The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 25, 1901, Image 5
Ri Fo A Br Br IB SE Sn in on Fi | at Sree bre daily. u Gallitzin Sunday. Nix room honse. Apply at this offios, | diesovered that the sound : office8 conta n bondle he mi fall nie © these riley store roums, LestA pocket book containing | ‘about one hundred dollars in money; Laid four cheoks payable to Parnell { Laral retened by rotarning samo fo Par. uel, Cowhsr & Uo Paste Pa. The Arm of Adolfzen | has dissolved part onl hy mutial | _ The Patton nase ball doh will play | LAER thes onlumn. Mr. Forsb BE Coie : | tinues the business and is a hostler and’ i i Jonathan Owen's celebrited brend | at Mellon's. Try it. on ~The trout fing season will close | Sinced fut he had consumption = fram to-day. Bivery time he drew & full breath he Wanted To rent 8 good five or paced a crackling sound. A TAIT : gentleman whiny dusopves suocess, 01d newspapers for ssle al tia ‘hy a amall buikie on hia grpenders, bee Fon ose embossed wtaiianeey? ~The apple crop In the county this, Tha Cor: sik a now in & position fe year will be very poor. farnish yon with latie A foll line of all kings of Fifa 8 eis. es #3 { X Hr wat Rinkead's (of wny kind Art Batis ¥ bia 1rial arcler ? = Horn To | Hr. and | My wendy Be Tike THY £ Fx 5 \ + sand peants wis! days ave cst SN mah 2s SH ie : on wines tho longest day. Pon nisl nits the ia ay r frol Zohn A made 3 Duss ie Patan. of Carseneillo ] 44 4 Fain wavs a ; hi hast week. ; ARR THOOIR sneha the eumtracty foam | addi | the Firs Bek 5 Lompay, } to eree 4 the | 7 shold will hella ts Avg Fost 3 bh, dontesct po small one and will re arby 0 oar toads of stone. Two heavy hail Storms strack fins juin Rent onday afternoon and even- FO. Hartshorne, cashier of the A | Pipst National Bank of Barnesboro, WwW JE Dunne, of Spangler, Was has arrived with bis family and are Yawn Tread sy on his way to Big: pocupwing a suite of rooms at The Commercial. We extend a cordial wel- When you want rubber stamps, some, and hope they may find a pleas: : ete, call at ¥. H Kin- ant home in Barnesboro Barmeshoro : Sentinal. : For & good shave hair cut or shan | Alex. Blesh, of Lock Haven, has " eall on Garfield Wilkins, Fifth | een awarded the contract for building | n Lone hundbed hoases at the new town | oF prindible and Tom Graham Sf Benedictine in Cambria connty, ho | it Trvona this week doing some ing laid out by Rembrandt Peale and vi others. This town is lid ont in the! Daggett left Wednesday for Pentre of im k lege body of « coral and ro | with relatives and friends in; tenlly parched by Mr. ; ty. The population of the world see frame work of W. H. Denlin. Hosted al one billion new houses on Fifth avenue has Cmillion, Exdh man, woman £1 ; Vir the world conld have standing All work guarante wil by Lhe Pir | in Toxne a } Has 0 fet, = Steam Laundry. Cinrfie] he Bach pooion in the wor. om barber is agent. ph © af Totths. The secotid brigade, N. G. P., will b : Bamareet this your, instead uf Pay 1 a Regehr, tha feruia XT {Kai © Cai ofr, i taking | in the a. : #3 ’ Major Ww, i H. Bell went to Cive ; oaday to appear ot are Lhe ore tiled by her Hite da irloe and Ber rth Hon Biller drove to the 3 snnell dear Che |r nd a Birthday party "fof his daughter Rowe, sisted of a homt of | wpe nt the day io a very # 3 i visit with tet : pain 3Y > hi I5 diaper t you want fire lundry work, | p your laundry with W. EB Pro. oo on paibom of i th apher, Mag ave, tel Ln agent for the Empire Bleam laundry. | oy or cotton, 30 of lawn — The first meeting of the Hi [forage crops, 25 of RORY ip of the Spanish-American W ae bs fib, ns Apsociation will be held inl graces i burg. during he first week in An ney ant of af the P.O. 8 of A Sa mnion 8 toy hs Bedi ab td won of John Johnson, residing on | Pa. Thutay August Lawrence road, fell from the York Central will sell excursion Hokeb = bridge on Monday and fractored from Philipsburg, Clearfield, Patton bomen of ia sight arm just above | and intermadiate points to Olasta sat return at single fare for round trig : 2 new on the Beech Creek | Special train leaves Philipsbarg at 7:4 of he New York Central rail. | am Tickets will wso be good Eing Fg Sh io 4 | ‘the use of Pinteh Hghts in the | and retoming on ebaches, which are charged * date. berry Junetion. ; Twelve y yor g store of CW. Hodg- Fares Ele dad wil ih four ud an biplane a Doll, Esq, has given up or : mont has. started a rool be Jt is mot generally | Lieqtenant Peary, to whe | expedition has just been mnt i five of Cambria county, Peary born pear Chest Bor ings abogl BU i BE His father wis» trict No. 9 1M. W. of A. is in Indian. 80d shookmaker, Fal ang shiipianl © this week assisting in sadit ing Ebundiand and siupis Che ade into barrels | Cmiolasses markeb. and the late Hon, A. rootemporaries. Judge A.V. Barker, i of Ebensbarg, and the younger Peary of age. Any infor | same will be thank | ~~Ia this your paper” ? fhe | Cowher & Co. Finder will receive fih- ppnsent ax will be seen by a notice in; CA man in Clearfield became con ial tl gr Thuveday Mes T. N. Nagle ac | were companions in their boyhood ~~ — Nothing Magic about it but the fact that it will dnre coughs, colds amd sore theaat almost instantan aotaly, It contains nothing to in- jure the system and is sasy lo take, Fail Directions on the Botile 25 Conta, OUR GUARANTEE FLAX VEU FRANK ah an archos any one of our GWD preparations, ] vol, ns will, apon the receipl GE he smphy packs pean Your avon joy just au freely as we took | in LY Wa fil anal ¢ xb tl i Pre rae SRERLE 3 1111 1 It Pays to Save Our Cash Register Checks. Sek BS hRbAEbbD LhLE BESsbEARs bABBERILD isddid 4 & Se ndae Co., Carpenter's, plumber's machinst's, blacksmiths and miners tools: bolts MIEWS, cutlery, mowing vigie ions, dog cals : axes, wrenches, files, : and unfinishe pt wrinigers, bells, Bab. BE metal, solder, whips, y neda, paints Gils, varn- inhien, Japan dryer. Serpe Ooors, window ReTeene vices shovels of wil kinda, rakes, boss farm SHU Harnoes "iz | DINSMORE BROS. bunbiry car @* Paint, sae in Sh 0eS. ‘ KIRK FURNITURE - & HARDWARE CO, Magee Ave, PATTON, PA. * Cheap John PATTON. PA OF PATTON, Store | ‘Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID UDP, 3108 00d Gay RIRPLITS. tg (mn a, % You are invites 2 . or see IY Hew Pe i # ea RE i. BANDFORD, ‘aatiier. SPECIALTY. <1 grade of Lime, DR. S. W. Worrell, + “ PHYSICIAN AND BIBLE GN § aone Lor rects| ey seales, loc ate “3 ik of store, i Hh | AgrGenerad Lirgury and The Eve a Soecmily, AL on 3 : = A LL BNA ; - 1 wiil in the future handle Fertil-| Patton Courier, izers of wll kinds. Farmers wishing it ars should leave orders early. 1 will not | Promoter of Publicity | keep | it a order direct from | 4 Advertising Rates made known on. The abu sures. | | application, JOHN SANIZ, i 7 FirstNation'| Bank oe in load Bag ing, Room No. 3 7 10 Full Blast at Store. Tn order to make mont Sr our new Hine of spring pods and elimn up all old stoek before moving into our pew goariem, we ave golbe to offer vou sich bargains in the following goods that it will be 4d aving fa von. Avail wm raeif of this ope portupdty and save from 20 0 3 ger cent, Wa RHE reatise that voir will not have tee for these goods at We sinh ¥ i vist prices tee are poling 0 name shotid 100 1 ards fal mae! oot men's how prabiiera woith Si wa oifor them at Sin 8 Hi Tae, now 38 “ ii . ; ME now HR bs ont tol walita, the 75 kind, now go at iSe. 1 lot Indies® 1, Wi pers, Ty i cabae 31.05 new go at Te i Tt won! sua Che Se Rind, sow Ie 1 lot ehikiren’s hoods, he 260 kind, now Li 1 lot Indies’ all wool stir patterns, worth $1.00, will close ont af Te 1 lot, the fhe ind, at 8 3 at fBuninators, Bhi S05 now 588 In 3 “03s fn L lot ladies’ wool anderwear, the regular Dollar kind, at 730 ARS Se underwear will Zo at 370. 1 lot men's and boys’ enge, the 50a ki sd, al 230 Pode ine ks Ji " BE he 3s 180. All wool hostery ab 25 per cent off, LA 1 winter gloves sad mitts at vost, All Bit honibs and aretios at less than ¢ * ak We hive a few pair of shoes in odd sizes that we think are big values your sige 8 here it will pay you to purchaes, We have same vary pretiy things in new suring goede for von Drrop in and see 1 : Yours For Trade, Patton Supply Co. ssi 'AJ200.K) } US Se) 2101 - ‘Aen O J oe i | TP Pit 122g NE RL BE Chop, Feed and Meal. Dr: V V. AN Murray, X 1 5 = 4 PE Besti equipped Mili ern Unmbria Camas Patton Feed & Buckwheat Mills, £335 SEITZ, X vd frm § ‘Dentist! Office Hours--8 a. m. 2m, andl p m todp m | Office fin Patton Buildin doar 0 - \ {Office in Patton Building, nxt dour (0. F oley’s Honey and Tar 1 ' Meals lungs and stops the cough,