PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA ., THURSDAY, JULY zs, 1G831. * Boone and Mis Fama Bites, the dhughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' fsnae Elles, both of this place, were Joined together in the holy bonds of | matrimony at 8 o'clock Wed mesdny weok on business. evening, July 17th 1901, at the resi. Born--To Mr. and Nrs Howard dence of the bride's parents Thos | Woomer on Bunday--a boy. nuptial knot was bed } hy AR. A. Park, of Ridgway. was a vie igor in town last Thursday. ; J Bx-Mavor Jess EK. Boyd, of Johns town, was & Patton visitor last wel Li Ms Wm, McCormick | with (arrolltown relative PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. Pith, Pointed Pomatliugs Ferialning to Peopie nod Pleees, BC Brown is in Maryland this > STR ve ore engi ; Week for pe in the Bow 7 whe foes anil asia Jr 5 of the {le LX8Th Beery 4 PROGR Vi this ak x The 1 sips © me abers of the First Greek ~. Miss Ray Goldst hy of Patton are anticipat- | wlth frends in Jol day on Monday, September | 824. car of i i § £ 3 a $34 Miss Jolie Alle, , 18 i guest at the Home , {Labor Pay: ol thie oot aale ar. pation Are NCW in progress for | a ean of the event and p 38 1 pected to be a ved letter day In | gineers ty of the church, A sumber John Seely wil Be preaent th wid to the sno at wiiek. cess of the affair nnd Greek sovieties | . mber of teavns nearby will rows, wi ipate in the parade to be held | Patton Bilver Curtet Band has engaged and societies from Span. | Barnesboro, Hastings, Gaiam, |! uw, Dunlo, Portage snd Wind. | with other memes of the church a these towns, will assist in the gor fies. A big dane with plenty yments will bi held ail day and t in Fivemen's. Hall, which has Lett, pin engaged for the oceasion. Every. jon over Sunday. ¢ e will jovited to join in the fos | oF. V. Perry: of Co : noident bo the isvent and aia: ™ ynday wish r in foes and A 1 0 nea is pi Ad anh wiek, «Mise Bara Spotswood, visiting ber Seed two, sister, Mellon Bt EH antic Oty. Nir. and Mra wore the guests is fvh h = serpipy The TRANSALTING 8 Es Ty a sominid Te. sib sei This 1 fad: SK thee Eosglity Thani iii h wi i be given in Crarped Hands Mooonily A os tenons GROWING SCARCES. i wo 8 A. an) that the isdber meniiemay, day closed the S Saminatlion of Hard, several days last week for certificates to teach in | he wmbria county Sonchars’ ine county, The figures show | atitate will be held st Flensburg the Pe week bopinsior November 18 : : Water company, _ Patton ete, $i. ein the nomber of | iy : P . vot thin year boing 1, =A young son of Rie at Wiliams (heat Creex Land and Improvement ; ; are) hind fhe misfortons 1s fall feom a ; company 1 Fatton Ww “ter Company, ? Wags £5 Saturday and hrihka big Arm , B15 oo, : Fratton, eli ab the elbow. : Administrators of Henry Hopple to “Daniel Prtta of a y PP io SRT. : ial on 4 Sormier well. known resident of Patton, i Conrad Weide roth; Comm Ju alte Was visiting friends and relatives here : William H. Denlinger, Patton, $500, {ast week and thi i Williams H. Denlinger et ux et al to A Patton base ball club visited William H. Deslinger, Pation, $700. Carrolltown on Sunday and feasted on M.D. Kittel et ux to John W. Kep- i QOORE BEES, whily the home team aver. hart, Croason, $280. aged nu ran for every inning. Mary Owens to Grimith J. Joves, | ‘fhe Huntingdoo and Clearfield’ | Ebensburyz, $1,800. Telephone to. which will do business | J. W. Leech et ux to Mary Owens, in Patton, has ebicted officers and the Ebensburg, §2.000. work of construction will begin soon. Henry McAnalty et ux et al to Price If you missed the J. E. Kirk Hard- Davis, Barnesboro, $200. | warn and Furniture company ad. last | Administrator of Thomas Bradiey to Edward Johnson, Gallitzin township, weelt, don’t fail to see it this week; 4 $1. bangains in both hardware and forni- Josoph Bearer et ux to Charles John- : gehanna, $304. : son, ; ~Read the new advertisment of the 1a 0 & improvement ation Water coinpany, : Chest c rest LoonenyY 1G Pi Lo wy al Frostes, Patton Wad iy x & i x % David Atherton et ux to Thomas Warrender, Barnesburo, §70. Franz Huber et ux to Marks Huber, Hastings, 510. Administrator of M. A. Quarts, by the sheriff, to Mary Ann Quartz, Cres- >. non, JL30 Annie Reynolds, et vir to Jesse E. ® | Bam, Burnesboro, $50. Chest (‘reek Land and Improvement conmipany to James White Patton. $80. | R.H McGarvey et ux to E M Fleck, Spangler, so. Front Live Boys Tobuess. | He Bealived Maoh Low Than cat Falls Cronk | Army's bookkeeper and outside fore-. Ww OGL ID GENERHL NEWS a , Short Items Placed in a Con-| venient Shape. RE BEAT AT LORETTO. Of all St mmer Clothing, Straw Hats, Co : Furnishings and Tan Shoes. "w e want the r PHLharg axes Io Medias | - : icash. All profits given to our customers. COME ALL! red come at | the firs st of the season woo Mitbrinne of 3 Fallon fa Ree ov fhe mgd : Sonu Parr Bat {ah ictions and ) Sad tes $a $a NILAERR NGS | HED LUCK. FEE Faas Evy fa io aie Yau 1 giv iparned af the fem of Dburi oF Falls Coed, fond their recent laoatwig tions at Cherries, Indiana a wn PO Bex PEE 3 WE tate abo Ap Sha Bid Casa sox SOUnlY, i i Ri Ty ¥3 4 Fak Shp ® A RAs brazed ard Sost the grea Sin SRYD ID For may ven foremnady of Ouburd & ha fe Ant Was wo among the bosiness men of Shi Beds, Fle made exellent wages st Fails Creek and after the permanent closing down of that mapufasstory on seosant | if the scarcity of timber, entered into a contract ¢ with f € Odbarn for the sawing of lumber al Cherrytree, Indi ana county, where the firm of Osburn Shaffer had extensive holdings. The mill was erected at a great cost ‘and was one of the finest and most { somplete manafactories in this part of the state. The mill was in operation for two. | years or more, when the supply of tim- | | ber gave out and the owners failed to realize on thelr investment. This fact together with the small contract price paid fur sawing sad expens) of getting the logs to the mill and the finished product away from it, cut down the revenues to stch an extent that the contracting firm found itself much on | the debit side when the cut bad been finished. Had the operations continued for a number of years the firm would | have been able to realise on ite invest- AH ak IAAN Neysions ing and Shoe (Co. Directly Opposite Bank. EYE! SPECIALIST, —--Will be at C. WW HODGKIN'S PATTON PHARM ACY, One Day Only, Friday, August 2nd. You MAY GO BLIND : ! ment but the period was too short, considering the cost of the mill snd running expenses. Mr. Osburn on ascount of his being | part owner of the tract, was able to | realize some money out of the transac. tion, but Mr. Hildebrand was less for- ‘tanate. It is iso stated that his son, John Hildebrind, an exemplary and industrions young man, who was the If incom ney is pormi rotted to become acter | Yas eed ig or Ea are be 1 by app p sight hi ihe aye and iis diseases & deep dy f pertiining to this most senmiive | best advice and umes whose sight In iaiperfict from any cause TALK. The confidence he has of his ability to jive the here the sight is concerned is born of and fostered by the | which has accompanied the practice of ‘his specialty. ihe section of your ad i i rained by OY ! i i g & It nim talk ‘ man, had allowed his salary %o sccum- wi bef decide thi farther. You may avoid moch An act passed by the legislature and | 1. without withdrawing any of it, pith you ong ling spon sayihing > CHICAGO OPTICAL CO. Legned hy the governor provides: _.4 when the accounts were bal- | Pua ny Pr lpi shall sell | noed there was no money to satisfy meco in any form Any Person on- | lai The 11 Kav el ually in payment of $230,000, is claims. The gentlemen have many in pay der the age of 16 years, that no person | fiends in DuBois and Falls Creek who em (0 receive e i Catabria county will recelve every Year. corona shall by purchase, gift of | re acery o HH misfortane. form to i person under the age of 16. Beech Creek Coal and Coke yess. Any person vialating the pro- Jo, expect to mine and ship a million visions of this act shall be guilty of a nd a half tons of coal from July 1, miwdemesnor and upon conviction 9al, to July 1, 1902 This will be | shall be sentenced to pay a five not ex- abcut double the record of last year, ceeding (oe hundred dollars, or to un- ‘which was the best in the history of dergo confinement in the county jail ‘mines under the direction of the for a period not exceeding thirty days! nt or bath, as the Court may determine.” Nitice of Dissolution of Partoership. Notice is hereby given that the | partnership heretofore existing be- | tween J. A. Adolfsen and C. F. Fors- . | berg, transacting and doing business in the borough of Patton under the firm name and style of Adolfsen & Forsberg, has this day been disolved A. Adolfsen re- ‘much {terest that it is believed a large : _ ~The Eh the wg week in August | j wnt the first week in October und will, four years fom the restored fond other means furnish tobacco in any | DuBois Express. Great Gane Arranged What is expected will be one of the greatest contests ever given on the home grounds will be the base ball game scheduled for Saturday afternoon : by the married and single men of Pat | som. The game excited 20 1 orand of ima crowd will be present. The question 37% what should interest the people. of an umpire and scorer has been dis- | ‘worth $20, but teat does not mean vaine. cussed and impartial admirers of the ‘with nothing to back it. We've made real game are inclined to the opinion that the values are here to prove it. two married men should be chosen, in- | asmuch as two bachelors officiated at the previons game. The COURIER | would suggest for these positions J. 1! Donnelly for umpire and Jos. H. Hub- rinary ones with which the papers are filled, It's easy to say $12, It is an assertion reductions, and [$18.00 Suits now $13.00 $14.00 Suits now $11.00 $11.00 Suits now 38.00 $3. no Suits now $6.50 —Bora—To Mr. and Mrs Chas. Me- ® 50 Suits now $4.30 ¥ Are you going to take a trip this summer? If so, see our new line of trunks and valises just received.