The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 18, 1901, Image 1

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» 1901.
Tuesday | Person, firm, partnership, corporation, |
| ploye or a member of his family the
[It ix of Tolersad to the Miners and the
Mine Operators,
Eprror Courter: For the benefit of |
the numerous miners who read your
visluable paper will you kindly pub.
lish the following law, which was
signed by the governor on the 24th |
inet. Your kindness in so doing will
| boy greatly appreciated by a large nom.
i bor of your readers, including the mn. ||
i ; Coal MINER
Patton, Pa, Jaly 17, 1801,
AY Acer
Ty tax All orders, checks, dividers doupons,
pos books, or other paper, reprisenting
wages or earnings of an employe, not paid |
in eash to the employe or member of nis |
family: to provide fora report to the Aaditer |
General Of the same, and for the Gillan fs |
Ee reporing
SeeTION 1. Be it enacted, &c., That |
‘every person, firm, partoership, cor-
poration, or association, shall, apon the |
first day of November and of each and |
every year miake a report, under oath |
or affirmation, to the Auditor General, |
of the number and amount of all or!
, ders, checks, dividers, coupons, pass- |
| books, and all other books and papers, |
{ papresenting the amount, in part or
whole, of the wages or earnings of an |
employe, that was given, made or
sued by him, them or it for payment
af labor, and not redeemed by the said
| ar association, giviog, making or issn.
ing the same, by paving to the em- |
fll fice value of said order, check,
divider, coupon, k, or other
wages or earnings, in lawful money of
tive United Htates, within (30) days |
from the giving, making or issuing!
thereof; thie honoring though, of said |
ck, divider, conpon, pais
hook, or other paper ropresontiog au
f amount doe for wages or earnings, by |
a daly chuttered bank, by the payment
member of the well
family of that place, was elected presi.
Claire, Carrolitown;
‘and P. Kinney, Hastings.
The next contty convention will be
held in Patton.--Johnstown Democrat. $
Conuty Convettion of Anelwnt Onder of
tHibernisns to be Belg Flere,
The execntive ocommities
oounty board of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians met in (Shea's Hall, Rail-
road street, Monday aflernoon to 81 a
vacancy caused by the resignation of
President F. Hogan,
Mr. Hogan was until recenty 8 res-
ident of Ehrenfeld, bat his removal to
: Loyalhanua, Westmoreland county,
| made it necessary for him to tender his
resignation. This was accepted Mon-
i day by the executive committee with p
‘expressions of sincere regrof, for Mr.
. Hogan haus proved a most worthy of- |
ficial and bad, daring his incumbency
j of the office, made a host of friends.
Secretary T. ¥. Mellon, & tall and
handsome young man of Patton and a
known Mellon
| Gent to succeed Mr. Hogar. Patrick
MeCarthy, of Barnesboro, was chosen
secretary in place of Mr. Mellon.
Among those who attended the
meeting were the following members
of the board: F. Hogan, resigned, Loy.
albann; T. E. Mellon and William
{Joyce Patton; P. M. Kinney, Nan-ty-
Cio: Patrick Quinn, Ebrenfield; James
Cr Farrell, Conemangh; J. A. Stephens, | 4
Ashville: H. J. Méshan, Spangler; J.
Muldoon and T. Seanion, Lilly; J. Mc
Parnssbors Next Month.
Barsesboro, Pa. July
To the Miners of Bub-District 1, of Dis 3
of the|
Josephs Garrity
“ime tins
day, Angas 5
Democratic cotinty commities, “ban
cratic voter of Cambria county:
“The Democratic voters of the sev.
eral election districts of Cambria |
county will meet at their respective |
polling places Satorday, Aogust 3
1901, in the townships from 1 anti 7
town and the boronghs from 4 antil
p. m., for the purpose of electing dele
gates to the: Democratic county con-
vention, which in hereby summoned to
meet at Ebansburg Monday, August 5,
L1001, to nominate a county ticket,
vention, and transact such other bosi-
the convention, after
journment will be had antil 1 o'clock,
vention prope | io snes,
Lin each district of the above |
primary election.”
weTTEN row cma
trict No. 3, United Mine Workers of the 3
GRENTING; You ars Hereby notified
that there will be a winery ¥ Convention :
. hed in Bare ry
" WI be Heid at the County Seal da Mon.
issued the following call to the Demos
o'clock p. m. and in the city of Jobns- |
chairman of the county committee,
and eleven (delegates to the state con. |
DOSS as may be brought to its atten-
The delegates will assemble at the
Court hous: at 11 o'clock a. m. to pre- |
sent the retiarns and for the purpose of
after which an ad-
the hour fixed by the rales for the oon- |
There will alsc be A member of the
Democratic county committee to sleet |
| Notes From » Pattin 3 Roy serving nthe
paper, representing an amount due for | hb Caren we Ha wl
| big. red (ctions and cot
now practically | : first of the se
to get what you need in this line.