ESN a a A A RE SA the re in ficrchants of this How tony the people of Penn will be bothered with these g deputies, while the real cul- s sana faoturees enjoy immum- | ot known, In this connection | ; harges, which have not as yot | waproved, loom up on the re with striking regularity. ag are simply this: That ain wholesale grocers who | them from all dnmages. itis us, fo say the lone, that are fo Late enough to have gern Of a sense of humor, that carefully, says a writer in # Home Companion, Itis and savor of life. Loarn over the fuibles of your ing thism none the Tome but | A of their litad weak- uly an atom in an univerys, after all. BRIGHT trade Journal says that mat fir un a or a few lo icket hus ¢ probably been paid for wn tim by the paper to which it Tes ia will be honored in the | hays of man, woman or child, white lor black, red or yellow, who favor association by presenting it, good tor entrance and grand stand, and pas team free. The association recog- nines the fact that ita splendid success grief | thanks. ” re American Brand of the Boclety besrer i driving, will be entitied to} is clone to the notices so freely given by | the press, and while we cannot render | an ed jaivident in cash, we return our ° i 10 City, Cape May, Ocean City, Isle City, Avalon, men Wr Holly Beach, N. J, Rehoboth, Del torre within sixteen days, date of excursion. cars und day coaches will leave Pilts burg on above-mentioned dates at 850 a m., arriving at Altoonn 1215p. m, time for supper. and arrivin at oan | Route the only ail-rail fines Phitadelphis, and proceed to the she Gre Sigeet Wharf or Broad on the following 4 Say. lantic « tty will plo regarding a future life. They are oq) detirons of obliining statlstics on this | suljot. Fhe ati : | desith or not; second: do yon desire future lifes whatever ils conditions may fotnre life be fo make the prospect or less likegyour present fife? Can you state what elements in life were felt by yo to call for its perpetuity ? Third: can you sate why you feel this way, las regards qoostions one and two? Fourth: do you now feel the question of a Mature e life to be of Ff argent import ; Land four andtagons change? i 80 it 'whien, and in what way ? Sixth wound, you like to know for certain about the fatare life, or would you prefer to eave it a fnabier of faith} ? | Fis FA NOY ut Aafenwe. to a breach of or chung 1 toons’ plerw of promise. cane ix that reported from: me the street afer dark, or pubis i in the paper where ‘ta not the Shells. of yore, and whom he ¥ ih Wann a whil aid aa unliors Bud : Baptist ¢ danech, Wil the experimint haying been | Sunday night with sucoon, Mrs. ! oy, the paitar a wile, who often | for her husband, ouctpied the | A " who Spxpot to wit! noy Long i ar id Twonty-Miles : ¢ cannot dim | the gallant Admiral | fon a Sh | petanda, He na on that he being a small, and warned her Jaro that man, woniid Wr FE WAR BO place | in heaven for lazy | ¥ * Bowling Green, Obio, where Mi { admits he promised to marry | yeiurs ago, bul that any pros | ares, fiat: would you preter to live ator Hl seem tolerable? Would you, for ex- ample, be contented with a life more Strent ® ation, Phil adniphin, ed L iniely on arrival, Pickets will be sold from stadio (tha rates named below: he? If you do not prefer to live after | daith, what would the character of the if “Tickets will alsa he good on regular i tridns leaving Pittsburg at 430 and 9.00 p. m., carrying sleeping osrs Ww Philadelphia, and 7.10 p. m., carrying special Pullman sleeping cars through to Atlantic City. to rates and time of trains apply to ticket agents or Mr. Thos KE. Watt, | District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg Nidben. In the Orphans’ Court of the county of Cambria. To Licorge Kist anil other heira and pial representatives of Lachard Kist, | deceased. Cirseting: You are hereby cited Lo wi and appenr bofore the Judges of the (Orphans Court to be held at Edens (burg, on the first Monday of Septem Det i next, al 10. 4 ‘clock A. mo. Hens and ail estate of Leonard py deo i 3 iby an ings tid Const, calier Why 7 FoR : ¢ Vial del Fe BrHEL mide to hie ri the past cannot be oon. sidered now. He pleads that wars ago widen be was courting her 124 pounds Now she weights 319 dingly with |suith a huge mate and he could no | wh wis one of the fairest and weighed pile On fiw , 1901, Bow send given Lo ait person 3 sia day boaght all the pe r property, inca ding Hosted hiked fle, of JL i : : onger hold her on his knees and oa dar » | nr souls away in everlast vous her as he in alleged to have done | in the happy deys when Stells was just a niee srmlal. She wants $5,000, Hite bs an aothoritative mill mooted sak herolc deed 7 & Santiago. The General Jobn P. Ekin people won't stand fori | Baling in still Bik Fighting | with his mouth Bob | fact that the npw fish: and pane law hag had to come to the defence | Lootitains no prtibit Lica. The vid blue 4 rylander in justion ko corey laws of 1784 cover it he decluces, and ghzine fighters are not | it ought to, rappers’ and the public ————————————— ought to bey iF i ne the key aotdof the n his exarllent Fourth of July | 1 yon live in Patton work | jer Infantm, The « Sactors bad given ; hat. othe principle! bottle of C Shamberiali’ w oaaiiol ohuder ‘tt | ‘and diarrhoea remedy to the house, . acts every town great t deadly a teallel is till being 0 good tdvantage. The Phil. ASHI. Pie imi seovement in the coal trade in (his section continues, muck to the Aud renovered my Beall Wise, Madison, Cin. Lauinin’s Ph wd OW, fog 2 flair Sha, Sik want 8 mode - date physic try Chamberlain’ ! . Ge : Ce Cala Fiv wir Tablets Th oo Ree CENY Tie a local as jam ifleation of the miners, operators take and plessant in ffect. Price 25 ‘penta. Samples at Gunn's During in May an infant child of out neighbor was suffering from chol- 1 tool telling him it would do good if used jaserding to Sie stings. 1a two dave Ptinee the child had Milly recovered, The child is now vigorans and healthy. 1 bave recommended this remedy fre Record last week published a quently and have never known Xa an adelress delivered by Jan. i fail. H. Curtis Baker Boolowals eid side Uy side with an editor: | Objo, old hy Guan's a near-by axehange, The sim. wis very striking. mt A rumors of deals, in which | digting. What your body neals is | fant P itical parties in this | plnty of geonind Toremd property i v interested, | Then if your stomach will not digest are sald ty be vitally the subject matter just now of dorous editorial itemuices on i Pharmacy, Prarmaty, Hastings, and CW. Howl kins, Patton ft iw easier fo keep parel. DeWills ile taken nive and then, yuar bowels in periect never grips, but pro isin at {% WW. Hodgkin Phanu- ace, Patton. Nou oan never care dyspepsia byt: digestei it, Kodol dyspepsia cure will. It con. “talpsall of the natura aipestanis, hone mat digest every vlass of food and so of puri partisan journalistic! prepare it thal nature can use it in i nourishing the body and peplacin & the 5 # wasted tissues, thus gy ing Hib, health, initiative in a fusion political J healthy Appetite. Gunn 8 p he AT r this fall by declaring for 2° Hastings, and ©. W. Hodgkins, es, Domuoorat, of Bucks the Supreme Court nomi. ey tive BE. A. Co wlent Republican, of Lae Leoitemy, piles, sprains, Patton. Any advertised dealer is authorized to guarantee Runner Salve for tetter, | for State Treasurer at uliers und any open or old sore. All Dinggists. gints. panty con vention. i bay reed by thus joa baons wit be exopaied b kidoeys, Folev's Kidney mikes them well All Drs fovunt Inactive Hvar a canes, DaWitt's [id dep Eratily ing ; Pharouwy, Hastiigs, and kins, Patton. Thos, W. Caterer, of Ashboro, N. that will compare with it All Drag. Ocean City, Md. Tickets god to re : Including : A special train of Pullman parr where stop for dinner wil be Tate, reaching Philadelphia 6: 5p nr by any regular train from. Marker, sr than At- ie nel the nightin ; Philadelphia, and ves regular trains of Physical Reyesrch has issued 4 cir : : E oo | colar to mecertain the sentiment of peo. Por detailed information in regard tie City, ia the Deleware Riv tr Bridge Le : Passengirs may also spend the night in 5 the sume That the graden of the tre §, ieee oad alle gaol the Borough Gf Patient sbiadi hereafter br of the sama alevstinn se established by Bor ongh Foginesr HL CG. Yerger, in profi hereto attached and made part bersof. Hereby revoking all ordinancess or parte of ordinances or resolations in consistent herewith, Enacted pind ordaioed thw, the 32d day of June, A.D IW RANK { AMPEELL, President of Counal. Attest: JAMES Toit i 15 Bo Neri D. 3. saat fhe Sppratse sel yalgsBion pat apn i ‘Ein? Eisnl Git £0 heed Kidney trouble and one bottle i: Ho Foley's Kidney cure effected 8 perfct scalds, burns, cure, and he says there is no remady Hy will De in el the Pan-American Ex xposition, Fiekets Kemited to 15 days Dneindin date of sale good on saniingoun passage in ened dir petion, on mle! every day Voie Few fed ind £ 2700 hot edd to 7 Birr verily noel 1 Arisa Over-Work Weakens Your Kidney 3 Make nip Stongac £5, dia CW, Hodgkins, Patian bs Gunn's harmacy, Hastings gs. If we do it, you know that it is done iri the best style and the most artistic workmanship. You also know that the money expended re- miains in Patton and that you are helping to fill your own cof- fers. Per contra, if your job printing is dome ont of boy 5: you Like- wise know, or ought £0, that you are help ing rob yourself, and times « aut t of bh ni $A El oink A Apa ea 3 OR at %
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers