The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 13, 1901, Image 2

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    several oth
n, went down Sais No.
site on the Bani,
ide of the river,
x drunk in Washington, is sai
{ plans have been ingest:
cue the frien, _ Some talk 0
eed to “this idea, for fea
the muncre that
: wusary to let the detge wl
in the mines would be to
was placed in the
xplosion of seven yeas
water would rush ino fi
i matics at Bucknell Colle
tor 1877, and later president of Monon.
Ld ganieed a. provincial
it the Twenty-second
1. K. Funk delivered the | ¢
A harcalavro gts
Eoag sen cin CRerciscs OF
i College, at Salem, Va
man, unexp
i | to his father.
i. S Ko
, it) %
Abou : ae
filizted pr
Caming manphadiarning there
: tori now in New York, sav ho
Boer women and children at present
concentrated im camps esfahlis ed hy
the British are in a horrible condition.
Rose Brundimg, of
that she was enticed to a vacant Eyer
mer hotel at Jamaica, L. I. and Jepet
prisoner there by a man, who competed
her to work for him.
The parents of Mabel Burt, the Smith
College girl who stole a fof of jewelry
irom her classmates, are trying to re«
rover the stolen gems. to be returned tO
thelr owners.
Prof. Charles Sexton James died in
Montana. He was professes of mathe
ge from 1833
gahela College.
Miss Nunnie Langhorn, af Priadel-
fia, won a thousand-dollar pool that |
had been made on the steamer Camps.
nia during the voyage on the Epsom
The Philippine C ommission has or- |
roverament at
F. Krebs, of
n Isidro, with Capt
A Rev. De
ssrmon, begining the
It 1s reppried that © has. M. Schwaly,
rasident of the United States Sten |
-orporatinm, has bought the Bethlehem
Steel Company.
William Warner a traveling sates
curities in his atic. They had belonged |
Elaborate arrangements have been
made for the annual International
(| hristian Endeavor Convention, to be |
ld in Cincinnati
Capt. Fred. J. Kountr, son of Gen
Kowitz, ex-commander-m-chiel
. KR. died at Toledo, Ohio.
Ch "A University is establiching sf.
eparatory schools in Paris and |
other cities of Enrope. a
Edward de Duphine, who an while
in Win.
chester, Vit, to be the heir to the De
| Chambord earldom in France, who mar: |
ried 3 Mothadist rumisters daughter in
Sylvan I. Friedlander with us wife,
int Newark, N.
in Reading.
A company was organized in Richa. |
mond, Va. for the parpose of
Lng power to small plants, ay may be
xu th \ han C dor
Kelp bay, ear Banfie dd creek
from ® entane to Bar:
& = Bediord
ire acid in mustake for wt
or of
(a the Vaneouver
Mrs Lun p ince Kennedy collapsed |
ee Kansas City whils evidence
was Sing give
Jor the murder of her Rushand
5 agains het in her trial
Edward Willams, colored, cup James
Shaw’ % sk! in twdin with an axe, a¢
‘the latter se sleeping in a saloon in
| Norindk,
sfantey, #5 gover:
Roaroie :
eeredly found $0000 in se- |
an the
of New York. claims :
A Stretch
rosin SpA
Wichita. Kan (Special, J=The most
disastrous storm that Ras ever visited |
Oklahoma prevailed in Kay county. A
tornado struck Billings, Eddy and Ton.
(Kawa, and is influence covered a stretch
“of country 10 miles wide and 36 miles |
long. destroying towns, farmhouses and
crops. The francial loss will exceed
$10,000. At Eddy three persons were |
killed. It is rep
were killed ar
be verified
orted that tao person
iTlings, bat this cannons
(of the storm céntred in a tornado at
about Sw P m, whieh formed ar a
RnmY near the Kansas Srgre bine
The little town of Eddy was struck
and of the twelve or Ritecn buildings in
the place all were leveled to the ground
(except the railroad statica and an ele.
valor. The people of the town sought
citled and seven were injured by fying
The track of the tornado between
this paint and Tonkawa was laid waste
buildings, were blown away, but all the
Loctupants escaped without injury. Fine
fields of wheat in the midst of harvest
i were md waste
The tall end of the tornads fell with |
terrible force upon Tankuwa
dwellings and business houses were
Cxcattered lke loose lumber. The 2ith-
zens of the rawn had hesn watching the
{advance of the storm and had soough |
shelter in caves and cellars
Ar Blaclkews!
coworking on a hoase was struck
hghening and instantly leilled.
| Blood Infection Resuited From Bene Felon
~Physicinny’ Statement.
«Mes. MeKin
and Daniel H. Bogart, hs clerk, were |
| arriested k.
Cehargs of conspiracy to commul arson
Waddington (S i
les: s physicians, after a lengthy Loman
{ lato, Fesued the fr wing halisn:
Aes Me ieKintey % stinges has
binod nie resulting from
of on A
F whieh began we Los
RAR promi EE
subsequent cmd
due the same
ciated with 3 wv
Lge ved, however.
fares ye Burden Bordeiway was J
arrested wn Philndeinba on the charge
tof forging Pierpont Morgans name
The son of Jacob Nave, a farmer
county, Pa, drank carbo
{ saber. He may
Major Lewin S Tessen, medical direct,
the Deparment: of Colombia, died |
The students of Wesleyan Universi
threatened to fut naless Prof
Tash wai reissiated
» elettric hight plant
I Eight young soldiers hack from Man.
y Tobbed on a Fres seh ratiway.
iguently recognized the three thieves
Land chased them into & river, where ali
were drowned.
I Yokohama on a German crises
proceeded to Tokio
¢ scene were Ee and
ne of the inmates,
Carguing in rourt in Pucbin,
i Regis,
i, and continued
, 1m the wounding of M
i charge of being concerned |
(heey of the Pare office of the American
A Cf. '
ma a manic
The town council of
Va. decided against bav
fecaived a public iy
neshore. Pa
} YR AY :
| Advices from the Klondike report the
: drowning of fair men in Five Finger
Judge W. P, Beck dropped dead while
haa i
A pumber of deficient fa fers were
discharged from West Poin ih
os mmitved si
Nrs Dara EF Darley ©
: ede in Noriolk, Va.
Be i asian:
raveler who had been.
An American t
Count worn Waldersae arrived
The only foreign troops in China pot
now under orders to leave are the Jap:
A duel with swords between Max
the ante-Semite mayor of Al
mies, and M. Laberdesque, an Algerian
curnahist which wis began Friday near
Jeperday, resin |
May Churchill, 2 concert hall per:
former, was arrested in Paris on the
in the roby
| Express Company.
of by a dis. Straus fire. A lary 4
ih the Busi
; Joss ix ot
The ie ated from
igin in the harness shog dart In ET
Barton. A strong wind wily ron Robrechendt in comm:
the ime and the flames quick:
ing buildings. Bur. :
r's shoe store thei” ap
tore in which 4
bi pp and hardwarg boy
destroyed, and Swherland' clare
Ee ane in the Es Nites fan
id ed GYet hy
a ears of age, was mstant ty
cillet hore by grasping an ordinary mo
less rt A ginbe, Walsh attempt
‘the light by twisting the
‘glass melted in his hand and
cived the full strength of the cure.
)e ves a widow and three chil
accident occurred in thie
{ factory
Co. wine
Annie Toc
stitching handk
te pick up oa bubbin un-
pr “hair can
had ano
; decks ines 1h state
2 Fah tre ita
Lawers padi against iy
broken down ammals af
Cdwiding with
; Charged
N ¥ (Speci fal) A
tsold on the curb in New York at vy |
iow, bait Bt
Herrmann 3
its predicied that
| Cotton Exchange.
© Mrs Louis Botha, wile of the Boer
(Specia 3 . ‘village 1 general, arrived in England
Tre principal Cann
F Ease since her arried § 4 Ww asking on Bos
heen an acute endoxardins { milano
i ries of the lining mepnalye gun we
hrart), involving the mitral valve, 1}
result of the same Blood infect Th
| des fost appear to be progress ve, and
there han heen an improvement in Tse
idiarrhoen and in ber general condition
Mrs McKinley's case at the present nn
presents a more hooelin] aspect”
The statement thar Mrs McKinley's
case at this tinee progenies a more hope
ful aspect ix the best word that hay come
fren the sick roenns stned the arrival of
(ihe dutidpumshed patient in I ashingion
The President feels comideraidy
1 en A RMA
Swag's Shortage Mors Toes $30,008."
ih the report of Middlesex
unity grand tury for its Jone siting,
ip bs sis Just wade pablee, i Berame
the rion tage of Roland DD
who was arrested. charged
the larceny of $3006 fram the
hus bees found to be pare thy
O00, Swan was also imnlicated
an allem Lh burn the town Ball wv. |
gral weeks ago. on the night when the
town smkie was robbed anid records were |
gud |
Toranto, Ont {Spe
: and Rice. ennvicted of rol
‘ofBee and a Srivate bank
were Sentenced to 21 years
: Penitentiary. Immediately afterwar 1
they were taken to Polite Court an
vharged with the murder of Consta
Bogd on Tuesday gxeni ry last when
they, with Thomas Jones rempted 1
eacape from the Hicers wil» bring
:wegwmeterrrd from ihe dour 10 cash Bonk
Cnsen pleaded nel wer shry amd the Bearine
cial} = Rutlede:
tn Kingsi:
was postponed for a week. The three |
} Bry
the United States to study
trade methods :
In Tuesday night’ : afar
A Bas mime died from
brought here from C cage
jo EX Wa shat
nd will
proceed to Holland and Bel iy She |
po her mussion
The German oc SHPALIOR
A Chinese in Rpietial Lit any
if fase ng 1 & Wat westher th
of the cous Peli hus |
{ual 2 » itembey 8
the Salk
1% ners
House of Cop oni Pods
5 000 ar tear gro at 3%
Sash Ain
¥ vhar
a Bras
Raia an
S40 for
thie guverament shove
wai Casi.
The stickholders of the
Rai! way sanctioned Charles 1
Yerkes plan for the roduc on oH
electricity as the motive power of the
New Consolufared Tobaceo
consol are very
Engiash i
they wil fall
Small, of Marion, ra. has heen
member of the
eleciod a
The resort that President Miller
ig New Nirk,
i May 73 rail
‘Paring the munth
rards inc:rased tasic gross earnings oi |
per Le nt.
yo Lee WHE Te in the fight
London |
Homers than 200 of Mates §
heals |
New Y ork
id |
to the Northern Pacific, had TER ened wits i wtly
: denied i
i brigade fn :
China will be compnsed of three regi |
ments of dnfamry. with Major General
{By Calle’ ~larer details of
pear Hp Pr : ;
3 wine rr 3
af Cap wl WW Ho wi los wend tho
stu shviw that the Licutenant La
aly weoapnled was
hugh Low, Ir. Zon of Gi
vat Linstenant Lee o
Lieutenant Fazhe
Engines Corr |
The cummny & ered hy Capt
fame MH. Wilhelm of the Twenty: first In
Cantey, with zo men of that regament
were met ak wiides mpatheast of Lina
Batanzas Provinde, and cons
| supposedly the command of Gonzales x
The insurgents were defeamd ban their
The rain fell in torrents from early in
the evemng until midnight The sory
of a wesithy New Y
i pleased hz father. A
| riage was followed by
| Chicago without knowledge
places of safety, Three persons were
{man were on graved the words
pis * JE La
Five larmbonses with barns and out- | Violette.”
hints | :
4 I a few mies worth of
Tonkawa, FH Crawiord a carpenter, |
| SUrgeans
Lihey did not think they wonld pr ve |
z fatal X
= was at thee
i Sha,
30 years oid. a
and a graduate af the Andapois Naval |
He served with diginetion |
r Petrel in Philippine waters.
‘in Buffilo with his wite and
LC. Carson, a mining
California, has invented and applied lor
patents mm 22 commtries on a process for
| manaing turing steel, which some cor |
| Tras Sag 1
1 are issued
o£ Cambridge, Mass. {Special} ~<ln con: | The IBVERNON fo
4 hich i
Mr. Carson has accepted
F will leave soem for Chicagy
Erin of the
Wi: Tw
with a ballet wound in the | semmple. the
{dead bodies ¢ i
were fomnd in their bed at the (rom |
The pao showed no
both jifeless
Northern Hotel
evidences of 3 struggle,
4 forms wire comotaed, the covering of
the bed well tucked about thems, but the
{ revolver chched in the night hand of
0ep | the es told the story of the double
a and his wile registered ut
the Heonel June 6 giving as ther address
New Yirk Both were stylishly dregaed
and appeared to be persons of means,
Early Sunday night they retired 10
their apartments and nothing was seo
Tok thew wnnil Monday evening, when
they were found dead in bed.
e nly information the hotel mans |
agers have concerning the couple was
he was fashie ianably gowaed and
ssid thi che was 2 end
the young
san. She said that she had learned that |
Lthe Hartmans Rad arrived in Chicago |
ane she Bad made a mur of the hotels
fh lowate them,
She wid that Hartman was the son
Yorker, and that he |
that had dbs
Bad formed an ats
A reconciliation was
hy friends. and she charged Manager
Roth not to lend the man money, as ie
would be taben care of financially by the
slider Hartman
Om a card case belonging Sy the woe
from the discovery
at: actress makeup nn a trunk, it 1s sup
posed that the woman had been connect.
od with the stage. A card also indicated
that she had Leen 3 member of tw
“Puchesd’” company.
lll a
E custed From she Hume. 1 the Garersmen |
Buliding at he Expedition.
Buffalo. N.Y
i omrsnder 1 H Baill, of
States Navy, in charge of the hydro
: graphic asrvice at the Pas American |
: the ?
Crovermpent Building and was serious
ly mured
assistance reached
taken at onve tn the Emergency Hos
: After a carein] examination the |
sound. fell rom the dome of
He wis unconscious when
him. and he was
while Com
Wore ShrIOus,
reed that,
His right leg 1s broken
the knee. aril fg hep ie
supposed “that his aleull
en fracirired. But tine was pot
fisurenant Commander Bull
native of Pennsylvania
the Spanish. American War and sub
®ronent yp WAR erat srt Ts service sn she
Thar was
He lives
jaar chile
Ian) naval nme nt
(Special) Mr
Redding, Cal ~Mr
man of Northern
apparently the
of Yered to purchase for $600
A and that the
ant now being tnszalled for thas par
PRE DET Chicago prove satisfactory
y const of a car
Le wpipe. through the operation of
avisuiastare of steel whic 38 said Wm
we foe ahead of the Bes ester PrOCEE,
+ superin-
end of that tests,
Three Girls. Drawded
Philadelphia (Spreinl) A party of |
six x perrafis- three wien and three girls.
ing cay The Drelawars River ott
Vo snimgron, a few tales below thas
City were thrown into the water by the
| swamps! ig of their soll during a sn spall,
ep party
ye the girls were drowned
3 Beat Chih
vere gests of the Federal
her members of the club heard the |
tmates amd mmedinte.
cries of the nal
Voi met ahout rescuing thems
London (By Cable). Elder, Dents.
eer & Co oer to pay the traveling
expenses of the official delegates 3
sich trades gnions wiling to go to
First Cavalry
fd : an 5 ar
foam dhe hand anid a
of the engineers
and Bosvels and
oak §
a 53
1h ala
tien Whibhelm
3 the
Le wa RB. Ramaey,
ia in the
DITY. Was shit
Bath of these ofhcers are
sled. In adit two ergeant
sie private were wounded
The American officers were planning |
fro attack a force of the surgeons which
Twas shead of them,
Bot been reported. Yates
when they were
Cleeve hgye
Major W. If. Daly Kills Rimiselt
Pittsburg, Pa (Special i —Maior W.
. H Daly, whe was a deputy to the assis
it the he ht a
darter was found
fa th
ta on surgeon gesaral on the staff of Lien Myers.
fired on froin one side
AMaddissbars, Ke
alas Willams a fotorions
moonshiner and desperado, has been cape
fared Bere. He
| Chicago. (Special). Side by side, exh | 3g
he a woman who called at the |
| mer shut up in a rob,
with Bik hones. 1 re uae
rats and all kinds of vermun :
The unfortunate woman, who hid
fos her regeon was taken 19 *
¢ degarture for
ge of the par
being effected |
cently Jefe
i pleadid that
fall ~Laentenant
Specia the United | suddenly in the infirmary Mo th
2 an order from 1
fractured. 1t I:
the |
: anserts
| Emperor Kwan % Sa on we
Be ner he fxpects ¢
35 davs
: : | avs
arhon Vorced in White fron Leaves Cupole i
oo ek | Star
the provivons that patents |
Tests made at ui
land Nes
® after and |
1 fantry,
any |
‘fier the
fs purasnyg |
was wmonmbed i the |
Co Daestes Amie
Je shin Wins
A Speciall —Lowms |
tn A i
For Tweatyfive Years Madome Mosaics. 1
phate Her House em
| Was is Love With a Poor Lawyer-The Once
Beautiful Woman Nearly Reduced to Skeleton ;
Paris (By Cate) —The sensation of
the week Bas been the arrecr of Mal
Monnier. a tich. miserly
her sin a formar
Phepartment of Vienne and a leader of
Pooper sobiety. sin the ohurge of
carcerating Mile Blanche Mounier
daugliter of Madame Manner. for 23
years in a room of Maduthe Monnens
police, who were anonymony
Hilly of the wismiun's Jetentis an, an.
ier all
fered the hone and found Mie Mon
ving HER IMAtirean;
sod WIHT Hix.
ospital, It was thougde she wot
but she 3s now improving. |
Twenty five years: ago she
beantital brunette and fll in love with
a lawyer without mrans
disapproved of 1
her 1 the room which she has only ro:
The son altar hie arse
he acted as he did on ae
eount of Shal piety. and that the moh
wis fessonsible Th Inver
ment in the cas Satards
Monnter died gison of héart
The sravity of hie crime wis ren gh
ti her a ol ¢ judge 4 SxRUHiat 1318
Thuriday. Shp Ho ;
2 ce
Se Shi Chin in Limba,
Frarcisco {Spee ial) me Su
the C his Ieve reform htader.
| Lrenieta ;
i the Ri ound that Ku had of
irl the passport upon which Be was
alhowaid £0 and. ea 2 cen | merested hi
3e of
that ts
His previo woirage 38
ty Londons, wah
The star was
jlandits of over
Me ad Tehak The
wrest g Lh aed ls i%
eat coubli Jigs
sorted] By x large Hoot os ont sor wgil
Ges |
She rrreived a suttesvion of
salares HY:
til she was nearly 1 of Thatcher 3
i pine g
A tf Ber
. wnt Take Uy Moody's Work.
Liverpool (By ¢
Line we
sled from hese |
4 >
Cable). + bi The
fess £3 he
ond’ Tes C4
and oC oo wn
te nited Ste, Muavister to Gin
PR iron can be converted mio | os
Eateal ai wr Irpaves the canola Tarpace
i eon i roadn & plan hor the
emery clerk of the town of Me. Carson his p duced 3 plan for th
pas a Morgin ©
2 Sieray sun wit
#10 take a9
Seracuse, MN y
from Paul J Snillane A)
med in the Fh
5 Eric 1k 5
le Npiiiane Pb 3
3 by
eR ith k
tht Filigin
Maw Ronrker 4
disapiearane £ £35¥
i ace lin § te the k
taken prisoner and went pd
rAphiviny. Shortly aiter ward
Tralas Mot on a Carve.
Vicksburg Miss (Sreciily ~Te:
SONS Ree uaTed. ther ann
Foi between fas
The frasmd mit on 3
bead. tad eal
sippy Valley
¥ ieksbury
curve, and hut for the promot ac
Engineer Jones in FEVErig hs
the wreck wid have
Farone AL £
cout} Pop
4 Calving and Eng acer
dsr EN whi i may pre Spe
ain of Library to Universite,
oN {Special
HR visite
ite § i
New ork | i Laine
Eines Ena Sone ot
SEE iy Governor’ ¢ Island for desert
sxcapied on 3 fair The prisoners we
Harry MeGuire, whi wis
5 charged with the mur. jd
| etal Chaffee will have all
; andows: i
or of the seighborhiod at Pattiers, anid
sabeprefect of fle |
Lg Lommissinner Taft in his tour of
Comeral. Comm
tis form of administration
a 3
starle naked, and ;
WAS ao
Her mo ther |
heir love and con find bo
§ sipnr
53 spiral.
dhmirrand oF 4
Pr silonr
You's exySricnre in the Postofics Dee
agwn ap
Hae present aues at Pekin aver the in.
(Ya ori
$ Hires
SA Fame Commis an.
5 rE ig i
termy of 1X months for desertion, and
whi was sirving a term
: showing
4 twp year 3 for u he same oflanse.
i Ehilippanes are served,
2 ane
iv has hewn definies Ay Averarined by
tration and seems on the
yen 1 ate 2 deal government un
dur c commissioner Taft and General
Chaffee. wh succeeds General MacAr
fr with the change of affaires Gen
i the phwers ang
srthariy of Miditary Governor aot only
eomenand of the army forces in :
fands bat he will have direct control
len over the adeinistration of certain
istricts of the Philiopines witers 2
iit practicable to apply civilian guvern-
ent. These districts are my remote 0
tions and have recently been visited In
thes heconye pacifi § hed
rirmed over to civiluan
ssioner Taft will apply
islands Ax fam go ¥
van be
It is net ewrected that there will te
| xny contlict of authority between
mussoner Taft and General Chaffve, and
events, when questions in dispaite
HAY 3 { smovisvionsr Taft's decinor
av pease Heation.
The Presidem sgned an order rer
3 =k mneiiying the Ea od he navy a.
cording vy ther tonnage, to tuke the
place of the old classification. based on
ihe number of guns carried Under
the new system rhere will be four class.
vt, ax follows: Firgrorate men-of-war,
of Boon tons and aver: second-rate men
abwar, of sono tons and under Boco
tons, and aaxiliary vessels of 6000 fons
ard aver, except colliers, hospual ships
and other vessels used jor special par.
i nik Leg thirdory # mannl. we fron on
Lx) 00 tong, and auxiliary vessels from
Hoo 1 Boon ton and colliery, reinigs
eiator ships hospiral ships, etc. of go ~~
syns and aver: feaelerate, all other
The order farther gives the aesign.
tha command aflogy These give
wind of 3 fleet: rear ade
command ot 3 deet or squadron.
, command of a division, or ship
the first ar second rate; comman
evmmand of 3 division or ship of the
ite rate: Hewtenant commander,
& shin of the third of
irtenant command of a
i rate a dedivover, fox
or tender: Heutenaat
comin and of H torpeda
miral ©
a als
Cortelvon May Sater Labipel
w hte House rameor revives the
Hs «rary Cortelyon may be
his predemt position a
or nt the Cabinet ;
By he report that Major
er T. Frudie on assistant secretary to the
whi was sppainted 3 maior
wil go into service and
vr the advancement of Chief
iph Forster. The opinion is
£85 essed poi there will be an opening
Chur Mr Correlvon in a short ime. Not.
vegnding contradictions of the res
rt, opinion points 10 Postmaster.
wneeal Smith as the Cabiner
Ihely to retire, and Mr Cortel-
+ 5 Pramnr
op where he was rhe confidential
glerk of Assstam Postmaster General
Laxwell, would be a prepaation for
his discharge of the duties of the uifice.
United States Haken an Appest
The United States Government has
waled 10 the powers fo submit
demnity propositions to t the arbitration of
The Hague teibunal, CommissionerRock-
iid. whe has been watch for an op~
portunity, cabled See rr an for per~
flission 10 make 3 proposition, amd the
Secretary cabled him authority wo do so.
It is believed that the ministers ar Pe
Rin have erante involesi beso
cation in the present ious, and thix pro
jesition may he the saly way out.
Reprimand for Capaln Mancock
The findiags in the Fue of Cat. Wm
ek, Sixth Aridlery. who was
edd by aril at Mane
od rees of “conduct 16 the projo-
dep on good aritar apd mil ary diate
pline” and in tng 0 sppeat for dary
ai tw setae wave Leen recent
thee War Des csment. The specifi.
Aleged moxcation. LCapan
& was foand guilty and wane
wo be reprimanded,
Capital News ia Geant
Colonel Reber was ape
secretary to Genersl
pid the jms Uanlonel
MP. Maw was aps
cer Ry
government Has formally com ; :
wo the foreign powers the
Bj $s bil ity of ng a ant :
ites for the payment of the Chinese
wh :
The President a3 penne od officers is
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