the Trostoffion nt Patton as send olan mail Iatier. ; in for the cgi Sertember term of otuirt and for a special term to begin the third Monday of September. Those | follows: GRAND JURORS, VIRST WEIR. Pet, Jormithan, firmer Rasuushunna, Heltetoh. Peter, carpenter, Hinting. CR anteran, Tasirence, Biemner, A Degheny, Mneaton, Jaws aioe, Barneasboro. : Mintey, Edward, Engler, Croom Tags IMintiith, Rotiert; engineer, Patton, Nagel. Henry, inborer, Ashville Nowl, Tometiti AL, farmer, (arabia Satiord in the Hew Congressional ap- | nent. Somerset ws now part of | Sppen’s to | | ir in Patton augurs | the future moral and spiritaal | Ox dit: “hat the coming politionl | campaign in the county will be a very Warm one, present indications to the Bxrent base ball critics are unable Bihettig, Frank, firmer, Onell Top Spiers, Joseph, miner, taaliitnin, Torr, BOA, Jeweder, Patton, CORBER FUROR, FIRE WERE { THA i SR, Thode HL, nner, Simpler Cfnrkey, Angistine, earpenter Paton JE wawiy, Sioarg Wo, fare, Clears atid fate a, mee 3 sm ; Bah JB fener, 8 sspshunns, { Risen, fobins. Baborer, White Van Beevhn. Pavhd, farmer, Howie, Winslow, Allon, laborer, Bade, SHAVERS SY ROS ARCO VEER. wpe 1 Tabuire Maren Twp ¢ { Hnderson, Frank, miner, Paiton, | Name, Tenuta, Sry Seared, | Hearer, Juhi AL, faonwer, She iefia nna. boon i rbea abaveer, Baba Viana, AsEisiion aoiner, U oat, al Panint farnser host, Heiman, Javies OL, brakeman, Cia itirin, + Jomes, Cyras Wo merchant, Ebeasbieg, Yonex, Thorns # Centon, BRrnesbord, lowell, Aron, tiiber, Head | Name, Le to decide which is the grostest home jinx, Simon, farmer, Carroll Twp. in local history, the one Jim Gil , made ona foul or Walter Dale's! ry goods box gw coniesy the Patton depot wis scrubbed | L Inet week in order to make room | for the Fourth of July crowd. It ought | 0 be painteil a cost of sitro-gigourine nll brimstone. rere i in Yate Pal is Increasing in this vicinity as the season grows older healthy, | : and well it may. It is good, invigorating sport and as free, if pot | freer, from demoralizing Influences than | sport extant. “Play ball,” ds A — cots money to ran 8 newspaper. : 4 will be news to some of the sab. | scribers of the Cotati who evidently think that wa pay rent, labor, paper y fren the air that circolatos aro! nd. ws "K towards these oXpeiises, at she. Yai isis) . have pat the name of Elliott in 10% wheel in view of the] " Dimeling, I that will open automatic y the slight pressure of a spring. who have wrested with the ar-proof windows of the aver train In midsummer, will readily | that » Jot of profanity will be by the most simple and much ping hand to the fellow who - to dD sotething with his own | . The man who cannot bi buf by reverses 1s the fellow whom fickle dame never gives the marble grt. The chronle growler and pes ie individual who looks upon the | galt of anpther man's hustle as luck pian who has vim and lotegrily ned id ware winner. — i Tou evidently o owns to business, judging from the | Now that a perm nent clerk has been bdino ves ihe go 8 step ititer and select ak uvhalemnr, as woll as elect At least, they contribute snoindid to! honorable | i Me Kany, Gheorge Bo, Sorroer, Carolia, I MeN eedin, daraes, rosrehant, Hastings, I Wiekal, John Ta, miner, Galiltein. wens, Poa vid Lo, farmer, Liberia Prryes, wearpe No farmer, Carnbria, fhehentolt OD nberer, BRenstiung. traxell, John, farmer, Heads. Werte, Josh, farmer, Chust FRAVERSE JRO, sFROCIATL TREN. f Podatpeer, Walter ©. plamber Fhessharg Ievsimay, Frank, farsier, Cambs, Frecvsninry, Pras kk, aborer, Galliitein, Sates, John, pladitrer, BEbwoabarg Kohn, Jobin 4. Bardney, Reade ¢ Bhosle J. 3. anny, Aadovide, Show, Wille, farsper, Cieaefiail Weick need, Luke, oanmiir Etwsiabn 5 mw ENSACTIONS iN REAL 1 Y. Properties do Fhebs Fad of the County That Cling Hands Boeently, Lewis J. Hearer et ux to Spangler Water company, Susquehanna town. uhip, $400, ser, Bosgnehanna township, $125, ¥. B. Hargrave to Porter Kinports, Hosquehanva township, 31 wile, Patton, MeO. | Sylvester Nuss et ox to Anna J. o | hristoft, Carroll township, $450. {William Todd «wt nx to Francis Shristy, Allbgrbeny township, $450. Elguwr Byrne to HL B. Alison, fon, 81. i Jatin A. Telford to Ehensbury, $600. . H. Statdler et ux to Joseph Bengele, aaltingin, $150. {EH Hodwer of ux to George M, Cintondale, $1,800, 1. I. Bender ot ux to Eliza Kirkpat- Hick, Spangler, $100. sida H. Byrne, | Martin Kiafsak of ux to Hembrandd Veale, Carrciitown, 51, George W. ( D. Garman, ($195.28. William Lowery to James Lower, Cresson towoship, M6, | Parabaugh, Carroll townhbip, $1,000, Loney Burkhart of ux to Louis De. laby, Eider township, $60. ins, Susquehanna, $70. Adam Rudolph et ux to Charles M. Behwab, Allegheny township, $3,800. Bpangler Improvement company lc UM. OC. Westover, Bpanglor $150 tL A. Bharbaugh et gx to Annie Bal ivan, Spangler, $80, rick, Hastings, $440. MINING CONSOLIDATION TE a Miner Kast ol SET by Affected All WR AES AT ROSS An Associated Press dispatch SAYS : that the entire coal transportation enst Cof the Misulssippi lias been amicably Ldivided by the The i Morgan roads are ‘thiracite fled, : Vanderbilt ra fiw a¥ Kine i, toy shown Ad the board now Tun a Flo Li Vaan a vaioek bi Pihe bavhiness retarded that 8 Ee oF ta BGO 4 sist Ler hry athfully MER0 Kodol dyspopsin core is without gues. thon, the best and only cure for dys : ia that I bave ever came in con “tact with and I have used many other preparations. John Beam, Middlesex, Pa. No preparation dyspepsia onre as it contains all the tural dipesiants Vela Gi foad and can't help but do you | good. CGnuap's Pharmacy, Hastings, | Cgmd OW. Llodgkins, Patton. Droes your hosiness, need a rejuvis ry Toy an ad. in " 10 COURIER. bi of A fupncist nature are it to yon and the readers of these fuw lines that your | equals Kodol | It will digest all | | ! | sores, piles and all skin diseases feroatia Haw fit feo stand by th | purpose i8 to bring a : solidation of soft coal | mtatos vast of {1 af Tempesseo, ihe absolutely fand dominaieu and Vanderbilt interests, One of the first and most impo iponualidations of | independent properties was efficted by the consoli- dation of thy Pittsburg © The next great consolidation of sylvania coul interests was Monongahela River Consolidated Coal and Coke company. More moves have not been less important, ‘The Fairmount Coal company con. trolling the Poeatontis The combination wil under Pi : wii id 5 $ arias iy Oni neyvivama Febaiis 3 Phx Lier 30e rant ood TENE o Boma EAE EES Elo rh Line HEN, The gre atest healer of 1 tpemdey is Banner dalve for ouls, wy gu rarantond. Uae no subwtiiale Drageists, : Joseph Taylor et tix to Bevel Somer. Gooderham et ux to John | Susquehanna township, Catherine Kline et vir to Ellzabeth David J. Lewis et ux to Morgan Wat EK. J Hamilton of vir to Charles Het © the Misslesippd i Is Sad ale the an. recent It is: All 2 from the north of the county are as 3 Bogen for Spring. ire ; ‘ Rervous, iContinned Irons Page 10 being loyal to one’s awa town Loommunity. He was warnily Hated when he closed congrat- CELE EBRATION TVA 15a HY MMER Ana The Coven I atton Pofoligh Seo! _ Pistriet Wilts MENA aNEPOTIEIR Cost fast % n i fedey (Liver Remedy and h arrs Tonle ¥ ES HARKMAR. LC KPENDITU REX wit mle ha B01 Ba xia ’ 1 BOYD Presiding Eider MB. Bra Ride for Cute, Bras sug Barns, Od Sores, Code © : Sars Turoat, Lot te ¥, By wal in unfatiing. ! Ta 8 Sa saa Lg as Vitae ge op Pane oH Puen al i gy z # ting ne of tha Bemadies and daved by medicine SXCURSIONG 10 ATLANTIC CITY. fad Other 4s ntie Coast Resorts vin Penn. | ax ivania Raliromad, Angst §. 15, o thn dates toe pegrote exceedingly that it has oot the | wpmee to publish the oration in thas! | RRTIe, The daylight fre works followed and of | sodection. Ab eoneinsively Hodeking phonic and loner hala proved the wislom hisirman oon The dance ab Short's Grove ander the auspices of Si Marys i UL shirch and Patton Flee Hy : ; Fireman's 1 TEs Hpectively pepe, | attentions were well fil ized Andrew Mun nin to Edward BU Mos Dire fd aocoant Lis wet groonds i wim Lge wy ak hae lhe Sisirtian al Flr Pat- And the Tw baa bail i bern tha Ni LPaiton with the te & Closely The Aeitors took He lead gturt and held it until the pings, when the home boys took 8 and “den spurt and won by a soore 12th The baloon sscensions and fire works mM. were wits fine was foreniin nutoteal from the fast few ine at 3 and 830 o'clock p. nese! by a large crowd. The pyro technics were the floest Patton has sever sen and Chairman Hodgkins and Bis conferees are to be on the oifouthe : offs afta, of their ef) AL 9 HH) anevesafal T Ye trains | vB acquired wi bane it WAN 3 zront THEY GOT FRESH AIR. The Door Bemained Upen After ® Sere Foreible Arsnpient 5 ali story is todd af doux, the » bal no early sotele trader who turning too Et J ska i 3 founds the Bones 8 wialn overnight fricad. Lie gottior closed th or they had retired, asd Re was naed to fey 4d went softly ta BH rer of the slpeisniy 2% By was bn bed? apa Mopirn soos. settler sont Hoa Fiv ily The : iis head was bios a and the : Bi thie Sot they w ent fo bed Ing wih Cpeay ad i) i ame City Journ val af | congratulated lavh Bg ¢ saanined He e foregoing torrent Ww i ; wy, - Atalitors, i ¥ % ATs ed any Ve Thos ale PUA ret ienetedd, ng aleeping curs to : m., carrying erg ep panes gl mm, Philadelphia, and 10 Bs, kpeeind Faltm: an seeping cars the 40 Atlantic: ( Far detailed oy pated anil fon 4 4 ticket agorits or Mr. Th E. ¥ det Passenger Agent, Pittsburg The Patton Jeweler style : PF . i snd Don’t Know it. Wat Si Row To Fiad Out. Fi water and let 11 stand tveniyfour hours 8 : mdimant or sete = fm. ~ thing lsdicales an ban a 4 Vout wp a rad lee tr : Ans unhealthy condt- | tion of the kids 3 3 i 1 stains Hpew 1t is erie of Rid tn juble: tos | franuent desire 1 FASS Gr PRs 8 the bark © alo eonvineg proof that the kidneys and bind poet of rger What ta Du. fy i Rnondedge era Swamp fuitiiis every min in the ade gerry par ects Inability in paasing of llaver, tha ERR i hoa BANS a writing mens fier tn thig paper, fe ath wr 2 be: ig can Thousards Have Kidney Trouble | non glass with your | 0 If we do it, you know that it is done in the best style and the mest artistic workmanship. You alse know that the money expended re mains in on and that you are helping to fil your own cote fers. Per contra, if vour job h printing is done of town yon like- e know, or ought th at vou are help- ; rob yourself, and el yon are getting interior stack and mes out of ten Or pore be done of- The COURIER anything ing from icket to a mu iceland full sheet poster or a cir- cus program,