Loy an almost ananimous vote, Over the report recommending the revision i men nffered by Rev. The Presbyterian General Assembly, {of the creed. hifter a conciliatory amend: been adopted. plies 4:ah Parker Fork, W. Via. by her lover, Sam- was Gist el Resd, who was iealous berause whe | pepitived attentions from another man | Feank Johnson amd James Bitlon wets sentenced to five years imprison: adiscriminate meant and a fine of $1000 for roblang Special). ~wElsetric | teh while dashing | is at the rate of 40 five lives in a rere ch over 4a persons | atally and all seri the postoffice | with dead and | datives and smrgeons | : peliel. cars mer on the sing! el sharp carve So last und one and hung | igh bh (ine | a pdr wis itled | of or motorman hving | : omer and children ; eking pyramid | : on hed portions nf | od he wreckage of the | shehtly injared Myrst and be he rear ends how were Thystest | Charles E 5 1a ae Men ¥ sme and sitent | on extra cars and sammoned and | MILO 8 more s the physicians the wounded : howies of a vottage oc Fuller Opera sg liweth hie lee bush. on the tine self in Vineland MN. dson railway. Toe ; | poted shiners | Mematass Tilionan and Mclaarin have | | bo resigned rade Bprings. | Eee W. CT. UL Lin ponspiracy Ru L ariny canteen ville, i miirdered Johaion Hammond. Bolling Mi Lv ih. was drowned near Weldon, : regimants oi ‘the postofhce at rang. Va john Speciale, Herbert Hubbard, LErank Green snd Past Sanders acre arrrigned 1m New York on the ha we fe Dunteriening The Un red Preshyterian General Xs sembly, in session in Pes Moines a. fre subiect of women refused to distous t suffrage Rev. lLavis Zahn, pastor of St > cobi's Latheran Church, in Quincy, I, diel while speaking at a corner stone laying. Ward Copp. 19 years old killed him J. wath a pistol ke td not know was foaded. Christian Stall, a farmer, Diving near | Navarre, Ohio. was killed by masked i ¥ jr ping and so sudden walk bes glars t the motormen Ful ro | thie brakes before the | hud gone almost clean | of Washington, (ol CW. Brigus Sp ng. Ww. Sed suddenly in Berkeley “ut the (General Assembly of ne | United Presbywirians the committee re- A, ‘with a load | | panied in favor of repealing the section : : 1 the Confession bearing on the de ceed wiles fier guestion The steamer (Jin. arrived at Boston, 3 comprised of organized States: pro- Cwnded, rights of a foreign territory and such? regroris collision at sea with the Norwe- [gan bark Elise The bark was sank | anil it is repurted that 14 men were joist psn. Picnicers om the Cumberland tas, in Virgmia found an unknown vin hangmg from a tree He is sup foe have been Kidied by moons is United States Sen to's, effective heptember 13. anta primary tor re. electing, Moses T. Hale, City treasures, Swith, city clerk. of i {loin were arrested on the Frrement. Stevens, president of says army ofcers are « vhe restoration of the Leluprge of emt Mrs [ilian XM {Chas Lutes was arrested in AMonads. | W.Va. on suspicion of having The tiirtiel ie Seaiepriary at the ere ambulances | Arperican Baptist Education Sony | “held me Springfield. Mass ‘The National Convention a8 Havana | sdiopied tesaiupions th opposition to the Phizt amendment. Paddlers’ wages were ir wervased from | [8322 to S170 pir ton at the York Pa) ol Porssmonth N.C Edward NX. W¥iileox, MeRied ley reviewed inlantry. jue tripe the Philippines to br out of service “He made 2 he men, whish was heart iy ie President also tarned the sod on Franc President spate ed speech 10 | mon nt 33 to Bay. + Allen was given a magnifi- Gon st San Juan, Porto Rico. people the Gov. expressed a desire for to-opers: ernment in advances ress io $3000 t awd the gov the interests of the sland Atwood, of miss dey, of the Khar. nani ier commited suicnle th all on board was picked up at | es ras liraad Faw sell anne be easier 1 anton and brovght to London. Briish weekies make sarcastic refer: a Carniegs 2's pifer to the Scotish niversities. The eight-hour movement is spread in Rustin Sirtkirs who 8 armoroplide works osisde Si Pe ersliurg. wire fired wpon by send: Frmes an} several killed. : Sir Alired Hickman 1 the Hone of & LIEMOnE protests arpanies controlled by sain to bay Amer £ re rents yen Berlin ar Pra moot rapid telegraphy Financial that Wahas! tra Iv is prodigaed ] Chemeeal nN ational Bank of Alter this week money 1s expeeted to yi andon tor the summer. The Se retary af the Treasury has recently purchased $9,000,000 bonds par ale, The arrival of 1.300000 tons of pig | ron irom Canada 3 caused a zensa- hon in England. Gross earnings of 61 railroads in the ecnnd week ot May increased 106 per adoptad : Dr Moffatt had i falled Ar ‘make provision different from the reve. relations to foreign countriey and the and hoth | and 2 : {rare { canimning his interprets on of the deci Piris made Porto Rico and i subi pect sa the fall cont fwer returned | cheered. s where the | i All T be erecied in com ation off Admiral Dewey's vice | BROT Xx h in Brooklyn, XN Y. Priladeiphia Conference, AL AA Washington (special ~The govern. ment has won its contention on the more important sues volved mo the msplar caves Ohwing to the sumber of caves decided ard the number of opine! { fons and desesting opinoms pad. there | was the greatest doubt in the munds of | the hearers as fo the full efftet of the but a careful study of the words of the justices shows that w far | ; ¢ dp vg rym ax the important sssoes involved in the nist ar cases are concerned the adminis. | tration wins a victory. The spiriion of the : ort as delivered by Josie Brows pi es Congress anthority to legislate for | the Philippines, Porte Rito, Hawan Guam or any of our possesaion that may be annexed hereafter as 3 dens best in the interest of the people of the territor 04 dnd the interest of the Untied States In other words, while territory annexed beromes domestic terntory by the act of anpexation, Congress has power to nue laws as they govern the States, The derision of Justice Brown distinguished between the TUmted States as regards its United States as regards that portion of herwever, that the imalienable otter rights as are Necessary accompa: | nyments 10 a civilized goverament are | granted under the laws. The conrt ex: pressiy stated, however, that those rights i | did net incinde the right of safinage. The Decisions Summed Up. Sedientor General Rickards of the Dee | partment of Justice, wh bad charge of | she nstiiar caves before the Supreme’ made the following statement sons of the comrt The ime hanaly anestion thieds cases wis whether the © jerritory contained in the Trenly of integral part of pines an 5 : Biases within the meaning of rt prow yighon of the Constitution requiring “alt ] go "1 Brawn did rot duties, fmposts and excises © form thronghout the Uni The eotirt held that the © made Porto Rico and domed teTTILOTY of the | ation gl contre Fonsi was i apply to the States of the | | dies BOL Epply Br acquired 1! tein by treaty and hy sulseqgiae Congress 1 is incorporated bcotmes an integral jast of * AEE ked Brith J aaainst i 4 i f ARCOrIL O08 2 Ne a York shares sold at $gogt last w ak is Commerce, a noted | A inten fi wiih A message stating that i ihe gteamer raft was sinking at sex | miners 1 ld ats ar quitting time each he coal thus thrown ¢ and hauled from the he Richland rine is deititute . aid hence en A of § the | | Gay site 3 {ely narite eartris ge was {fae am one ait he rox am EER bad Hs of the mune | states, | ate preserved by these paderiving prin. | distimguished en the Justice Me , trees White ind Shicas, was alo tng | After this opinion was deliversd mod | Wi the lawyers in the courtroory and | the public men present were conv.aced | against the words, that the fag. Solicwor Geseral | Bowever, who conducted the « * siom of the cont, | blast did not explode, 8% intended, 2 conferring wpm thee all the rigs { privileges and immunities en joyed by the | people, produits and ports of the several While their fundamental nghts ciples of the Constitution which apply everywhere the statue of their citizens, and the mature of the customs and com. | mercial reguintions are to be determined ww Congress in the exercise of the power vested by thie Constitation in Congress | vecting territory belonging to the { rored States At the same time that the count hay | sustained to the Pulles extent the cone tention of the gowarament m cases, it has decided. as 3 mates of E pravusary constroction, that the Ding Tley Act could not be held 10 impose du Hes id good brought | ¢ by Cosel Porto Rico became | tds ie tevritory of the United Sansa, sam Pars Rigo becay and, therefore, ceased to be U3 forsign country. There was s conwierable, di tamay caneed | i by the announceinent of the dest def ogo estan of the insular caves, whch was that Porto Rico, by the terms of the treaty of peace, became domscenic, as foreign territory. | Justice Brown's opinion was Jengrhy m | from referred to the situation daring the perind be vfication of the treaty od cace and the passage of the Foraker Tar Act The dissenting opin by | Kenna, who repesscved Ine thts case, amid Porto R that the deciiion of the court would be Eonrament or ia Constitution { owed government, pnd whoo by the . has won 3 great Vics tory, was the rit one “o ducover tit the government had won its conten stared emphatically had aot fom. He - delivered by | Fen be Congress ger ih he they % | in attendance on M ithniesy curnailed the CEreete Bertin (By Cable published in the Unit ed SSrares : vi Hews agents 10 the efnct that the vate fortunes of the Emperor [press of Germany and ofher of the roval family hs i been al away hy the operations of have heen closely invests , ‘with the result that the Siatements 1 ferred to are found to | @ Pwithout foundation. : = | not any rumors aftoat concerning | alleged tosses by Their My denial of the {Ia Intely awhentic sources. i i eso An ; ley was strong enough 10 transcontinental directv to the in 1s make all needful rules and regulations | ly to the starting soint, respected the fra condition of ithe suf pressed. have lefs four W myariey Kinley seenied elated at soon being at home She was convevsd | from the Spon residency to thy Oak land ferry in a cloued carriage by a irs | cuitons rote, chosen | might pase over aly moo She _— secompsnied by 1 Provident, Rixey and i traned Hare The id of the party proeedad | An immense crowd had ssmerbled at She ferry di gy ailway, fare opin space gt Mar. Rs and Bair strects wai a wl humanity. through which the pobee kept open a paisageway for the President. he prospect of | of the Southern Porific ad mes of | i and hs pariy. Heads were ancovered an the | i iy bearing Mri McKinie apo thers was a viel ‘ 34 ra outburst of applause ae the iarrisge passed slowly through the throng. A ferer. and the enthusiaam wits py There were "0 formal Grado tha: the In sated | : oy The: Sy © of travel will be passe] df oy Cate) ~The new United Pe = 3 th en > & gi ly a German soldier : the tetitry, who Sed, hitting (Gr soldier Crerman
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