| jboth of this place, were marred by Rev. Pithor Pierron on Tuesday morn | ine at & erelack. The couple felt the sane morning on a wedding trip to | Buffalo and Niagara Falls, “A esting of the Cambria county oo bar sssociption held at Ebenshury Inst om Refrigerators given away ai Mel: work electe] the following officer: Ton’s Cush Grocery. Prowident b au Leff ponies you are euming to Pat avi, Alvi . ton on the Pimrth. HL B Clark, of (learfield, was | in town over Sanday. © Fling “old Glory"! to-morrow, Flag Day. : lh foil i The of ntl Kinds af tobi : and cigars at Rinkead's {be held jg ; i Monday, June 24. ~Od newspapers fo sale at thi " he poqmnanion ral far 8 Sich office 5 cents bundle. Lael # Ustholo ohureh al Loretto, the 2 eats on Srovery has been (gif of Chiirien M. Schwab, i to be of i738 £2 *] is rey iE Sands y to the btn § uml Fenn lating | Cihronghon if tie ternoon, Jaly 22 Ebtenshorg the Thao ov stion 2% foi towing 2 stots 150i 4 vT, the finest iparbie and will cost $6,260. Tou ereani soda water, all flavors, Tt is expected to arrive at Loretto ba k cents at the City Restaurant. fa weld at least. Tt will be one ot 8 | wx Collvotor Weskland ts Bustling | the finest tio be found anywhere. P the delinquents in great shape, : ’ section was visited hy 8 ii i wi «The tenet sight of six engines connected with ane in wes will i nessad on the Pooch Oreck railroad he other day. The train consisted of cars, and it required the combined John Asheroft returned Toesday | [tot of ix locomotives to draw the from & business trip to El Paso, Texad. ‘train between Viaduct and Gilliintown. LJ. A Gleason, the Houtadale at. ~~ HBarey Dugan, the small pox pa: to ney, was 4 Patton visitor over su: tient at Kaylor Station, is improving GE SREAY ; mii ining stantio Tins Dest BOE what De for & week or 80 batk, i and there is no indication of the dis | ane spreading. The railway station, | i {which was abandoned when the na hotel. Cheap for cash. Inquire at this: ture of Operator Dugan's disease was | office. Lascoriained, i again in use, after § “Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hartshorne ari | Sherongh cleanind and fumigation. in Buffalo this week attending Ue big «1% the rave to become extinot while ow. ane women hant for work bigher than When you want rubber states, pie whieh God gave them? Its inf | stationary ete, call at F. H Kin. nitely lower w ark What Woman's kead's. Club or Woman's Column can matoh «For & good shave, hair cut ur sham. | thie home which the wife and mother vane atten call on Garfield Wilkins, Fins makes beautiful and sacred for her YQUEEN | husband and sone? What are a hone. ~The best fice cream in town by the and manvises to a live ehild with iw oo og of $a qu rt of gation, at the City Rea! {displed body and living soul 2 Ladies” | i Hamme J arnal, Hastings, | “Mew. Jumeph : visitor tas 0X Congressman fro dn Deoosyivania, an d given ‘hae bought the handsome house of a Mrs Omores Fraser, on Twentisth and fashic HK. strepte. Northwest. The purchase fama : Por Sale—A Tot near old Mellon rE OR Hs {har slo i SB SP SEA kK i Gov sinor Daniel H Theopp, wife of the was a Patton Al work. puacantec by the Clear | Sp A Barfield, the davgiter of the late ; one time President the Pennsylvania Hailrad: andl : former wishes ber home in Philadel 0 Yerger, 4 the civil engineer phis Washington SOFUAPORGenos v for Elkins, W. Va, where | Pittsburg Commercial Graesitte, be will look op some coal lands. | President Charles M Schwab, of A big crowd of Patton people the United States Steel corporation, han went to Carcolltown on Bandas 4 awarded « contrart for the oon cipats in the Corpus Christi cores glon of a jirivate palsce our, to be built OTe ‘by the Pullman company. The car bs Bryan's Commoner {8 now a 12 "to be the most complete the Paltman bee paper with a circalation of over company bas evar turned out, asd wil ¥ fin advertising rate is $336 post, when conspleted, $50,000. Is wiil “be of regalar length, seventy feet, sod (will conta two state rooms, a dress. | ing room, dining room, bath room and | kitchen, iy addition to the regulae | sleeping bairthe, | Fits BB Bead, of Patton, was in ‘town Taewiay. Mr. Heed's name wa unjustly connected with Lewis H. Say. i der in last quarter sessions Conrt, with. cout any reween whatever and the ~Dow't forget that Patton will ele | (ry Jury promptly ignored the bill te the ever glorious this year With | ue to Mr. teed. We mention this at : eslas. Dome and bring youl tpi, time in order to place him right 08 before the people, as some persons did 8, , X. Shook. formerly proprietor not folly anderstand the import of thy of the Metropolitan hotel at Ebene Grand Jory's finding. He had no con. : , has taken charge of Keller's nection with the case whatever. (lowe. bel at Lock Haven. ; i field Pablo Spint : 1 you ‘want fine lmandry work, ~The time can pevér come when 5 leave your Inandry with W. BE IPro. business establishment having on sale the barber, Mages avenoe, the 8 commodity which has a permanent agent for the Empire Steam Laundry, Yaar, iH have no further need of ade rand Mrs. WH OH. Ball, vertiong. A new pablic | now in pros Winslow, Mink Mandi: ‘eean of being formed, and the enter. so id Mrs. OH Winslow drove (prise of doampetitors is continually Eben sbts on Satarday and visited | [reaching ont fur the peopde’s cnstom ; To increas his patronage. or event ~ Married f At the home of the. {Bold his own, the business man must ta in Eider township ou paren Ckewp hHimanll before the put and sday, June 11, 1901, by Geo. Bodoe, mast a1 lenst nee ss much newspaper Mr. Thumas E. Cartwright andl | Bpace as do bis rivals : : Here 1 x cattle killing episode that, ‘beats the Palton recomd by ome: A freight train coming east on the New : on, Pa, fn May 28th. Any infor Ye irk Central recently ran julo 5 GEO. ing the wame wid ba Of iw eattie ata point pear the “Hog : d by Mr. Johnson. Back’ toned, kitting thers all. Flys : tg fr By Peni % A base bull clab from Westover | Dare en, ry 3 al : 13 Bisel ad Gi: : mined ap” a Patton nine on Sab. Cetra on . . tended to. . EIR E AER IRE PIRES Pini 5 3 | Ba horrible manner. Out of St hcicttion wih tile Ee. ths Jocal clab’ and by speoial nitthurities will settle foe the @ refrain from mentioning fo Mr= Tiirapp isn Masons are. Juiiding A stone wail | Thomas A. Bex Rave your cash register coupons d secure i high grade refrigerator 3 of chiirge at Mellon's Cash Dunes and Jacob Bandford andl! Yeckiy Jeft for Buffalo on Wed to attend $he Pan American | 3.Pie Chea p : Offes in Na 12m, and A dark red cow strayed ! : And premises of Chas. Johngon, drove Offic ou Avenines. Ben tix kilos railroad amnunt of damage. There Is a special | get of the legiiatnre passed ao | yours ago which makes the foe inspector Was 10. | opmpanies pay for all killed by I: the ears in that eounty. Jobin Asheroft apd danghler, ol atton, Pik, are visiting in this city and it is pot among the improbable things thal Mr. Asebrofl will El Paso bis home. He is superintend ient of the Beech {reek Com & Cokv f Chas. PF Pitt on Bovi 5 BYE | Oo, bat la so plegsed with this country |, r. LauderMilch is the reprenihas he is considering leaving Bis old |, . e big wholesile howe olf yome. Yesterday Me Aschroft closed i Sout w big rial estate deal by which hei, again at ] ; becomes owner of the property where coo oor PR ware Co s Was in re Tohtataws 8! Ennis & Slian’s cigar stand and billiard | W. Hodgkt ole of days last week attending the rooms now stand. Work will soon bet nual convocation of the | commenced to erect a large three-story, —Buabser | Directors Association, of’ aig Saitin . : Splisy, that Aponan dos, #5 ‘ia clean bill of health” snd ais¢ | complimente the postmaster on the | ! it condition of His business with Imex Herald. SAID a atslish oi rN Ta When | it comes to pric tailor’s bil Suits Here—%6 to “ 00 At the Tailors’ — $18 to $40. WOLF & THOMPSON, | Good Building. SIS TTIOTS STIS TIEONNNS Shoes For Spring Wear. Btioes for » are pow ready 10 mest the demands of Bo Dew SER Stylish Men have adopted “Walk Over’ Bhoes Matting 12¢ per yard. And all other goods better than the be TH E OLD RELIABLE the manulasburers, 'H. A SEITZ Post Office JUSTICE OF THE PEAC ikke i i 3 young fellow - one of onr other day: wher: “My friends ask me Wi Heh it them at \W olf & T hompson's, thoy ge : clothes made them xy ok 14 lined fo £3 tn gy bast gion i CAD. YOu Ar trimsaings and Bring back ont sutinfante ry give] es Are Have just received this week a large assortment k of new styles in Ladies’ wring is complete. We ask tion today to our display of QUALITY" Shoes, which : 11 Black ! bine hnished “the best shoe in the and unhnished WR pir Hf $ LIT NE x GS. W Also a swell them the stamp of Fashion's | Th fitting apuaiities and 1able elegance have made them ove thers a trial and von will iller, | price ia believed to be about $140,000 DUY BU olher. .t PATTON, PA Cheap dobn Store | X ot ‘and seen IV new GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Etc. XL i es ni At Lowest Prices, FER NH ro are uy ie ce Bed Room Suit, $15.00. JALTY. grade of lame, A SPEC . wh hy on dag Lorie in proportion. loc ais a apest and Call 851 FE R T i 12h ; I wik in gars of all kinds shoo it ea ern 3 ¥ wil Hol leew IF bn alanis 1 as the : che che st. fature handle Fertil the 145 JOHN GANTZ, entist! ation Building, next door ta Office Hours 8 8 me loom tad om, BOONE, ‘DR. 8S. W. Worrell, PHS Sr SURGEON, ein Ofoe in ood Butlding, r-Sensry Savpery and We Een 8 Spechalty sii Willi reealb ra prove pt nites ion. AL E. wer of Lang and Fifth © Tollsetions promptly ab Properties to sell and rest. Somerville, At 2 SE % : $1 Revel | SY, Pa Pre A BS FAN 3 EA SA EG wr of the BY Ww ints rent, ine ae 13% ad 5 Arieanty will tw of Heo sav: Fp wr Tiki i had wid a varpen. Lie me who iy BOR : arvbown, EOE Beh a recetved, flog sale bY | Hostnge: and C. Bray, Laas, Patt £1. ihe for and advertise in th {building on the property. Hl Paso, | PATTON COURIER, the best paper Northern Cambria county. | 3 Flour and Feed ".! x ¥ BEYER OW mung iD but order direct from Proprietor. Boom Mo 3 Be, amd Mall Hats whieh we well Now | in Full y Our Store. Blast In. Ss loi £35 aka Pann Ba ¥ One new Hoe of spring goods i 4h old whewic ba fisre 8 morn : into one new. : that it with foes 3 big i saving 50 you. rae voumolf of Eo prinnity a frm 200 58 per cent. We fully realize Bot have ne £ ar thous goods at the present time, “ REY yosa vig vals sind of the Hime yoo wi i have ose for Just look over thew prices. flannel, regmlar $00 Rind, now go at 380. ana today's price only de. os un famel, i 1Be, How rr 2 lwo | worth 284s AoW 15 Wi yards 306 5 Are i Rs fanned worth 19¢. now Ro. red Swill funnel, was 35, now 350. rida sil wool red Hannel 3 Bitten ¥iirn, via SOc, now Ste. wale 1 Ey Ae, £8 150, 50 Ih Saxony yarn, was le ent, now 4 for 35¢ 1 lot wn! # water. proof coats, calne $2.50 now 1.25 1 lot men’s bine fanuel shirts, ‘worth $1. 50, we offer these at 1 lot Riches’ shrank fannel shirts for mon, worth $2.00. now going or 1 lot wool swedlers, the 1. on Kit at $1.25 1 5% £5 $60 ¥ 1.00 I : Oh 75 1 mid +18 = ! } “hoy 25 15 I ink men’s hn overshirte, worth R106, wa offer ther at 80. 1 int men's overshirts, worth The, now S8e. 1 jot hadioe’ wool walsts, worth $1.50, now he, 1 jot Indies’ onting flannel waists, the 75¢ kind, now goat 480, ¥ lot outing waists, the 50 kind, now eo. 1 lot ladies’ flees wrappers, eal vilne $1.25 now go at He. 1 lot wool hoods, the 30a kind, now 19. I lot ohildnin’s boode. Lhe Be kind, wow Lie 1 lot Indies’ all wool altirt patterns worth $1. oy will close ont at de. 1 Jot, the 90x; kind, at 82 1 int fascinatom, wan i300, Bow de i Be, wo 180 1 lot lading’ woul a Aderwear, tha naguiar Dollar kind, at 730, Al Bh snderwiar will ao wt die 1 lot men's snd boys! “ipa the i Ste kind, at Be. i ¥i £3 1k 28 El FER, All wont hoslery at 35 per cont off. All winter gloves and mitts At cost, All fl boots asd anitics ul less than cost LS % 4 ¥¥ 3% Wea have 5 few pairs of shoes io odd sly that we think are hig valoos ow * oar site is here It will pay ron to purchase. Wa have sone very pretty things is ney spring goods for your inspection. 1 rrop in and see an 7 8 You res For Trade, MELLON'S You can get = lated sugar for purchase goods to the amount $10.00. OUR MILLIN NE RY or $100 of patlern hub will wie gel one al the | ive Th Boxes off How Wo haves moth a Brent baie EVANS Si STEERS. >! OILKS! ove Eat Lik ‘atian § 1 MILLINERY in all Its Branches. MRS. G. M. STEVENS & SISTER.