| Strittm. tter Bros. PLANING o( GERANA: [ful] ithe MILL, | soem Senor Win . Hastings, Pa. THE “S WwW EAT-SH Oo Pp” : , Do vou know what ir 1s? us los zr Boron he All the ¥ Tat ypenings About You andi All Kinds J : ist 5 5 Pi ? (ALL Kirids It is a squalid tenement house—ot ur Neighbor— Enterprising Business Men who arc De | ant ugh worse yet—a 2 povertyisticken apartment— vin of Liber al 1 Patronage— Keep Your Eye Pecled for the umber. one room in a squalid tenement house— t 51 and Best. ol | AJ kinds of Duilding sup, located hy he poorest, dirtiest and most . and Things in a | . | te © iudirw and font unhealthful precirict of a big city. Itisa for Advertisements, News Teens. Job Printing, Subscriptions, Ete} = © a aie ar ow Ld ; - an be Left with Dan. Reamer, who is Authorized to Transact Basi ; kinds are ofr She > br ceding pen for germs that carry contagion, 1 ic Hastings Edition of the Cos BRIER. | Doors, wall, mosiding. i aware OIS€ARC an d death. lt 14 at once a kitchen, : ing-room and a slecping-room. Some- v 0 4 fe : : : i : be Huritan No. i steuet Bre tachi of promive sult ls dlsbie to TRANSLUTIAS | 4 REALTY, {nave it importatt testimontel evemta | i Ll ue tommy Tout | nes its occupants s fi mbes four and some- sontered here if a certain young Indy | | aut. the plans hei threatens, t 1 hamget Feds Poo ciinal 5, : : WW C tim C5 C1 vert “Ti Is TE ha Hoy ita rved, emaciat- wiHer poor heart hay been soraly | Jorans Wyland of nx to Gaorge As | ie 8 yx 00 # : Sr nd : = : wonnded and that on the eve of ber } trap, Spanier, $106.75, C d me n, womcn atk chil dren--and their 3 ys Hl # plunge into the mitrimonial sex of | wing J Wail Wt ux to Prancis | os 0 a ay. i bat Harkness. | The young man with whom | Bradiey, Lilly, $135. A Few Specials principal gmipioyment is tailoring — loore in somo way | Lahie had agreed to trod life's pathway | mon Bortiman ohox to OF Bandine, EL elope 5 vi 4 La he 4 m Hil | Tas & i | Was 8 wihsoing teifitor, bub his houied | Patton, $200. in Fine Carpeting. piece e-WOrKers On garg ¢nts sent them by ehrase ha not the seriousness 0 149 | umes: Kirkpatrick #6 ax lo Chest tailoring houses and loth ing manufacturers. ght uy thilt the delnded girl though. They Creek Coal and Coke Compal, Kader | TLE | - Ridge onl & Coke Co. are | potirted such gther for six monthe | yownship, 875.00. We breathe freer when we recall the fe to place ao wir Finslly all the arrangements were: af Waits to Elizabeth Waly Gut Por the 1 (4 wir sre going to oa : i | gins anmin- fi that we (sell tailoring made by ie machines in their ansde for the happy event which was litein, §1. wir | ; : lined, at 81.5 per yard. Reguisr price. The Royal Tailors, of C hicago—aworld fam LG i i Sn a CARR ahora ion So le to be last Sonday. The brideelect| jobs Ashiorofl ot ux et al to John J. i en, a | hukied herself with gay preparation, Muiloy, Crosson ownship, $ile. ~~ (§Lw 3 or trinater Te liter isted Prsrer 1B, W, Litzinger of ux et al fo Samuel | We shall aiwo sll our beautiful Sin. OUS all ring r houst—a house that employs. no on Jute x to The a ad fondh her anid Kuily, Clearfield township, $2 000, Leon Velvels, with sitinnt ders, : a Ln war ogni (at 950 per yard. Tnitond of $1.25 “swe at-shop™ labor-—a house carrying on be was going for the ring. Sanday | a 4. Delaney to Patrick Buree, _ | 3 i ti 2 Are i § Fai 45% ty Fo 3 A - > yo building. He will oan 409 With ¥ 5 Selo rs at Set Sr ox to Chas Bot. | wil ornate 3 rat Ed ve 2 js entire business in a mammoth sani which Socuples, ‘The anxious bride to-be dressed hersell id r, Spacigler, $335. aan fon? re wl uray growed, ox builds ng on Chicago’ 5 beautiful Mi CNIE gui ; rgechs area then : Ae ; 5 r ti the morning, we hav Senn h in her aid 1» ¥ and sat ah samaner | —— Tiekes. jmany amtante aml will . woe ait we Boulevard. ¢ Lins : he pescebly waiting for her lover. He ipa + ently ss possible snd show goods cute not, and up the present writing | Avani som ; ; co anti ad) ae intition WwW v st rT 1. ; “bas not put, in an Appearance. Hanon, orousion | A choles pew fine of matings arn e have Jus t cccived from chis | hp threat of a breach-of promise ult. |¢qnq of the F Mo on AC | Jost o; ait morerwe prices. The Dearly six hundred exquisite Mr. W. 8. Whedon, Cashier of the Nae Fally | [best and lowes! priced carpets are vi fe a) 1 ve Niagara ws oo : akan aun 5 always st Spring and Summer Suiting oO F ore duties wiienrsion tickets to ul the princips LW. COOK'S, Domestic Weave. fe Something to please. everybt to nividos| measurements: for Putieves with 4 carpenter Js bls se mime were placed on sale at ticket] | fusca He mays: > bad a carpen- | offices of etinwylvania. Jdirsd Altoona, Penna. = Solid nh | ee hig : rade merc: 6 Comfort. Rol bp is 8 0 L New fartiture and the | best possible service at C. C_ {Richuer's tonsorial parlor. Three chairs and no waits. YOU'RE NEXT. : "Next to Eagley's Furnitn ANTHONY ANNA, || Suringinallie ghey is : upping Bing } Eras oF THE PEACE {Collections prompliy attended 0, Dealer in res: eatate, oli y 5 : Bae of good s North : Cacsbria nd at prices lower (Bah centers. a 0 Cone on © us for your » Chatbing Aud Sion, a we will losse yor and me your money! : = RR ’ oe 0: 3 2h ONY 20 ny cha 1d PR + ICT CARI, rar Prios, Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma, - Bronchitis and Inciplent Consumption, UR CHESINONE, \ hamisome line of tp-to-date : 4 S55 sry Bal tele i py : nl = Rr) w odie hE ahaa Phar Wey Gu ans Pha oy. Franting A Te Lon reneoy A Sur Tesh 2 and he diseases. t {ean depot in conpectinn. Al thet does nas nish bibs ange = after le un a. Sa—— 2 n Gunn s Ph armacy, ua Props fx fee: Ss Kidsey Cure. | makes kidneys and badder right
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