The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 30, 1901, Image 8

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    we publ
women to seek Siew Tak
fine Lydia B
Sod Flours to Governor,
Perin Savage, who will soon be.
mor of Nebraska ard live in |
executive mansion at Lin-
in a sod house in 1880. He
born in Conrorsvilie, Ind, in 1842,
is and in
een iT from olla row and :
In the Saath, at a.
ih *
lett at the Age of 10 years the |
J widowed mother |
t of his
family of littie brothers and
Young Bavame worked bard |
ther occupations, |
maragiix to pass through
He studied
moved to lows, made some |
: Bland speculation, and then ra |
to He was the first |
| it comtalns shades of green whirl will |
fargent, and pat rich when |
yo the :
and colleges.
was hastie Shicmgh
oxy of
i ho ASA Se
s continually bothered with hesd-
ire nervois send to Garfield Tea
N.Y. for samples of Garfield
, # truly wonderful remedy
I Imported just your agricul
ents to the ¥alue of $1.
L every yYouline of dirt |
! hetore drying, well rub in Siveerine
and feminn Piics mized ia equal pro-
portions. Thoroughly dey with a soit
quickly wash again with
only water gm any good eoap, keep
| fag them In the water as short a time
as possible. Again dry thoroughly and
. parder with oatmeal. :
Fhodrel, then
peneral family use.
ing and steaks eut In a special way
6 the buitleber 3s
| strong coffer, five cups of flour
eggs. One cup of stoned ralsins, one
inches thick
| trim off
{rom the centre of each plece and then
“qince in a deep b
each three pleces beat well two eggs. |
Fo Rotten the Hands Onicaly.
Crain. Flour and Peal
g TM!
First wash them in tepid water i
cs pamseneed Then
Te New Frames.
Pheteeraph frames of old brocados
Cand swmaroldernd silks ars nearping
| (hd pines of the long-loved gold, sil-
CAM anh dresden frames
(7 for 8 little child's portrait is worth
| determin’ ie
‘fn pwifSt hue satin
| ahde = 9 tall
! tne t¥mk, the
are end yl italy em henidered in pataral
: enlors, and righ
ig x Bite of faces in white sie and |
| sdiver Wiread with tiny ruby ey
{me intend-
It ds a large panel plzn
Up the right
dark pine. of which the
sores and Branches
ACTER tha other side
Weamwst Bed Sere
The rary newest wrinkle in bed sets !
8 to Watch the chintz or cretonns
windn® bangings and furniture cov.
oy regie for bedroom use Kt :
the prevent time. This is done by cut-
ting of the largest and most promi
tient BiMssom of its huge floral de
sign an) applying them
fashion "6 3 white centre of a material |
like ple/N swiss. As the cutting must |
he done Ry Band its atlendant expenss |
fn border |
FPralry Prwlasis
Howe ver | :
CH tess. | vest
Foose. Fa and (ado, fre ae
Frais and Vegvinblag
Frans. Navy. per tnahel,
Fosasouso Fagey whils, #
CRED ANY hoy Barrel,
Oy isn ok bushel
Frors- Winter Datens
a Sa 5m i
woman |
a Nr
a HR
: Breres Ohio SPARSE.
Fiore Winter patent.
Warat- Noo Zee
i Came Now FF mired |
LC areaNe 3 white, |
Boroes nk} ERDerY, xten
Enos Penpsyivanis firsts. |
Fiore Patents.
D Wawa Na Fred
Coes Nes, 3. :
Cave No White
Bros Cranmvry
Eoios- Stas and Penna.
Keops Uw idea desirably exclusive, the |
welirest appro ach to it being & printed
sorder ‘t which much of the original |
fic ¥ lost
To Rrigten Cnrpets,
When & carpet begins to lose its cob |
or if warts water and AMmOnin are
He cree appied they will rest
Apply 8s fo iows,
Moonie water «6 over ibe entire tac
rubline yiorously.
the exer within
tion of the
tals it ary
Ws washed,
avr, open winii"ws and doors ang 1
thé carpet dry and alr 4 a
ore then. |
into a palifal of
warm water it about three or four C
{ talilespoontul® of ammonia. and with,
i sieft fiannel tioth dipped in this am-
As sneh pore |
your risch | o
with another
When th entire carpet gona :
Central Btock Yards Fast Libri
3 Ls
Prime bearny, 1006 to 1000 Ba. #3 &3%
Privee, [5300 10 L400 Se ooo OB
Madiom, 1000 U5 158 te. 3g
LFaL heilers
I Butoh W405 1000 Hw
7 Us
bE seman Ye Tair
Oven, nr mY
fat TT
© 0% ge A ae Re Tr Ne
Sol dems. wa 4
Extra mien sows, ond.
Prime self arm ely hits.
mule freprment 91 be found to have |
ef ctually renova rd the carpet,
mot bear ammonia (Of fa well fo try
& all portion of the carpet fired), in
witheh case dry Spall
| amd this vigorously swept out wil
frimpen and help U3 aPPeATaRCe
Aiserican Quein.
pe a eh
Hew to Bay Beef,
Among mests bee! leads off as the |
bat It is also the
BEL expensive;
pet ponriaking for people in good
health, Porterhouse and sirloin steaks
ard the rib riests are the choles for
Fillets for roast.
kre much higher in price, cud are aot
gern on the average 180ie Hotels asd
yertanrants baie them alwave on rand.
Arid they really are not so expensivein
Such cases, where ail the buying is
done on A very large scale, thus re-
dieing the price of every pound. If
the bousckesper of small or average
mesns will adopt this perfect plan of
pirchasing her meats in fairly large
quantities she will reduce her hureher's |
bill perceptibly, and at the same time
give her family hotter cuts and more
If this is bought from what is known
“the best part of the
spall of the back” the housekeeper | |
Femployerl and cp advices are Baie
‘will Bave the Dest cuts for Ber talie
AL a
Orange Fritters—Pes! and quarter
the oranges, Temove the seeds and all
the extra outhlde skin; make a batter
of two egzs, ane tabisspoontal of olive |
oll one traspoonful of sugar, one cup.
fal of Sour,
ter. Roll ths oranges in sugar &0
‘them immedintely into the batter sod |
‘fey in hot fat
Coffee Caki—0One cup of molasses :
one cup of super, one cup of butter apd
weet lard mixed. one cup of
enp of dried Currants a little salt, (ne
teaspoonful of soda dissolved in 8 Hl
tle hot walter, and beaten In very
thoroughly the last thing No splee
Ox Eyes—Cul off pleces of bread two
from a long loaf, reand,
ttered dish.
threes fourths of & cup of riix and
pinch of salt. Baste the bread
this 1
Iireak an egg into each cavity and bake
in a hot oven,
®t pinch of salt
very fing one
removing the
a head of let
it six crisp.
giioes are %
ihe chopped po x
apples. (=r will Fe tables
fale of lemon inlce,
of oll and oe eslispooniul Li
Mix well pour over the salad
tly and jerve
| at & very moderate cost—Mary G
| hum, in the Woman's Home Compan.
half a cupful of nid wa-
clear, |
sop out a portion |
7 Exes, meetin Re sight etlinm, §
[Eau to ehidien
J Medien, wo
Limes Le Salt
wall rubbed in
Laimsbe, comin to air. =
Byrn Lasuis
; od te ¢ Phd
5 Spat 2 OAC
Yoana, comsion i Laila
Labor Troubles do Littia Narm lo Goaeral
BusinussExcelient Prospacs For
Winter Wheat Improves Outlook
GO. Dan tos’
al Trade!” says The
i je the load rears a aver fhe fa
world, bat the oaltics are not suf
| fclentiy widespirvast 1a werionsiy
| fore wi
amd disrriimption
| Week, and others seein probable a
Pan early date. Meanwhile prices
fra the capacity of prsducins panty
sr all the leading indostrien is wil
factory. A feeling of contale
tie permanence oof values Apes
i ave setibed In all dividions af the |
sgt steel manufacture. To tiie
Iw attired the dovreass iD
| far distant delivery, purchasers er
ly contracting for on tor reaireients
Lfroan one So Wa monihis in
Trampuility reganting
Cupdoublediy dae
Chere examina
Cai fart To seen
bar manifests an in entinn th
ato gmetations at Furze bh
fodepemdent proadncers si
prsition 10 Work aun fh wi
Cand the net 4 be losw wre
rn get andere placed, bat be
sat dad is any
ve Fa lice iy
print the a
Ler Natwithejamling mu
£1075 Hstfrered at BP
wraade. Pony
PRs eT.
: by Badd a
arg, or $16 a0 valley
dry Iralis are senew Wr
Linen of Sulshial see] are
the Hm of prodpetive capiwily.
Lapachiniey Doanses af Chlvags
granting machinists’ demagids mailer
Pihan risk delay.
C pert the winter wiht
Piby bmpeovipng. and there
senson to anticipate an abufelan:
Inet 7 encoarazing
is. the thio
rofl har Hessian
whieh eur! 5
I 1hreaten ed
tenn any
iy 4 i
Ve Teel
deorense in
fquid nti] 1% is all absorbed, then |
Sprinkle each egg with | "02
: r Tel,
and ==
$i Lists :
inter :
El rhe progress of mn suiadiare
serthivineia of |
| strikes Biave Deen affect - daring the |
advan. 3
aire i.
. 5 :
13 NT sf Th
dullness in pig ren. Bessemir 3 done |
eaten tad
wit :
ulsticn ot « die wor a doitiet
Popuiat ie
{ metic oF » Botil
exaed io be polite
CS Men's Cure panes fou { tons B 5 hiy
a8 oroarh cae 3 WO Ser Tn Te i
Avenger, x. « Minn. pe , Hing, Jan, § 1900.
Ireland setiin to Eogiand 2% om tous |
of meat a yeur.
part of the K
| or similar
absolutely Watch our noxt advertisement.
Pure Caller.
the reason of its
nay Ger stand ;
tang of homes
now used in
on of LIOR COFFEES wn oawrill fad
Bath TET. Sy or girl wild ta fal dnt
comdor: aod ennvenienie, and which
he wp wr of pur une pound sessed packages (which is ix this on
on fr Ces A
a5 per an
fact soi Ww
Carrespotnlentis ve
pfttol Rieu: |
a esi
th he Tg chromite silmcais
suffering that Sumy
wes Bap
O12 Kisig Coln war 3 merey 208 rad,
Bed yl werrr 5d woul was he
Be calind fir bis pive-bat inwbod of 5 gh
He called We LION COFFEE
For Oil Bing Cole wiv a shrewd oid soul
And lie codbin’t be fooled on Seands
SLIUNT gen lb vote, fir 22 Sos BB S0lte=
Lh sp musriis globe WF Sands.
Cid Kusg Celh Bad 3 wine 80 poll
Amd wie oid poll Dead he
Fe are and hy drank loads of Sigheor ranies
Hy ma fay ed LIX Cop rie
egy bert UE 4 varied tewlew
we of owes # pledged
AEE rand wis the unly band
Ba up Suet ¢ suprised
hl Resi ills tell Bave contral
daa ok i pi sinat
iis Gil grand
LE dar iet we :
wal wha syle spreade
B the a:
HR at
wilh the LION oy
be te to Reg
may Jive by scary cutting oul 8 ceria
r figthms in whic