RR 3 SALA r 10 of Rica empl ayres of the & en an increase in wages of 10 per The mien in these mills are not 1 It wax reported in Clever o that the steel serilie is di ron- Aton | fer Hus ye ent, and then to idence was intro hare, W.Va. mothe Ei ge effcet that the so JET. Ferry, the mys: Sa ln the exe, anil : ty FW x (Special) —Monds iy the | * htadetghia hit t owas wild and dens ralipes Lag bimat ¥ sha it © lie Seclargim of 2 | hels em ploving 5 { oh, ; fothree of the SUDEKIETY | Ga Winny a : Aris She Linited States Steel| Xuinity af Baltimore as d Alexandr Coming on top of this was! py itsdelphia wha want jobs anirehieved drouth in 1% Wockien in the Readin k “it femnae Od ning rish to sell was ne jal) i fonts i I made wide openings on a pyiot of the company & offical scale in the United State hii wil be e pion sx well us the 8) Twenty thou sand shares | m Had to be taken sim. he opening at ito gr with 4144 on Sanirday. Td of the. preferred care ad the nN taro ey pre wide aa anti ene law was thread hired in the Virgin royal Convention. as was also: nko Alle the pri ARETE rick. who s wis sent 10 the ro] irand. disd in St. Luke's How ow Yuk Titer. of Virginia. ignal, who 1 in ig ent gpatt Ir. F aken i in comting: : 7 18 SPEIn 5 eth river at Alani gs. br what lightened the Wicsors Fo: iave, at : yiekd Has Fone nr Dat : Judge Speer. of the United Soates Ci r- h t Comr: in Creorgia, has decide yrices near $a0.000 oi he $20.000 tealinsd in aimast Lae BD Spanish #tesne i rr busted Freong ibis ; [ae % ind the officers and men o ks . grhichead Ys LIFE aD ropERTY. Pierre Lariiiand by his wil . Crrieas dork fare valued ar 33 : Peopt Periah Duley Mrs. Lathan Alben who wad nd Har 1% wears. To bas wie, from Ww fee phi pecial) Oriental Be was estranged, he left an cand, gf | $s0.000. ie caused by the erp Lan R. Hania the Senator's 3n, st cane. in northern Java, | cured a writ of habeas corpus gaat rremts of lava and red his wile in New York for ns claldren, wed amid showers of ashes but she locked hereell in Ber cabis 2n Seven hundred natives and | the Campania and got away witsont be ozen Europeans perished and | ing served se niiates were destroyed. | The strike of the moo emplovess af tiles arcund the volcavo the the Reading Tron Company i ended, the y i% strewn with corpses | genmpany agreeing iu pay the same § Eutapean manager of a large es: stale of wages a3 was paid in August « for lhe with the lava 1800, which wis the “heenm pera ot by his wife, two children irom prices, anempted to kee ahead’ A resolution was ntroduted fry the w of hguid fire, but the lava | Virginia Constitutional Convention pro @ carriage and the nurse and | testing aginst the grandiather clade 10 hed, the parents escaping restricting suffrage as tending to create yA Slump of bamboo a yoling aristocracy. ile 1 Perer Gruber. of Rochester. NY. | wis hitter and pearly killed by his pe ot Crastlesmake, The attorneys for Mrs. Botkin are preparing to take her case to the Su preme Court : Emigration from Germary during the 41. shot first Aix months of this year aggregatd hy ¥ 120 J Elon ae Union. i Wm 3. Scott died at hus home on the A rs Ce ng | Fotamas, Dede Shenherdstow By WwW Va 2 e annual meeting of the Universal sve t three miles” cast of Peace Union began wm 2. ao Ying and at once began . m p Saying: “There. take Foreign. t three times, the bullets | Ambassador White has informed 3 , breast and he died in- dlerlin editor that he will return 10 th and was arrested and is United States in September, but whether here. he will return to Germany 4s ambassa- wi it caused him to fit dor depends upon vatious considera- ‘had me hypnotized | tions. ¥ ; i do it) | At a meeting of the trustees of the Ji doubiedly out of his Carnégie Educational Fund in Edis took in Swet urgh a letter was goad aprouncing that : d will be taken to | hie had signed the deed placi ww urned over to the au- | (00 at the disposal of the tru goes, . lt was announced im the i Mouse of Commons that TE ars {for the new Pacific cable had been ed €).—~A dispatch ected at Queensland, New Zealan dated at Pretoria, Norfolk Tdand and Vancouver, The British captured Commandant July 11 | Scheeper’s laager at Camdeboo, secur. | also says ing a quantity of ammunition and stores, re : driven off. but Scheeper and the majority of his ish Toss is gi three men men escaped. nd seven Wounded. A noisy Reports from Carthagena C Aombia, he Ho of Commons arose | 1:0] of 3 mutiny among the soldiers, in nestion 4s 10 whether the Bat. | which the mutineers attacked the gu sard ere leit in the hands of | and seven were killed and yeveral ; en Lord Stan wounded soared ih fe so! The Bryan: and May sharehob fers in : : peel meeung in London adopted the {si of consolidation with the Diamond 1 Match Company. pe ion in bank. © The military commanders at Tieatsin hen M. Mae have ‘directed the provisional govern. of ‘enth Congres- ment to destroy the Taku forts. : Republican District Committee of | M. Sanics-Dumont, the Brazilian e debt x the committee are acronaut. failed to win the prizz offered This is | by Henry Deutsch for a manaarahblie first ime th ment of | ballocn. He navigated the airslup to bankrugitcy ih that a campaign | the Eiffel Tower in Pari, makfy ex ave e found their way | traordionary speed, but on the return [mp the motor did not work proper: [and the balloon de trend ints 3 ree Disagreements eiween Lord Milner YA cablegram | ‘and Lord Kitchener and increamng pul- thee Department | jie dissatistiction i England over the announces the arrest on : conduct of the war in South Africa. will ‘Navare: Rivera. as- | jt is reported, lead 0 Kitchener being master at Mameyes. Porto! succeeded ur the cammand af the ons - embezzling letters contaimng | josh forces in © 0h Africa by Gen. Bir : Bay rd wn 1 3 | ea Obie (Special). a 1 iREH a EL ; ( of the Johns: an The autyat of guid from the Rand dis or trial here lis: Miller, the de- | trict in South Africa was 10.779 ounces | x cad Guard Grundtisch, of as compared with 7478 ounces in May. who had just given tes=. England imported goods from the th Miller characterized as United States to the value of $740,000, t | sons, two fatally A brother and sister of Miller! 000 last year and is by far our best cus. | the attack on Grundtisch and a le ensued, A general! The Suez Canal in May, 1901, yielded | nd the courtroom was | a transit revenue of $1.524,000, as com: bedlam. A number of pared with $1,582,000 in May, 1900 In | occurred d and others screamed in last May 343 ships passed through tha | they tried to leave the canal For the first five months of this | trampled on by the ex: year the trinsit revenue gregated $2. i | 340.400 fron a total of sa vessels ¢ are plenty ol men in John MeAlliser on Newport at Ww ne he ster. ales far ir mth 0] : v at McKetspint w re req due to zn effort of the Carnegie | | Company to run its plant half uncon and | Ne Et Fk Tot fs Gon Rie 4 Claim by the German Goversment Agsiest | Cn States.- German Officer, Disre- garded . Chaflenye and Keocked Bows dh te o£ Dye & Fld the T wit Bowe ] woovaint of 1h in a Crermas | United. States The! ch appears im 3 a a fay that an Ame: i owen i 4 we idee 4 was Be # ret snd iy ; ; A had teem pit up and Major Reberiion had posted 2 sentry om an the Steet tO Warn persons not to ride over the mew ly made round. pedestrians only being allowed £0 tasers ®t A German officer ene ning along knowleed down both fhe sentry 20d the barricide. and gir | @l across the § rhidden no tiv serasmided te ae fret and we alter the ffcer, but missed, 2 { the hel the leg of 3 Geran sen § om duty Ball way down the ) sewspaper says thar the no was sentenced to one meaths srrient and feed a months pay. “tresumal Is for hitting the wrong An Te 1% now apparent 1 MAN fepurts has Shem China that it was gh the moderation and human ed hy the United States #i ives at Fekm by the seu ¥ m the early nepotiati ay feoable ports ho staking bis 3 be Che 4 Histed ne eh ack 3 Niro vr Sig at reached the Bate De- 4 3 een Eine Bom . : natives and ant three. wundred of pupils are reported 5 to have been kill di anring the €3 othe en tas ! eanaries Pad tb 3 nt etpred. { gravee onet ear Xi inn an court official 1 and | is zend : : mp sales # Soh ir Korea to which courtey Ir 54 a pesal Aptian sEneEnt. {Only Jo RU NR 0 RE SN ; fhe Riging Niagara Carreot. Niagara Falls N ¥ Abo wn grersas BR sw C “hari iy Grae an mike fis Bo Ene thremgh th below iy) Papel re} Bundy id seinen. The barrel 36 od lose iast wood, ENE aped exces that it : Bas xf for Bad. i # eis 5 feet Be 19 fo am He § - . the ale gw tied ; ; ing waters Paws ni amber the ar Bares Badu not clpital puns nt wal panded by the ministers, have Trey 33 yore 1 Sar pent af the 4 HATKes pride In srary pithy Cased proct spd that th plans wry grave ay was the forqwgn representa i fbr Cony crop SITUATION, Drought end fest Destroying Mithons of Bastels espn {Special} Advires & nt Frade and gram com gra thar the droag nl i | tlhe Seni thw anhicken. a 14 sa; 4 ¢ be domaie oe 4 le af Kansas and Mis iri is comparatively hy bar that unless thers is relief wah 10 days the sorre-crofl sitsaann wil | arr kx culumitys A meuisge from Topeka, Kan, dectar- | pd the serdenmnid gre for & crop of only £1 000900 baschiite of corn although leet | ts crop was 1H1000.000 and har of Hae previous year 217400.000 bushels. The Joss on hay and potatoes Ww sli gi renteaecond only to the loss on comm Tt is estimated that the farmers of Kan. was and Missoon already have sustivined | Losses reaching Stoocopne Tt wm but natural that hundreds of rEpOrLs, of which the above are fair samples, should € len reftoaed in the Coutee of on the Board of Te rade. A Pet Frog Explodes. : Albany. Mo. {Special —An accider . in whieh three chi dren, a pet frog amd gee dynamite fared, resulied mone desl and the seriou iniury of tan - ims. The three children of George % {urry. a coniraciorn, found some dyng | ite in the cellar of their home, ant | hanking it was putty. fed it to thew per frog. A farge toolchest afierward fo Le the frog ore! exploded the dynamin. A chased grives lig the explosion, pirce! ise temple of the youngus child and lt od i Rewther ehitd and Mrs McCurry, who was in the Hatches ahave, were wrictsly hurt. : aR pr AT St. Jol Special). wi Senator A W Brewster received a draft r $2 heme By “Pat” Crowe South Africa. to pay rowe had been owiog owe § mame Fi a fantom of Saxo no aoe 1 Te to recover his boy. ¥er Crowe under arrest in id) rls the “char ‘of tram EL rg was fing y D iamisaed, as case eae not 3 stro one. Loose Engine asd Express “Colfide. : Parkershiurg. W.Va (Specialy Two persons were killed ouinght, one farally aniared, several others were less serious. ly mjared in a head-on coliion on the (iso River Railroad at Padens at ogo pom The Oho Valley express, on way from Cincnnati to Pittsburg, was run into at full speed by a loose engine snithbagnd, and both engines were al. | most demnlished. The baggage car of he Ohio Valley express was stashed up considerably, but sone of the coaches | were damaged, and rene of the tran oft the track except the engrnes. ov Baa Malt Carrier's Record. Tamaqua, (Special). ~Jacoh Hartman, aged G2 years, celebrated the Itst anni versary of his service 3s mail carrier far ihe Reading Company between the ral | way siation and the postofice. During his service he has been off duty but eleven days, four days of the time being due ts sickness. Mr Hartman makes r7 trips dady, and m the 31 years Gas traveled Hoon miles in the “discharge of yy erty i HS AAS BO SE MN "Explosion on as Excursion Boat Sunbury, Pa (Special) —An excur "sion boat anchored in the Susquebanng | River at the foot of Market street, this city, blew up with terrific force, killing two bevs amd injuring a dozen other pes. Une man is misying ' and may have been killed also. All of | the boys K killed and infured were fishing | on a nearby whart when the explosion he engineer was absent at the time, leaving the boat in charge of | the pilot. When he Tet there was a pres- sure of 60 pounds in the boiler, and be | | says he opened the fire doar. A three od enall Pugh thw raoniy and I ih ance of about 4 img the Baia sas the barrel taken from he wi faboet an the whirls | whee tise elbows Lealer Preigisiens Heke s Good Maul Col {Special} : mized RAE of pick espe sbi bor a cart of about Ee enty Foworth I caguiies hepemung stranded | Bere Men snd wornen alike have been pris bed, not only of reery cent they had : with them, bt of railroad tickets as well © and on devs the railevads will jsue She back home te their prod chased and pad for rides San | risers snd Back they will Me ta ask aid from the county author In oar maa ten cases thew even se : cuted their retin couples on stolen bags ig! finge pebbed are Dr hy HH. a wit: and daanghter, and Mrs R mors Ing10n, of Dover, Del Br Wil son's wallet, CORATIng. tickets for the party. drafs on San Fracown banks | and baggage chicka being stolen jn the grosh ar thu depoe in Colorado Springs. Major 5 KF gen agent of the Denver and Rio Grande | Raulroad, authorized the Glenwood Spnngy agent 1 frarmsh passes to Ugden o stranded passengers who geared comings thier juarney west. Masked | | Shot po Kile 4 Peerswille, Pa. { Special) ~Four mask. ed men entered the hotel of Peter Hui 38 Yoekwille near hers, and encountered Ne sroprietor and (wo guests Michael Ruel and Gentge AW achter, During | the hight that fallowed one of the oh hers was shot and killed, and Mr Hok: wis wounded in the leg. The three re marng burglars made their escape The has | dead man has mot been identified. Rio Janewo (By Cable) ~The Bra zilian Chamber of Deputies received | and 4 o'clock in the afternoon a number | the report of a special comunttee aps pointed to consider the case of Rear- | Admiral Mello, who was arredd fed fast; | April on i charge ot monarchiad plots | ting and who then appealed to the & Chamber. The report declares that the | accusations aginst the officer are with- | aut foundation. Ir is considered cor | sgn that the Chamber will nnanimously Ceonfiom the commit: eed conclusion. Sew Device for Targets Boats. equipped wi th 4 new electrical re for sending the terpedics on ther journey | a : through the water. By the new equip [ment an officer tn the prot. Bee can | | | send the tubes overboard by the touch of | ‘a batho Twe Men Blown te Pleces C paganne near the (rant smelter ex- ploded. Two ltahians were killed an several hurt. Fragmenis ¢ ¢ victims were strewn over the prairie for hue- | Jreds of yards. Windows in the Union | Srock Yards Bank a gyasier of a mile | 5 AWAY. wi saattered. The mage ih; - cstimated at $000. Bis Life Was a Fellsre Crawfordsville, Ind (Specnaly —Ex Jt Judge James H. Seilars, former member of the legislature, and once candida far the Demixcratz nonunation for governor, fled hunself in his law office by taking : morphine. He Jet a letter saying hus life | was a finluee. and that Bis debts were large. A— i I SA SE TA Usited States Cousnl Dead. St. Petersburg (By Cable) —Jjos Raw. iez, who has been United States consul at Warsaw since 1875, died here Satur- 4 Lday. hart goog Eh the Yellow Sex. foi : : : Darien reiused to gota wrk, Dee son amon men sruck Their action | threw die aha as many sthers. ly ; rd rr ; a : betwen this count rest ay RAMAN GARY oes BON ™HE —aPDS on is country and the rest of i the : : : ads, F ny Sescesyint Versge " le Bo rpet Theoush [Seer Sg Hooper, gene cri} pavsens CHAP Washington { Special. }-—Orders went | farward from the Naval Bureau of Ord- nance directing that all the torpedo boats | im the Navy, hal or budding. shall be | 4 aractiniifis won vial strike dT patent +] « shedirncd to the call of 12 Skater avery Amaiza : a emiployed by the Mme Hoop and Ting sane 4 in the ait ag the number This Po ete a deh wed, The : susber at men seriking : and thrown ide fo conservatively eatemated at fSogon. ieantered over Western Peon oi py ws : fod div ends etd abroad Ohi a, joadkana, 1 A fer estmisnt. and the sales of he nds FURS ! fa + gone far poward * of pris Ohi Pate te hr ae. Cleve Stand. ‘ry. Pin Aeivdiia i os wn, A spo Junction, tarard and Po tise hes i anual Bay nan 10 per cent = ; ol the three tom a utex Oralam wal pig : ely ire raised ; ut he was seking was th he ankle pl The an at ¢ there 0s Le ae Noe Epworth Levguers Stranded in Colorado fg Or Gi ¥ Owe p me acts Air the nulls od the 2 pany in the Har « necseny Bopp mill is conadercd the est Li equipped ane avwned by the Sombie, FIRE PAnIc § w HOTEL. act i : ain Wak a oi 3 Toniy Broadway 1 LC tha seene the Bul © sehr. which every open wo “ L gnahie hate pri Sear ay iy murates and the greatest [fo reviled A powmber of gusss o lower Bodies succeeded mg peng * hel og LOWEN dow stairs in the an raping with nothoeg hn) closhes Reores of orhers were rescued hom the Sa windows, where the shirseked for ame xy the aule : wes SG 2 then the a stice of the fore Uitited States i great Indus © dies hut he ive wid was largely settled ea are A cerium sorount of oi ear abe t by American touristy and ng Furopeans, bat ay most of quarry letters of creda this amount tively small A large part of the talance goes wv pay froght Mills om American experts carried in foregn nd dene of # pay interest Aeoricnn Securities i 2 large Balance of trade Py however, iw princes thaily es 0 the aa thas the American {api jist are pow allowing much rg vr homey To remain mw Edrope = Lg «if for two woeks w} for fhe oo fre heard By he oF Ge ary was of crn snlasis Aw hy she Comaany that ts exde. ey Tinian The company asked! thas the wets ext Secrember j time might be ch to present tostin fav. {pion profane that the requey will be : view of the statement by Mr Boor Yat action would 1 be ACA 8 TWD reeled ii Raox held that while the merits soiled cond he prop- od. he could not go behind p the Are roe £ enerst Our Trade With Belg am The Barean oF Forsen impress of the Stare Department made public a chapter of the volume entit'ed "Come > 3 brig Relarions for nm whieh 8 is nova 1 Dress, % extrier dealing with Tred States trade with Belgaum Ac cordong to Consul Winslow, at Liege. Belgium in x manuRcIunng comniry. Haymy exported last vear some Saza- ono warth, and imported over $500 - aio worth OF the mmports the Unaed States contributed over 388 000.> von worth and received some $1300 oy ely wart of the exoorts, lock or 7% el ixs TT 8 : rate tha: to the bewt oi their Rnawl cige atl the guests and help ave been The interior of the hotel which for rany years Has heen the leading hostel~ rv of Bugte. Boom ple ely gored, and ash LL Milan ser of the badd. Lestivates Nes Lass at Joo pon sersonal gr fects | ZAM Rowmeseekers Registered. Telegrams received by the Interior Department fron Assistant Copunis. aoner Richards. of the General [and Ofice, who is at El Reno, supervising : the arrangements for opening the lands report that everything is proceeding = an orderly and expeditious manner” : The toeal registrations Saturday, as The Borel oii lost a quantity of | rs ? oe ally reported, were 27830 at bush E | Rene and Fort S81. No unregistered | people were at BE! Reno Saturday maght Savanral, Ga {Sperialh, The He brew Ganabl Hosa held its gras} pic nic at Dasinskie Beach. Between 3 si the premiers want sot the ar a surf hath, A il ang and between the shoal and shore is a bo Ending igh the bathers st ad and the: ne sails wi h wers dri: need, Boiled Dat the Fa wee Cal i Speci ~-Boaln of lor Wiig a srvann tt 8 a io fad sepenid ; 4 after wy large Buckshot wud coe Se fF were fi wints the mass This Buller i snd Wo Be Look a revalver Denver, Col (Special) —A dynamite | ace Baines Lomi pe Woadiagton's aw Books we, Wo Va (Special) —A stone's rommentarics. fach con ams ia ®e EW ashy Yavienport, Te. ai Cla The bopks were und ary of the first Presden? Ay AAS SAA AA. All Kinds of Birds’ Fpps shased of Miss Jean Bell of Ph Jadel sh ia. a collection oi North Amencan bird ews and nests sad o contain at | least vie Specimen ot every kind of egy | iss Bell has spent 28 years uy gathering this collection. in size they | range from that of the great auk, which is valued at $1800, to that of the small. st huroming bird. The collection cost Krpown pyer $28.000 in achiad cash outlay for egey. Mr. Childs will add he collec: | yon to his own, wich is very large longing registration. Minnesota's Glory Departing Secretary Long directed that the old rigate Minnesots be dropped {from the ; navy jist and sold at a price not less than fioooo The Minnesota is probably des- wind wis Blowing and the tide was at) ened Hiiry YE grids uf SROIFD 1% 3 shoal | » titient to engage in the Adantic Coast al trade The Minnesota was one of i | th + few Umion vessels that escaped de- duce. The party was harhing on the | 1 : spinal rather i drtion from the terrible onsdanght ned be the Confederate monuor Var- i when she wiiled out of Norioik 10 ek the Federal squadron yiag in | Hampton Roads. waves pounding and al crreny rimming. Dut of 13 Capital New: In Gaara The Carnegie and the Bethilvhem Beek Compares Rave noticed tw gov Cerninent that they will morcase the oa pueity af their siants tu meer the des I mands of the govern iii BF he War De Surretary Root directad J partment 1 accept the resignation of Capt Putnam Br adlce Mrong: who was iimoan Eicaphle nm San Prancsen Mail advices from Pekin show that the American representatives saved many | innocent Chinanten who were suspected ot gomuplicity in Boxer ontrages. The Secretary of the Treasary has or dered twelve new satary Hoe presses Cdr printing the seal on goverament ENE. Third Aswistant Seeretary of State P idler i reported to be ll The President made a number of navy | abnointments. A statement hy the Treasury Buran af Matsstics shows a {arge increase in ine New York{ Special} —Ex- Senator John sxiess of exports sver imports during Lewis (Childs, of Floral Park, LO 1, pur the fiscal year that closed June © The State Department w advised that - the bubonic plague prevailing at the dif fetent towns 1vpe. iaptain Putnam B Stron rong, of the {Dyartermaster’s Department, resigned. it is said, for personal ——— {Comptroller Dawes received the pre- liminary report of the receiver of the Seventh National Bank of New York, hich estimates that the depasiton will Egvpt us of a virulent i regive 80 cents on The pall ownoets of gold coiled be Taken