0 the Pennsylvania railroad annual How: rate excursions for 1901 to Atlan i fie (lity, Cape May, Ocean City, Hoa ! nN Isle City, Avalon, Anglesea, Wildwood, | 5 ins : a Mich Sept # de | "| Holly Benich, N. J, Rehoboth, Del, or | § e + Banbank wr a when sur 1 uN os 58 and | ‘Ocenn Clty, Md. Tickets good tore- | IR § BY 0 NaLAdLI | walked ont ; a to a chale. 400. | arti within sistecn days, mctuding | TRU IMIM YO IDr Famers Ef and « packache Cure date of excursion. : | gave me a porter : A Melis | A special train of Puoliman parior | gg a, Pa. : : : mars and day coaches will leave Pitts | : dl 0 iver : ; tre on above mentioned dates at 5:50 | 00 an . a om arriving at Altoona 12:5 pm, t monn myself as a 08g. {wh re mop for dinner will be made, Remedy and Y erye Tonic athing Thi detybia 6:25 p.m, In 3g \ Riond Clesnsin red oy 8) Ie decir o the epotitionn an 2 pur for sup per, sty] neriving at Atlan. | Grant Ra ‘constipation, ory ; ia bes held at ED. go hee cia the Deleware River Bridge ne 24, 1901 Ry a the only ali-rail ogat 2:40 p.m. i HIARLES C. LasroN. | Passengers may also spend theo night in | SERERC R 8 A : : | Philmdelphis, and proceed to the shore ; I ¥adiiis Jit SOL ih Lured Iv : : ; ¥ i of arato C.-Y ! ] geosin bore. 1 ard oy | - * oe w. Kosi # schoo . rary by any regula train from Market : A ; Loe : | he ™ ort h 1 ar 1 yf CC aml IIA, nig term xt £1 Tearfiohd. : Striiet Whar! or Broad i reset 8 Stat {on 3 mt fas 4 i. The. Fenyer's Golden Beat x i - ; ; 2 13 5 x x BER 33 al thesy 5 rE a i made a bid for it bot they on the following day. ~~ 11 Ms BN whlohit is atlvar ivi Po WN i Yhservy £ the F irst at Patton AR soaowt. : withont Matt Savage's per- I Passengers for pointe Stee than At: Bd 3 Nn us ofp fully equal ri Eo wget hoo zee , City will sped the night in ‘"n Ey ) i eslding Eder M. UY newspaper eloquence, and anil 11 1838) 11 : ; ewspape i, 2 Palladalphia, and ase regulary trains WivawWwas = Fes ww | sprains. colds, Bre oS Sores, | the next day from Market Street Wharf, | i eo CR | Dysentery, Bowel Troubles, it ix unfbiiing. 1 Alstapiover of ten days will also bel " Abram, Ohi, Jan. 8, 108. o deal of alleged. A pamsor ands (allowed at Philadelphia on the goin; : into the Bunday papers, but trig, if passengers will deposit thelr , s silliest, Wioppiesl ness iy the tickets with the ticket agent ab Broad Avi your AS tos a mans TIARAS OF Lr OL Tho Remedios and " ata jammer Kids. Any Strset Station, Philadelphia, immed. | ; tly om arrival ; hamor in this an- | is see any amar Ticketa will he sold from stations at skill | sohnatown. iia 8 ¥% Hu 4 TH. > of Jersey Snore; in Cpe Tee B00 #15 Sho [Hane RB AB congratolated over his | ine aA eR $8 in the matter of the loca | I Fbenstnre Si % & mo 11 Ak . ss ‘ A : ; : iw oama la | nes i By a Celebration unequaled in the annals of ISERIES SE EN ho i | Credmon,. 8 pew New York Central | Altoona intops for immed £ 9% T2EA Some of his more pretentions | Tickets will also be good on rogulir | y io : \ = 4 1 ] hugh, { ambria ( ountv. WO , are a little slow in giv- | {trains leaving Pittsburg at 4:50 and JAVA R 1 : : ; “ a 00 p. m., carrying sleeping card to | i hy All woe a : : ast a justly due | Philadelphia, ard 7.10 P Hi... carrying | : And the Kirk | turn : 7 - i {F + 24 ¥ Rp yop : gromive pe newspaper men | pasial Pullman sleeping cars through | NAA Alda 28 estivities Commence at 4 a. m,, With Cannonading, Pe ave Sud hes their being | to Atlantie City. tur £ 4d nd Hardware Lo i towed by a Program of Rare E scellence. : Seeley has made some of | For detailed information in regard. ; | verbial quirter | to rates and time of tralian apply to 1 0. al NOW prepared tickiet agents or Mr. Thos BE. Wall, : : : E | | District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg, to furnish VY Ou with the funons mining town ar Sate, Fu rnit Ure 0, will be an invoention in ¢ Good team of young 36 hve and aj ol affairs if the story be trae peer met of harnioss for said mules will (.arpets, snd of faxing her citizens, | ibe told at a bargain. Also a good re- ; ] | 0 ty i ; Lei | frigerator. Call on or address, Joss nh Aye : : : ~ : ipality is in » fair way 0 | CU ' : Baby | Fantastic and Industrial, tire compan- dividends. The dispatch | hepanski, Patton, Pa. - : Carriages, : fo; 11e8, secret and civic societies, brass bands, yeoent decision of the Bu. An electric light compan) y has a 2 Arts ‘drum corps, the celebrated Rube Band, ie pr gives the city absolute (organized in Carrolitown and a charter | we | he o be + Alf the strects | | applied for. {0 sganhitlaond I : er. : # : nee Does your business need nm x Ee Darktown Brigade, Etc, Etc, Ete anc he mos istic. | N eb i workinanship. : A Aatiings alse know that nded ms 7 TEA SS Re BE ” i is = - A "gn t yy : at record bi caking mains i P atton and » Ln i ® ¥ & ¥ ¥ srices. Lompiete new that you are heiping 2. to fill yonr own cof stock 1 in all lines. i re 4 # Cf Per contra, if your F ull line of Hard- job pron ng is done ware, (ilass, Paints, out of town you like- ; Oils. Fite Co ise know. or ought : SH - iis, Lic. as usual. : y that vou are help : CH a ill kinds. Hose races, toot races, - - - : * i ¥ 1 . Sa ; Ae - . Weareoffering Iron ing Te you oe if, and tub races, bicyc le races, wheelbarrow races, a B hed ds at the following ten you are getting pe Halo races s and 1 In fact sports of every de- We test your eyes Free reduced prices: 2.00, fterinr lock ‘seription including a hve and clay pigeon hn el re tities out of ter : | and furnish Spectacles as 13, 20 4.00, 5.00, 6. 50 inferior work at the shooting tournament. low as $1. lenses can a same price or more . . to $14.00. than it can be don re be exchanged any time for at the within a year Finest line of stove s fee. The Covmmr | DIAN S 5 itn town—Re we] ( Cro = CRN a iytin 14 : —'X 1\ / ad | © nw Far. : Satisfaction guaranteed Gg t E ¢ i ; and J industry In Cambria county or money refunded I ummit, ktc. a milk ticket to A ho miceme and dance wi s held a wy egies 8 SUUMY| or money refunded, | Wl ree | A big picnic and dance will be held at on fruit grows in this - pt Kirk Fu ppifure chee past dra cir the Firemen's Park and Shiort’s Grove. a Hf ni re Mg YO THAI 5 MOAB NAO 15 gs of bushels of : oes | CHEERS, (Tare cus progras N ORATOR alone every yoar, for which; mera Lo Hard Jare 0 : : Al ORAT ier pays the highest prices. | 1 “tan lew : A 1 '. : SAL i ae r= |The Patton Jeweler | Rit] HERRE Of voniwn will be present who will deliver wer of this section would | : Magee Ave, ii : EL’ ; (Ht renown wi #1 presc nt who wih deliver Be emer FipstNation’ [Bapki "ATTOoN PA | BILL A, an address dun t adapted to the climates. Mur. | general agent for Chase Bros, | OF PATTON. When in ne sedl of Yo., of Rochester, N.Y. is in this | va on now. His firm ia probably the Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. PU RE DRUGS, the Diiited States fn many re STATIONERY, oy ars absolutely reliable in cA prTAL PAID UP, $10 : tA FAR IAD CS ation, all raeck being | | caprmaL pA, + $100,000.00. TOBACCO & CIGARS, Lr TTC | Gs ; TREPLUS. $18,000.00, ap cL F 3 i : : LO DAME. rood firm 4 y CMC) SRY Nd I R 1 : ‘ ¥ al = . 3 LE : : 3 to a A Ag 4 niirsery lain. CC Apenanite of Crirpors tion, Flena, fodividn Lt Ni EL > 1 I gd %Y x $ : 2 i halle 3 ARC T TIN ¥1Y { J and display din a customer to a Ereater Jigand flanks rioslvml apn tie most favors. PATH ~MEDICIN 1% i : = i J than morely gelling money | Bib ore cacautens wilh és and scum Ta Ge | Hg ENT MEDIC Lv, | ol da Jioht fireworks ¢ atternoon. In stork. Chae Bros. pride them pReamatiy uch tiekels tots for sis lor ll the fendioy oil AY, y go Ba er SEE : : . 3 a : ! : ; “ » 5 5 £9 2 Td on the fact that they do every | ie of eid Word ’ FL sig) the evening a $500 CoLcy tion of nrotechnics } § : 3 3 i i in their power to make tho All aud respond pondancs wil Lars one prompland Huber % 3 = . x d 8 3 et CW Laununase he plcdy Cs HO] miles Around. prrsenal sien town and see this great 12 ois 5 snccess for the grower a | Pat paid it tine deponite Nae a Fy Eo pica as themselves. Mr. Murray 4. KE. Parron, Wax H. Saxororn, Drug store. | only be in thi pat for a President. ~~ Oushier. 5 A TTON PA short time and will be pleased tovall - ve PATTON, PA « farmers in this section and sur. Chop, Feed and Meal. | Presoriptions properly compousded. in, x Best equipped Bil in North- Dp V. A Murray oe : # dd A on that oy | ern Cambria County. Dredger, Fosters Ss E } > {sga: "Take the pumberi .__ _ _. _.., dr irs PHYSICIAN & SURGEDX. hee and Mane DL Xcu rs Ol n | rai Ins ar living hrothers. Double this | BUCKWHEAT FLOUR iden Axiingion Mak, aust b Posto fe tianery, and in fact v Add it this Wree. Multiply 3 SPEUI A L PY. Didi un : a of the! we. i ox and i Bi os oy Foes ; EF Ey: A PLRS yy 4 x ¥ * i i given special avail om, : ev ilAdahsigy Mats a2 : XA gid ap ud repro “i oan al result by five. An to dt he num! “Al kinds af Faney Spring and ; rr = How AAT By 1 & moan 18 0: 2 Pars Ieee Ey ey 2 Ts § Baa Wiad fhe ERX ED Eng NTR anh, Tout 3 } iil 4 : ong. living sisters. Multiply the I gop. whent Flour, Whole Grain, Add number of death of | )fiddiings, Bran, Oil Meal Baled Hay Patton Cou rier, - Pr ap 0} REE £5 i ae * ong a : 5 : 3 Be 2 ) Sa 2g i & i En ee te gsi . oo p i He i ERs SIE of NOL LC dd i ERA Te Bibi diag Prdd ticulars, and jisters. Subtract 150, and Straw, : Promoter of Publicity. | the Rocky Montaims. ult. The right frase figure : Ma, Telegraph Patton | Feed = i wile made known on. and To a ah rr pe ROY EATON DECKER, ders will receive our LL. 8 BELL, C 3 prompt attention. ] Pres. Treas Sec’y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers