeo
itive. ( W. Hodgkin, Patton.
was Combuntion,
He was 8 very young man, almost
ton young to be out on the street at
that tinte of the night R30 p wm. aud
he had been pleked up Lv oa cyclone
somowhere during his menslerings
ther was sowething i'n his manner
| ground the corner and went homp into
that 1 have this day bought all the per.
to my orders. All persons are cag.
tioned not to molest said property.
Patton, Fa. July 17, 1901.
For Sain.
. Agood farm of 67 acres sitaated
midway between Patton and Chest:
(Bprings. Fifty acres in a state of cul.
‘tivation. Will be sold cheap. For
j farther information call on or address
Win. finn, of Lima, (3), obtmnesl
excellent results from the use of Fo.
ley’s kidney eure. It relieved my
{ backache nnd severe pain over the
hips. It toned my
me new vim and energy
honest nnd reliable remedy,
‘eure for all kidney dienes.”
| Drogiista,
system and pave
It i» an
2.7 Thomas, Sumtersll 1, ax.
was suffering from dyspepsia when |
took several hott! eu and can diges
ianyibiog § 3
tha only
natnral digestive
weak stomachs entire rest, F
their patmial condition, 1. W. Hodes
i king, Patton.
| preparation
High living. |
land many thee things bring
or bladder
‘other kidney
tor take Foo
ley’s. All Druggists.
} Beeman,
Cinta Your trundle bed?
coal gently wafted the remaant on Bs
he conclusion (bat all had not been
Cowell with him.
“Gea he exclaimed as he spun
“Hello,” ejaculated that worthy, in
“There wasn't any.” responded the
What Are son rapsing Hike that
or? persian the policeman.
“Tee just been Up AZains! 8 care of
| condemning the United States Steel | rie enmhas P gal :
“You ook too grees to burn”
Ckled the hbwevoat
“t's on me just the same
I thought it was all’
In?" interrupted the ih tear
“Oo ont, you ean’
“Orme of" exelabined the
wroll me what the ow
cham you.”
sa that's what Um tryieg to do”
pleaded the boy, “The girl's old
and [ dan't harmonize a little bit
(when he met oe at the door fie ff
me wn suddenly that | had vertigo
yon don't call that spontineots oom
hustion what the diekens do you call
“Ci. excgse me” apologized the
“you run slong home and got
| way,~Detrait Free Press
The Door Remained Open After a
Sery Forsible Argument,
An old story is told of Joseph Rabi
{doux, the founder of St Joseph, that
had tts origin in
errly settoment of that section
| trader who started the
T hw
city wig fe
Holt county in
| toring to St Joseph with a number af
red men. and they stopped with an ag
quaintance of Robldoux's close
main overnight as the guest of his
The settler closed the front door alt
pr they had vetired and Rubidoux, who
© dain
@ Evan
was used to sleeping In the open air
went softly to it and opened it
owner of the heme waited uninil
donx was in bed aznin, and the wr
cloned It. That was repeated § of
: s WR Beet time that dons
cloned there will be fronble”
wan who Paarl fas Ti
resomed is couch
The owner of tha Boge
aud is dit
Raat the
A 3 iy 4a
G4 Hr dusenh
nay met Lira Pee Ih
Her ot + 1
ils tan
bumped his hon 4st
CL ogettior
SRPerance, exposing
Foley's kidoey core
[will pravent Bright's disease and all
daorders if
hat dng
floor. Omen or sh hut Tr
strecgiad, sot
gard His head was vipat
vnses. and the question was repeated
Finally the settler was exbansted
fis head was bumped again. ami Roe
bidonus asked “Open or aut?
“Open.” answered the settier,
they went to bed with the door stand
Kansas i
tran y a
rv Journal.
dan and J. Bert Denny were appointed 3
Bryan, demanded freedom for Cuba
last legistature, denonnced the Quay
State Chairman Creasy and Hon. Jas. |
ple of local option in taxation should FE
strike |
the giant steel trost; points to
of Carnegie is |
ter than the combined wealth of
{that no one was injured is littls lems; re 17s 000 strikers and asks if it is not
| than a mirscle. Tie yonr steed, and | | time for the consclence of the people.
| to arouse to the danger of granting | ;
sentiod down’ for awarding contracts
Iatter plank produced the only fight in
It Was Simply " Cane of Spostanes
his general appearance Indicated that
bane :
that would lead the close observer to
ohne |
My girl,
‘Hyves around the vorner. and 1 went to
| see her, :
“Phere dows the cotibnstion come
¢ pogrected the :
fg before §
HEB rod 3
and the ape
to : #15
: the house, and Robidoux went in to re. CA
wide ope, admitting the fresh alr, |
po che Cure
) re Pa. June Sack of
Uned f
gprains, orip, Hore x
Dywentery, Bowel Troubles, nis
og H 1 adve ; dd
unl to all you claim get 18.
: pra o PENETH Fredonis X.F
der, Ok 10, Jan. 4, 1998
We hake wold any o Sevens at yam us
aru =xvey ane
Foaank :
Ask your rreain for Sanat for 1803 DE dederiptions is
Cortificates of the moet 1
able cures ever ach
HEC] 5
- WD sr, 7%) ¢
YisEoe aaa!
‘A big reduction
in Shoes.
We have several odd lote'of children's
and Miswma® shoe thal wa are chelag
ont at prices less than they can be
Bonht Lian rm str: alse 4
few lads ox ards, The and LM,
We Have men’ sand boy
latest styles guar teed all
feather Lire 81 06 anid 5 and nna
mining shoes for 81, og. AHL solid
leather Dall god examine stoek.
IE. L. Miller,
Whooping Cough, Asthma,
Bronchitis and Incipient
y Gur wok an Sey Smeasen.
by a \s. 25
~ diseane
Vo Cure =
Diccsts what vor eat.
Itartideially digesta the food nnd alds
i Bature in strengthening and recon
sgh dlrsaiiva ore
seared ros
oP crmting
Li in-
Parnell, Cowher & Co.
8 nd |
dren wbioes’
wealied :
Sous a
: | ee,
Embracing everything of the!
latest and most approved pat-
The biggest and best selection
we have ever shown
Call and get prices.
Magee Avenue,
The Eminent Kidney
The Discoverer ol ay, #t Work m,
Ris Laboratory.
There 15 a
Many su
ar apoplexy sre often the
If kidney trsub
vance he Ridnev poisons
the vital organs, or the ki
woud will attack
Then thas
ww IRR BLY and
Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble.
Kemer Swamp-Root the new dis:
savers is the true soeeific Po kidney. bisdder |
and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands =
of apparently hopeless cases, after all other |
efforts have fatled, At drugpists in fiftycent |
and dollar sizes. A sample bo'tle sent free
by mail, also a book telling ahout Swamp
Root and its wonderful cores. Address
Dr, Kiliner & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. and |
mentior. this paper.
FipstNation']Bank se
Cath he rade Te (he
FPen ney ivan on
fksist, ©
| Evan, John :
Cambria Co. Pa, ls:
DR. S.W. Worrell
Offtee in Good Building, Room No. hi 5 A
. ma-General Surgury and the Eye a Specialty,
sails Sei) ese ve prompt atten lion.
Thay Dane
Ye 8 ft Sas prs Ad
0H DEED Ci §
disease prevailing in this
country most Surges bhesaume x0 decsp
den deaths am caused by
Pe henrt di Eo prsumonia, heart fallure |
he resuit of kidney
ix allowed to ads |
dein themenlvas |
break gown and wasie away ceil by cell
ness of the blond the alten: |
she sufferer has Bright's |
N ties 1s Heretoy given tui an
provernae of the State of
the Bh duy
John WW, hepaart Joba KE
fer TW Leoeh and Chas
3 frerieiogm sof The Aet of
2 nr
ad for Lhe per es
sow add dhe Denes sii
Al } ht af ANSARI hE
If we do you
know that it is done
(in the best style and
most artistic
workmanship. You
also know that the
money expended re
mains in Patton and
that you are helping
to fill your own cot-
Per contra, if your
job printing is done
out of town you like
vise know, or ought
to that you are help-
ing rob yourself, and
in nine times out of
ten you are getting
interior stock and
five times out of ten
inferior work at the
same price or more
than it can be done
for at the home of
fice. The CoURIER
can print anything
and everything from
a milk ticket to
a multicolored full
sheet poster or a cir-
Envelopes, State-
ments, Cards, Ship-
ping r Tags, Sale Bills,
Dodgers, Posters, Of-
fice nd Mine Sta-
tionery, and in fact
Kverthing and Any-
thing that can be
procured this side of
the Rocky Montains.
Mail, Telcgraph
and Telephone Or-
ders will receive our
prompt attention.
pips en den RAE rae ead in
ehartir Noi,
ssmneswenith of Ih
Pap pans ide
seay oof Ran org
% ates ¥ opin or
§ sistas
sy 55 aris.
pve aia
cows orf thie said
Tay prey 3%
go Bar the He
ex Lesh Bf pertain COrpOIa.
barat, fOr the
(riety Bor ee esd The
sie ands
VEY ERaR Shang
4: and the siippie
or alan intended
Fiat Hoek Water
Didect of whic hos
; 2a waler and water power for
5 wrk, a i t=
and ix suppimanenis
Sans W.
end drneRie par
asnendniide in thier isiries is) Aha
Vi [ROSS snl en
priviiemos of the said
Kui iasy, Solleitor