PITTSBURG. Grain, Flour amd Fool. NO, ny : : Wp Ts ae bly colder than that through tins prased ity propeller , au : of jesbergs ; gineers know when « action le greatly sevelerated wit aut any increase at ein stein pow a thought. Thus a} upon his copy of sm Brown at Rugby.” and In his mind riseq the remembranes of the | oat hare and hounds ran I whieh Pom and Bast and the Tadpole strag- wled sn pluckily. and at last held that of form, t naique ant embeitismment. | 1 Prof. Holmes examined several of thelr milling places, and describes one off them (a typical prampic) As a 0. 3 white Praia Wistar patent, select 1b : aestionably of Asiatic origin” | diet ns to the California rating arthward along the east coast of Asia. &cross Behring Striat, an utirward to the Columbia River, This was the route fol { of yn tannin that renders the the first comers to America, ly was it the shortest, but it sald that food grew In pro all along it by the wayside man was obliged to travel in 0 tracks which were marked out “mature and provisioned for his : LT aet furnished the grea and variety of food for | the Jenst effort, and the same element easiest transporation. 3 was mainly in boats, of ] {tae yor easy to imagine a a com ago, from the icy Ocean boat for a voyage of 10.000 x Columbiariver. Therouta all the way by sea—an in. ¢ through landlocked seas It led through the | Indo. Cand its bays, the Alaskan sex the Tiinget Halla sen, sen and the Columbia ba: these marine enclosures Ml wit animal lite suitable for eas furnished {nexhaustibh of fish. water fowl crabs, ote. imit to subsistence. No soon fatitsde approached where ; the climate deman led ng and fuel for the body mammals and land mam. suporabundant. Thess would naturally avoll mn, Which is & desert to | er, offering no food supply. the landmarks were seem to have been one after anther to the and coastal valleys by the aniniling food _Ssaply. fo sreral d br: a brief eaxmination roa globe, It is con reasonably certain hy many . that the earliest beings y calle) hunmn dwelt not far ¢ he » concelve of a stream of 4 flowing for many senturies marsciin in this way ; AthGORTY ¢ ; A rt highway was So, oad and the sations thus ted assumed propitetorshin over 3 ng that it should no longer ugh thelr premises, and the ton to American halnz : | shells. The kernals, after being dried, are pounded In a hole, the pedulting 1 ket, i sand, and in this the meal is put, tha water being poured upon it re ¢ondition, prefer it to our wheat flour. a PL dra L Prof. Holmes found two ancient ones, | (000 lire | ¢f a globular shape, in the possession expedition vikited a cave carved out in Beliring sea there {two buttons, | remain on oir COXIE AS MUNG { the nick in the lapel le petit caporal in power, would have—Vossische Zeitung, Ber- in. mass of granite rock, with many coni- i cal holes, somo shaliow and some. dep, "| grinding and pounding, adapted in i shape to the hallows, in which acoms | All about wors stones for & were put for the purpose of reducing | them to menl, This place of industry was covered with a rude halter of poles and brash to protect the women. | who ard obliged fo spend much of A 3 TERsy Lh, | thelr time at wach work, from sun | and rain. i The acorn cracking outfit ordinarily consists of a round stone with a shal. Jow pit on the upper surface, and | another stone for striking, the nut | being set On end to recalve the blow In the absence of such contrivane the teeth are nscd for breaking the pieal being winnowed in a fiat bas A basty Is then formal in the peatetly and allowed to drain away gntil all of the tannin is filtered out. scorn unfit for fool in its ordinary but. after zolng the process Jdescribed, the flagr, | Ak scooped out of the sand- basin with tha tania is sweet and wholesome, Tae indians, who call #t “hyota” vastly Mortars carved ont of stone are’ scmntinaes enaploved for grinding the donrne, with the help of a pestis, ef an oll miner named John Cannon, | They were so highly valued by Are i | (Cannon an roceptacios for watering the | (Mickens that ome of them was so fared only with the greatest diffienlty. | ‘They had been discovered originally | Near a phwe called Murphys the of the limestime by water, which was sntered by an opening Jescending al mos vertically sod expanding below, of tho cavern parts of the remains 4 a huge snimal, which, being taken one of those huge mammals, JOBE ago extinet, | ‘which were plentifal over the greater | part of this continent during the tore tary epoch.--New York Herald. HISTORIC. neLics. Euaraeteristies Men's Clothes Dating Back to Fewdal Timea : The general lack of pleturesquenaes | about the present day male attire is frequently Inmented, ror how many people are Aware that the average : mean earries on bis hay at least U * 1 historical relics, one of which nes, back to fendal times? This relic of the times of William 4 the Conqueror copsista of the two wat: b A ee Ie fonkth by 300 ons worn at the back of a MOTHINK | br frock cont. The buttons are, of tourse, useless for any practical pur- pose, and inasmuch as they are cer. tainly not decorative, you may natur- ally ask what they are there for. Sartorial historians now tell us that these two buttons come down to us from the sword bearing age. what they were placed at the hack of the poat for the purpose of supporting a | word belt, which, together with the sword. has long since been discarded, pave by military men, the sole remain | fn evidence of (ts existence being the Thus to this day they witnesses of the days That are gong, The other historical relic which atill survives in our modern coats ia Though you have been wearing counts apd waistcoats ever since child hood's early days you have probably never thought to inquire whether or not there fi any resson why tailors should conlisne to make this nick it is mow seealled by sartorial ex ports that when Napoleon first felt the sway of boundless ambition he fried toy implicate eaeial Marean in Piche geen ennspiracy. As you ‘will Jdoabtless remember, Mo roan had been the man of destiny's rival and was an exceed ingly popular | soldier. but in the eirenmetances, with | 0 it wis not express sympathy ir came about thst his admirers and supporters serreatly arreed to mick their coat lapeis to how thelr feilowship. the nutlines of | the coat after the ent had beep mals forming the letter M. It would he interesting to learn If men carry any other marks abont their dress which historic orig ing or associations. | Cur dress, after all has been evolved | from that of those who have lived be. fore us—landon Express, gals to publicly with Morean So have A Hussian Millenninm, k No newspaper bas appeared at Hor. gi (in Finland} for some time past, It all these Russian censors were given a holiday what a jovely time the empire of the czar, RRA A SN 5 NO ATW Tr Three hundred and twenty-five | ada the record for a sath | | Crone er rel {Pres Winter Fatant, through | Roam Peunseyivasia 1 esta | Prime envy, 1000 10 (60) Ua hi S89 Fete 3900 to TEE Hel ll : 0 in & yaine, together with & number of | iiketetons, buried six feet deep in gold | liearing Kravil ; Suteher, S00 to 100) 18... | Cammon 10 Tair Common toot Tit Lo x Mileh sows, WEE. : Prine mediom weighcs kulls and other portions of human | Wkelotons had beon found there, and ‘Pro. Holrias secured from the Interior {food § jis and Gant yaraen. - Common Yo air. | to Washington. proved to have be | he longa) to a giant sloth, © Extra, medium i wether ¥ i Compa To nie. oa | Lasite eBpred P Lanna comission to Bair clip 4 : and for mring wheat Bary est has been en in | tong, spd Cg AMT benign for A TRE Ethe iNy f agains: EINT in 1800, i iations | owing to the official censor being away | ion & boliday. : a ye deal i its and cus. | i slightly above the lowest poling Paney Strait WW Aare Haye Noh, } nasty. ; £ioyey Nao Lo Fret No) ow Tl Brown middie on Bran, tai Brae Fhe HE Cat SS Daisy Pe utuoiy | Brrren.-Blisin reeamery, Chin sovaminiery Foney sountes po New York, nese Poultry, eit pamper Bo Crirgpsin—dremend Euas--1'a and Ouig, froin, Frolis and Vegeiaiies grew Prava- per taabal oo Foraroms-—Fnnty white, ¥ thi. BEAR ped bari ie SRE ER Ew BALTINOD ne Waeat Xoo 2 red Cony mixed CATR es Faas... i Horres Olio ereamer ¢. Coie PHILADELPHIA rove. Winger joiant aaa 3 Ng * Ne. Ered Sie 18 2 mixed x 3 sy Berens 43 it NEW YORK, Freres Pat ents, Errno oy Foun Biate and BNA. LIVE STOCK, Central Stock Yards Ku Libby, bios CATTLE 31a : i £03 go ga Sow 2 0 iri Medium, F200 10 300 Wee oan Oxon, tommon 10 at £5aruecans Extra saiieh cows. ach, | How, : iia Best Bows yorwers and etin Cooma B00 eben PACK co CUE RN bo gent, isa Prime eRTY ihe, ANRC RN EER GRAY te da - ME amnnnn FEWER wae ER Good te choos | wu Mediu, o.. ...... Pe Bl ww Laan Lain, goewi to ohurion, TE Gc ew bring Lacie. Cait & CALFIA Yeal, wxten. | Yeas, pet tar ehaioe. Veal, commas 10 lug, You, Com ILOn hesvy, Lowe ARR 0 RIN WH BUSINESS MEN ARE CONFIDENT, SAGE es worowmment " Conditions. ~« Expectation That Steel Strike Will Be Settied —Do- mand for Finished Iron. RG. Dus & Co's weekly review of | trade mavs: ! rand favorable wanthier conditions have resulted vo the siving of much late planted corn, io tha narihwest Meal weather josed. As this ix the point that bus frre in all parts af tie rouniry a Desi most cared ulis watching, the general feeling In betier than a wees aoe, sithough the disparitiag both sides To melile th wiepd miriKe bas me vot respited In any agreciment and Uwe Mbor situation is hus kelst prominent Oficial returns of pig iron production the first of the year show a rerorid breaking aggregate of F074T710 exrecding the remarkable out put of the previnus year by 82044 tons. The sevemd halt of 101 has open! With a much grenter capacity | G5 Caf mttive farnaces and the fall vear Profises a conenlenibly larger total than the 13080242 wns produced 1m. During the past werk lemding mille have plas eld arpe esutracts for early delivery aml lngulvies for all forme af Sais nf #1ene] are at bundant There ia lose dizposition 10 gay prices fur products that were mdvan By the atrike. whivh i ae af the general int mpticin of work Yi : i Baye marsed the eure prices. The op polit of i ti week Was not resiined, he short side o 3 he hares pelied Cenk # fan) F in Ts PER Eas £0 Piter i markets portion tg the ad Hay eval ra Ee eh a eer aie fs : ies Ex IES Yaa ir ive fire SEY Ein (5d viet, i i whe ela izitinst ay EN tna Shia 0H FY Rk MBL “ie in shwciively fo RI Cuators, ing Hoix ears 1h fshinla Baie Leth i Years Wi i SARIN In Deabios strivken districiz me ariders for footweay are felt mani Hiakers. bat 5% a © is ia 8 heabhy pos) quiet, shoe factories Libiral arrivals of hid press values, TYG is, domino Tima Pie SAR ARERELAA om Jean Wool bas nr last vis in fi years. Failures In July were (07 in | pumber, against TU Jast year, and $7. | SLICE fn amerint of Habilities agains | {BL fa wa 47 - stomach, a bad digestion, a pad liver. Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. | stipation, biliousncss, 2% pepsia, sick headache. sorresponding dide in hE aed wy | Thames {gar Wednesday for the pur Pease of warking cof oa stern i msnetraoting, © {brought y | gu fekly, an the 1 ed { Bators Fulton's ponsisa teal steatn i New York to A ermde experiments of : eantury agn gi gave but the faintest forecast of the ! i raarvelong cof Che London Fl Yark Cront that paris 100 years from now {the aerate of sf MM. Santos framant ¢ the strangely inventive age. Lo ioew not BN FO We i ten who have i rendhin : conciades with an append to all Fhe death puniahinent iy a pew {eal of svienie Cjonraal ves ha Loa raw vt dynamite fy i Blow up th ies Ha dust fitows tL man, Gibparora, ava os It's too. risky, playing with your cough. The first thing you know it will be down eep in your lungs and § eplay willbeover. Be-§ gin eurly with Ayers § Cherry Pectoral and stop | the cough. | | Threaten; 25, Shc. 61. All drprints. Doanenis your distor, F : i ha Bgey gs hen Ao 3% he ease Alix ¥ £ ke it Fen ot ta Arnal : the frinnadiy iplensant hours A Bad Breatl A bad breath means a bad They cure con- dys- i f risnitar he or beard beautiful a A a BUCKINGHAM'S DYE #hifi%rs Af druggists. CE AAA RH § sg ox. CE JE RR YY A BN RA A ARAMA MES ok ok Btenm a Hundrad Years Ago. On July 5 the Louton Timer printed rhe following item from its seus of Ia TAR eX on the River: lewshe place A barge or other Benes oral against the tide Dy duping on a very The moment the to Work fhe barge wis nbaul, saswering | bed rate of two and a half) This Wis six yours. tetion of a prac. went from hoarse. Ths eng simile | rye Taig was Rey SEE o% an be wr vost yaich Albany in 2 rate 4) develapuents Bay. and the HOEY Tra | res moves the New #i Advertiser fey mI the praiant t onan he siscesslul veniure Aewiin Gv of Paris wil sound ax autiquated as this experi a stemsnbont which preced- roerls ent with Codd the aliship hy a century amb two fmnrobablo $iR7 n on pint % & i tena weeks.” his x aol frsenet Oxsent an a an TOF years may elapse De deation. It wil be aurpr | if the Paris eX prime iT aatinuated within the | generation. Haris) fife of the pris dhibestian Brigani an 1 haw : Signor Rosaria Bultall ne, wie been in prison for a nuniher of orivnes, but succeeded in eseaping, has writ ts the “Uloraale of Riotlia pid he bas just formed a band of bn riganids elected | Dim thei? jet writes a Romo correspondent, Lhlet | PBuffalinn informs the public thst He : agew band of Leigands proposes to he gin business D3 the New Year anid to administer ustiee acvonding 28 of Holy Writ. The nifor RE Te $543 want wrong avenged, 16 ap Rignor Dufalinoo, who wil wo eae i case an He Bierits aud Lye iar i latte i wi ara ainsi a 1 JEM Een $Y bere Ta de iia the were 36 fit. Enohimed franca fo pay Insley is the in adver th ak Bt ta colimn in rise fhe wit should 1he ml iw PEF ¥y SAAR RE % Pama? BF ny Le CODLERpOL ison dens x Sui fence Reveals tha Past. To sonsiruet x whale animal a hah ime Gp toe joint has been ashilovaniont of archaeology eases. Bat to learn habits and Town of RECO 0 gentlemen from the tartar on g SmpATative . An Paglia si ; RS FA TR Se fen fh Ls sk any »% 30% fi : I TET Th tanir foell an interesting of the experiments of fhe dont of the Royal Oxdanted vis F Tia wine onrn Kio gnligitares, | ni pat frit nud PRA *3 of 3 ¢ i Boer's Lack of Elbicx Mis 5b The [Hier sare Gf tion than be He Lusbhands Hon take rare ol seid f ie that wijeh vie he % nat Rie cause be bas pat bo out ed the He Row, and Lig 10 have quired I : art of Is rll alougr ig Fhe AY ha few pounds ty, holsters Be Joes oe “have thas enor ti pagvest’ i mission of the HMoofd Commandnn ¢ next troop train that pa } it np and easnaily time he Pi 2 re gh Ba wry ; elab % ithe wis ib Riokoesd i Bbeange De J0ie Bot ve fury ing or. gigi ¥ AR 1a Ped ray i mantiony the f30f whe got ments his ehlef rh SSA i AR i The butter sutpnt of Minnesoin this: yenr will exteed that of any previous year. : Las rould nit he | be Tonod a nest Lit and appeared to be frying SeTATC Te :pvpeafiog | afl the I wall Pivas hig lowt golf bail: t dovized the t yma : poiderany steel vessel info the water LI8F soRK, PRIS aYE ale iw long Leesan lutn the water endwire, Date pasion all over the wuorkl purled under thw . days. PUahitpntion made oe ‘ West 2 Tavax W Price ws, £5 Presb : a. i METI delighttut Jirtle intern View ‘ or viklens of pasts ir hs on old Martiri. There In fio posd 10 opin Bek -ions hroathes jis vont ify Hf the hove sight of te tithe. sit favoriie thers tomes a ait we veonil the soit in His COMpADY. fron sacl greaiing, FREY OFRTOP an A figs withonl books 8 Hike 2 Noonan has Gr room Will Hout window a right to bring up ehilds onl without im oowith hooks if he has Thee peenns to Lay baoka/t anneal JE fine © ads i Pan § Pa AER The Fiction. Sids of Gall Cine of the latear. Jogi zolf Bail abaries ix that cine afternoon a couple | of playemi were on fhe Penarth links whon 4 mighty drive by one of them Ho sont the ball away put of slght, and found. Next moring, hilar taliing bis antematniinal wirnll, he Rolo Wie attrasied DY the pitted a a? A smndl fied that kept fy Ling bitck ward and ferwnzd in frost 4. He followed the Bird untll in which | Hew toa stnil nash The Biv 8 a range in and out a Wa 9 mir pul, Boy the ae ies, Fite golfve ralssd ha fate the nest 5 tine, tn Weg frac I PA A Lake Vessels Launched Broadaidy On, Khiphatlidra on the g plast Ingentons scheme ind apnpwhers for shoving a great, “hen eh le wallnieh esmploted. The nyaris of the great lnkes are Bot taeated on the banks of the fresh wat hut apon cantributary rivers oi metifielal plips. Nong pf these | more iam wide ax a moderns lake caro carrier pid so, | these down a the water folnsrea yn take nt fevinthans onater wikde and Broadsidd on, Thr. ¢ Londons. While bythling the elige he workmen lovdon Ex Cate abd sandils and shattered | Too paverenia werp dag up reneh ehuredl in Thread pollo smirest, and olher pavements Spee been ont thronsh bn several paris | £ rhe olfty, Authorities on the sole ject suy that wil the soll sees Have a atthe peti ey. wider the Pb Cetgan meine Roman Bastdon at the msl af peachy a foul I A conpiry. i] fartior shnst the searcher diz to a thie London, the earth London fieitons. It tie af the fondon of Roman | All goods sre allie Len, os hel color all Akers at (me bolliug. Boid by all draggists. Ti rain rails ands have Proneh hE Pao SAR 95 Be clasteie © Bean eam trgeted to onesate ou the Lomas of the Fo The favarite ower of the fortune Ban . TF is marigol! A AA Senin LSS ga Wows This Wa afer (ine Tandred Tailors Reward for. sry ossd of Caturdh that cannot be eared Ly Hall's Cativerh Cars ¥ 3 Unexpy & Co, Toledo, 0 Wea the uudersipnad linve Yrinwn . Cheney for the last 15 years and helleve him perfectly honorable ta all basis toRness. Hons and fnanclaily ahle ‘carry oul any thd frm. a: olesale Draggivs, Toledo, £) $5, AV ALBIN, Hiwzax & Magen, Dragptiste, Tales, Ohio Hall's Chtareh Cura bs taken internally, acts fig dipeetly upon the Blosd and gaugous sur. taons af tlie ECO. Tewtimur k went Troe Tz. ber hotbie, by ail Draggists. Hal's Pal ¥ Pils ; wr 1 tie bat, epiiad ih so mes ie did share his | somehow ar otaer Live i Wane last dadiar, A RETEr grin i KE adios 1 ¢ en Wenner Shoes Cpe tigen saalior alter using Allen's Foote Bago, a powder for tha feet, [1 makes tight AF TOW AD DOS paar Lure swiilen hot, sweat. ts, sohing Tee, ingrow ing naila corns and bessians. At oll drogaiste and shoe stores, he. Tried psokage FREE by mall, Address Allen § 5. (Hraated, Las ar, x Y. ffi very # ceriain egre i han Powders mehr RY drag plete ay? dp Ras Wao Ee SORERTY ane Ge Eee This ria. ner fern Spry ipa 1 iH Eke pe to Bg 3 nite gen # 5y AR the Pal wp kebe . 953 Areh BY if ha patton roc rn cr Syn 3 Ear atit i § tenting, 2 sultan fhe Frm. rednons infianins. Can alias pain ones wind cells. Taw sabe Pho great wd in the awe Unibod 8 » RUM * Lair wor A i CNR td Sn BO Sf SN, Plans Dire anno Lia ton hight * | 23.5 conyth aure. J. : Avenue, Hy + Riupoapolls, Minn, Jn with 1 ry Weel : WR aalid are thet windows (hrenel which the shu] looks fata thirpn ia state of gouty sNCIIemeRt apd thee pat fakes have | half asi instead of «hiliag the aw is: upon a ed nit fall of ovster shells, bones {5 supposed to bef 50 PoTHAN Tanriaey Wholessls | Cals wevord for desertion is under 39 ; thie fn Aleatop of rn TSAR Anim A Jpen Bull Can SHll Exact Toll. n will tale some yon for us to ARpLHTE The sens a8 wall ag wa hive She laut granting that we ever do i for of the 28200 shine of all sation: Alithed afloat today silps of over 200 dons Great Pritmin posssuses about 11.000 Wa have got a ‘ot of Joho Bull's commercn, hat it is eortain that ‘Fe past pontine to pay him tell for $i whiede to Gielp us deliver the SCRE I SDN i Ze CE Hidden Titian Brought to Light. A tow months ago the Venetiay + Brass bought four pletuves for fiom a Dalmatian peasant named Viraldstil, who had pleked them op whey a pelehboriog villa was dis titled. Recently Brass found fhat sae of the pictares bd been painted svice nother on the same canvas, and on cdeaning off the top one He digeov- esl ‘no Saint Sebastian by Thian, whic! had been stolen from Ialy by ane gf Napoleon's Generale, rss had gohl the Titian to the Comme de Castellane for $15,000, AA AR SRE HE. Danger Signals for Alpine Climbers. Al the Alpine ohibe of Fuarope have juss sigreed to a uniform set of danger signals drafted by the French Alpine Club for vse by mountainstimbers in peril says a Paris earrespondent, sig nabs of Jdistrong are to be given hy shanting, whistling, waving handker chin or firing guns ducing the day, and ly lantern or other lights at night A aigmal repeated six times indicates pEtreme peril, and is return three times by the receiver signifies that is Hiensing hay bee a Mota Power in cly Demant. Loromative hallding is sharing with all the other industries of the country in the great business boon. Last wear there were furied out of the American shops 3.153 engines, the Anrgest number ever Hilt in the bis tory of the eountry. The production shawad an lnerease of 48) locomotives or 275 per cent. over tho production of 1800, when the building record was alsn broken, Tn that year 2473 loco. motives were turned aut. In 1808 the American shops produced 1.875; In AST lsel; In 1808 L1H A. Vien the lined aches and one is i . Gurfabl Hesdeohe Powder . meedad ; amply remedy will curs fhe goin Hare goal vigor to the sretes. Rend i Ihrookivn, XX o for apis powien. The inrgewt ie eke in the Cwaral are ms Phiindeiphis. AIR EET WON ni rel A man in Calaveras county, Cal, Is hatching pheasants in incubators a8 A SAS HENS PRS Ea SPO Nisw Zealand crown lands are now disposed of for 90D years: Toe U alted RK i sdom has 350 blast furneds; Fraace =n BA Pra migration tor tho 11 months end Pinar with May mereanad MoTd {isa Xx a Hou of wat or weighs 16} pounds, a sailon of mercury Lome pounds: From 1803 1 1813 many attempts werd: mune to Tasten met tal polutx 18 pti pens, THe party Inhabitants of the valley had excellent roms Nite paved aot what tn the macadam style of the prosint day. deser your. Wrsdmiie et en iiss tht Bein ted frog areal LAH army er Priyieh ¥ 3 FOAL. vik ix a pea-raising : pes witly all the clergy saver writien periiissions ta their in to 3 a crap on a Sunday fir it. Riwhaey i stds i 5k fi comic waren whe marries fuels that Ww anxyend | A eer Tails Bo Yin | fed © nacre Bose of bear mania snd Frew, od ni vot Badin Tews | Phila Pa dian saan sda cialis, re See Fare a DISCOVERY: ives gaink og pp THT ibe Oduye’ w or HB AREER son, Bex B® Asians. du, best by Tet T7 YEARS PAY. ; STARK uaz, Lonisinan, Me.; tuts 2 , simess DRLTAFT, mt ooTSINY CY SA CH a AP 3 “rhe Sunes that made Wess Polnt famous. MCILHENNY'S TABASCOY ENXU Bn fo wn