Sid z= rd wr ER S Notes and Gossip Hustling Borough-—All S erving of 1.iberal ry hy ¥ Late st and Be ut. Left with bar mad in nel ra will lenges a VE Tabet sd whi i sels far SE fi Blinder. who pan the Qrwg store A nnn for sey ural rein if vary RE ad Via iste Hl fF Mine Vin Preow are oN fon days af thas Tones gd bay several miles below own, ras Clomid, Whee Wik operated ppendicitie, is getting along [She will fully recover. jah, the popular bews agent spent a few dave in town Everybody knows Otto, ite un nambes of our politicans at ay the meeting at Ebenshurg on 42 Prutamsn and Jao. Gunn went Hilismaport on Thursday for a tow i © thelr wheel Van Pelt is visiting his ancle, 1 Spangler, of this place, Daniel H. Hastings, of Bellefonte, Wednesday in town. from a trip to Pittaburg. 1. 8. Rice spent Wednesday in Patton, Yon. may as well expect to mo a and you may kpew that his fiver pid when he does not relish his | ; cor feels dot and lnneguid after i, often has headache an wl some dizziness. A fivw doses of Cham. : Btomach ind Liver Tablets restore his Heer to its normal fane. renew his vitgtits, improve his n and make lim feel like 0 new iy. Price, 25 cents Samples free at Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings, and C, Hodgkin, Patton. “ few tooth ag, food which 1 ate for breakfast would pot remain on my gob for half an hour. 1 used one tie of your Kodol dyspepsia cure can now eat my breakfast and meals with a relish and my food roughly digested, Nothing Kodot dyspepsia cure for stom- | roubles,” H. 8. Pitta, Arlington, m. Kodol dyspepsia cure digests you seat, Gunn's Pharmacy, | geand W. Hidgkina, Patton. | } Ask €3utehly Cured, time 1 suffered from a severe 1 of the ankle,” says Geo E. Cary, or of the Guide, Washington, Va. using several well recom: and it has vever failed ta give bogoedis medicines without sagcess, | Chamberlain's Pain Baln,and am to say that relief came as soon began ite nse atid a complete care ¢ followed.) Sold by Gunn's Patton. yapepela cnn be long lived be- eause to lives reqiirers nourishment. A disordered stomach cannot pt , it must have assbtance, | dol ; dyspepiin etre digests all kinds and again | its rat} a Am ele me nt# are the Gu nn's Dry. Hastings, Hadghioe P Patton. yo: SH come ten miles to! sley's Kidney cure.’ while A. J. | of Helmer, Ind., says: “It is the | ; i backache and a run down eondition wonder of the ag” All sts, | Ay _saltrhenm, tetter, chafing, oning and all skin tortures are cured by DeWitt's Witch ha- | ve. The certain pile cure. Pharma ", Hastings, and C. D Reckani, Dunconibe. Ia. i §: “My little boy scalded his leg | y the kneb ta the ankle. 1 nmed Va boiign att fall Advertisements, Ne Cavs Dan. 5 plage font base all elab wil he held 1 the Sper aon Monday, July 1. Ms pants will Genial (he wae ‘Me, std Mra Bath, of Nant-y- suent Runday winh Miss Hattie Smi oh Mrs Sith will remain uo few days Mr. Bmith left on Monday. The, i MeOlain ix ut his bore al Spangler bn sitendanoe at the wedding of Miss Mary MeClain sand Harve Fin Mise Edythe Saupp and little sister CR Jackman and A.V, Mancher, of Careolttown, were in town on basi: nek Wednesday, Fort Back and M. 8 Biosder rode to Carrolitown on Tneslay evening on Miss Flizabeth Reese, of Punxsalaw. ney, is visiting Miss Hattie Smith, (lol. Spangler, of Bellefonte, was in town on Wednesday, Andrew Laitzy has returned Have You Our in the Proesssion? It would probably thes a gonad mapy persons on the satbority of a Cwell- known statistician, that, could Cthelinfants of 6 yeur be ranged 6 Aa engine withaist water ss to find DH, in cradles, the oration, wold ex. ve enargetic man with a torpid | tend ronald dhe globe The mame | writer looks at the maller in a more taresque light. He imagines ihe biibies being carried past a given point in their mothers’ arms, one by one, suid the proossion being kept up night aad day wetil the jadl hour in the twelfth months has passed by. A suBicient liberal rate is allowed, but evan in the got past al the rite of twinty a minote, 1,200 an bour, daring | the entire year, the reviewer at tila post would only have seen & sixth part Cod the infantile Bost. In other words, the babe that had to be carried when the tramp began would be aie to walk when bat a mere fraction of Bs cons rades had reached the reviewer's post wid when the vear's supply of. absicn wis drawing to a close thers would a rear guard, not of infasls, but of romping 10-year-old boys and girls Medical © ‘ouncellor. nick Relief for Ssthnua, Mise Mande Dickens Parsons, Kans, writes: “1 suffered eight years with Casthms in its worst form. ¥ had sev. {eral attacks during the last year and wan not expected to live tl bhrough them 1 began nsing Foley's Honey and Tar ate relief” All Droggists, Mr James Brown of Potsmonth Va, ‘over 8) years of age suflered for years i Ts (with a bad sore on his face, Phys acy. Hastings, and OW, Hodge : . wi en Ys li ® leians could not help him. DeWitt's | Witch Hazel Salve cured Bim perma ipently. Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings, Land CW. Hodgkins, Patton. not nourishing until it is di Danger, dbase and desth follow neglect of the bowels, Use DeWiit's Little Early Risers to regulate them ‘and you will add vears to your life and Jife to’ your years. Easy to lake, i pever gripe. Gunn's Pharmacy, Hast. ings, and C, W. Hodgkins, Patton. A surgical operations is not neces. sary to cure piles. DeWitt’'s Witch | Hazel Salve saves all that expense and never fails. Beware of counterfeits, Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings, and O. iW, Hodgkins, Patton, The lack of energy you feel, the | generally, all mean kidney disorder. | Foley's Kidney eure will restore your strenght and vigor by making the kid- ‘neys well. Take no substitute. All C Druggists, Pwrites: “1 wan troubled with kidney | dhsoase for several years and four one Cdollar size bottles of Folev's Kidney etre cured me 1 would recommend jt:to anyone who has kiduey trouble’ "Ad Druggists. The bilious, tired, nervous man can. act suceensfi} Ay eorpets with his DeWitt's Little Early and for the dough | Strittmatter Bros., Poriper ities to This End £ hmpernsd Flanile {orang X01 EH RIMC Hey, Rg i pgs °F. Brnes Barnestinro, i Cap ds faieigs Gn RE SE I a CBT Veale taro owe 2 gh Fxaraitars of dodin Blam lo grad Ponds Carralitown, S491 He Folios 6 prin, Bart eateivs, R106 Keaanas J Kil ig REI, PE a pb Sg ne nite, Boangier, $550 La 4 Wir 34 Crewann Cemetery srsol milion Philip Privch, Cresson township, $15, Theresa Noll af vir #f al to Jobn 3 Ant EY ~N £ A ti oe ay « 4 iW % Palins, of Altoona, spent Susday lantsy, Br, Carroll townstup, $4 with Mrs. RF. Notley. PAN AMERICAN RATES, Thc Taw Fare Offered hy 1h BER JHuilwary Co The Buftsls Pochestor & Pitta Padiw ay {9 annonce Shar oan ing June 1st the following special dueed rates from Panssolawngg Buffalo will be in the Pan-American tourist tiekets will \ day at 88.00 for the roand trip, good retarning to and including October 33 : pe A 2 oc Fla 5 i By ‘ i egy 3 Thskets limited to 15 dass buclading date of sale, pood only for conto ions passage in each direction, on every day during the Exposition #7 10 for the rannd trip. Tiokels limit ed to 7 days incloding date of se, good only for conlinoous passage in in ench direction, on sale ever dari pg the Exposition at 35.30 for Lue ponnd trip 4 Bpecial excursion tickets Homie Lo theree days including da only for continuots passes direction, on asle Tuesdays oniy ing the Exposition atl round trip. Returning thes will be good on all regia trasns i ing Buffalo, prior to midpight of 1 Thursday following date : will not be good in sleeping ours in either direction, and farther information cons Cnearest agent of the company. A fesad Coagh Moadicind. It speaks well fur Chambers Cenigh Remedy when draggists use in thelr ows famitiv ® in prefered jauy other. “1 have said Chasnbe fadn's Compl Bemedy for the Voars Wilh complete satisfaction myself and customers,’ says drugget J. Lioldsniith, Van Fin, N.Y. have always aed Lin my ow fami y both for ordisiary ; 3 swing in grippe, apd find it very efflegrions”’ For sale by Gunn's Pharmacy, Hlastiope aon © Ww. Hodgkins, Patio my congh men well man, Noreis 8B Ripgtford N HH. found roland row ent despair, Ope Mingle vongh cure bis Gryredd thi veidu axed ir Xe +t SE ry vai. Safe and sore. Gnan's Pharm. acy, Hastings, and OC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Fdwarg Huss, a well known business man of Salisbary, Mo, writes; V1 wish ta say for the beaetil of ofthe, thal ‘1 was a sufferer from lumbago and kid ney trouble, and ail the remisdios | took gave me no relief. 1 was indaoed | to try Foley's Kidney cure, and ale ter the use of three bottles, I am. cured.” All Druggiste. Call wt tana’s Pharias +. Hasling gus! or C. Ww. kin 8, Patton; and got | un free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach snd Liver Tablets. They are | an elegant physic. They also improve the appetite, strengtiien the digestion fines by ita soothin 5 and regulate the liver and bowels. They - . ave easy to take and pleasant iv effect William Weodard, of Decatur, Ia, : - A. O. Blanchard, West Bangor, N.| Y.. says: “I have beer troubled with . Kidney disease for the last five years and 1 got no relief antil 1 us bottles of Foley's Kidney cure” fraggle PLANING ALLPORT COAL OFFICE, HASTINGS, Prutzman, Mgr. FOR CASH OR ON A MARGIN 3 PER (CENT. an Be at CHILLIES AF kr Iw Ein .i is ied 3 wre ¥ Syne iy yard, EAE 8: Lad por r Are Sergi th ail Tasd akile shades all wood We, She, 780, S50 $31.00 and 31. 27 per yan, Er} tine iif Broad] qd 4 ir per 3 yard. EBENSBORG RE CE COMMISSION CO. Try the New Idea Paper Patlerns "PHONE INO. 33. A sien Te pach, RY ES FFs oh er Hosa EX iienon tay We Eis Trading RTWy DD TErRaTn 1. W. COOK'S. Byron WwW. Ki Altoona, Penna. Solid Comfort. Willi open at Clearfield, Pa., SATURDAY, JUNE 28, And close \URSDRY, AUGUST 1, 1901. t : 3 - : : F ychool and Literary As- vivanma. u & 3 1H & Geo. Simmeisberger, (ratory. Flocution. Dramatic Cu & a bp Ser x su pa LEVEL And AF ILA Lea, BYROX WW. KIXG, School of Oratory, , or Clearfield, Pa. 5 , Pristsbhury £8 mty to bug JAMES COMMONS & SOb You can save from 20 to 30 per cent on all mercharidise. Regular Price, Char Price, Rogalar Price. | Stumh, Clon Starch 1 pound, 1 4 potinds, 250, 7 cakes, 2%, 1 cakes, Se. Also a full line of Clothing andl Furniture. wait oon Lhe sto duane i ad Crlery Ning rte Beye cles for sale or R ‘n whd Nerve, 3 | Rtonsaeh, Liar ang RK Ske, C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Gnun' s Pharmacy. H i