GR PE OA ATIC IN, CA) MBRIA co, PA., THUR RSDAY, AUG iST 8, 1901. ALAS! ‘TIS TRUE. th Treateantion by the Fianies, tic structure known as the Patton pnion station was saved from being specimen of colonial architecture is saved to posterity. gleven o'clock and was probably the resalt of a spark from a passing en. fine. An alarm was immediately sounded and the fire department re sponded at once. Troe, some ie Taggers, Barnesboro: J. F. Harley ving. Owing to the jided individaal “steered” the fre ng has been held 107 | juan 10 the direction of the old Meijon weeks considerable business tel about a mile distant, but of mulated and the session was & oars ho only wanted to give the boys it little exercise and had no thought of Winslow was chosen lempot- jewing such a magnificient old land- rman and the minutes of the mark to become a thing of the past. meetiog were read and ap | The solicitude of the citizens, alter The first matter to Ome UP phase found dnt where the conflagra. deration was the projected ®% ion was, wi tonching iu the extreme, of the “lamp” on. McGee ave- Yoong men who were making me cited considerable discas- {isalls on the young tadies burried to the ) Engineer. Yerger Wis soone staid oid citizens who had Soon : with muips and gave much val woning Morpheus for a couple of hours forn ation relative to the pro-| hastily dressed and Louis Doll came up ; street on a van cisd only in smile, a on a8 to whether a 30 07 woliur button and a pair of pajasias, wails the proper thing wis sat eager r and anxious to do their put ‘and eon at some length and iy gaving 4 build gion were numerous and erated by alt. ed. Ta settle the mutier the Phe fire made rapid peo Fross nots was eferred to the street wirhaanding the Herc: ; spin will confer with the {made sad the great steal wr bolo ved and ven Patton's Dolor Sitios Saved From Tolan: That palatial, commodius and gigan- didates to be voted for on Toesday, Aagust 27th, at the convention of sab. {totally destroyed by fire Sunday night after a hard fight and every man, woman and child in town is exhuber- ant over the fact that this handsome The blaze started in the roof about Hurley, Curealitown; Addex Nota grt, Michal Fly yun, Be Bonitaos: Ho etn, Span TIME girders wears | NOMINATIONS MADE, Whe: Will be Voted fir uy the Miers Conn venting tt Baroesbdirg, The following are the names of can. clistrict No. 1 of district No 2 of the Tnited Mine Workers of Americas, which be held at Barvesbors: Pregident- Wm. MePherson, Barnes boro: Wm, MeDwrmith, Carrolitown; | John B Fick, Patton, Vice President -T 8 Patrice Metapthe, Barpoaboro; Wm Mebarmat, Carraiitown, Resputary-Treasueor « Michael Mo arralitow Executive Boned -- William Dukes, | Nant-wAilo: Dena Sailiven, Patrick Gibbons, Wm, MoDermilt, Uarroll town: John Hogan, HJ. Mscban, Richard Riou, Spangler; Alex Movag gard, J& K, Bolger, 5. Boniface, Fao | Miteholl, Goo. Binelade, Jus Mitchel Gea, Wilson, George Banafieid, Patton; | Daniel Jossph, Samael Mitchell, E Swansboro, Patrjok MoUarthy, A séhiie MeReover eons:d Somber, Same sigh, Barnesbors: Joe Muay, John Evens 11 J Yahoo us tain Dubstell Jolinaan, Hasiilee - Blmora fies slies P. Harrlzan, T ars Thomus To Ha Molloy, Lib i es 5 TE Haw ard Lig pristy, 1d 553 hr awaers. © ordel] | | snapped and twisted by Eh intonm dy Bont, Fae big Uweice mosh a mass of Hames ad the / ne, under thy direction of | marble Boor and brovse statoary w ; loner Rtorm and i Wis | aniiraly destroyed. The only thing [that escaped the devo Gonaras ¥ | the iron safes in which were stared the Caratuinhy ies Lars wna ry The dam ht thi the work Ws worth | | pany. to $80. He could not give al The gentiemen’s wailing room re figure jind Gould moved It | seived iu buplism of water and the plush ap peapritied for the Work, No * | eovered cliirs an ¢ leather covered % Es of 2 atrent commissioner | ng the walnat and mahogany desks ‘business. W. E. Cowbir | ope pained hy the heat aod water ion in for the position, | combined. was withdrawn, Pete Hart | When the fire was at [te Hereont a also an applicant and MeCor- velegram wis recived from A. J. Cas ‘named A. G. Storm for the posi | Lwett, the prasident of the Penney ivania Iatter received the vote of wiiennd company, offering each mam. og A pleat broaklass wis served. The r Of the council and Wis ber of the fire department two conte’ ‘worth of Marsh tobles if they saved Fire Hose Co. wan oy freight atl once. Supt. Ak ! with ples and the question Cresson, also sent a telegram of on. | ing, 00 feet of hose was re- Couragenent and the fire ladies ree | and police committe | danbied their efforts. it was a Bierce fight and a hot Sey bat in the dnd the firemen, aided | pwood avenoe asking for an are : joa ayenne § ‘ora by the citizens, won and as the fast and, the Byeryouan, orealad consider a of OWN | qpark was extingnisbed the assembled people gave a shoot of glad exalt | tion and joined together in singing the aver of it and on i ong moter doxology. the vi | and about fifty feet of cull lumber it 1 ation | i expected will repair the dam hag failed to Teas he, .- } TRANSACTIONS REALTY, & street eommisdoner | Wroperties tn This End ot fee Ciinity That dt do the work and de- | ne : . : iss Claaged Hands Boaatly, from the next | if they did not do | Adda J Millen et vir to Thomas pi =a tat Thomas The horse was badly used tp, but the buggy forfonaiay escape i | serious injury, within two days | Russell, Barnesboro, $1,700, stated that the terms of ML | James Po MeBroen ef gx to Joba B and Dr. 8. W. Worrell as | {| MeBreen, Ebensbuarg, §1. the. Patton. Board o | Toon Termin st nt wo Louia Rickie, | xired and that their suc- | astivgs, $150. appointed, M. (. W. K. Douglass to Amanda C. Con- tod to sucosed hie | rad, Chest Sorings, $4,000, ' f Anton lun of ny to Thomas Bishop, : w. 1 Dowler Wiis thon POE | York Central raliroad oo Anpany any A at wa wa | Autor Kien et ox to \ altine the Board of Health asking | Pion: Faiton. 325. propriation of = $125 with © W. E Lantzy ot nx to Bernard : A, prevent the spread of contag- Lantzy, Susquehanna township, wo. © Bome of the members | James Zorn of ux to Joba Lantsy suncil Were of the opinion that | arroll tow nsinp, 1.20, bills contracted by the Board ought Michasl Bednorkey to Mary 4 upon and paid by Coaneit | key, Barnsiboro, $50, d the matter was referred to the fi. Jobn Senjely to Loan Song nance committee. Rembaro, $1) | te was taken on the election | Mitice to Contrastors permanerit chairman, as the res: Bids are wanted for the buildin ion of Mr. Hartshorne had not the new Swedish Luthern cl Magee avenue. Plane and wing bills: were ordered poid | tons can be seen at Lhe W. T. Robinson, §26.00; Patton | Forsberg. All bi ie elim Ho, W. FP, dackson, 0s; Joi ‘noon on Thursds the htt ti : rejo it any and al bid is, 4 D. Blair, $2 25; 'w. J. Co., $14.40; Paul Short, | Pi cui and Tmaoe. The first picnic and daoce under he auspices of St. Bonifacius Council, 588, Young Men's Institute, will o held at Bt. Boniface on Wednesday and Thursday, Aogust 28th and 29th. | Dinger and refreshments of all kinds iil wl : boroiigh taxes on or before August 30, the grounds. Dane: two days sud evening, uring oment | was the large burglar proof vagit and thie placed the dapper of Mar ard aa [fee Wik likewise ode with water, the structure. The tables will be sent | cperind Mos ju sien Wmber | tie will. known drm af Eg Bost B at principals in a pretty wedding thay oe: |? Tavadsy morning eo Nuj blgh mass was celebrated, LHe i athior Edwin Plerron officiating. Misa Mary Thomas, of Carrolitown, and Walter Melion, of Patton, wore cept the sominRtion. the atibenudanis Afar 1h ceremony Was over wedding party was defvsn to Lhe resi Sia a oi I 3 TAX hh he Re ig % anes of the beikde's pyrenia, whine an pewiy married eft on the early train Fast tor Pltlabarg and other points of itera for a hotisgmoon trip of aboot two weelts, The Coron jolus a host of friends io extending congrataisliong ssid Fapnt win} Fins, Partagas Riganwiy A Horse owned by Bainuel Weal fable excitement on Safurday night by» i running away. The animal wis stand. ing waited in front of the gallery of the Photo & View Co on Magee avenue pbell the matter was P. 8 Two bunches of No. & shingles ong biscoming feightened Hg smething | started ap the stn al hrealineck speed. Tt turned the sorner at Huber's drug store and fll, but was on ity feat in an instant sod continued ia swift journey. The wagon was left at the captured nearthe fiom af Hou J. J. A Plant od tered Shalt natin, The Williamsport Man sava an dea of the magnitude of the diops to he ersotod at Oak Grove by the New feom the statement of the do of the halidings th will be Fat once whidh will nod include rhe siiops foe phe sonstenotion of ens gives, If these bBotldings were to De combined ander ene rool 1 Apnce Ver 00 feel in apd 3 fet in width won SOTTO Fine tittle winder that fle SpE Was Bo mialier of portapos Wo : hopaxl 0 we A Sevieus Sealant lohin trapntz, the Foearih grocer, met w ith a serious aed Friday that will Keep tn bed tor geval dave, He was shiny 3 ont or the barn oor the animal, whic 4 hai not been drive ai much and PEIN E a fhe teidts and prific blow with its bind je a Tawi of his ribs were fractured and Fe received infernal injaries. He is getting along as well as cond be exe pected ander the circumstances, Notioe fo Tax. Payers. All persons paying their school and 1801, will be allowed a5 per cent sardially invited to at. il | duetion. Nominated by the Democrats at Ehensburg Monday. MR. SCHWAB DECLINED | Futher of Piestdent of ithe United Stetes | hk ASE a 0 Fam oT T: an Shaw i § Wow} rparatton Helused the Nominailon | fur Fhnthanolicy ~ Rorace. R. Rose norans Powel! Sid ey Rounsley, Len Wilson, Patton: | #9 rs ¥ % ® Yuw 2 i : David frvin, Andy Histo, Hastings; Nason? for Dido] Afton. Jas. Matlon and dag. K. Haber rep resented Patton borough at the | Democratit county convention held at i Ebenshury on Monday. Jas Gilllees | [wan ale elated a deiogase a 44 inow pr ractically just at | the first of the Cant attend : pnt County Chalrman Crossman Load! the pridimiiiary mesting to order | fat 11 o'olack, ‘The eredentinls were re. Ladved and B.1 MeNeolia, of Johns. Lmanoof the sonvention He sad town, was namnd for pernpient phair thers wore fy Coiilesta 4 commiee on eredentinls wonld not be necessary and that the preliminary pweting would be : Cred to piose after the naming of Ledmmmitbes an red Elon A motion wis made and esreied that patel of Sve Momibers, and Ghat the chair appoint. Mr Me. <i Nowlis paowed Hon, 1. 13 Waondenfl, of Ldohnstawn, Bs chsirinan; ex-Shorift fe James Blair, Rbensburg: Jas. Mellon, Patton; BAL Goods How, Bastinge: Luni Joba Honan, of Johnstown, The Cennventios then tank a pose gold is anadk My reasmmanbiling Chadrman Meese cash. All profits given to our customers. Read of the big reductions and come There were 118 delegates present tO GEL W ‘hat you need in this line. Men's Regular $15 50 Suits Reduced to 312 ih b3 : (gy ie be 14 oo * rr i i 8 “re 10 ~ C3 ba oo Ve tee Suits | &k % ik The same liberal reduction given on all b i tor nominations foe tie oties or Clothing not quoted in above prices. Femsident Judge. Mayor Woodall, of Johnstown, presented the name of of Francls J. 0 Connor,of the sume placa, oy Gareweny no otter sominations and Counter at Hoe Lai h SEBO was chosen without “ dissing vole, John 4. Sehwab, of Loretto, the ation, wis hamed for Prothonotary, Gaither of Chas AL Sehwab, the posi enrred at Bt Macys Ho © church on ident of Uw U tied States Steal corpor. Calan by secinmation. Lutee in the pro. serlings H telephone message win re. sider no roometances would he ae sivedd from Mr Schwab stating that Dir ec Chadron Me Nook nla this Swed be fare the convention and a motion was ‘puude sind carried thal the vote by | and was shosen ananimousiy, Some A1.05 and Shirts picked out and on sale Men's Shoes in certain ines cut 23 pe -r cent. Same in 3% some styles of Boys’. Also in Ladies’ Oxfords, Bays. Clothing and Shoe y Opposite » Bi ak. Am which Me Sohwab was elected ba me considers. Bi. Bower, of Biaods = -~ burg, was then named for the position - Por Reg fer, Win, HL = For gine and Bevo 4 0. Srranass, of Jobusiown, was placed nn — nomination by Herman EB Baumer, spponent for he nominative. Home Bailey, of the Johnstown Pramoerat pared Horace iL af Johnstown, | Cer Dastral Alurney. The delegates | Cada of the Flosd Clty, aod hie bad no Gee unanimolisiy i ted Mr Bailey to Fe : cast the fall vote of the bo uly for Mr. - . v a A Ae To : Cin take. ¥ Conemangh, Do CE Haasan, Jobinstown, and Pr. Wao Johiastown, Before vollng begun lnsrever, fie, Hannun's pame wis. : Cwitharanns Dre Martin received 650 Cold Mellon hotel amd the equine wis cy oben ana De Raaeh 18 Rese. Fur coroner three nominations —— were made -Dr. George Martin, of en There was yulte a fight for the poor dicoctorsiaip, Those placed bt noming- tion wer John F. Long, of Cambria township, Aathony Jo bail, of Alles > gheny township, Alexander Saunders, of Washington township, and Jacob: 1 ie 2h WN Long and Sell iter oh A, Sbosmnaloer, ares or Loss = riagor Bnd Wilks Ure shale § SOR. | falows: oF iki Warren sen: award BR J Hainer fo, dohinaliowi, Ex -Miweritt Blair and Janes Unmpbell Wa ap joints Ha ik 4 FOLIA; Fae fia peopt © PF aie: wf LF ear Ppkagsd vat Js wile, shank, of Dae Soreagh. The names gw withdrawn and gee. CL —— ; Lown HT ~~ Nathing Magic about it hat -— fa = : the fact that it will eure ii La mes rms Ceoughs, coils and sore -— £4 fF Ld NO es ; throat almost instantan- -— | = ~ : “ho ok aed 1 contains nothing to in- i - pr jure the system and is casy Fall Directions on the a” oF Bottle. ore pi i = Price 25 Cents. OUR GUARANTEE. 4 you purchase any ous of nr awn preparations, and it does you no good, we will, npon the receipt of the empty bottle or package, retirn your money just xe freely as we took iL Wa feel safe in anying thiy, becyuse wo know the goods are right and all that we claim then to be PATTON PHARMACY, C. W. Hodgkins, Prop'r Haweh, of ”- igh - on E it Pays to Save Our Cash Register Checks. #% ¥ i i Red kW a Bis a 2 Laver LOT SX La Ba Vika aiid the x When Mr (Voonnory presenisd bine % Boing 4 ina ; oi a oe 4 ait he gnlingasiealiy gris wed. £ ap SF en und He trade: a shor | pO, Guriag his hoped to escape the a 3: 3 3 a abe ite 4 tendered fun because he an older man than hes tht he had felt Bt the honor should all to ‘that some one older might serve the ‘people better; bat that since the call had come to him from Democrats in i (bo defeat or Miotory. every pert of the county, be felt it his re- | duty to accept, whether the road lead | y Ho = ZA Wil indi 4 are what should mterest the beopue ts te 8 ¥ 2, 20, : Sun vane, It i 15 AH ASS sertt on 1110 thing r to back it Welw ve made real ol nections, amd rR. Suits now frpo0 $14.00 Suits now B11.00 R11.00 Sais pow $0.00 [8.00 5 Suits now v 30, 30 35.50 Suits now 24.50 Are you going to take a rip this summer new line of trunks and valises just rece’ wid
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