The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 13, 1901, Image 1
| the attorneys intereste | for those which could not be »0 de- el citinimn, fa a Democrat and | Neff is a, Republican. : A petition from the Iawyers was presented to Judge Barker asking him | to dispense with the usual session of Argument Court this summer, which, | Y | according to custom would fall in July. | The Court replied that while some of Y | the taney before the Court at Argu- Hh ment might easily lie over, there were 0 | so many matters pressing for 8 settle- "ment, and the postponement of which | would evidently work inconvenience. to the persons interested, that he did ot feel like moceding to the request. de ferred a session would be held. in the | HE tion for mine ihspectors in Pittsburg a few weeks ago Mr. Williams and Joslab | jo Cainbria county men who passed suc cesfully, and, as sabseqaently noted, i which Mr. Williams will have charge. week bugloning duly 8. i Joseph wan of Viskomdate, 1 now fa 3; | re-dnguged for. pext term with the ex- v | district has been for | AM the mines along the Cambria and | Clearfield division of the Pennsylvania riot, th Sixth, and some from the dis- {toona. To make up in part for those "lost, Mr, Evans will oversee the mines | on the Somerset & Cambria branch as fur sonth ns Rockwood, dit Williams | has been for some time in the employ : Manufietaring a pared of ground | | gmests {of the Lackawnnns Coal & Coke com: {pany at Vintondale. In his new posi- PRAISE pi ephone pole and Mr, Fox gnve a quick giderk an the lines, allowing the horse clesir the pole, bat the buggy wes | i recnived several hrolses, #pector of this Sestian. Patton is no longer in the sixth iminots eon] dmbaet. Al oe pew inspector appoint person of Jos. Williams, of Viniondale. recalled that at the examina | T. Evans, of Johnstown, were the two Mr Evang district was reduced in size. railroad have been taken from his dis. trict to the oust, forming a pew ond, of He will have his beadquariers al Al did not file un applivation. ‘mibils. PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. rdnted Pemeilings | Prahy, Perialuing 10 Poop! e whi Pleo, Jes Fox, of Chest Springs, who 118 car shifter at Flanoagan run mine, met with quite s severe ajcident at the railroad crossing this morning. He war driving and the horse and buggy were standing near the tracks | when the New York Central passenger train started to pull out. The horse commenced to back into the tracks when Christ Boeger gravbed the ani mal's head. Tt nade a plang for a tele big Fourth of July tweed boyvond prradyenture *Lmittees ave dawn to hard work and : hosting with & vim sad deter i i that belakens the higeest kind of | | ohwervance on the nation's natal dey. raapped onl thit presages one of the | * President Dell st 9 o'clock snd reports { F. Lehman appointed chairman of the fae Ertanany ; The shafts and one wheel of the rig waa broken snd Jesse | LAL the meeting of the Patton borough school board held Tuesday | evening, all of the old teachers were ception of Miss Rath G. Rieder, who Her place © will be taken by the prinpal of the | Rende township sebools. Salaries will | | pemiyain the same except in the case of | the tw primary teachers, who wers advanced from $40 10 $45 per month. The millage wis made ns follows: School tax 13 mide, interes. on debt 51 enix, bpilding 2 miiile, 8 total oi m0 audobn Clipe, Jr, the son of Yoetr: ance Agent Joh Cline, of this place, wan operated upon ai the Memorial Hospital, Johustown, Fridiy evening for hernia, Ur. Joba B. Lowman per forming the work and being assisted by Drs. W. 8. Lowman, B, E Long- well, Frank Bebill, Jr, and John Fay. The bay, who is thirteen years of age, in in a gritical condition, but is expected . a tion he will get: a salary of £3,000 per | © year, with an sllowance for contingent t expenses a i PAN. AMERICAN RATES. ens - The Low Fare Offered by the BR &P Ratiway Co. . i Railway Co. announce that commenc. iy er: John gh Sownslitjy farmer; Johnstown, tean- Gallitzin, carperi- | Elder township, unkle, Uppor. mer, and Job sppointed Chief Two petitions _ Ome paved q - { $7.10 for the round trip. Tickets Hmit- ‘ad to 7 days including date of sale, i each direction, on sale every day round trip. | {three days ingluding date of sale, good {{inrn in either direction. | lgg June 1st the following special re- tdioed rates from Punxsutawney Lo A: Buffalo will be in effect on secount of. the Pan-American Exposition, Season tourist tickets will be on sale every bi ‘day at $5.60 for the round trip, good | niturning to and inclnding October 31. r | Tiokets limited to 15 days including | date of sale, good only for con! tinuoas passage in each dircetion, on sale! lgvery day during the Exposition atl good only for continuous passage in daring the Exposition at $5.50 for the Special excursion tickets limited to only for continuous passage in each clirection, on sale Tuesdays only dur. | {ing the Exposition at $8.75 for the round trip. Returning these tickets ill be good on all regular trains leav- ‘thursday following date of sale, but will not be good In sleeping or chair For time tab- Jes and further information consult the jsearest agent of the company. The Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburg ing Buffalo, prior to midnight of the | leave Patton at 5:0 PHL, Mahaffe) arsion to BOUVET. Brom, Oil Co, (Kerr, A. E. Patton, Geo. 8S. Good and | ‘AG. Palmer had ‘been prominently 4 = Thp interost of ibe Patton Wonden | and a tenement house and stable in Pat | ton, taken in esevution at the wit of | John B MeKelvey and Heorbet BI Shoemaker, receivers of the American | Wonk Working Machine Un, was sold | 0 Hogh Gilmore, of W iameport, for $900 ad the sherills sale at Tbensbarg | last week. ’ : Charies Perry's store of Chest Byprings, which inc tudes the postofiioe, | was broken into Friday pight and rob- | bed of goods valved at $150, From the pastoflice stamps valned at $0 were taken. Caroency from the sto y | and postoffice, amonating th about $40, was also taken. : ~The report of Assessor Jobo Bom- epville from October 1st, 1800, lo April | | 30, 1901, shows that there are Wi schoo children in Palton boroujh between | the ages of § and 21 years. The voting list contains 720 names. During the period named there were 81 births and | 18 deaths. —~Anron Weakland, a former resi dent of this place, lately located at | I 1rvona, is building a big livery stable | at the new mining town of Arcadis, | sind will move there this week. Mrs. Dennis Nolan fell and sns- tained sesious injuries of the leg on Sunday by reason of a defective side- walk on Six th avenue. ped WS ! A RA HPA Exenrsbon to Paiton, The New York Contral has arranged to run a special excursion to Patton,on | Sunday, June 18, selling tickets at very low rates from Snow Shoe, Phil. | | ipsburg, (Clearfield, Bower and inter. mediate stations, special train arriving | at Pagton at 11:30 a mm, rndurning and famlies be especially invited to visit @~ Jeged parliamentary lapses and at the | | same time scary a competent head of drawn on the treasurer for it to help | pay traveling expenses all conveniences Everything § in + Good Shape for ® the Big Celebration. | Hein COMMITTEE WORKING. AR TWH Dautinger Ipetneted wx Lirstor of he | } Sony Ren Satie and Ww Poros Wil Fariiah irvie in ARGitlen Toa BO i Chmras Char, ii Comps | 4 The tips ffl mucessn of Patton's fehration Bs nee | The com | An enthusiastic meeting of the differ. ge : ent committeny was held at Good's gown el le Hall on Toesdsy evening and work: Any thing and Everythi ng best events of ile character ever hdd | in © Jambi comity. The gathering was called to order by | in Hot ‘Weather Clothing. from all the cotpmitions heard and on | dorsed, Abe lotohinson was added to the fantastic comuaitiee snd Chan same, vies M. M. Nolan resigned. HL Dinsmore, chalrman of the | music commities, reported progross and inquired how much cash would be | devoted to the hiring of banda He stated that no definite arrangements bad been made with any musical or ganizations as yet, although negotin. | tions were in progress for al least three good bands and a drum corps, and on motiem of W. H Denlinger $150 was ordered appropriated for this, purpose. Thos Graham, of the commities on sports, reported that his commities was hard at work and woald have al good progam, Mr. Denlinger, of the | executive committee, offered some ex. wn cellent saggesiions relative to a public | meeting and argued for & good choras | choir, which would embrace at least a hundred school children. The school yard was suggested as a proper place | in which to told the xércises if the Mr. Denlinger ir ign $0 denial ou. creditable display by the Denlinger | On motion the secretary was in- structed to extended an invitation | to all the socketion in town to tora oat and participate m the parade. Mr. ge Lewis and Mr. Bell, of the finance ® commities, were present and made 4 oe report of the amount of money Siready > guaranteed, : Mr. Denlinger resented a motion to ee the effect that inasmuch as Hon. Jun ge STOPS. PAIN OF ALL KINDS. Cures the Cause. Use it for Neuralgia, Rhenmatism, Sprains, = Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Seif Joints, Ete, Colic, == Cholers, Dy sentery, Cramp, Toothache. J adentified with the growth and pro- i g gross of Patton, that they, their wives @ the town on the Fourth of July as of honor and the secretury wis | | requested to notify them of this feck. M. Lewis moved that W. H. Den linger be selected sa orator of the day | and the motion was seconded and [carried with a w hoop. Mr. Den linger made so ra ineffectual efforts to defeat the motion, bat without : Lawndl. The cloture rule was applied, L debate wan shat off and be was com pelied to accept the inevitable, The selection is 8 most excellent one, as will be testitled 10 by all who have {ever heard the gentleman orate. I. 8 Bell was chosen chairman of : the parade committee with power to ‘choose four associates, on motion of | Mr. Denlinger, who embraced the op- | portunity to get partially even for al Yours fur ¢ com ort, Manufacturers and Sole Proprietors of Magic Cotigh Cure, J ‘Toothache Drops. Corn (ure. iE a very important committee. IW. Hodgkins the chairman of the | { fireworks committee, was present and | promised the finest display of fire | works ever seen in this section. An appropeiatt on was voled for this par- No excuse for being hehind the procession of fashionable dressers, we that we are displaying this seastm are so easily reached in The printing snd advertising com. price that the neglecting to appear in the proper make up! Is, mittee told what bad been done in gnough to brand you a hack number. | that line and the special advertising i : | wagon started oat Wednesday morn: | A $10 Suit, a $2 1 at, a 75¢ Shirt, a SOC Tie, a 83 Shoe and a o8¢ Suit % ing to bill all the towns in the sar | ‘rounding territory. An onder was of Underwear An adjourn. | W iil convert the seediest looking individual into a reg ment was then taken until Tuesday fashion plate. We want to improve your appearance and avening uviess a special mevting 18 (willing to divide profits with you in or order to get your | ‘called by the president in the means time. | pl - | i We make a specialty of Fine I ack Suits, $10, su 3, » oo yn & : 8 Two nice respectable gentlemen can | wha ia Ble 5, $ad | have nicely furnished bed room with . and clean wholesome »r board and home comforts on East Ma VE anlad. The beautiful Snits and attractive Furnishings