The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 25, 1901, Image 8

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    i a Er ER aS ema A RA AA et et
ook barys of the body. Mr iY
, Notes and Gossip Concerning People and ‘Things in a
Hustli ing Borough—All the Happenings About You and.
Your Nelghhor- jiu erprising Business Men who are De-
serving of Liberal Patronage—Keep Your Eye Pecled for the
Latest and Best.
(Al Copy for Advertisements, News Items, Job Printing. Subscriptions, Ete. }
1 Pe, Can be Left with Dan. Reamer, who 1s Authorized to Transact Busi
ness for the Hastings Edition of the Corrie.
pied Rowley. fn well. known oitisen hee sippilie ati af th Hastings Hen.
merchant of this place, diced sid Celleial and Social society for a charter |
Hay afternoon at the home was torned down by Judie Barker al
fam Prion, shout three miles HB benshurg ou Monday, The Couric ited :
benabarg, in Cambria t township, | several Hpi fn snd decisions to show |
rt futur, intused hig Ah abinck iat Cl Hag ad bey pened 8 soriety
Mr. and Mrs with more than 8 single object. On
Eovnstary from their this basis the application was ded dared |
day, aid white there My, illegal and the charter was re fused,
iy was buku quite nt. He Le : Ripiitmatiay Bron, ol 2 bys pris, WirR
. to reso er, howekne, » aad, B08 gaearded the tontract for the eroction
tid oe of twenty flv new houses at arrall
haw hy tha Ca rroitown Improvement V8 arid Lanic,
id Mr Pricey oi The work is to begin Grete png = ty relieves: it in
wad “0 i thal he cond puahied to som pletion. The nees will anu Tein
wosed, and by was tii into Hut bo wo story buildings 16224 with a i
and it physic sum Bon Ad yBeia kitehen sed collar hi
san in a very | eg a] FE. frapar te io
und the ’ # y : {owt wey pseu hook contanang Pespared by ££. C £0 Fite ACs. Chisage.
; | repeated Bia visit
waving his Bite, about one packs abi to o rar YC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy
aad Tour checks pay: abi to Passion, Cunt's Phases, Hasting
Hi Fowher & Lo :
hy ro turaing sania bo Par
wo Patton, Fa.
Tie A. 0 took the Glen Lampe
brat] Biase 1 enh ina camp on Weds
ings, was ment fir and alu th
eo Rice arvived tou Tati
jie ¢ afleraoon bo the tone of Th 6
of H afin, sea wert fp 2 whi
aah Latin Job sil an Ronen gang,
giving the Glen Campbe H buys oniy
fined bon tn bosdoess In Husl-
{hor bite
4 y i mambo of years Hie?
wan x great sirpring Lo vyery Miss Hester Similar, of Philipsburg,
The fund hak th ay aipathy of Laelin bean been visiting Mise Ape Loowin te
entire town. Mr. Rowley wis br the past two wonks, petunia 10
vents old and bua been in lier home on Wednesday, i
ona about taal yous He Chis. GG. Fagan, the up-to-date whgn : R F. 8. EVANS
grvived by bis wife snd three chill painter, has the contract for painting ) ENTIRE :
Mon, Tho Proseer, of Barns the New Central; alo Vhe public school SEATING
1 Jowoph and Anais, at hom. uiiding. i At Commercial Hote
owing teachers have been Ralph I. Moure, Soperintendent of 4 0 wunry sial Hotel, |
y peach thie Hastings schools “he Puritan Coal Co, entertained his | eM ha ART.
coming term: Princip futher of Lavcaster, Pa, on Tuesday.
8. Joris, room Nao 5 Fio 0. | John Van Pelt. of Bellefonte, fe \Foley’s Kidney Cure
n , 4, Belle Woomer; room ypending a few days with his nncle and : makes kidnsys and Bladder right.
Wm. A. Libby; room No. 2, unnt, Mr. and Mrs i. B. Spangler, : fd as
Ivory, and room No. 1,0 apn (Chas Cyphers, of Barnesboro, | FHuttale, Rochester & Pitts.
na Ivory. Mr. Jooe has been |, pounding a few days with her par- | burg Rain
of thy Hastings schools 107 | ie Me. and Mes J. A. Park.
Mr. Lantzy, the father of Andrew |
gi Hastings base ball club was de- | pantay, of this place, died at Carroll : :
by the strong Coalport Reds on | aen on Taesday morning. nr Tims OR tH ft
aey score 8-6. Thomas Nelson has purchased the wana Ee PAW 3 SM
Beckwith, of Glen Campbell, | pool room formerly owned by Cecil 57 § muh.
Nii, seen in town on L. Beckwith. ; i
# wh § fo Ki ERY
: Byrd Mahaffey bas again resumed | Mont Mongrave,
work at the post office after an absence SN a
of six weeks, | any cede Bl
i Sig Wain 3
Mrs. I. Goldstein, of Patton, spent aiCAM Junotion. 55
Paitin ae
Ifow days with hor daughter, Mrs. RB | paji nex
: © Briek ways ithe.
Goldman. Ridgany..
1t is rumored that. the new Central | Fai bar. ons
in moto to change hands. i Newtown
Bradtied \F
W. OC. Shiffer spent Wednesday in >
| Gallitsin on a business. ! a
Arrive A M
£3 ONDENER 1 11
jin effect July 1, 1861
FBS Tk wen 0 NG Ri
£5 2
i 3
oa ea
Cimwnes 1:6 a mo dally, exept Sanday
| ‘When the quantity of food taken is A
{00 large Or the qualtity too rich | | Paste Time SOT I BOUND
hearburn is likely to follow, and espec- Leavy AM A)
ially so if the digestion has been weak- | | Ba rs
ened by constipation. Eat slowly and Hrattard
not too freely of easily digested food. | Newton
Mi dient.
ING ee
pi NP
peEtnEe,. x*
rt ie
Eieh Ev
vi .
is ba
x ye
a wa
3 a We
Ea vw
when you feel a fullness and weight
| in the region of the stomach after eat- AEE
ing, indicating that you have eaten too Big R
| much, take one of Chamberlain’s Stom- | Pu
| ach and Liver Tablets and the beart- | Bet
Iburn may be avoided, For sale by Coder ik
| Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings, and C. Batiar.. : ~
|W. Hodgkins’ Pharmacy, Patton. thensy | FAW
Pi my then lr ou
¥ x 4 wy 4
-1 Adititional train lo Pas xsut &
Dr. Goo. Ewing. a practicing physi, AIS! 1 frm Pugin ©
; clan of Smith's Grove, Ky., for over CLEARFIELD DI VISION
ears, writes hispersonal exper-
Shity Jeu Ee ey cure. * her | East Bout] ava
{years 1 have been greatly bothered : Beysuldayifte. :
+ | with kidney trouble and enlarged pos- Dubus ; :
© trate gland, I used everything known | JAM Juuetic Borie
| to the profession without relief, until } Carat fed Jar ket BE osins
1 was indaced to use Foley's kidney Arrive
eure. After using three bottles I was! Wem Bound on
{entirely relieved and cured. 1 per-. t Chprfeld, XXL mmuon.
of | geribe it now daily in my practice and | i a Me
heartily recommend its use to all pby- | £3 M Junction
| sicians for such troubles {for I can hon. || Ful 8 Crock. ata
| estly state I have prescribed it in hun- | FER
: dreds of cases withfperfect success. isPmily. thmily except Sunday.
All Druggists. i Tredns 3 and 8 are solid vestibaled, equipped |
Dwith bandsome day conches and neelimng ©
DeWitt's witch hael salve should be “rio i Aad Tha, Paiinan Heepees be. |
13% an ween Buffklo an IRDA an wr
Seton Tt. mthen to cuts, rig en ufo
Ev 3
= 4
TEA Ee ad 1»
¥ a
EE 4
¥ ok
wa Tod
woh LR
San 0
¥ 3
anges” x
Now a a I
ue pete Re pour th ew 48° i
UBL BEE 2 wi]
a Eni 5 5°
z nT :
Genera! Passe A tt,
Rochester, NY
The gresteot hosler of modern mes
iis Banner Salve for cuts, wounds, | ¥!
: - : 4 i
Solid bonis i
i a
% % Cn br dD
Heartburn 1 Additional train femves Butler for Paso i
Sane 2
, XE
i Teal
; Snimphy a hod FTaverburst al TE a be, XW
sores, piles and all skin diseases. It is Pui
guaranteed. Use no substitute. ALL Cen
8 | _- E
ij cents a week. Why don’t you whe}
Hastings, Pa.
Moanifystnress of pad Jaelerm in |
All Kinds of W orked
and Rough |
Lumbe We nave opened a branch office in the
All kinds of building sup-|
plies, porches, stair work, GOOD BOILD NC Also at the Old
store fronts, window and door 1 dd ST
frames; contracting of all
k iy CrP L § Dd % Ta EERFER LUN T :
inds are our specialties, PATTON, HASTINGS.
Doors, sash, monlding, ote, always
basis cop Sali ited. ! E. A. M ELLON, Mar. G. M. Pratzman Mgr.
ali Stocks and
; ntl k. Pp and Pittsburg
Stack Foxe] hanges: alsa Grain and Provisions on the Chicago
Fon Ra ay
Rr Te ge
1 h Tee
Fle aN
aly Go i -
LI3ragers (or 169 Spf Us aug Bp Aik
“3 # g §.% 4 AN * A * gh AA A ARR Eee ARR HER RH RIV IX $8 ares © wr Ee {3 ne {31it
News deve
hates beaks, | remmmee b
Guns Pharmacy, | \W. COOK,
en ® To Clear Out Obi Vast Stock
Denies in pen) satin sie IN A VERY BRIEF TIME
ou the Aim of Our Highest Endeavor.
rice 3 more and more alla ring and attrac-
tions mnitiplied to move out so many goods in so brief a
Diraying and Hauling done on seriod, but, iu igin 1g {rom the way in which they are moving
short notice daily, | be but a trifling amount left long before
: he exchange of proprietors.
YRHANER & FR, : VE ARE now having the ladies. Were 150, selling now at 10¢
| BOTGHENS, HASTEN 1 bigest sale at the greatest P¥ par. -
Geo. Simmelsberger,
BL Fai Hee of Pred wed Beas Meals soe gape hres of wee pipe . »
a - IE » whale: Sas Ls : 4) | es € VE : made Your Choice of Silks.
on on choice and beantifnl “Rib
X pewtion of Teer patria condinily se Pot Our closing out sale has struck our
{ Hetgedd, Bote ind with silk department harder, almost, than
All colors and widths. | any other department, the prices are
: ALL OUR tealet articles of so low on such handsome and desirable
every sort, including an im- goody that the demand is enormous, a
'mense line of the best toilet bint to slow buyers that may expect to
soaps cn the market, are all. Jo oe peuttiest still here a week or
marked at special closing-out Thre are still beautiful Foulards
figures. here in the $1.00 and $1.25 grades and
haice patterns that aced
“GREAT REDUCTIONS] ties atterus that aro retuced te hs
vd : re In the 85c¢ qanlities at 58c.
, are als | in order at the jewel 1b the 780 4 pies A Ho.
od ‘ery epartment on rings, pins, | ; Frosty was silks were 50c, to go out
brooches, bracelets and all jm ie ¥ yu 7 avery. shade nud stale
I sorts of pretty and useful art-| redued from 50 to Se yard. _y
‘icles. | From Te and $1 to 3c yard.
RR A SPECIAL lot of Val Promila andsise
RUDSOR RIVER RB. id ov OR 0 41 From $1.25 and $1.50 to 78¢ yard.
| Penpsirivanin Divison.) : ‘laces and insertions are dis- | And various other prices at
; : 2 beige redactions,
Becch Creek District. played on a table in front of .
Bed n Oondensed Time Table, = vr middle aisle. The prices are Rl] Wool Dress Goods.
Exp Mail Jone Ia, Wa Esp Mad low, even for the cut rites now | Now tiai oar Wool :
(Na¥T Nois Xam Nu Hh
BI Patton wi iE prevaiiang. have been so heavily reduced it would
: 3 atoser 2 12. ALL BOOKS, paperteries and sta- {be a good scheme to buy now for fall
Th yar sy ME IE onery goods are all to go out at prices WEG, a8 all are in the prevailing styles
Gagan 72 im that have been cut just about the one (and so cheap. :
. eT half line. Dress goods, in many styles and
: Ll : shviey shat sold regularly at 2c, 0c
ww FB Adar 21 an: are put in two lols now, at ide
: Jenrtield LTA Embroidery Bargains. and Ile per wr
Woitand +i! There in a lot of Cambric edges and | te lot low priced at 50, go now at
Walinoeton 4 33 insertions that are vow marked like | 35 per vard.
4% int 7 i arrisdale X ea a ad Lids: 3 The she at 38,
Slob Fhiipebaty yi 4% The Sc quality at Se yard. | The #24c and 9c at 42¢.
6 10 48 arf “ tives 53 The te quality at fic vard. The 75¢ value now S¥c.
ie pi be nl WAIT G5 The Lie and 15¢ qualities Sic yard. a he $1 and $1.25 values at 79¢ and Sic
He 0 Peale 8 There are other fins vabses in all y
# Giliintown wi ¢ 6 sorts of embroideries, laces and alll’ na so on through our entire stock
x ii Bet Crock Mis Ih ovemn {and no finer values have ever been
5% Mi Hs 11s xm Near by is a lot of silk garters for offured.
$1 fami Paves RO8 : : el oa
Youngsiule (Way wr TIM RN ’ 1 -
Jersey Shere
Wiliamspurt artis glo The cheapest place in n the county to buy
am Phil's & Remding RB
#7 LS ar Wilts port IY 41
NYvia Taina on ar
Hupp) NY sta Pion aris
Pm ® moam
ADally Weekdays #00 p wm Sanday.
$30 56 & to Bandas ¢
Pittsburg & Eastern Brauch. ; You can save from 20 to 30 per cent on all
ne lwve Mahaffey for McGees, Glen merchandise.
Bh a
A on
A 0D a: Jemre tile Camp sila at %35 a rw, | Regular Price. Our Price. Rep Price. Our Price
230 and 4 p ag ExoNpi B
I ate Saceps Sutin with Phila Prunes.
HE and Heading Paiircad; at Sut Shore 3 ds. 25¢ 5 ponds, 20 3 :
Brook a 8 i pot a is. pon Be. 3 bc.
Paipatar hired I of Twn ay Ivania: R08, pos Po nds, :
iad bn Peansyivania nuilroad and | Gloss Soap. (orn Starch
Connecting nitro: at at
7 cakes, 5c. 10 cakes, 25e¢. 1 pound, 10c. 1 pound, 5e.
Also a full line of Clothing and Furniture.
Bicycles for sale or Rent.